Title: George D. Kuh
1Data Informed Perspectives on the Undergraduate
Student Experience
George D. Kuh ACHA Professional Development
Workshop Las Vegas, NV November 30, 2006
2Commission on Future of Higher Education
- Improve student academic preparation and make
more financial aid available - Simplify restructure student financial aid
system using incentives to control costs - Cultivate a "robust culture of accountability
transparency invent new student learning
measures, make comparable information public,
focus accreditation on outcomes - Embrace continuous innovation and quality
improvement. - Target federal investments to critical areas such
as math, science, and foreign languages. - Develop a national strategy for lifelong learning
3Working Hypothesis
- Student health does not receive the attention it
deserves on college campuses because it is not
perceived to be a major factor in student or
institutional performance
4Advance Organizers
- What kind of information about student
learning and institutional effectiveness is
useful for - Improving undergraduate education?
- Promoting healthy lifestyle choices?
- How can ACHA-NCHA data be linked with other
information about the student experience to
inform efforts to foster student success?
5Student Success in College
- Academic achievement, engagement in
educationally purposeful activities,
satisfaction, acquisition of desired knowledge,
skills and competencies, persistence, attainment
of educational objectives, and post-college
- Assessing the undergraduate experience
- What we know from NSSE
- Selected lessons from DEEP
- Discussion
7Working Definition
- Assess (v.) to examine carefully
- Assessment is the systematic collection, review,
and use of information about educational programs
undertaken for the purpose of improving student
learning and development - (Palomba Banta, 1999, p. 4)
8Sampling of Instruments
- ACT/SAT score reports
- Entering student surveys (6)
- Enrolled undergraduates (8)
- Student proficiencies learning outcomes (5)
- Alumni (2)
- http//airweb.org/images/measurequality.pdf
9We value what we measure
- Wise decisions are needed about what to measure
in the context of campus mission, values, and
desired outcomes. -
- If you dont measure it, you cant manage it
10Assessment Tools
- Pre-college characteristics
- Who students are
- Process measures
- Evidence of effective educational activity
by students and institutions - Outcomes measures
- Evidence of what students
learn or can do
11Students Today
12 Trends in High School Grades
UCLA Cooperative Institutional Research Program
13Students Today
- An entitlement mentality
- Cumulative deficit re attitudes, study habits,
academic skills
14Student Success Quiz
- What percent of high school seniors have
college-level reading skills? -
- (a) 51 (b) 59 (c) 68 (d) 77 (e) none of the
above -
15Student Success Quiz
- True or false
- 25 of first-year first-time frosh at two-year
colleges are required to take one or more
remedial courses in college.
16Student Success Quiz
- True or false
- About 300 million is spent annually on
postsecondary remediation coursework. -
17Student Success Quiz
- What percent of students who take at least one
remedial course in reading do not earn a
certificate or degree within 8 years of first
enrollment? - (a) 18 (b) 33 (c) 43
- (d) 61 (e) 70
18Students Today
- More diverse than previous cohorts
- Techno-savvy NetGens
19Students Today
- More diverse than previous cohorts
- Techno-savvy NetGens
- Psychologically fragile
20Student Success Quiz
- About what percent of community college students
return for the second year? - (a) 29 (b) 33 (c) 50
- (d) 61 (e) 77
21Factors That Threaten Persistence and Graduation
from College
- academically underprepared for college-level work
- gap between high school and college
- part-time enrollment
- single parent
- financially independent
- children at home
- 30 hours working per week
- first-generation college student
22Outcomes Measures
- Standardized, nationally normed
- Locally developed
23Outcomes Data
- National instruments
- Noel-Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory
- ETS MAPP and Major Field Tests
- ACT Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency
- Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA)
24Student Satisfaction Inventory
SSI by Noel-Levitz http//www.noellevitz.com/solu
25WorkKeys Assessments
APPLIED MATHEMATICS Level 5 Sample Question
- Quik Call charges 18 per minute for
long-distance calls. Econo Phone totals your
phone usage each month and rounds the number of
minutes up to the nearest 15 minutes. It then
charges 7.90 per hour of phone usage, dividing
this charge into 15-minute segments if you used
less than a full hour. If your office makes 5
hours 3 minutes worth of calls this month using
the company with the lower price, how much will
these calls cost? -
- A. 41.48 B. 39.50 C. 41.87 D. 54.00 E.
