A user - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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A user


Completing the AOP documentation A user s guide Year 1 Participates = wide experiences exploring service user pathways Year 2 Initiates = experiences become more ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: A user

Completing the AOP documentation
  • A users guide

Developing a process model
Developing an understanding of nursing as a
  • Year 1 Participates wide experiences exploring
    service user pathways
  • Year 2 Initiates experiences become more
    service user focused to develop skills for care
  • Year 3 Manages student begins process of case
    loading to build management/ leadership skills

Formation of specific skills for 1st post
Supporting Learning in Practice
  • Enhancing practice within the academic framework
  • Equal validity given to practice experience
  • Documentation meets NMC standards and
  • Developing skills through the NMC essential
    skills clusters
  • Developing reflective practitioners
  • Future employability
  • Developing service user involvement

Welcome to the new AOP document
  • One document for whole programme
  • Same document for all branches
  • NMC proficiencies in part one
  • Green Year one
  • Yellow Year two
  • Pink Year three
  • Essential skills clusters (ESC) in part two
  • Ivory Year one
  • Blue - Years two and three

Key points from NMC mentor standards (2006)
  • The document provides an ongoing record or
    student proforma, reviewed within each
    practice experience by the mentor
  • It provides evidence of proficiency achievement
    at each progression point within the programme
  • Sign off mentors confirm proficiency for entry
    to the register

  • It is vital that students work towards every
    aspect of their practice assessment during every
    practice experience.
  • These elements of the Assessment of Practice have
    been designed to meet the requirements for
    progression during the programme.
  • Year 1 entry to Branch.
  • Year 2 progression to Year 3 of Branch.
  • Year 3 entry to the register

Assessment issues
  • One summative assessment point at the end of each
  • Students who fail to achieve the required
    standard to pass one or more of the proficiencies
    will be given a second assessment opportunity to
    achieve these proficiencies following four weeks
    of their next practice experience.
  • A subsequent referral will mean the student will
    be subject to withdrawal from the programme.

Completion of AOP documentation for Common
Foundation Programme Page 20
Commence practice experience 1
Commence Practice Experience 2
Induction to practice page 30
Practice experience Practice experience Practice experience Practice experience Practice experience Practice experience
Topics to be covered (Mentor initials and date when completed) 1 2 3 4 5
Personal issues Discuss any adjustments re health or learning needs e.g. latex free gloves, dyslexia
Introduction to staff Include all staff working within the practice area
Orientation to practice area Include Staff toilets Staff rest room/canteen Where to keep personal belongings Meal breaks Relevant link areas and who to contact for visits Inform of university link name and contact details
Professional Conduct and Appearance Discuss Dress code Professional conduct specific to the practice e.g. working guidelines, etiquette in patients homes, use of mobile phones
The mentor or buddy mentor initials box when this
part of the induction process has been
completed (Box can be divided on a split
Mentor signature sheet Page 52
Mentor signature sheet practice experience 1 All
health care professionals signing student
documentation should insert their details below,
as indicated.
Name of Mentor (PLEASE PRINT) Contact telephone number Name of practice area Signature Initials

JANE SMITH 01256 617812 D 4 NHH
Jane Smith J.S.
ANNE WHITE 01256 617812 D 4 NHH
Anne White A.W.
Completing this grid is a requirement for any
Registered Practitioner who is signing the
portfolio this will allow for signatures to be
verified and checked
Professional Development page 53
  • Self assessment by student at commencement of
    practice experience

Self assessment based on previous practice experience (In first experience you may draw on life experience prior to commencing the course) Self assessment based on previous practice experience (In first experience you may draw on life experience prior to commencing the course)
Strengths Weaknesses
Concerns Expectations
Please discuss the key points from this assessment with your mentor prior to completing an action plan for this practice experience Please discuss the key points from this assessment with your mentor prior to completing an action plan for this practice experience
It would be easy to stay in my comfort zone and
work with other heath care workers during this
placement I need to remain conscious that I am
now a student nurse and to explore my new role
and look for learning opportunities
As I have previously worked as a health care
support worker with older adults I am aware of
how a ward functions and the importance of good
team work
  1. Understanding all this paperwork and getting it
  2. Distance from home on late shifts
  3. Working within a surgical area
  • To develop an understanding of infection control
  • To improve my observation skills to be able to
    recognise patient anxiety and consider different
    ways to help clients cope

