CSE490i Advanced Internet Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSE490i Advanced Internet Systems


... (symmetric square) matrix has all real eigen values, ... vector happens to be in the direction of one of the eigen vectors of the matrix .. in which case ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CSE490i Advanced Internet Systems

9/7 Agenda ?Project 1 discussion
?Correlation Analysis ?PCA (LSI)
9/7 Agenda ?Project 1 discussion
?Correlation Analysis ?PCA (LSI)
The first rule of the social fabric that in
times of crisis you protect the vulnerable was
trampled. --David Brooks (NYT 9/4)
Conservative Political Commentator
Improving Vector Space Ranking
  • We will consider two classes of techniques
  • Correlation analysis, which looks at correlations
    between keywords (and thus effectively computes a
    thesaurus based on the word occurrence in the
  • Principal Components Analysis (also called Latent
    Semantic Indexing) which subsumes correlation
    analysis and does dimensionality reduction.

Correlation/Co-occurrence analysis
  • Co-occurrence analysis
  • Terms that are related to terms in the original
    query may be added to the query.
  • Two terms are related if they have high
    co-occurrence in documents.
  • Let n be the number of documents
  • n1 and n2 be documents containing terms
    t1 and t2,
  • m be the documents having both
    t1 and t2
  • If t1 and t2 are independent
  • If t1 and t2 are correlated

Measure degree of correlation
gtgt if Inversely correlated
Association Clusters
  • Let Mij be the term-document matrix
  • For the full corpus (Global)
  • For the docs in the set of initial results
  • (also sometimes, stems are used instead of terms)
  • Correlation matrix C MMT (term-doc Xdoc-term

Un-normalized Association Matrix
Normalized Association Matrix
Nth-Association Cluster for a term tu is the set
of terms tv such that Suv are the n largest
values among Su1, Su2,.Suk
11 4 6 4 34 11 6 11 26
Correlation Matrix
d1d2d3d4d5d6d7 K1 2 1 0 2 1 1 0 K2 0 0
1 0 2 2 5 K3 1 0 3 0 4 0 0
Normalized Correlation Matrix
1.0 0.097 0.193 0.097 1.0
0.224 0.193 0.224 1.0
1th Assoc Cluster for K2 is K3
Scalar clusters
Even if terms u and v have low correlations,
they may be transitively correlated (e.g. a
term w has high correlation with u and v).
Consider the normalized association matrix S The
association vector of term u Au is
(Su1,Su2Suk) To measure neighborhood-induced
correlation between terms Take the cosine-theta
between the association vectors of terms u and
Nth-scalar Cluster for a term tu is the set of
terms tv such that Suv are the n largest values
among Su1, Su2,.Suk
Normalized Correlation Matrix
USER(43) (neighborhood normatrix) 0
(COSINE-METRIC (1.0 0.09756097 0.19354838) (1.0
0.09756097 0.19354838)) 0 returned 1.0 0
(COSINE-METRIC (1.0 0.09756097 0.19354838)
(0.09756097 1.0 0.2244898)) 0 returned
0.22647195 0 (COSINE-METRIC (1.0 0.09756097
0.19354838) (0.19354838 0.2244898 1.0)) 0
returned 0.38323623 0 (COSINE-METRIC
(0.09756097 1.0 0.2244898) (1.0 0.09756097
0.19354838)) 0 returned 0.22647195 0
(COSINE-METRIC (0.09756097 1.0 0.2244898)
(0.09756097 1.0 0.2244898)) 0 returned 1.0 0
(COSINE-METRIC (0.09756097 1.0 0.2244898)
(0.19354838 0.2244898 1.0)) 0 returned
0.43570948 0 (COSINE-METRIC (0.19354838
0.2244898 1.0) (1.0 0.09756097 0.19354838)) 0
returned 0.38323623 0 (COSINE-METRIC
(0.19354838 0.2244898 1.0) (0.09756097 1.0
0.2244898)) 0 returned 0.43570948 0
(COSINE-METRIC (0.19354838 0.2244898 1.0)
(0.19354838 0.2244898 1.0)) 0 returned 1.0
Scalar (neighborhood) Cluster Matrix
1.0 0.226 0.383 0.226 1.0
0.435 0.383 0.435 1.0
1th Scalar Cluster for K2 is still K3
Metric Clusters
  • Let r(ti,tj) be the minimum distance (in terms of
    number of separating words) between ti and tj in
    any single document (infinity if they never occur
    together in a document)
  • Define cluster matrix Suv 1/r(ti,tj)

