Improving access to psychological therapies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Improving access to psychological therapies


Improving access to psychological therapies Catherine Hooper Facilitator IAPT Project (depression and anxiety) Cognitive Behavioural Therapist, Brynmair Clinic ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Improving access to psychological therapies

Improving access to psychological therapies
  • Catherine Hooper Facilitator
  • IAPT Project (depression and anxiety) Cognitive
    Behavioural Therapist, Brynmair Clinic, Llanelli
  • Chris Jones
  • Cognitive Behavioural Psychotherapist
  • Myddfai Psychotherapy Centre
  • Carmarthen

Why improve access?
  • NICE guidelines
  • Government policies and targets
  • Locally- attention and concern within the Trust,
    establishment of the Psychological therapies
    group, Modernisation agenda

Modernising the provision of Psychological
  • Report compiled by Chris Jones, Psychotherapy
  • Aim
  • - to determine need for psychological
    therapy within the 3 counties
  • - to determine the current capacity to
    provide psychological therapy
  • - to develop options to address the gap

What Need and When?
a Prevalence of mental health problems in GP
registered population. b
Attend GP (1st assessment) c Referral to
Primary Care Team d Referral to Secondary
Care Team e Acceptance onto CPA f Existing
CPA pool
DIAGNOSTIC CATEGORY INCIDENCE pa/PREVALENCE ESTIMATES per 1000 in Ceredigion (popn 18-65yrs 63,610) INCIDENCE pa/PREVALENCE ESTIMATES per 1000 in Pembrokeshire (popn 18-65yrs 69,187 INCIDENCE pa/PREVALENCE ESTIMATES per 1000 in Carmarthenshire (popn 18-65yrs 106,190
Anxiety Panic Disorder 89/509 96/553 148/850
Anxiety Generalised Anxiety Disorder 2799 3044 4672
Anxiety All phobias 1145 1245 1911
Bipolar Disorder 3/1209 3/1315 4/2018
Depression (incid. Of Major Depn) 191/1336 208/1453 319/2230
Eating Disorders anorexia - bulimea No reliable estimate for adult popn (7/1000 girls 1/1000 boys) 0.5-1 young women c. 477 No reliable estimate for adult popn (7/1000 girls 1/1000 boys) 0.5-1 young women c.519 No reliable estimate for adult popn (7/1000 girls 1/1000 boys) 0.5-1 young women c.796
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder 38/670 42/761 64/1168
Body Dysmorphic Disorder 318-445 346-484 531-743
Personality Disorder 2799 3044 4672
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder 1590 1730 2655
Schizophrenia 7/318 8/346 12/531
Estimated prevalence of psychiatric diagnoses
in Ceredigion, Carmarthenshire and Pembrokeshire
Judith Evan-Jones Toolkit assay of caseloads
skillsin Trust CMHTs
Diagnosis Ceredigion CMHTs Pembrokeshire CMHTs Carmarthen CMHTs - projected Total
Anxiety 19 3 18 40
Depression 42 34 76
Anxiety depression 1 112 90 203
Bioplar 30 65 76 171
Eating disorder 4 4 6 14
Anorexia 6 5 11
Psychosis 119 169 230 518
PTSD 3 2 4 9
OCD/BDD 8 4 10 22
PD not specified 1 6 6 13
Borderline PD 23 5 22 50
Totals 256 370 501 1127
Toolkit Caseload CompositionPembs. Ceredigion
Casework Projections based on Corporate Data
CMHT Toolkit Responses
Carm. Cered. Pembs. Total
Anxy Depn 358 119 173 650
OCD/BDD 25 15 6 46
BPAD 192 58 98 348
Eating Disorders 22 19 6 47
Psychosis 581 229 254 1064
PTSD 10 6 3 19
PD (NOS) 15 2 9 26
Borderline PD 56 44 8 108
Total 1259 492 557 2308
Summary of Psychological Treatment per Case by
Dominant Evidence
Modality Hours Duration
Anxiety and depression CBT 8 - 20 4 months
BPAD CBT 16 6 - 9 months
CBT Family Work 16 6 months
Eating Disorders CBT 20 40 6 12 months
CAT 25 6 months
Psychodynamic 25 6 months
Psychosis CBT 10 6 months
CBT Family Work 10 6 months
PTSD CBT 8 12 3 months
EMDR 8 12 3 months
PD inc Borderline DBT c. 160 12 months
SFT c. 276 36 months
CAT Long
Psychodynamic (TFP) c. 276 36 months

All P D Adult CMHTs Formal Skills
Skill level Skill level Skill level Skill level Skill level
Skill A A-B B B-C C Total
CBT 5     3 1 9
Counselling 1 8 3     12
DBT     9     9
EMDR     2     2
Personal Construct Psychotherapy            
Psychodynamic Therapy            
Psychosocial Interventions for Psychosis   3 10     13
Schema Focused Therapy            
Systemic Therapy            
Transactional Analysis     1   1 2
Total 6 11 25 3 2 47
Psychological Treatment Hours Estimated per annum
by Modality (for all cases to have minimum
treatment within one year) CMHT caseloads only

