Title: Wilson Middle School Behavior Expectations
1Wilson Middle SchoolBehavior Expectations
- Classroom, Library, Locker Room
- And
- Auditorium
2Classroom Respect
Follow the teachers directions
3Classroom Respect
Allow teachers to teach and students to
learn.Use an appropriate voice level.
4Classroom Respect
Be attentive while in class.Pay Attention!
5Classroom Responsibility
Be on time.Follow classroom, team, and school
6Classroom Responsibility
No Food or Drinks in the classrooms, locker
rooms, or REC area.
7Classroom Responsibility
Be prepared for class and have your PE clothes
for gym.
8Classroom Integrity
Be honest. Model positive behavior.Keep the
school clean.
9Auditorium Respect
Be attentive to the presentation.Be appreciative
at the appropriate times.
10Auditorium Respect
Use appropriate language.Value personal space
and property.
11Auditorium Responsibility
Arrive on time and sit in assigned seats.Support
and encourage all participants
12Auditorium Responsibility
Support and encourage all participants.Remain in
seats until dismissed.No food or drink
13Auditorium Integrity
Model positive behavior.Leave your area
clean.Follow electronics policy.