Nth-metric Cluster for a term tu is the set of
terms tv such that Suv are the n largest values
among Su1, Su2,.Suk
r(ti,tj) is also useful For proximity queries And
phrase queries
Similarity Thesaurus
  • The similarity thesaurus is based on term to term
    relationships rather than on a matrix of
  • obtained by considering that the terms are
    concepts in a concept space.
  • each term is indexed by the documents in which it
  • Terms assume the original role of documents while
    documents are interpreted as indexing elements

Similarity Thesaurus
  • The relationship between two terms ku and kv is
    computed as a correlation factor cu,v given by
  • The global similarity thesaurus is built through
    the computation of correlation factor Cu,v for
    each pair of indexing terms ku,kv in the
  • Expensive
  • Possible to do incremental updates

Similar to the scalar clusters Idea, but for the
tf/itf weighting Defining the term vector
Similarity Thesaurus
  • Terminology
  • t number of terms in the collection
  • N number of documents in the collection
  • Fi,j frequency of occurrence of the term ki in
    the document dj
  • tj vocabulary of document dj
  • itfj inverse term frequency for document dj
  • Inverse term frequency for document dj
  • To ki is associated a vector
  • Where

Idea It is no surprise if Oxford
dictionary Mentions the word!
Beyond Correlation analysis PCA/LSI
  • Suppose I start with documents described in terms
    of just two key words, u and v, but then
  • Add a bunch of new keywords (of the form 2u-3v
    4u-v etc), and give the new doc-term matrix to
    you. Will you be able to tell that the documents
    are really 2-dimensional (in that there are only
    two independent keywords)?
  • Suppose, in the above, I also add a bit of noise
    to each of the new terms (i.e. 2u-3vnoise
    4u-vnoise etc). Can you now discover that the
    documents are really 2-D?
  • Suppose further, I remove the original keywords,
    u and v, from the doc-term matrix, and give you
    only the new linearly dependent keywords. Can you
    now tell that the documents are 2-dimensional?
  • Notice that in this last case, the true
    dimensions of the data are not even present in
    the representation! You have to re-discover the
    true dimensions as linear combinations of the
    given dimensions.

Data Generation Models
  • The fact that keywords in the documents are not
    actually independent, and that they have synonymy
    and polysemy among them, often manifests itself
    as if some malicious oracle mixed up the data as
  • Need Dimensionality Reduction Techniques
  • If the keyword dependence is only linear (as
    above), a general polynomial complexity technique
    called Principal Components Analysis is able to
    do this dimensionality reduction
  • PCA applied to documents is called Latent
    Semantic Indexing
  • If the dependence is nonlinear, you need
    non-linear dimensionality reduction techniques
    (such as neural networks) much costlier.

Visual Example
  • Classify Fish
  • Length
  • Height

Move Origin
  • To center of centroid
  • But are these the best axes?

  • Better if one axis accounts for most data
  • What should we call the red axis? Size (factor)

Reduce Dimensions
  • What if we only consider size

We retain 1.75/2.00 x 100 (87.5) of the
original variation. Thus, by discarding the
yellow axis we lose only 12.5 of the original
If you can do it for fish, why not to docs?
  • We have documents as vectors in the space of
  • We want to
  • Transform the axes so that the new axes are
  • Orthonormal (independent axes)
  • Can be ordered in terms of the amount of
    variation in the documents they capture
  • Pick top K dimensions (axes) in this ordering
    and use these new K dimensions to do the
    vector-space similarity ranking
  • Why?
  • Can reduce noise
  • Can eliminate dependent variabales
  • Can capture synonymy and polysemy
  • How?
  • SVD (Singular Value Decomposition)

What happens if you multiply a vector by a matrix?
  • In general, when you multiply a vector by a
    matrix, the vector gets scaled as well as
  • ..except when the vector happens to be in the
    direction of one of the eigen vectors of the
  • .. in which case it only gets scaled (stretched)
  • A (symmetric square) matrix has all real eigen
    values, and the values give an indication of the
    amount of stretching that is done for vectors in
    that direction
  • The eigen vectors of the matrix define a new
    ortho-normal space
  • You can model the multiplication of a general
    vector by the matrix in terms of
  • First decompose the general vector into its
    projections in the eigen vector directions
  • ..which means just take the dot product of the
    vector with the (unit) eigen vector
  • Then multiply the projections by the
    corresponding eigen valuesto get the new vector.
  • This explains why power method converges to
    principal eigen vector..
  • ..since if a vector has a non-zero projection in
    the principal eigen vector direction, then
    repeated multiplication will keep stretching the
    vector in that direction, so that eventually all
    other directions vanish by comparison..

