System Accuracy Status (SAS) Monthly Assessment Procedures - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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System Accuracy Status (SAS) Monthly Assessment Procedures


System Accuracy Status (SAS) Monthly Assessment Procedures (Version 19JUL12) * * Step 5 Instructor Designations and T&R Qualifications * Use Standardized Reports ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: System Accuracy Status (SAS) Monthly Assessment Procedures

System Accuracy Status (SAS) Monthly
(Version 19JUL12)
MCO 3125.1B ExcerptM-SHARP Data accuracy Level
1/Green Assessment
  • This excerpt of the MCO highlights the
    requirement for an objective assessment of each
    unit by the MCAS M-SHARP Support Representative
    in coordination with the Commanders own
    assessment of his unit to achieve Level 1/Green
    System Accuracy Status.

System Accuracy Status Level (SAS)
  • This guidance from MCO 3125.1B indicates a units
    progression toward achieving data accuracy in
  • A units SAS level is a snap shot in time, as it
    changes with each individual change to assigned
    aircrew or changes to the given TR syllabus.
  • Each unit is required to conduct the assessment
    EACH MONTH to ensure SAS remains at Level 1.

System Accuracy Status Level (SAS)
Unit SAS Level is available on the TECOM/ASB
M-SHARP Support Site https//
M-SHARP Implementation Officer (MIO)and the
Operations Chief
  • Trained and competent squadron Implementation
    Officers and Operations Chiefs are the keys to
    maintaining M-SHARP System Data Accuracy!
  • All MIOs must have complete familiarity and
    understanding of Aviation TR Program Manual, as
    well as all TR syllabus manuals applicable to
    his or her command. The M-SHARP Support Rep is
    the local SME to assist the MIO.

System Data Accuracy Level (SAS) versus Unit
  • SAS Level is NOT a measure of Unit Readiness,
    HOWEVER, M-SHARP may present skewed readiness
    metrics if data accuracy is NOT maintained.
  • SAS Level is only a measure of current M-SHARP
    data accuracy.
  • Units must pay close attention to their M-SHARP
    data accuracy, understanding that TR changes and
    aircrew changes affect SAS Level.
  • The following assessment process will ensure
    M-SHARP System Accuracy Status IAW the SBTP/FHP
    Order and the Program Manual.

NAVMC 3500.14C (Program Manual) Chapter 8 Page
804 Each units System Accuracy Status is
objectively assessed by M-SHARP Support
Representatives for all levels except Level
1/Green which requires the unit commanders
assessment. The M-SHARP System Accuracy Status
Report of all units and M-SHARP System Accuracy
Status assessment procedures can be found at
TR Management Primer
  • TECOM provides USMC Aviation with the 20 page
    TR Primer to highlight the essential TR
    Program Manual business rules that are
    automatically enforced by M-SHARP.
  • All operations and training officers and NCOs
    must be familiar with these rules to properly
    manage their unit TR data and interpret
    M-SHARPs output reports.
  • A copy of the primer can be found at

If you do not consider yourself an TR Subject
Matter Expert, read the TR primer before
Squadron SBTP Execution (Crew) Report
  • The Crew page of this report is designed to
    indicate the CSP, MSP, Combat Leadership
    Designation status for the unit.
  • The accuracy of the SBTP Crew page is a
    critical indicator of SAS!!!
  • The Aviatoin TR Program Manual, NAVMC 3500.14B,
    defines the business rules for the calculated
    values displayed on this report.
  • The report is entirely reliant upon two inputs
    from Marine users
  • Logged TR codes after flights, simulators, or
  • Baseline entries to account for all the archived
    TR execution data for every aviator in the
    squadron who does not have a complete and up to
    date flight history present in the M-SHARP

It is critical that Flight Logging standards are
addressed at Aircrew Training, i.e. SBTP
categories, environmental conditions, FLSE, etc.
The Flight Logger is the single data entry point
for virtually all USMC flight metrics.
What is meant by Baseline?
  • Baseline entries are required for every single
    metric that is missing from the M-SHARP database
    gtgt for every single aviator gtgt for every single
    calculation of core/mission skill gtgt TR
    designation gtgt TR qualification gtgt individual
    TR event proficiency gtgt aircrew flight hours,
  • The baseline status of a unit is defined by the
    collective baseline status of all aircrew in the
  • Every single change in assigned permanent, TAD,
    or augmenting squadron aircrew can change the
    baseline status of the unit, and turnover of
    personnel occurs daily.
  • Only the Squadron Ops O, Training Os, MIO, as
    the squadrons TR subject matter experts, can
    effectively manage the status of the squadrons
    baseline data accuracy by carefully auditing the
    individual flight history of every existing and
    potential aircrew in the units M-SHARP database.