Initial interview page 54
This is done by the student in conjunction with
the mentor, and is based upon the self
assessment, previous practice experiences and
feedback from other mentors. These should be
SMART Objectives
Learning needs Action plan
To explore role of student nurse To develop an understanding of infection control Work closely with my mentor or buddy mentor during initial weeks on placement Read RCN guidance for student nurses Ask questions and actively seek out learning opportunities Become familiar with aseptic technique to be able to undertake simple dressing under the direct supervision of my mentor Arrange visit with infection control nurse Explore literature and Trust policies regarding infection control Continue working on my hand washing technique
Future employability
  • The Proficiencies have been mapped to KSF
  • End of Common Foundation programme HWB3
  • End of Branch programme - HWB5
  • Personal Professional Development
  • Enhanced CV

Framework for assessment Page 39
The NMC standard to be achieved is given here in
NMC proficiencies (2004) to be achieved for entry to the branch programme NMC proficiencies (2004) to be achieved for entry to the branch programme Guidance for application of theory to practice
Domain 1 Professional and ethical practice Links with ESC Care Compassion and communication 1, 4 Organisational Aspects o f Care 11,12,15 Medicines Management 34 Manage oneself, ones practice, and that of others, in accordance with The NMC code of professional conduct standards for conduct, performance and ethics, recognising ones own abilities and limitations Manage oneself, ones practice, and that of others, in accordance with The NMC code of professional conduct standards for conduct, performance and ethics, recognising ones own abilities and limitations
Domain 1 Professional and ethical practice Links with ESC Care Compassion and communication 1, 4 Organisational Aspects o f Care 11,12,15 Medicines Management 34 P1.1 Discuss in an informed manner the implications of professional regulation for nursing practice Demonstrate a basic knowledge of professional regulation and self-regulation Recognise and acknowledge the limitations of ones own abilities Recognise situations that require referral to a registered practitioner. KSF Core Dimension 2 Personal and People development Level 2 a, b, c, d Has visited the NMC website www.nmc-uk.org and can discuss purpose of the NMC and the reason for the professional regulation of nursing. Maintains confidentiality Follows the correct procedure for sickness and absence Maintains punctuality Appearance is professional Practice demonstrates acknowledgment of the limitations of ones own abilities Follows instructions Maintains safety Seeks assistance when required Acknowledges the importance of seeking supervision to develop safe and effective nursing practice Asks questions to clarify situations Recognises when information needs to be shared with a registered practitioner using both verbal and written reports Always gives information to senior staff
Each proficiency and its related sub-statements
are given in this column
Achievement of the NMC standard is demonstrated
in the achievement of the related Essential skills
Suggested guidance of how the proficiencies can
be applied to practice using National
Occupational Standards for Health and Social Care
are given in this column
During practice experience 1 students are given
formative feedback on their progress towards
achieving Proficiency level 1 by the Summative
assessment of practice during experience 2
progress is reviewed and recorded page 64
Common Foundation Programme Year 1 Practice Experience 1 Practice Experience 1 Practice Experience 1 Practice Experience 1 Practice Experience 1 Practice Experience 1 Practice Experience 2 Practice Experience 2 Practice Experience 2 Practice Experience 2 Practice Experience 2 Practice Experience 2
NMC Domain 1 Professional and ethical practice Formative assessment point Mid-point or end of first part of split practice Formative assessment point Mid-point or end of first part of split practice Formative assessment point Mid-point or end of first part of split practice Formative assessment point End of practice experience 1 Formative assessment point End of practice experience 1 Formative assessment point End of practice experience 1 Formative assessment point Mid-point or end of first part of split practice Formative assessment point Mid-point or end of first part of split practice Formative assessment point Mid-point or end of first part of split practice Summative assessment point Summative assessment point Summative assessment point
NMC Domain 1 Professional and ethical practice Mentor Initials Date Level Mentor Initials Date Level Mentor Initials Date Level Mentor Initials Date Level
P1.1 Manage oneself, ones practice, and that of others, in accordance with the NMC code of professional conduct standards for conduct, performance and ethics, recognising ones own abilities and limitations J.S. 1/4/07 Not achieved J.S. 1/4/07 1 B.C. 10/7/07 1 B.C. 10/7/07 1
At the Summative assessment point during
experience 2 the student is signed off at the
required level for entry to branch the summary
sheet for each domain is completed and signed at
the end of each practice experience and progress
is reviewed page 83
The Essential Skills Clusters (ESC) shape the
skills log that must be completed by the end of
the Common Foundation and Branch programmes.
  • Care, compassion and communication
  • Organisational aspects of care
  • Infection prevention and control
  • Nutrition fluid management
  • Medicines management

Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication
Service users can trust a newly registered nurse to 1 provide care based on the highest standards, knowledge and competence For entry to Branch Service users can trust a student Is able to engage service users and build caring professional relationships Forms appropriate and constructive relationships with families and other carers Uses professional support structures to learn from experience and makes appropriate adjustments Code 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 7.1 These skills and the underlying theory learned in School E Learning Practice (Please circle where skill has been learnt) I feel ready to practice under direct supervision Date Student signature Skills practiced under direct supervision within ------------------------- Practice Experience Date Mentor signature Skills performed under indirect supervision to a satisfactory standard within ------------------------- Practice Experience Date Mentor signature Skills for entry to branch practiced proficiently under indirect supervision within ------------------------- Final CFP Practice Experience Date Mentor signature at end of CFP Student signature
Service users can trust a newly registered nurse to 1 provide care based on the highest standards, knowledge and competence For entry to Branch Service users can trust a student Is able to engage service users and build caring professional relationships Forms appropriate and constructive relationships with families and other carers Uses professional support structures to learn from experience and makes appropriate adjustments Code 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 7.1 These skills and the underlying theory learned in School E Learning Practice (Please circle where skill has been learnt) I feel ready to practice under direct supervision Date Student signature I feel able to undertake these skills under indirect supervision Date Student signature I feel able to initiate these skills under the indirect supervision of my mentor and recognise situations when I need to seek advice from a qualified practitioner before undertaking or on completion of these skills. Date Student signature Following discussion between mentor, student and academic tutor, It has been agreed that proficiency has not been maintained (see separate document) Date Mentor signature Academic tutor signature Student signature
The ESC is given here
The standard for entry to branch is then given
Following consultation with service users a
minimum standard of nursing skills was set for
Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication
Service users can trust a newly registered nurse to 1 provide care based on the highest standards, knowledge and competence For entry to Branch Service users can trust a student Is able to engage service users and build caring professional relationships Forms appropriate and constructive relationships with families and other carers Uses professional support structures to learn from experience and makes appropriate adjustments Code 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 7.1 These skills and the underlying theory learned in School E Learning Practice (Please circle where skill has been learnt) I feel ready to practice under direct supervision Date Student signature Skills practiced under direct supervision within ------------------------- Practice Experience Date Mentor signature Skills performed under indirect supervision to a satisfactory standard within ------------------------- Practice Experience Date Mentor signature Skills for entry to branch practiced proficiently under indirect supervision within ------------------------- Final CFP Practice Experience Date Mentor signature at end of CFP Student signature
