Title: Methods
1Psychological Problems Among Injecting Drug
Users (IDUs) in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia
S. Iskandar1,2, T. Hidayat1,2, I.M.P.
Siregar1,2, Tri Hanggono Ahmad1, A.J.A.M. Van
der Ven3, C.A.J. de Jong5 1Padjajaran
University/ Hasan Sadikin Hospital, Bandung,
Indonesia, 2IMPACT (Integrated Management for
Prevention Control and Treatment of HIV-AIDS),
Health Research Unit, Medical Faculty,
Padjadjaran University / Hasan Sadikin Hospital,
Bandung, Indonesia 3Radboud University Nijmegen
Medical Centre, the Netherlands 4Nijmegen
Institute for Scientist-Practitioners in
Addiction (NISPA) Nijmegen, the Netherlands
Results (2)
Living Area
- Most common view was that drug addicts are weak
and/ or bad people unwilling to control their
behavior - Addictive drugs affect the brain circuity
controlling the motivated and learned behavior - Some of drug users start using drug to cure
their psychological problems - Psychiatric disorders and addiction are often
dubbed dual disorders. - To explore the common psychological problems
among injecting drug users (IDUs) in Bandung,
West Java, Indonesia ? a better understanding of
these co-morbidities may contribute to the design
of specifically tailored programs
- Notes
- Kecamatan Sukasari
- Kecamatan Sukajadi
- Kecamatan Cicendo
- Kecamatan Andir
- Kecamatan Cidadap
- Kecamatan Coblong
- Kecamatan Bandung Wetan
- Kecamatan Sumur Bandung
- Kecamatan Cibeunying Kaler
- Kecamatan Cibeunying Kidul
- Kecamatan Kiara Condong
- Kecamatan Batununggal
- Kecamatan Lengkong
- Kecamatan Regol
- Kecamatan Astana Anyar
- Kecamatan Bojongloa Kaler
- Kecamatan Bojongloa Kidul
- Kecamatan BACIP (Bababakan Ciparay)
Bandung City
Interview Center
Results (3)
Psychological problems among IDUs
New respondents
Payment for recruiting other IDUs
- 37 of all IDUs have ever had serious thought of
committing suicide - More than 50 of those who had serious thought ?
attempted suicide - Only 26 IDUs (16) of those who have ever had
psychiatric problems, sought for help for their
psychological problems
This process (respondent driven sampling) is
continued until the number of IDUs recruited
reach 210
Results (1)
Characteristics of IDUs (n210)
Characteristics IDUs
Age (SD) 27,8 (3,8)
Age first time use drug (SD) 14,0 (2,8)
Age first time inject (SD) 18 (3,1)
Years of injecting in life time (SD) 7,1 (3,8)
Male () 194 (92)
Female () 16 (8)
Marital Status
Ever married () 91 (43)
Never married () 119 (57)
Junior high school or under () 12 (6)
Senior high school () 164 (77)
Diploma or higher () 34 (17)
- High psychological problems among IDUs
- Further research on contributing factors to
psychological help seeking behavior is needed - Providing information about psychological
problems and their treatment is required by IDUs - Those who deliver addiction care have to be aware
of psychiatric - co-morbidity
- Addressing psychological problems in the general
community probably can reduce the chance to
become a drug user
Acknowledgments We would like to thank Prof.
Cissy B. Sudjana Prawira, Director of Hasan
Sadikin General Hospital, and Prof. Eri Surahman,
Dean of the Medical Faculty Padjadjaran
University for encouraging and accommodating
research in their institutions. Municipal Health
Department, the interviewers, staffs and ORC from
Salam Primary Health Center. Rumah Cemara,
Bahtera, PKBI, and Grapiks are thanked for their
valuable help
IMPACT (5-year program for HIV care and drug
addiction in West Java, Indonesia) is funded by
the European Union