Note New joins, regardless of rank, require a
COMPLETE baseline review of Personnel Profile,
TR status and Log Books within the 1st week of
joining the squadron, specifically, before the
Marine begins logging TR codes with the unit.
Effects of Poor Aircrew Management and Baseline
  • Typical Scenario
  • New senior pilot joins the unit on Monday,
    without his complete flight history recorded in
    M-SHARP. He has flown the UH-1N for 10 years, but
    is now Series Converting to the UH-1Y. But, the
    Ops Clerk who checks him in, unknowingly assigns
    him to the Refresher POI because he is senior,
    vice the SC POI. No OPS Officer checks the
    clerks work.
  • OPS and DOSS officers dont have an M-SHARP
    Check In process, so no one does a complete TR
    review of all his QUALs, DESGs, CSPs, MSPs, to
    make sure he is credited in M-SHARP for ALL prior
    TR achievement, i.e. BASELINED!
  • The pilot makes it onto the Friday flight
    schedule, and from that point forward, continues
    to fly and log numerous TR events for several
    months with the wrong POI of SC and no
  • Result
  • WRONG POI Since the pilot was entered as a
    Refresher in the UH-1Y, vice a Series
    Conversion, he wrongly appears in M-SHARP
    represented ONLY as a Yankee pilot with ZERO
    credit from any of his 10 year achievement in the
    UH-1N. Time to train this SENIOR PILOT is the
    same as new pilot from the FRS.
  • NO OPS/DOSS Check-In Without a full flight
    history review of every squadron aircrew, the POI
    mistake is not noticed, flight history is not
    BASELINED, so the pilot is not receiving credit
    of most of his career flight achievement.
    Essentially, no OPS/DOSS check NO BASELINE!
  • Flight Operations Begin before BASELINE Months
    later, the new pilot has now logged scores of
    TR events, but his progress is no faster than a
    Lieutenant fresh from the FRS toward the goal of
    achieving MET Readiness/Aircrew Core Competency
    in the UH-1Y. ACC numbers to HHQ reporting such
    as DRRS or NAE will be lower than they should be,
    since MSPs, CSPs, etc. will not have been
    achieved quickly as the TR directs for Series
    Conversion aircrew.

SAS Monthly Assessment Process
  • The MSP/CSP, Qualification, and Designation
    discreet reports in M-SHARP are the objective
    source of all Aircrew Core Competency data
    related to Readiness.
  • The SAS assessment requires a cooperative effort
    between the Squadron MIO and the MCAS
    M-SHARP Support Representative.
  • It is important to understand that the Support
    Rep cannot assess the intent of the units
    training plan, since only the OPS department is
    aware of who should be MSP in a given MET, or
    Designated as combat leader, etc.
  • The units focus during the assessment is to
    identify whether their data appears to be
    accurately portrayed in M-SHARP.
  • The M-SHARP Support Representative will provide
    the MIO guidance on TR business rules, and teach
    the mechanics of analyzing and correcting data
    accuracy issues in M-SHARP management, thus
    assisting the unit achieving the goal of intent
    matching reality.

Monthly SAS Assessment Steps
  • Step 1 Review Unit Personnel Roster
  • Step 2 Review SBTP Crew Page
  • Step 3 Review Core and Mission Skills
  • Step 4 Review Leadership Designations
  • Step 5 Review Instructor DESGs QUALs
  • Step 6 Confirm Data Accuracy with Support Rep
  • Step 7 Confirm Flight Hour Accuracy
  • Step 8 SAS is communicated to ASB/APP