SVD, Rank and Dimensionality
  • Suppose we did SVD on a doc-term matrix d-t, and
    took the top-k eigen values and reconstructed the
    matrix d-tk. We know
  • d-tk has rank k (since we zeroed out all the
    other eigen values when we reconstructed d-tk)
  • There is no k-rank matrix M such that d-t M
    lt d-t d-tk
  • In other words d-tk is the best rank-k
    (dimension-k) approximation to d-t!
  • This is the guarantee given by SVD!
  • Rank of a matrix M is defined as the size of the
    largest square sub-matrix of M which has a
    non-zero determinant.
  • The rank of a matrix M is also equal to the
    number of non-zero singular values it has
  • Rank of M is related to the true dimensionality
    of M. If you add a bunch of rows to M that are
    linear combinations of the existing rows of M,
    the rank of the new matrix will still be the same
    as the rank of M.
  • Distance between two equi-sized matrices M and
    M M-M is defined as the sum of the squares
    of the differences between the corresponding
    entries (Sum (muv-muv)2)
  • Will be equal to zero when M M

Terms and Docs as vectors in factor space
In addition to doc-doc similarity, We can
compute term-term distance
Document vector
Term vector
If terms are independent, the T-T similarity
matrix would be diagonal If it is not
diagonal, we can use the correlations to
add related terms to the query But can
also ask the question Are there
independent dimensions which define
the space where terms docs are
vectors ?
Overview of Latent Semantic Indexing
Eigen Slide
factor-factor (ve sqrt of eigen values of
d-td-tor d-td-t both same)
Doc-factor (eigen vectors of d-td-t)
(term-factor)T (eigen vectors of d-td-t)
Reduce Dimensionality Throw out low-order rows
and columns
Recreate Matrix Multiply to produce approximate
term- document matrix. dtk is a k-rank
matrix That is closest to dt
Singular Value Decomposition Convert
doc-term matrix into 3matrices D-F, F-F,
T-F Where DFFFTF gives the Original matrix back
t1 database t2SQL t3index t4regression t5like
lihood t6linear
6 singular values (positive sqrt of eigen
values of MM or MM)
Eigen vectors of MM (Principal document
Eigen vectors of MM (Principal term directions)
t1 database t2SQL t3index t4regression t5like
lihood t6linear
For the database/regression example
Suppose D1 is a new Doc containing database 50
times and D2 contains SQL 50 times
LSI Ranking
  • Given a query
  • Either add query also as a document in the D-T
    matrix and do the svd OR
  • Convert query vector (separately) to the LSI
  • DFqFFqTF
  • this is the weighted query document in LSI space
  • Reduce dimensionality as needed
  • Do the vector-space similarity in the LSI space

Using LSI
  • Can be used on the entire corpus
  • First compute the SVD of the entire corpus
  • Store first k columns of the dfff matrix
  • Keep the tf matrix handy
  • When a new query q comes, take the k columns of
  • Compute the vector similarity between qtfk and
    all rows of dfffk, rank the documents and
  • Can be used as a way of clustering the results
    returned by normal vector space ranking
  • Take some top 50 or 100 of the documents returned
    by some ranking (e.g. vector ranking)
  • Do LSI on these documents
  • Take the first k columns of the resulting dfff
  • Each row in this matrix is the representation of
    the original documents in the reduced space.
  • Cluster the documents in this reduced space (We
    will talk about clustering later)
  • MANJARA did this
  • We will need fast SVD computation algorithms for
    this. MANJARA folks developed approximate
    algorithms for SVD

Added based on class discussion
SVD Computation complexity
  • For an mxn matrix SVD computation is
  • O( km2nkn3) complexity
  • k4 and k22 for best algorithms
  • Approximate algorithms that exploit the sparsity
    of M are available (and being developed)

Bunch of Facts about SVD
  • Relation between SVD and Eigen value
  • Eigen value decomp is defined only for square
  • Only square symmetric matrices have real-valued
    eigen values
  • SVD is defined for all matrices
  • Given a matrix M, we consider the eigen
    decomposion of the correlation matrices MMT and
    MTM. SVD is the eigen vectors of MMT positive
    square roots of eigen values of MMT eigen
    vectors of MTM
  • Both MMT and MTM are symmetric (they are
    correlation matrices)
  • They both will have the same eigen values
  • Unless M is symmetric, MMT and MTM are different
  • So, in general their eigen vectors will be
    different (although their eigen values are same)
  • Since SVD is defined in terms of the eigen values
    and vectors of the Correlation matrices of a
    matrix, the eigen values will always be real
    valued (even if the matrix M is not symmetric).
  • In general, the SVD decomposition of a matrix M
    equals its eigen decomposition only if M is both
    square and symmetric

