Title: Translation of Chinese Poetry
1 ?????
- Translation of Chinese Poetry
2- Prose is words in the best order
- poetry is the best words in the best order.
- --Coleridge
- ??????????,
- ????????????
- --????
- ????? ???????,
- ?????????
3????(????)Classification of Ancient Poetry
- ?????(Sound and rhythm)
- (1)???????(??????)???????.
- A form of pre-Tang poetry, usu.
having five or seven characters to each line,
without strict tonal patterns or rhyme schemes - (2)???????
- modern style poetry, referring
to innovations in classical poetry during the
Tang Dynasty, marked by strict tonal patterns and
rhyme schemes -
- (3)??????????????????????
- Ci, a type of classical Chinese
poetry - (4)????????????????????
- Qu, a type of verse for singing,
popular in the Yuan Dynasty
4- ??????(Contents)
- (1)???(Nostalgic Poetry )
- (2)???(Object-Chanting Poetry )
- (3)?????(Pastoral poetry)
- (4)???(Poetry of war)
- (5)???(Poetry of travelling)
- (6)???(Poetry of boudoir repinings )
- (7)???(Farewell poetry)
5????(????) Classification of Modern Poetry
- ???????????(Ways of expression)
- (1)????????????????????,??????????????????
- Narrative poems complete plot and
characters - (2)?????????????????????????,????????????????
???,??????????????????? - Lyrics full release of the poets emotion
- ??,??????????????
- Sometimes they two are interwoven.
6- ??????????????(rhyme and structure)
- (1)???????????????????????????????(???)??????????
???????????,Metrical poetry strict requirements
on form, rhyme, number of character and lines,
sentence pattern, etc. - (2)?????????,?????,???????????,???????????,??????
??????????,??????? - Free verse free form and popular language
- (3)????????????????????????,??????,????????????,?
???,????????,???,?,?????? Prose poetry a
mixture of characteristics of prose and poetry
- ???????????????????,?????????
- ???,?????????????,???????????
- ?,??????????,?????????????
---??? - ??,???????????? A full reflection of life
- ??,????,????????? Outflow of strong emotion
- ??,??????????? Imagination and fancy
- ??,??????? Musical beauty
8- Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.
(Plato) - ??????????????(???)
- Painting is silent poetry, and poetry is a
apeaking picture. (Simonides, ancient Greek
writer)??????,???????(????? ?????) - A great poem is a fountain forever overflowing wit
h the waters of wisdom and delight. (Shelley)
????????????,?????????????? (??)
9??????Techniques of Expression
- ?????????????,???,???,???,???,????
??????????????,??????????????? - ??????????????
- Fu, to narrate things directly
- ????????????,????????,???????????
- Bi, to dipict things with figures of speech
- ??????,?????????????????????????????????????
????? - Xing, to start a topic by borrowing something
- ???????
- ??????,
- ???????
- ??????,
- ????????
- The golden willows by the riversideAre
young brides in the setting sunTheir
reflections on the shimmering wavesAlways linger
in the depth of my heart.
- ???????,???????
- However deep the Lake of Peach
Blossoms may be, - Its not so deep, O Wang Lun! As your
love for me. - ???????,???????
- Its torrent dashes down three thousand
feet from high - As if the Silver River fell from the
blue sky. - (Tr. X.Y.Z)
- ?
- ?????,
- ??????
- ?????,
- ?????
- Though rising high, you drink but dew
- Yet your voice flows from sparse plane trees.
- Far and wide theres none but hears you
- You need no wings of autumn breeze.
(Tr. XYZ)
13????Translation of Poetry
- 1.?????(Untranslatability)
- ???L??????????????????
- Robert L. Frost Poetry is what is lost in
translation - ??(Wolfgang von Goethe )
- ??(Humbert)
- ???????????????
14- 2.????(Translatability)
- ???/???/???????
- ???????
- ?????????????,?????????????????????
- ?????????????,????,????
- ??????????????????????????????????????
15- ??????, ??????, ???????,????
- ???????, ????????????????.
- literariness
- Meaningfulness
gttranslatability - Understandability
- expressiveness
16????????Analysis of untranslatable factors
- 1.?????????