Step 1 Review Unit Personnel Roster
  • Go to ReportsgtStandardized ReportsgtUnit Roster
  • The Unit Roster represents the squadrons
    M-SHARP alpha roster
  • Units must ensure that all TR syllabus Marines
  • Assigned to the proper M-SHARP Personnel Status
  • Assigned to Permanent Unit T/O assigned Marines
  • Assigned to Temporary Unit Marines assigned
    outside of home unit only used for detachments
    to MEU
  • Augmenting Temporary unit ONLY CAT 1 Marines
    assigned to HHQ (review MCO 3125.1B)
  • Assigned to the correct primary and secondary
  • Assigned to the correct POI (Program of
  • Basic / Refresher / Series Conversion /
    Transition etc. (review TR Program Manual for
  • Assigned the correct Special Qualification
  • Assigned the correct Service Code
  • Inaccurate Unit Roster personnel profiles can
    have a profound impact on unit TR metrics if
    Marines are improperly managed.
  • This report must be reviewed weekly by OPS
    Training Managers (MIO) to ensure that operations
    clerks are properly entering aircrew data.

Step 1 Review Unit Roster cont.
  • ReportsgtStandardized ReportsgtUnit Roster
  • Review top of this report to see if the Assigned
    To numbers make sense?
  • Example Does this Augment form USMC, who
    counts toward readiness make sense? If not,
    then it needs to be corrected.

Step 1 Review Unit Roster cont.
All squadron aircrew must be reviewed and
Legend for Syllabus Info.
ReportsgtStandardized ReportsgtUnit Roster
  • Possible areas of concern
  • Flight Surgeon counts for readiness as an AO
    also Service Code of 3 USMC Pilot. WRONG
  • LtCol, presumably the CO, is Basic POI and
    undefined crew seat. WRONG
  • Examples of field grade pilots assigned to
    primary AH and UH syllabi ,but Basic POI?
    Senior pilots in UH-1Y are usually SC POI from
    the UH-1N to the Y.
  • Maj RICHIE is Special Qual C for copilot not
    a PIC?

Your Ops Clerks make these entries who is
checking their work?
Step 1 Review Unit Roster cont.
  • Review of POI Program Of Instruction (details
    in the slide notes below)

Program Manual Rule Only those events that are
proficient are updated via chaining.
Step 2 Review SBTP Crew Page
  • Go to ReportsgtSBTP Execution (Crew) page
  • SBTP Crew page provides the calculated numbers
    of Combat Leadership Designations, CSPs, and MSPs
    achieved for the month.
  • Top row shows the number assigned to the syllabus
    38 from the Unit Roster.
  • The Act (actual) numbers in Yellow are what
    this unit has achieved as of 31JAN12.
  • The values are LOCKED as of COB the last day of
    the month.
  • These values are pulled from each unit by HHQ
    after the 5th working day of the month as primary
    SBTP / Training and Readiness metrics.

Step 3 Core and Mission Skills
  • Go to ReportsgtTR ReportgtCore/Mission Skill
  • Filter to the first syllabus in your unit, select
    all personnel, select CSP MSP in CSP Types,
    and run the report for the last day of the
    reporting month.
  • If you are expected to perform CSP or MSP ,
    then select those as appropriate.
  • Export the report to MS Excel and Save it as
    HMLA-XXX CSP-MSP 31JAN12, for example.
  • Filter out all Marines who are TAD to another
    unit, and all External Personnel as they do not
    contribute to your readiness.
  • Marines TAD or Augmented from your unit have an
    asterisk next to their names .
  • External Personnel are highlighted at the bottom
    of your report in .
  • Note Marines in are Category One
    Augments to your unit, and DO COUNT toward your
    readiness. (make sure that your CO expects to
    take these Marines to war review MCO 3125.1B if
    not sure of CAT I status).

Step 3 Mission Skill Report (total counts)
  • Review this page to ensure MSP achievement
    matches expectation.
  • Export to MS Excel allows for easy comparison to
    SBTP Crew report.
  • Mission Skill total numbers MUST match the SBTP
    Crew Report exactly!

Excerpt from Step 2, SBTP Crew report.
Step 3 Mission Skill Report (assessment)
  • Assessing why expectations dont match reality.
  • You may have expected, for example, that Maj
    Wolcott counted as MSP for EXP, but he has no
    proficiency in the 3601 as of 31JAN12.
  • Same is true for Capt Begleys ESC status, as he
    has no proficiency in the 3102.

