Fukuyama Slide Show - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Fukuyama Slide Show


Fukuyama Slide Show CRTW 201 Dr. Fike Our Objective The goal here is to summarize the rest of the book, not to apply the elements, though we will have time for some ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Fukuyama Slide Show

Fukuyama Slide Show
  • CRTW 201
  • Dr. Fike

Our Objective
  • The goal here is to summarize the rest of the
    book, not to apply the elements, though we will
    have time for some of that at the end.

The Books Outline
  • Part I Pathways to the Future (1-6) science
  • Part II Being Human (7-9) philosophy
  • Part III What To Do (10-12) politics

Chapter 6 Why We Should Worry
  • Why SHOULD we worry?
  • Answer Because eugenics will expand
    reproductive rights, not restrict them (87).

Objections to Eugenics
  • Religion
  • Utilitarian considerations
  • Philosophical principles

The Religious Objection
  • Religions starting premise Human beings are
    made in Gods image.
  • Therefore, manipulating what God has created
    amounts to the following
  • Violating Gods will
  • Playing God
  • Violating human dignity

Three Possible Orientations
  • Religion gt science (many religious conservatives
    damage their own cause by allowing the abortion
    issue to trump all other considerations in
    biomedical research 90)
  • Science gt religion (a widespread view that
    religious conviction is tantamount to a kind of
    irrational prejudice that stands in the way of
    scientific progress 89)
  • Religion and science are compatible I think
    that F favors this relationship.

Abortion The Key Issue for Conservatives
  • As Charles Krauthammer has pointed out,
    religious conservatives have focused on the wrong
    issue with regard to stem cells. They should not
    be worried about the sources of these cells but
    about their ultimate destiny (91).

Utilitarian Concerns
  • Economic considerations
  • Benefits
  • Costs
  • Long-term consequences
  • Physical costs
  • Gene interactionlaw of unintended consequences
    (negative externalities)

Philosophical Principles
  • Political correctness
  • Example Harming children by aborting females.
  • David Reimer (today David Reimer is reportedly a
    happily married man 95)
  • A genetic arms race
  • Deference to nature Since ecosystems are
    self-regulating, we should leave well enough
    alone and let nature run its course.
  • The family A major obstacle to social justice
  • Libertarian position we should be skeptical
    of libertarian arguments that say that as long as
    eugenic choices are being made by individuals
    rather than by states, we neednt worry about
    possible bad consequences (99-100).

Fukuyamas Major Assumptions
  • fear that, in the end, biotechnology will cause
    us in some way to lose our humanity (101).
  • Rights, justice, and morality are all based on
    human nature.
  • Therefore, if genetic engineering alters human
    nature, it will also alter rights, justice, and

What Ridley Would Say
  • 297 The government is the problem, not the
    solution it should be restrained.
  • Abortion But for a dependent, non-sentient
    embryo, not being born is not necessarily the
    same as being killed (298).
  • 298 Screening should be an individual choice.
  • 299 Eugenics is okay as long as it is a private
    choice. If we nationalize it, it will become
  • 300 The dangers of eugenics are governmental,
    not scientific.

Part II
  • Being Human (Chapters 7-9) philosophy

Chapter 7
  • Q_at_I What is right, and where does it come from?
  • Fukuyamas answer
  • Human rights (e.g., justice)
  • Human ends or purposes (e.g., to live a good
  • Human nature (???)
  • If you want to understand whether humans have a
    right to pursue genetic engineering, you first
    have to understand human nature and the ends or
    purposes that emanate from it.

Procreative Liberty
  • Genetic engineering may be a procreative
    liberty supported by ethical individualism

Where Rights Come From
  • Religion no consensus possible
  • Nature the naturalistic fallacy argues that
    nature does not provide justifiable basis for
    rights, morality, or ethics, that human nature
    gives us absolutely no guidance as to what human
    values should be (112).
  • Man Human rights are, in other words, whatever
    human beings say they are (112)

In Favor of the Naturalistic Fallacy
  • Hume You cannot get to ought from is. A
    fact about behavior does not imply a moral
    imperative (a should).
  • Even if we could derive ought from is, the
    is might be undesirable.

Fukuyamas Case Against the Naturalistic Fallacy
  • Basically, he believes that human rights do rest
    upon human nature.
  • He reasserts this relationship
  • Human rights (e.g., justice)
  • Human ends or purposes (e.g., to live a good
  • Human nature (???)

Chapter 8 Human Nature
  • Definition Human nature is the sum of the
    behavior and characteristics that are typical of
    the human species, arising from genetic rather
    than environmental factors (130).