- (Poems of unique form and technique)
???????, ???????? ???????, ????????
17- ???????????
- ???
- ???????,
- ????????
- ???????,
- ????????
- ???????,
- ????????
- ???????,
- ????????
- ???
- ???????,
- ????????
- ???????,
- ????????
- ???????,
- ????????
- ???????,
- ????????
18- ???????????????
- ?
- ? ?
- ? ? ?
- ? ? ? ?
- ? ? ? ? ?
- ? ? ? ? ? ?
- ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
- ?????,?????,?????????,??????????????
- ?????????,???????????,???????,????
- ?????,?????,?????????,??????????????
- ?????????,???????????,???????,????
- ?????,?????,?????????,??????????????
- ?????????,???????????,???????,????
- ???????????,???????????????
- ?????????,???????????????
- ????????,?????????
- ??????,?????????
192.?????????Unique combination of character and
- ?????? ????,????,??????
- ???????,?????
- ????????????????,?????. ?????,?????.
?????,?????. -
- ???????????
- ??????,????,?????
- Farewell Ferry and the Beautys Bridge
would pinez - Wind blows from hour to hour
- Rain falls shower by shower.(???)
- ???????????????????????,??,??
- ???????????????,????,????????
- ??,??????,???????
203.?????Unique meaning
- ??????????,????????
- (???deathheartbeat)
- ?????????????,???????????????,???????.
- (???sunnylove)
- The English translation could only gain one
meaning and lose the other. - ??????????,????????????
214.?????Unique rhetoric devices
- ??????????,?????,?????,??????
- Home-sick a thousand miles away,
- Shut in the palace twenty years.
- Singing the dying swans sweet lay,
- Oh! How can she hold back her tears.(Tr.???)
- ????????????,??????,??????
- ????????,????????????,???????
- ????????,????????????
225. ?????Unique culture
- ??????????,??????
- 1.Their warbling broke the dream wherein
- My lover smiled to me. (Tr. Fletcher)
- 2.From dreaming of my dear,
- Far off on the frontier. (Tr. X. Y.C)
- ????,??????(a place, also a symble of war)?????
- ?????,?????,??????????
- ???????????????,????????
236.???????Unique features of Chinese characters
- ????,???????,???????
- ???????????????,?????????????,????,???????
- ??28?,????????,????,?????
- ????????,??????
- The moon climbed to willow tops, I trysted her at
yellow dusk.(Tr. Bynner) - ??10?,????,?????????????,???
- ?,?????
247.???????Unique characteristicas of Chinese
- ????????????,????????????????
- ????,?????????????????????????
- ????Requirements of poetry
- ??????????form Length, lines,
characters - ??(??)??(??)?Sound rhyme and
tone -
- ????Attitude of poet
- ?????,?????? (patience,
responsibility) -
gt??? -
25- ??,???????????????????????,???????????????????????
??????? - Anyway, poetry is a special literary type highly
depending on its own language. Much of its
forming is a component of lansign system that is
hardly can be transferred between different
languages. - Loyalty cannot be entirely pursued.
26???????Attitude of Poetry Translation
- ????? ?????(translatable)??????(half-translatable
)??????(untranslatable) - ??????????????????????????????????,??????????????
,????????????,???????? J.Catford SL texts and
items are more or less translatable rather than
absolute or untranslatable) - ???????????
27?????????Translation strategies of Poetry
- Ezra Pond
- ?Guidos relations???,???????????????relation
s??,??????????????,?????????????,??????????? - ?????????????????????????,?????????????????,????
?????????????1913 - ?????????
- ?????????????????????????????
- ??????????????(rewrite)
- ?????????????????????(loyalty)?
28- ??????(Cantos)????19???,????????????????????
????? - ???????,????????
- ???????,???????
- Ko-jin goes west from ko-kaku-ro,
- The smoke-flowers are blurred over the river.
- His lone sailblots the far sky,
- And now I see the river, the Long Kiang, reaching
29- ???????(Poetry for poetry)
- ????,????????? (beautiful
form,voicemeaning) - best words in best
order the later, the more important - ???????????(Translated poems can be
better than - original ones they
two compete) - ?????????(Prose for poetry)
- ???????,????,???? (True meaning, similar form,
- lively spirit)
- ???,???,???,???(from the poem,
beyond it)
30- ???????