WorkKeys Assessments by ACT- http//www.act.org/w
orkkeys/assess/ (B)
26WorkKeys Assessments
- APPLIED TECHNOLOGY Level 4 Sample Question
- Your industrial services company has been hired
to deliver a small but heavy gearbox. The
container is too small to justify renting a large
truck and too heavy for the company's pickup
truck. You decide to rent a heavy-duty utility
trailer and pull it with the pickup truck. At
which spot, labeled 1-5, on the trailer shown
below should you place the container to pull the
load most easily and safely? - A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4 E. 5
WorkKeys Assessments by ACT- http//www.act.org/wo
rkkeys/assess/ (C)
27Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency
Writing Skills Sample Passage and Items
- Item 1
- In the end, everyone gives up jogging. Some find
that their strenuous efforts to earn a living
drains (1) away their energy. - Item 2
- Others suffering from (2) defeat by the hazards
of the course, from hard pavement to muddy
tracks, and from smog to sleet and snow. -
- Question 1
- A. NO CHANGEB. drainC. has drainedD. is
draining - Question 2
- A. NO CHANGEB. sufferedC. sufferD. suffering
CAAP by ACT- http//www.act.org/caap/index.html
( B, C)
28Locally Developed Outcome Measures
- James Madison battery
- IU general education test
- Major field tests (e.g. Coker)
- Capstone projects
- Electronic portfolios
29Process Indicators
- Evidence that students and institutions are
devoting effort to engaging in educationally
purposeful activities
30Process Indicators
- National instruments
- Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP)
- Your First College Year (YFCY)
- College Student Experiences Questionnaire (CSEQ)
31What Really Matters in College Student
- Because individual effort and involvement are
the critical determinants of impact,
institutions should focus on the ways they can
shape their academic, interpersonal, and
extracurricular offerings to encourage student
Pascarella Terenzini, How College Affects
Students, 2005, p. 602
32Foundations of Student Engagement
- Time on task (Tyler, 1930s)
- Quality of effort (Pace, 1960-70s)
- Student involvement (Astin, 1984)
- Social, academic integration (Tinto,1987, 1993)
- Good practices in undergraduate education
(Chickering Gamson, 1987) - Outcomes (Pascarella, 1985)
- Student engagement (Kuh, 1991, 2005)
33Student Engagement Trinity
- What students do -- time and energy devoted to
educationally purposeful activities - What institutions do -- using effective
educational practices to induce students to do
the right things - Educationally effective institutions channel
student energy toward the right activities
34Good Practices in Undergraduate Education
(Chickering Gamson, 1987 Pascarella
Terenzini, 2005)
- Student-faculty contact
- Active learning
- Prompt feedback
- Time on task
- High expectations
- Respect for diverse learning styles
- Cooperation among students
35National Survey of Student Engagement(pronounced
nessie)Community College Survey of Student
Engagement(pronounced cessie)
- College student surveys that assess the extent
to which students engage in educational practices
associated with high levels of learning and
36NSSE Project Scope
- One million students from 1,000 different
schools - 80 of 4-yr U.S. undergraduate FTE
- 50 states, Puerto Rico
- 35 Canadian universities
- 70 consortia
37NSSE Survey
Student Behaviors
Student Learning Development
Institutional Actions Requirements
Reactions to People Environment
Student Background Information
38(No Transcript)
39(No Transcript)
40(No Transcript)
41(No Transcript)
42Effective Educational Practices
Level of Academic Challenge
Active Collaborative Learning
Student- Faculty Interaction
Supportive Campus Environment
Enriching Educational Experiences
43What Are Students Telling Us?
44ACHA-NCHA and NSSE Respondents
- 63 female
- 83 lt25 years old
- 72 White
- 7 African Amer
- 5 Hispanic
- 4 Asian Amer
- 2 Amer Indian
- 41 A grades
- 63 female
- 80 lt25 years old
- 81 White
- 5 African Amer
- 5 Hispanic
- 6 Asian Amer
- 2 Amer Indian
- 40 A grades
45Health Impediments to Student Success
- Stress (32)
- Cold/flu/sore throat (27)
- Sleep difficulties (25)
- Troubled friends/family (18)
- Depression/anxiety (16)
- Relationships (16)
- Internet/computer games (14)
- Alcohol (8)
46Student Engagement Quiz
- What percent of students nationally study two
hours or more for every hour in class? - (a) 13 (b) 27 (c) 41 (d) 60 (e) none of the
47Student Engagement Quiz
- What percent of first-year students relax or
socialize five or fewer hours weekly? - (a) 9 (b) 17 (c) 29 (d) 38 (e) none of the
48Student Engagement Quiz
- What percent of first-year students frequently
exercise or participate in physical fitness
activities on a weekly basis? - (a) 20 (b) 32 (c) 43 (d) 52 (e) 61
49Student Engagement Quiz
- What percent of first-year students frequently
participate in activities to enhance their
spirituality on a weekly basis? - (a) 14 (b) 19 (c) 33 (d) 46 (e) 65
50- What else have we learned so far?
51- Grades, persistence, student satisfaction, and
engagement go hand in hand
52 What matters to grades?
- Pre-college achievement
- Female
- African American -
- Part-time enrolled -
- 21 hrs work off campus -
- 21 hrs socializing -
- 6 hrs co-curricular -
- Engagement
53 What matters to persistence?
- Female
- Pre-college achievement
- Part-time enrolled -
- Merit grant
- Transfer status -
- Work off campus 0
- 6 hrs co-curricular
- College grades
- Engagement
54Does institutional size matter to engagement?
55Benchmark Scores for All Students by
Undergraduate Enrollment
56Academic Challenge, Active Learning,
Student-Faculty Interaction by Enrollment
57Behold the compensatory effects of engagement
58(No Transcript)
59(No Transcript)
60(No Transcript)