Anomaly with No Refly prerequisites for
No Refly events have an electronic proficiency
of 1 day in M-SHARP vice infinite proficiency.
So even though all the codes in matrix on the
left appear to follow the Program Manual rule of
simultaneous proficiency, M-SHARP is
showing the top level CSP SWD for Depasquale as
blank or not Attained above.
Anomaly with No Refly prerequisites for
To correct this anomaly within the software,
simply go to the Baseline TR menu, and baseline
all the codes in the Attain Table for the
affected CSP/MSP. This must be done on the same
date, far in the past, so as to not artificially
modify recent proficiencies. This will
electronically trick-the-system into granting the
correct Attain Table logic of simultaneous
proficiency, and overcome the No Refly
anomaly. Below you can see that Depasquale is
now CSP for SWD. Note SWD is yellow due to 2604
Step 3 Core and Mission Skills (review)
AH-1W TR Excerpts
  • METLs are on the left
  • Each MET has a corresponding Mission Skill
    (3000 Phase)
  • Each Mission Skill has its prerequisite Core
    Skills (2000 Phase)

Core Skill Attain Tables
Mission Skill Attain Tables
Step 3 Core and Mission Skills (review)
  • How do you achieve an X in each Mission Skill
    (MET) box?
  • Complete the Core Skill Prerequisites for each
    Mission Skill for each aircrew.
  • For each Mission Skill, the unit must achieve the
    required number of total MET Capable Crews.

AH-1W TR Excerpts
Note AH-1W syllabus allows for MSP Pilots to be
teamed with non-MSP Copilots. Thus, only 12 MSP
Pilots are required to build 12 combat crews.
Core versus Mission Skills (example comparison)
AH-1W TR Excerpts
Program Manual Mission Skills enable a unit
to execute a specific MET. They are comprised of
advanced event(s) that are focused on MET
performance and draw upon the knowledge,
abilities, and situational awareness developed
during Core Skill training.
Example of a Mission Skill 3000 level event that
DOES NOT meet the Program Manual standard above.
The 3302 code will not maintain proficiency of
all the Core Skills required for CAS, as it is an
Intro to HLL CAS event. Unit must ensure Core
Skills remain proficient for each Mission Skill.
Have you achieved ALL CSP prerequisites for your
  • Notice how many aviators HAVE NOT satisfied the
    CSP prerequisites for the CAS METyetthey appear
    to be Mission Skill Proficient for CAS.
  • Example of a TR that does not include CSP
    Maintain Table events in the MSP Maintain Table,
    which would ensure CSP to MSP relationship.
  • Affected TR syllabi must consider this
    discrepancy when building combat crews.

AH-1W TR Excerpts
Have you achieved CSP prerequisites for your METs?
CH-46E EXP MSP prerequisites.
AH-1W CAS MSP prerequisites.
  • Notice that the AH-1W CAS MSP table does not
    include CSP 2000 Maintain prerequisites, while
    the CH-46E pilot syllabus does.
  • The example CH-46E EXP MET will always show
    proper status in M-SHARP for complete CSP/MSP
    achievement as defined in Chapter 1 of the TR
    syllabus manual.

Step 4 Review Leadership Designations
  • Go to ReportsgtTR ReportgtDesignation Report
  • Filter to the first syllabus in your unit, select
    all personnel, and run the report for the last
    day of the reporting month.
  • Export the report to MS Excel and Save it as
    HMLA-469 CBT LDR 31JAN12, for example.
  • Filter out all Marines who are TAD to another
    unit, and all External Personnel as they do not
    contribute to your readiness.
  • TAD have an asterisk next to their names .
  • External Personnel are highlighted at the bottom
    of your report in .
  • Note Marines in are Category One
    Augments and DO COUNT toward your readiness.
    (make sure that your CO expects to take these
    Marines to war review MCO 3125.1B if not sure of
    CAT I status)
  • Review your TR Chapter 1, and delete all
    Designation Columns that do not apply to combat
    leadership, leaving a blank column after each.

Step 4 Leadership Designations
  • TR excerpt above shows Combat Leadership
    Readiness requirements.
  • Total up all combat leaders to ensure your
    objective data meets your expectations.
  • The fields indicate previously
    assigned designations from other units.
  • To modify a grayed out designation, go to
    MaingtAssign Designations, and first Delete then
    Re-Designate the Marine so that he counts toward
    your units readiness.