- ???????????,???(form),??(tone),??(image),??(figu
re of speech)?? - ???????????,???????(deepmeaning),????????(surfac
e meaning)? - ??????????(??????????)??????(????????,???
31- ??Conclusion
- ??????
- flexbility in form
- ???????
- emotional accomodation
- ????????
- cultural communication
32?????Translation Evaluation I
- ??
- ?????,
- ??????
- ?????,
- ??????
- --???
33- 1. Spring Mornings (Tr. ???)
- One slumbers late in the morning in spring,
- Everywhere, one hears birds warble or sing.
- As the night advances, rain spatters winds
moan, - How many flowers have dropped? Can that be
known? - 2. The Spring Dawn(Tr. ???)
- Slumbering, I know not the spring dawn is
peeping, - But everwhere the spring birds are cheeping.
- Last night I heared the rain dripping and
wind weeping, - How many flowers are now on the ground
34- 3. A Spring Morning(Tr. ???)
- (1) This morn of spring in bed Im lying,
- Not woke up till I hear birds crying.
- After one night of wind and showers,
- How many are the fallen flowers!
- (2) In drowsy spring I slept until daybreak,
- When the birds cry here and there, I
awake. - Last night I heard a storm of wind and
rain, - How many blossoms have fallen again?
- 4. One Morning in Spring (Tr. ???)
- Late, this spring morning as I awake I know.
All round me the birds are - crying, crying. The storm last night, I
sensed its fury. How many, I - wonder, are fallen, poor dear flowers!
35- 5. A Spring Morning (Tr. Witter Bynner)
- I awake light-hearted this morning of spring,
- Everywhere round me the singing of birds-
- But now I remember the night, the storm,
- And I wonder how many blossoms were broken.
- 6. Spring Dawn (Tr. ???)
- Feeling not when cometh th peep of spring
dawns, - Everywhere birds songs I hear in my slumber.
- Through the sounds of wind and rain all th
night long, - Know I not how many th flowers fall in
36?????Take Chun Xiao as an Example
- ????????,????,???????????????????,???????,?????
- ????(poetic imagery)??,???????????????,?????????
???????,??????????????Fury, poor,
be continued)
37- ???(form),???????????????,????????,???????????????
??,???????,??????,?????????,???????? - ???(metre),??????????????????????????
- ???(rhythm),????????????,?????
- ????(rhyme),???aaba???,????Bynner??,??????aaba,
aabb,aaaa, abab???(???),????? - To be continued
38?????Translation Evaluation II
- ??!
- ??????
- ?????
- ???
- ????
- ????
- ???
- ???
- ?????
- The Pledge
- Oh heaven high!
- I will love him
- Forever till I die.
- Till mountains crumble,
- Rivers run dry.
- In winter thunder rumbles,
- In summer snow fall far and high.
- And the earth mingle with the skies,
- Not till then will my love die.
39????? Translation Evaluation III
- ????-?????
- (???)
- ??????
- ??????
- ??????,
- ??????
- ??????,
- ??????,
- ??????
- ?????,
- ??????
- ???,
- ???,
- ????
- ????,
- ????????
- ??????,
- ??????,
- ??????
- ?????,
- ??????
40The Mid-autumn Festival Tune Prelude to Water
MelodyBy X.Y.Z.
- How long will the full moon appear?Wine
cup in hand, I ask the sky.I do not know what
time of the year'Twould be tonight in the palace
on high.Riding the wind, there I would fly,Yet
I'm afraid the crystalline palace would beToo
high and cold for me.I rise and dance, with my
shadow I play.On high as on earth, would it be
as gay?The moon goes round the mansions
redThrough gauze-draped window soft to shedHer
light upon the sleepless bed.Why then when
people part, is she oft full and bright?Men have
sorrow and joy they part or meet againThe moon
is bright or dim and she may wax or wane.There
has been nothing perfect since the olden days.So
let us wish that manWill live long as he
can!Though miles apart, we'll share the beauty
she displays.
41????? Translation Evaluation IV
- ?? lt???gt????? ?????????, ??????????????