Level B and Above
Disorder CBT Psychod. CAT EMDR DBT SFT
Anx dep 5200-13000
BPAD 1136
Eating dis. 940-1880 1175 1175
Psychosis 21280
PTSD 152-228 152-228
PD inc Bor Long Long 21440 12328 (assume 1/3 take-up)
Total 29168-37984 1175 1175 152-228 21440 12328
Therapy Capacity DeficitHours per annum Level
B and Above
Therapy needed (h) 29168-37984 1175 1175 152-228 21440 12328
CMHT 4 0 0 2 9 0
CMHT Cap. (h) 4600 0 0 2300 10350 0
Deficit range 24568-33384 1175 1175 2148-2372 11090 12328
Addnl WTE range (25h/wk 46wk/yr) 21.4-29.0 1.0 1.0 -1.9 to-1.8 9.6 10.7
Mind the Gap
  • Evidence base largely supports and recommends CBT
    for many common disorders
  • Effective, accessible, speedy, economic, variety
    of methods
  • Not for all, however
  • Clinical experience and a less prolific evidence
    base also suggest the utility of other therapies
    (dynamic work, CAT, SFT, art)
  • Provides choice of approach highly meaningful
    to clients
  • Indicated for specific disorders for some may
    need to be intense and lengthy
  • Practice evidence indicates use for long-term and
    sometimes ill-defined (and profound) distress
  • Applications for team and organisational
  • Basic, psychologically informed engagement skills
    also necessary for majority of work force
  • e.g. basic listening and other counselling skills

  • Huge gap between need and provision
  • On CMHT caseloads estimated deficits- 29,168
    37,984 of treatment hours per annum for CBT
    alone, 5,200-13,000 deficit of treatment hours
    for people with anxiety\ depression, 21,280
    deficit of treatment hours for people with

How can we address the gap?
  • Improving access to Psychological Therapies
    Project launched in 2009
  • Stage one will be concerned with improving access
    for people with anxiety and depression

Aim of the IAPT (depression and anxiety) Project
  • For patients entering our service to receive
    evidence based psychological therapies delivered
    by mental health professionals who are competent
    in their use
  • For our service to be NICE compliant
  • NICE guidelines (2004) Depression and Anxiety(
    panic disorder with or without agoraphobia and
    generalised anxiety disorder)
  • To train a sustainable psychologically skilled
    workforce to provide interventions now and in the

Progress so far
  • 8-day CBT training programme designed
  • Curriculum based on the DOH(2007) Report The
    competencies required to deliver CBT to people
    with depression and anxiety
  • Aim to train mental health professionals up to
    Level B status

Level B definition
  • A practitioner who is able to deliver formulation
    based or manualised evidence based interventions
    for specific problems, through regular structured
    sessions for an agreed time. Requires training in
    the particular interventions appropriate to the
    particular diagnosed problem, but will only work
    under close consultative supervision

Why CBT?
  • Evidence base largely supports and recommends CBT
    for most mental health problems
  • Therefore in most cases CBT should be the first
    psychological intervention that is offered
  • However recognised that it certainly does not
    work for everyone and other psychological models
    should continue to be provided and developed

Who are we training?
  • We are providing the training course in all 3
    counties and in all CMHTS both adult and older
  • In some areas ward staff and CRT members have
    been trained
  • So far 18 mental health professionals have been
    trained in Llanelli and Pembrokeshire
  • With a further 30 in training in Ceridigion
  • Updates are also being offered to staff who have
    already done their basic training
  • All professions have been represented amongst the

Training is not enough!
  • Past experience nationally and locally tells us
    that training without appropriate support and
    supervision is not enough to change practice
  • To address this we have set up supervision groups
    across the counties. Supervision starts in
    training and continues thereafter
  • The psychological therapies group has formed a
    subgroup which manages and monitors the project

Measuring competencies
  • For trainees we are using the Cognitive Therapy
    Scale- Revised, which is a validated scale used
    nationally by all respected Cognitive Therapy
    training courses
  • Practically trainees submit tape recordings for
    scrutiny and have to reach a certain standard
    before being awarded Level B status
  • After initial training continuous professional
    development is provided and trainees are expected
    to attend, this programme has started in Llanelli
    and Pembrokeshire

Competencies for supervisors
  • All IAPT supervisors have attended training in
    CBT supervision
  • Supervision group for the supervisors set up
  • About to introduce validated scale to assess
    competencies of the supervisors-
    Supervisionadherance guidance evaluation (SAGE)

Will it work?
  • Audit to find out
  • Have we increased access?
  • Were the interventions effective?
  • Were the patients satisfied with the service?

The future
  • Stage 2 is planned to begin in next few months
    and will be concerned with increasing access for
    people with established psychosis
  • Discussions with Learning Disability services to
    include them in the project
  • Discussion with Swansea University, School of
    Health Studies to accredit the training
  • Training to become part of induction process for
    all mental health professionals?

Now you can help us!
  • What difficulties do you envisage introducing
    psychological interventions into TAU?
  • Groups of 5
  • Brainstorm difficulties solutions
  • Feedback

The challenge
  • Integrating psychological interventions into
    normal care
  • Care coordination and CBT- can they mix ?
  • Fitting it all in- giving psychological care
    equal status
  • Changing the habits of a lifetime or several
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