Title: Palliative Medicine: the basics
1Palliative Medicine the basics
- Tara Tucker MD FRCPC
- Lisa Aldridge MD CCFP
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- Definition of Palliative Care
- The Role of Palliative Medicine
- Pain
- Constipation
- Nausea
- Dyspnea
4Palliative Care
- "an approach that improves the quality of life of
patients and their families facing the problems
associated with life-threatening illness." WHO - palliative treatments may be used to alleviate
the side effects of curative treatments, such as
relieving nausea
51967 Dame Cicely Saunders opens St.
Christophers Hospice
6 1995, first stand alone paediatric hospice in
N.A., Canuck Place, Vancouver
7Dr. Bohen will be out here to talk to you in
just a minute All I can tell you is that your
husbands condition has stabilized!
8- We will all face death in our lives and in our
work. - 10 of us will die suddenly. but what about the
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12End of Life Care
- Most of us in this room will DO and NEED
palliative care - 220 000 Canadians die each year
- Process and outcome has tremendous effect on
others collateral suffering - Only 5 people receive integrated,
multidisciplinary palliative care - Cancer patients (25 deaths) receive 90
palliative care - Pain and symptoms are poorly controlled
13Medicines Shift in Focus
- Many health care providers feel they have
failed if the patient dies our own fear of death
may influence how we approach others
14 - To cure sometimes
- To relieve often
- To comfort always
- Socrates
15Where does Palliative Care fit in?
Disease-focused care
Comfort-focused care F/up
16The Dying PatientYour Role
- Relieve suffering
- Provide Comfort and compassion to both the
patient and the family
17Formulate a Plan for the Dying Patient
- Pain Control
- Maintain human dignity
- Avoid isolation of patient
- Discuss with patients their wishes or refer to
advance directive - Provide emotional and spiritual support
18Advance Care Planning
- Process of making decisions about future medical
care with the help of health care providers,
family and loved ones - Discuss diagnosis, prognosis, expected course of
illness, treatment alternatives, risks, benefits - In context of patients goals, expectations,
values, beliefs and fears
19EOL Decision Making
- People need time to reflect on goals, values,
beliefs - EOL decision making is a process, not a one time
event - Multidisciplinary team to convey info, discuss
alternatives, provide emotional and psychological
support avoid mixed messages
20What you need, Mr. Terwilliger, is a bit of
human caring a gentle, reassuring touch a warm
smile that shows concern--all of which, Im
afraid, were not a part of my medical training.
- Talk about death find the words
- Hope for the best, plan for the worst
- Lose the medical jargon
- Being, not doing
- Compassion/presence and balance
- Cultural sensitivity
- Collaboration with team members
22Phrases to Avoid
- It doesnt look good
- Too vague, be more specific
- Do you want us to do everything?
- We will not do anything extraordinary, heroic,
or aggressive. - Implies substandard care
- Theres nothing more that we can do.
- Implies abandonment
23Language to describe the goals of care
- We want to give the best care possible until the
day you die. - We will concentrate on improving the quality of
your childs life. - We want to help you live meaningfully in the time
that you have.
24language to describe the goals of care
- I will focus my efforts on treating your
symptoms. - Lets discuss what we can do to fulfill your wish
to stay at home.
25Withholding or Withdrawing Treatment
- What does the pt/family know and understand about
life sustaining Rx ie risks and benefits - What are the goals of care/ pts wishes
- Explain how it will be done and what to expect
- How will pain/distress be managed
- Pertinent religious/cultural issues
- Time limited trials for some interventions ie
26I wish youd called me sooner, Mrs. Moodie.
27When to call on Palliative Medicine Specialist?