Notice AHC, SL, DL are each one lower than the
SBTP Crew report! Must investigate!
Step 4 Leadership Designations
Investigating why AHC, SL, DL are each one
lower than the SBTP Crew report!
  • Quick investigation shows that Capt Guardenier
    happens to have AHC, SL, DL, from another unit,
    all of which are related to the extra numbers on
    the SBTP Crew page. He may be a good place to
    dig deeper.
  • Further investigation of the Designation report
    details shows that Capt Guardenier has multiple
    Designations for more that one unit.
  • The Program manual dictates that Designations
    are unit specific.
  • HMLA-469 must delete the HMM-262 designation, so
    that only the 469 ones appear on the Designation

Step 4 Corrective Action
HMM-268 DESG Deleted
HMLA-469 DESG Re-Assigned
  • By deleting the HMM-262 AHC DESG, and
    re-assigning it under HMLA-469, Capt Guardeniers
    data is now accurate.
  • Once the same procedure is done for the SL and
    DL, then the unit gains 3 more Combat Leadership
    Designations toward Current Readiness.

Step 5 Instructor Designations and TR
  • Many TR manuals contain Minimum Crew tables,
    which include TR Instructor Designations and
    Qualifications such as NSI and NSQ LLL, FAC(A),
    etc. as metrics for determining Combat Crews.
  • Units must also asses these metrics during
    monthly SAS Assessment.

Example of TR Instructor Designations and
Qualifications as part of MET Capability
Step 5 Instructor Designations and TR
  • Use Standardized Reports Qualifications and
    Designations to create a customized grouping of
    Aircrew / QUALs / DESGs
  • Display shows all the additional metrics
    required to complete the SAS Assessment of ALL
    readiness metrics.

Event Waivers Review
Review TR Primer for detailed rules for Waivers
and Deferrals.
WARNING1st Tour Basic POI Marines SHALL NOT
WAIVE TR events.
  • Program Manual TR Event Waivers
  • a. TR Events may be waived for individuals
    undergoing the following training
  • (1) Transition
  • (2) Series Conversion
  • (3) Refresher POI
  • (4) For commanding officers who desire to waive
    multiple events, the following guidance applies
  • (a) Individuals should complete all R-coded
    events for the given syllabus.
  • (b) Individuals shall complete the culminating
    R-coded event for the given syllabus.
  • b. TR Event waivers shall not be granted for
  • Any Basic POI event.
  • (7) All events in a Qualification Syllabus.
  • b. The individual remains proficient throughout
    the respective event refly interval.

Step 6 Confirm Data Accuracy with Support Rep
  • Each unit will review their discreet M-SHARP
    CSP/MSP/ TR Designation / Qualification Reports
    to determine which individual aircrew they expect
    should be CSP / MSP / Combat Leaders /
    Instructor Designated / Qualified ltltthengtgt record
    any perceived discrepancies.
  • Steps 1 7 must be completed by the 5th working
    day after the end of the reporting month
    according to the SBTP order MCO 3125.1B.
  • Discrepancies After the assessment of their TR
    data is complete for all of the above metrics,
    the unit will record identify to the M-SHARP
    Support Representative where perceived
    discrepancies exist using a simple M-SHARP export
    copies (MS Excel) with highlighted areas of
    concern as portrayed on the previous slides.
  • Once NO Discrepancies Exist Send the M-SHARP
    Support Rep a final email indicating so and MS
    Excel Exports of your final SBTP Execution (Crew)
    report ltltandgtgt Standardized ReportsgtQualifications
    and Designations report.

Step 6 Confirm Data accuracy with Support Rep
  • ReportsgtSBTPgtSBTP Execution (Crew)
  • ReportsgtStandardized Reportsgt
  • QUALs DESGs (for all syllabi)

Send these 2 reports to the M-SHARP Support Rep,
after all corrections have been made, to close
out the SAS Assessment for the month. These 2
reports will confirm the squadrons confirmation
of data accuracy.
Step 7 Confirm Monthly Flight Hour Accuracy
  • MCO 3125.1B Marine Corps Flight Hour Program
  • Page 3-1
  • As the authoritative source of all USMC flight
    execution, all flights must be logged in M-SHARP
    to feed ALL essential USMC Aviation output
    reporting, i.e. SBTP, Flight Hours, Training
    status, objective Readiness metrics, range,
    ordnance execution, etc.
  • Flight Logging in M-SHARP must occur within ONE
    HOUR of landing to ensure timeliness of key
    metrics for reporting purposes.