Opposing View
  • there are no true human universals that can be
    traced to a common nature (133).
  • DNA does not fully determine its phenotype (the
    actual creature that develops from the DNA)
  • Learning accounts for a good deal of human

What IS Human Nature?
  • In other words, what is it at birth?
  • Cognition
  • Ability to learn language
  • Perception of time and color
  • There are in fact what amount to innate ideas
    or, more accurately, innate species-typical forms
    of cognition, and species-typical emotional
    responses to cognition (141).
  • Moral universals like the Golden Rule of
    reciprocity are not just learned behavior.
  • Parental drive to protect children
  • Conscience
  • Emotional responses

  • So Fukuyama wonders whether some of these things
    will be changed if we use genetic engineering.

Chapter 9 Human Dignity
  • Factor X The thing that underlies human
  • Q_at_I So what is Factor X, and where does it
    come from? (150).
  • Kants answer the capacity for moral choice,
    which proceeds from free will

Why not use the power of genetic manipulation?
  • Answer There would be a genetic overclass as in
    Brave New World.
  • 156 large genetic variations between
    individuals will narrow and become clustered
    within certain distinct social groups.
  • Fukuyama favors the genetic lottery because it
    is profoundly egalitarian (156-57).
  • But he admits that GE might also lead to greater
    equality if it were used to raise up the bottom
    of society (159).

What Fukuyama Opposes
  • Reductionism, the idea that everything can be
    understood in terms of material causes.
  • Example of why F thinks that this is problematic
    human sociability language ? politics. But
    politics gt human sociability or language.
  • Another example Consciousness is more than the
    biology of the brain it is also a matter of
    nonmaterial things.

Fukuyamas Point
  • 170 It is this leap from parts to a whole that
    ultimately has to constitute the basis for human
  • 171 What gives us human dignity is the fact
    that we are complex wholes rather than the sum
    of simple parts.
  • Factor X is thus all of these qualities coming
    together in a human whole moral choice,
    reason, language, sociability, sentience,
    emotions, and consciousness.

Fukuyamas Fear
  • He fears that biotechnology might seek to make
    us less complex (172).
  • Again, if you tinker with human nature (the
    foundation), you might affect the things that
    proceed from it
  • Human rights (e.g., justice)
  • Human ends or purposes (e.g., to live a good
  • Human nature (???)

Part III
  • What To Do

Chapter 10 The Political Control of
  • Thesis countries must regulate the
    development and use of technology politically,
    setting up institutions that will discriminate
    between those technological advances that promote
    human flourishing, and those that pose a threat
    to human dignity and well-being. These
    regulatory institutions must first be empowered
    to enforce these discriminations on a national
    level, and must ultimately extend their reach
    internationally (182).

Chapter 11 How Biotechnology Is Regulated Today
  • The regulatory regime for human biotechnology is
    much less developed than for agricultural
    biotech (200).
  • Examples of lack of regulation (201)
  • Thalidomide scandal
  • Jewish Chronic Disease Hospital scandal
  • Tuskegee syphilis scandal
  • Nuremberg Code medical experimentation could
    be performed on a human subject only with the
    latters consent (202).
  • Helsinki Declaration establishes a number of
    principles governing experimentation on human
    subjects, including informed consent (202).

Chapter 11s Conclusion
  • Despite variations in practice and occasional
    lapses, the case of human experimentation shows
    that the international community is in fact able
    to place effective limits on the way in which
    scientific research is conducted, in ways that
    balance the need for research against respect for
    the dignity of research subjects. This is an
    issue that will need to be revisited frequently
    in the future (202).

Chapter 12 Policies for the Future
  • 206 Issues to consider
  • Preimplantation diagnosis and screening
  • Germ-line engineering
  • Chimeras using human genes
  • New psychotropic drugs
  • 207 Might there be both moral and practical
    reasons for reproductive cloninglike cloning a
    child with leukemia so that the offspring could
    provide bone marrow?

Fukuyamas Position
  • Therapy is okay.
  • Enhancement is not.

Human Cloning
  • 216 It may be the case that regulations
    concerning human cloning will have to await the
    birth of a horribly deformed child who is the
    product of an unsuccessful cloning attempt.

  • Fukuyama maintains that much of our political
    world rests on the existence of a stable human
    essence with which we are endowed by nature, or
    rather, on the fact that we believe such an
    essence exists (217).

His Conclusions on Page 218
  • the posthuman world could be one that is far
    more hierarchical and competitive than the one
    that currently exists, and full of social
    conflict as a result.
  • We do not have to regard ourselves as slaves to
    inevitable technological progress when that
    progress does not serve human needs.
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