- Early in the trajectory of life limiting illness
again, find the words to use - When major decisions have to made re treatment
- When symptom management is problematic
- an unpleasant sensory or emotional experience
associated with actual or potential tissue
damage, or described in terms of such damage - World Health Organization
- a state of distress associated with events that
threaten the intactness of a person - Eric J Cassell. The Nature of Suffering and
the Goals of Medicine. NEJM 1982 306
- Chronic pain serves no physiologic purpose
- Under-treated pain may lead to depression and
31Total Pain Pie
e.g. arthritis, bowel spasms, headache caused by
e.g. depression, anxiety, loss of control
Loss of role, loss of social contacts
- search for meaning
32Causes of Cancer Pain
- Direct effects of the disease
- Related to disease ie constipation
- Secondary to treatment 20
- Surgery
- Chemotherapy
- Radiation
33Physiological Pain Categories
- Nociceptive localised
- Somatic superficial, deep
- Bone mets, cellulitis
- Visceral
- Infiltration, compression, distension of viscera
- Neuropathic may radiate along dermatome, nerve
distribution - TGN, herpes zoster
34Neuropathic Pain
- Sympathetic
- Central
- Peripheral (non-sympathetic)
35Neuropathic Pain
- Spontaneous pain
- Dysesthesia
- e.g. burning
- Neuralgia
- e.g. lancinating, electric shocks
- Evoked pain
- Allodynia
- Pain from a non-painful stimulus
- Hyperalgesia
- Pain more than expected from a mildly painful
stimulus - Hyperpathia
- Explosive build-up of pain with repetitive stimuli
36Evaluating Pain
- Believe the patient
- Initiate discussions
- Detailed pain history
- Careful physical exam
- Investigations
- Monitor results of treatment
37Pain History the key!
- P provokes and palliates
- Q quality
- R Radiates - location
- S severity
- T time duration, time of day
- O other ie red flags
- Headache vomiting
38Principles of Analgesic Therapy
- By the mouth
- By the clock
- By the ladder
- For the individual
- Attention to detail
39- The ideal treatment for any pain is to remove
the cause.
40Treating Pain
- Use a Multidisciplinary approach
- Medications
- Counselling
- Physical Therapy
- Nerve block
- Surgery
41WHO Pain Ladder
42WHO Pain Ladder
3 Severe
Morphine Hydromorphone Methadone Fentanyl Oxycodon
e Acetaminophen NSAIDs Adjuvants
2 Moderate
Acetaminophen Codeine Acetaminophen
Oxycodone NSAIDs Adjuvants
1 Mild
Acetaminophen NSAIDs Adjuvants
- Antiinflammatory
- Adverse effects
- Gastropathy, renal failure, platelet inhibition,
cardiac - Risk factors
- Age, PUD, cachexia, dehydration, steroids,
comorbid conditions
44Combination medications
- Percocet (oxycodone and tylenol)
- Tylenol 3 (Codeine and tylenol)
- Limited by dose of acetaminophen
45Opioidschoosing the right drug
- Morphine is first line
- Morphine metabolites will accumulate in renal
failure patients suggest fentanyl or
hydromorphone - Do NOT use meperidine (Demerol) due to
metabolites causing adverse effects
46Opioids choosing the right drug
- Pts previous experience with opioids
- Compliance
- Fears and myths pt MD!
- Physician comfort experience
47Opioids choosing the right dose
- Opioid naïve patient
- Morphine 2.5 - 5 10 mg po q4h
- Hydomorphone 0.5 1 mg po q4h
- Oxycodone 2.5 - 5 mg po q4h
- Percocet
- Some references give higher starting doses
48Opioids choosing the right schedule
- Immediate Release (IR)
- Q4h dosing straight
- Prn q1-2h at 10 of daily dose
- Sustained release (the Contins)
- Q12h, prn IR 10 daily dose
49Opioids adverse events
- Common
- Constipation is easier to prevent than treat
- Softener laxative
- Nausea (tolerance develops)
- Maxeran, Haldol
- Sedation (tolerance develops)
- Dry mouth
50Opioids - Adverse events
- Less common
- Urinary retention
- Pruritis
- Delirium
- Myoclonus
- Psychotomimetic effects
- Postural hypotension
- Vertigo
51Opioids adverse events
- Rare
- Allergy
- Codeine allergy most common, unlikely
cross-reactivity with other opioids - Respiratory depression
52Fentanyl Patch
- See table for equianalgesic doses
- For stable pain
- Dosage increases in 2-3 day intervals
- Careful in opioid naïve patients!