????????, ????????????????, ???????????????,
??????, ??????? ????? ????? .?,??????!
- ?,?????, ?,??????
- ?????,??????????? ???????? ????????
??,??, ??? ????????, ??????, ????????
????????????????????????,??????, ???????
.????????, ?????? ? ?????????,
42To an Oak
- If I loved you,I would be absolutely
unlike the trumpet creeper climbing upon your
bodywith lofty branches for a display.If I
loved you,I would absolutelynot follow a silly
bird wayto the green shadow repeatedly singing
an old storyAnd also not just like a
fountain,Yearly contributing you with cooling
fanAnd still not like a peak of dangerto have
you higherin an awe-inspiring mannerOr even to
flaunt your daylight,Or your raining at spring
night.No, not enough with the above lines!I
must be like kapok standing nearby,Along
together with you as a tree, not as a vine.My
root must penetrate into the ground tight My
leaves reach the clouds under the sky.
43- With a gust of wind, we must say helloas a
respected manner, but no humans knowWhat we are
going to show.You have your trunk with branches
strong as iron, - or like spear, sword you sharpenand also
halberd weapon.I have rich red flowers
tiedseemingly with a deep sigh,And also like a
heroic torchlight. We should bear cold air,
tempest, and thunderWe should share fog, haze,
and rainbow together,as if we were never
separated from each other,depending on each
other forever.Thats a great love,The so-called
inflexible virtue must be like thisLove Not
only love your great body but your heart,And
still the firm ground as an organ part.
44?????Translation Practice
- 1.??????
- ???,
- ???,
- ???????,
- ??????
- ???,
- ????
- ????????
- ??????
45????(Reference Version)
- 1. See the Bian River flow
- And the Si River flow!
- By Ancient Ferry, mingling waves, they go
- The Southern hills reflect my woe.
- My thought stretches endlessly
- My grief wretches endlessly.
- Oh, when will my beloved come back tome?
- Alone I lean on moon lit balcony.
46?????Translation Practice
- 2.??????
- ???????,
- ????????
- ???????,
- ????????
- 3.?????
- ???????,
- ????????
- ???????,
- ????????
47????(Reference Version)
- 2. A Night-Mooring Near Maple BridgeMoon going
down, Crow cawing, frost filling all over the
sky,Maple-trees near the river and torch in the
fisher opposite the sleeping anxiety.From the
temple on Cold Mountain out of Suzhou,The
midnight ding touches my boat.
48????(Reference Version)
3. Spring Comes to Jiangnan Red against green,
and a huge troupe of warblers singingHillside,
riverside hamlets, with blue flags
fluttering. The Southern Dynasties had four
hundred eighty Building templesHow many towers
and terraces are wrapped in misty drizzles?
49?????Translation Practice
- 4.???? ???
- ??????, ??????? ??????, ???????? ??????,
???????, ??????, ???????? ??????, ????????
???????, ???????!
- ???????, ????,???? ??????, ?????????
????????, ????????, ??????, ?????????
??????, ???????? ???????, ????????!
??????, ??????? ??????, ???????.
50????(Reference Version)
- 4. Goodbye Again, Cambridge! I leave softly,
gently, Exactly as I came. I wave to the
western sky, Telling it goodbye softly, gently.
The golden willow at the river edge Is the
setting suns bride. Her quivering reflection
Stays fixed in my mind. Green grass on the bank
Dances on a watery floor In bright reflection.
I wish myself a bit of waterweed Vibrating to
the ripple. Of the River Cam. That creek in the
shade of the great elms Is not a creek but a
shattered rainbow, Printed on the water And
inlaid with duckweed, It is my lost dream.
- Hunting a dream? Wielding a long punting
pole I get my boat into green water, Into still
greener grass. In a flood of starlight On a
river of silver and diamond I sing to my hearts
content. But now, no, I cannot sing With
farewell in my heart. Farewells must be quiet,
mute, Even the summer insects are silent,
Knowing I am leaving. The Cambridge night is
soundless. I leave quietly As I came quietly.
I am leaving Without taking so much As a piece
of cloud. But with a quick jerk of my sleave I
wave goodbye.
51????Further Reading