Service users can trust a newly registered nurse to 1 provide care based on the highest standards, knowledge and competence For entry to Branch Service users can trust a student Is able to engage service users and build caring professional relationships Forms appropriate and constructive relationships with families and other carers Uses professional support structures to learn from experience and makes appropriate adjustments Code 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 7.1 These skills and the underlying theory learned in School E Learning Practice (Please circle where skill has been learnt) I feel ready to practice under direct supervision Date Student signature I feel able to undertake these skills under indirect supervision Date Student signature I feel able to initiate these skills under the indirect supervision of my mentor and recognise situations when I need to seek advice from a qualified practitioner before undertaking or on completion of these skills. Date Student signature Following discussion between mentor, student and academic tutor, It has been agreed that proficiency has not been maintained (see separate document) Date Mentor signature Academic tutor signature Student signature
Progression from direct supervision to proficient
practice is then recorded
Following discussion and feedback from their
mentor the student makes a self judgement
regarding progression
The student then states where they have been
taught the skill and that they feel ready to
Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication Essential Skills Cluster Care, Compassion and Communication
Service users can trust a newly registered nurse to 1 provide care based on the highest standards, knowledge and competence For entry to Branch Service users can trust a student Is able to engage service users and build caring professional relationships Forms appropriate and constructive relationships with families and other carers Uses professional support structures to learn from experience and makes appropriate adjustments Code 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 7.1 These skills and the underlying theory learned in School E Learning Practice (Please circle where skill has been learnt) I feel ready to practice under direct supervision Date Student signature Skills practiced under direct supervision within ------------------------- Practice Experience Date Mentor signature Skills performed under indirect supervision to a satisfactory standard within ------------------------- Practice Experience Date Mentor signature Skills for entry to branch practiced proficiently under indirect supervision within ------------------------- Final CFP Practice Experience Date Mentor signature at end of CFP Student signature
Service users can trust a newly registered nurse to 1 provide care based on the highest standards, knowledge and competence For entry to Branch Service users can trust a student Is able to engage service users and build caring professional relationships Forms appropriate and constructive relationships with families and other carers Uses professional support structures to learn from experience and makes appropriate adjustments Code 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 7.1 These skills and the underlying theory learned in School E Learning Practice (Please circle where skill has been learnt) I feel ready to practice under direct supervision Date Student signature I feel able to undertake these skills under indirect supervision Date Student signature I feel able to initiate these skills under the indirect supervision of my mentor and recognise situations when I need to seek advice from a qualified practitioner before undertaking or on completion of these skills. Date Student signature Following discussion between mentor, student and academic tutor, It has been agreed that proficiency has not been maintained (see separate document) Date Mentor signature Academic tutor signature Student signature
If achievement or maintenance of the ESC is not
accomplished then this section is completed It
is important at this stage that the academic
tutor is actively involved and also signs the
Interim interview of progress pages 64 -65
  • Both the student and mentor make individual
    assessments of progress
  • New action plan is negotiated
  • The academic tutor is contacted if there are any
    issues / concerns regarding progress