- 25 mcg/hr 90 mg/d morphine 18 mg/d
- Tachycardia, hypertension, diaphoresis,
pilo-erection, N, V, diarrhea, body aches, abdo
pain, psychosis, hallucinations
54Opioids and Tolerance
- Characterized by decreased efficacy and duration
of action with prolonged repeated use of the drug - Need for higher doses to maintain same level of
analgesia - Normal pharmacological response
55Opioids and Psychological Dependence
- Addiction
- Characterized by craving for the drug and a
preoccupation for it - Rarely occurs in cancer patients
- Beware of labeling a patient who actually has
uncontrolled pain - Screening for addiction potential (CAGE)
56I hate to tell you this, but Ive still got the
- Carbamazepine
- Block Sodium channels
- Reduce hyperexcitability
- Gabapentin
- Action unclear, ? Ca channels
- SE dizziness, sedation
58Tri-cyclic antidepressants
- Nortriptylline 10 mg po qHS
- Inhibit serotonin and NE reuptake
- Block Sodium channels
- SE dry mouth, sedation, hypotension
- Debility
- Decreased fluids and food
- Metabolic hypothyroid, hypokalemia,
hypercalcemia - DRUGS
- Autonomic dysfunction DM, CA, SCC
- Obstruction
- Anticholinergics ex TCAs
- Antacids
- Iron
- Zofran
- Diuretics
- Anticonvulsants
- Chemotherapy
- Increase Bowel tone
- Decrease pancreatic and biliary secretions
- Delay Gastric emptying
- Decrease peristalsis
- Increase transit time
- Decrease the urge to defecate
62Managing Constipation
- Increase fluids and activity
- R/O obstruction, with an Xray if necessary
- All patients starting on Opioids need laxatives
63Suggested Laxative Regime
Start Stimulant Senokot 2-4 tabs po qhs
and Softener Colace 200mg po daily If needed
add Osmotic agent Lactulose 30 cc po BID prn or
M of M 60 mls/ day If needed Rectal agents
Bisocodyl supp and/ or Fleet enema
64- Warning
- Fiber no water cement
65DELIRIUM Common and under-recognized
- A Disturbance in consciousness
- Characterized by
- decreased attention, acute onset fluctuation
66Causes of Delirium
- Metabolic Hypoxemia, Hypoglycemia, Hypothyroid,
Thiamine defn - Electrolyte AbN High Na, Ca, or Mg
- Drugs and toxins opioids, anticholinergics,
withdrawal - Organ failure RF, Liver, CHF, CO2, sepsis
- Brain tumor, infection, vascular events, seizures
- Determine WHO is at risk
- Screen with MMSE
- Find underlying cause
- Obtain collateral history
68Consent when delirious
- You may use substituted judgment if you
know the patient well - Use a substitute-decision maker otherwise
- Treat without consent if in an emergency
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70Treatment for Delirium
- Haldol or atypical antipsychotic (olanzapine,
risperidone) - NO Ativan
71 Causes of Nausea
- GI gerd, motility, tumor, gastritis, obstruction
- BRAIN High ICP, tumor, anxiety
- EAR Vestibular disturbances
- SYSTEMIC infection, toxins, uremia
- CANCER paraneoplastic syndromes, ov ca
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73Treatment mechanistic approach
- Drugs, toxins, metabolic (CRTZ)
- Anti-dopaminergic maxeran, haldol
- Vestibular
- anticholinergic, antihistamines
- Chemo/radiation - ondansetron
- Treat the cause
- O2 if helpful or hypoxic
- Opioids
75Double Effect
- Appropriate treatment of pain is morally
acceptable even if it hastens death as long as
there was no intention to do so.
76Physician Assisted Suicide
- The physician supplies the patient with the
means, usually medication, to end their life. Not
legal in Canada.
- The physician administers a medication with the
intent of causing death. Also not legal in Canada.
78- Speak gently, treat aggressively
79SAVE the patient you idiot!! I said weve got
to do whatever we can to SAVE the patient!!