Step 7 Confirm Monthly Flight Hour Accuracy
  • Two reports from M-SHARP aid in determining
    monthly Unit Flight Hour data accuracy
  • SBTP Execution Report (ReportsgtSBTPgtSBTP
  • This report captures all flight hours logged in
    the M-SHARP Flight Logger by the SBTP Categories
    of Training, Support, Operational, Contingency
    IAW MCO 3125.1B (Sortie Based Training
    Program/Flight Hour Program).
  • Aircraft Hours Report (ReportsgtStandardized
  • This report captures all flight hours logged
    against the aircraft assigned to the squadron for
    the past month.
  • These two reports should match NALCOMIS flight
    hours totals.
  • Aircraft Summary Report
  • This report must be accessed from NALOMIS
  • Note Reconciliation between Ops and Maintenance
    flight hour data is critical to ensure that both
    systems report accurately.

Step 7 Confirm Monthly Flight Hour Accuracy
  • SBTP Execution Report
  • ReportsgtSBTPgtSBTP Execution

Thus far during June 2012, the report shows 41
Sorties and 68.8 flight hours executed. (Actual
versus the Forecasted 48/80)
Step 7 Confirm Monthly Flight Hour Accuracy
  • M-SHARP Aircraft Hours Report
  • ReportsgtStandardized ReportsgtAircraft Hours

Notice that this report shows the breakdown of
unit hours by Aircraft BUNO, providing totals for
each over the course of the month.
As of 28JUN12, the Aircraft Hours report also
shows 41 sorties and 68.8 flight hours executed.
Step 7 Confirm Monthly Flight Hour Accuracy
  • NALCOMIS Aircraft Flight Summary Report
  • Must be exported from NALCOMIS for comparison to
    the two M-SHARP reports.

IF this report totals MORE hours than M-SHARP,
then the unit has NAVFLIRs logged into NALCOMIS
that are not logged in M-SHARP.
IF this report totals LESS hours than M-SHARP,
then M-SHARP has NAVFLIRs that have not been
transferred to NALCOMIS.
As of June 28, 2012, NALCOMIS shows 61.1 hours,
i.e. fewer hours than M-SHARPs reports of 68.8,
meaning that some NAVFLIRs have yet to be
transferred from M-SHARP via the FIST interface.
Reconciliation of Steps 1 - 7
  • ALL discrepancies that were discovered in Steps 1
    7 must be corrected by COB the 5th working day
    after the end of the reporting month.
  • Failure to do so will result in inaccurate data
    being reported to HHQ for all SBTP/FHP and TR

Step 8 SAS is communicated to ATD/APP
  • After COB on the 5th day of the new month, the
    updated SAS level is communicated to ATD/APP by
    the Support Rep, and promulgated in an update to
    the ATD managed SAS Level report at
  • As per MCO 3125.1B
  • Units that complete the SAS assessment
    successfully, and the CO or his proxy validates
    unit data accuracy, will be reported at SAS Level
  • Units that have achieved baseline, but no command
    assessment is completed, will be reported at a
    maximum of SAS Level 2 by the M-SHARP Support
  • Units that have not met the standards of SAS
    Levels 1 or 2 will be reported at SAS Level 3.

Improving Unit Processes
The Support Site offers a Recommend Desktop
Procedures document, which if followed by unit
SOP, will improve overall M-SHARP Implementation
and data accuracy.
  • M-SHARP System Accuracy is facilitated by the MCO
    3125.1B / NAVMC 3500.14C directed monthly M-SHARP
    SAS Assessment Process.
  • Units can achieve confidence that their data is
    displayed as expected to HHQ, with no surprises.
  • The unit M-SHARP Implementation Officer
    (M.I.O.) is the key to achieving SAS success.
  • Your M-SHARP Support Representative is standing
    by to assist you.

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