During years 2 and 3 Service User/Carer
involvement in giving feedback to the student
page 128
  • Consent must be gained from the service
    user/carer with the mentor present to participate
    in this exercise. If the
  • service user/carer only wishes to discuss this
    with the student, the mentor could record the
    points raised below.
  • We would like to hear your views about the way
    nursing students have contributed to the care you
    have received.
  • You do not need to disclose your name. The
    feedback you give will not affect the care you
    receive and there is no
  • requirement for you to participate (if a carer
    this relates to care given to the service user).
  • Please comment on (student name)
    s strengths and weaknesses.
  • Please state what you feel they have done well.
  • Please state what they could do to improve their
    nursing care.
  • Please add any other information you think would
    be helpful.

Hayley Knight
Hayley usually had time to talk to me for
example when helping me dress and wash she
discussed my life and family and this helped me
feel that I was person and not a number
Some days Hayley could look like it was all too
much bother and looked frustrated when I was slow
undertaking some tasks for myself for example
choosing what to wear and washing myself
Hayley needs to remember that I am an independent
person I like to look after myself.
Evidence criteria for assembling and presenting
evidence of practice
  • Understanding and application of the
    proficiencies will be demonstrated at the level
    that is congruent with the programme and level of
    study that the student is undertaking and will be
    demonstrated through achievement of the following
    units and assignments
  • Year 1 - Principles of Nursing Practice
  • Year 2 - Contemporary Nursing Practice
  • Year 3 Leadership and Management
  • The Learning outcomes for these assignments are
    directly linked to the Assessment of Practice
  • Pages 22 - 28

Summary of practice experience to be used in
associated assignment
  • It is essential that the student discusses with
    their mentor the episode of practice that they
    will be using in their related assignment
  • As a mentor you will be asked to verify that this
    episode occurred and that the student is
    protecting service user confidentiality
  • You will not be asked to mark the assignment
    but it is important to explore and discuss the
    content to inform your decision regarding
    student proficiency

Summary of proficiency achievement
  • Both student and mentors complete final written
    reports on progress
  • If the student is referring on any of the
    proficiencies or essential skills at the
    summative assessment point then a learning
    agreement for retrieval is developed

At the end of each practice experience the
student completes a professional development grid
page 53
  • Self assessment by student at completion of
    practice experience

Self assessment based on previous practice experience (In first experience you may draw on life experience prior to commencing the course) Self assessment based on previous practice experience (In first experience you may draw on life experience prior to commencing the course)
Key achievements identified during this practice experience Key areas for development identified as a result of this practice experience
What is to be achieved during next experience Which activities and experiences should lead to achievement
Please discuss the key points from this assessment with your mentor prior to your final assessment Please discuss the key points from this assessment with your mentor prior to your final assessment
Professional behaviour - It has been observed by
my mentor that I can appear bored at times when
undertaking some tasks and that I need to make an
effort to understand the importance of good
observation and self motivation
More comfortable with role Have been working hard
with my mentor on improving my communication
skills both with clients and within the team
To highlight this as an issue in my initial
interview with my next mentor
spend time observing others when they engage with
To reflect with my learning group on
what professional behaviour means?

Proficiency achievement in domain 1 in
particular professional behaviours and boundaries
Learning agreement if the student has referred
page 81
This should only be completed if the student has referred up to 6 proficiencies and/or 6 skills at the final interview for CFP (more than 6 requires new document) This should only be completed if the student has referred up to 6 proficiencies and/or 6 skills at the final interview for CFP (more than 6 requires new document) This should only be completed if the student has referred up to 6 proficiencies and/or 6 skills at the final interview for CFP (more than 6 requires new document)
Please state which proficiencies / Essential skills need to addressed Which activities and experiences should lead to achievement These proficiencies/essential skills need to obtained at level 1 pass during the first 4 weeks of next practice experience to achieve a pass of the Common Foundation Programme
  1. Read and reflect on the article by Dowling (2006)
    on the sociology of intimacy in the
    nurse-patient relationship. Nursing Standard.
    Before commencing her next placement
  2. Spend some time with WA exploring her feelings
    about being cared for and discuss with me.
  3. Discuss with her academic tutor and next mentor
    the interpersonal process in which the nurse and
    patient respect each other as individuals

Professional and ethical practice P1.3 Care
Delivery P2.1 ESC 2 and 3
At the end of Year 1 2 and at the end of their
training you will be asked to make a statement
that the student is at the required level of
proficiency to pass the practice element of their
programme.I confirm that this student practises
at the required level of proficiency to pass the
Common Foundation Programme
Progression points
Mentor signature.. Print
name..Date.. Student
signature Print name
If the student is not at the required level then
a learning agreement is formulated
Academic integrity
  • Students will be asked to sign a statement of
    academic integrity.

I confirm that that there has been no
falsification of evidence within this document.
(Before signing please read academic integrity
statement for students in your pre-registration
student handbook) Student signature
Print name...Date
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