Added based on the discussion in the class
Ignore beyond this slide (hidden)
Yet another Example
U (9x7)     0.3996   -0.1037    0.5606  
-0.3717   -0.3919   -0.3482    0.1029    
0.4180   -0.0641    0.4878    0.1566    0.5771   
0.1981   -0.1094     0.3464   -0.4422  
-0.3997   -0.5142    0.2787    0.0102   -0.2857
    0.1888    0.4615    0.0049   -0.0279  
-0.2087    0.4193   -0.6629     0.3602   
0.3776   -0.0914    0.1596   -0.2045   -0.3701  
-0.1023     0.4075    0.3622   -0.3657  
-0.2684   -0.0174    0.2711    0.5676    
0.2750    0.1667   -0.1303    0.4376    0.3844  
-0.3066    0.1230     0.2259   -0.3096  
-0.3579    0.3127   -0.2406   -0.3122   -0.2611
    0.2958   -0.4232    0.0277    0.4305  
-0.3800    0.5114    0.2010 S (7x7)    
3.9901         0         0         0        
0         0         0          0   
2.2813         0         0         0        
0         0          0         0   
1.6705         0         0         0         0
         0         0         0    1.3522        
0         0         0          0        
0         0         0    1.1818         0        
0          0         0         0        
0         0    0.6623         0         
0         0         0         0         0        
0    0.6487 V (7x8)     0.2917   -0.2674   
0.3883   -0.5393    0.3926   -0.2112   -0.4505
    0.3399    0.4811    0.0649   -0.3760  
-0.6959   -0.0421   -0.1462     0.1889  
-0.0351   -0.4582   -0.5788    0.2211   
0.4247    0.4346    -0.0000   -0.0000  
-0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000
    0.6838   -0.1913   -0.1609    0.2535   
0.0050   -0.5229    0.3636     0.4134   
0.5716   -0.0566    0.3383    0.4493    0.3198  
-0.2839     0.2176   -0.5151   -0.4369   
0.1694   -0.2893    0.3161   -0.5330    
0.2791   -0.2591    0.6442    0.1593   -0.1648   
0.5455    0.2998

This happens to be a rank-7 matrix -so only 7
dimensions required
Singular values Sqrt of Eigen values of AAT
Formally, this will be the rank-k (2) matrix that
is closest to M in the matrix norm sense
DF (9x7)     0.3996   -0.1037    0.5606  
-0.3717   -0.3919   -0.3482    0.1029    
0.4180   -0.0641    0.4878    0.1566    0.5771   
0.1981   -0.1094     0.3464   -0.4422  
-0.3997   -0.5142    0.2787    0.0102   -0.2857
    0.1888    0.4615    0.0049   -0.0279  
-0.2087    0.4193   -0.6629     0.3602   
0.3776   -0.0914    0.1596   -0.2045   -0.3701  
-0.1023     0.4075    0.3622   -0.3657  
-0.2684   -0.0174    0.2711    0.5676    
0.2750    0.1667   -0.1303    0.4376    0.3844  
-0.3066    0.1230     0.2259   -0.3096  
-0.3579    0.3127   -0.2406   -0.3122   -0.2611
    0.2958   -0.4232    0.0277    0.4305  
-0.3800    0.5114    0.2010 FF (7x7)    
3.9901         0         0         0        
0         0         0          0   
2.2813         0         0         0        
0         0          0         0   
1.6705         0         0         0         0
         0         0         0    1.3522        
0         0         0          0        
0         0         0    1.1818         0        
0          0         0         0        
0         0    0.6623         0         
0         0         0         0         0        
0    0.6487 TF(7x8)     0.2917   -0.2674   
0.3883   -0.5393    0.3926   -0.2112   -0.4505
    0.3399    0.4811    0.0649   -0.3760  
-0.6959   -0.0421   -0.1462     0.1889  
-0.0351   -0.4582   -0.5788    0.2211   
0.4247    0.4346    -0.0000   -0.0000  
-0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000   -0.0000    0.0000
    0.6838   -0.1913   -0.1609    0.2535   
0.0050   -0.5229    0.3636     0.4134   
0.5716   -0.0566    0.3383    0.4493    0.3198  
-0.2839     0.2176   -0.5151   -0.4369   
0.1694   -0.2893    0.3161   -0.5330    
0.2791   -0.2591    0.6442    0.1593   -0.1648   
0.5455    0.2998
DF2 (9x2)     0.3996   -0.1037     0.4180  
-0.0641     0.3464   -0.4422     0.1888   
0.4615     0.3602    0.3776     0.4075   
0.3622     0.2750    0.1667     0.2259  
-0.3096     0.2958   -0.4232 FF2 (2x2)    
3.9901         0          0    2.2813 TF2 (8x2)
    0.2917   -0.2674     0.3399    0.4811
    0.1889   -0.0351    -0.0000   -0.0000    
0.6838   -0.1913     0.4134    0.5716    
0.2176   -0.5151     0.2791   -0.2591
DF2FF2TF2T will be a 9x8 matrix That
approximates original matrix
What should be the value of k?
5 components ignored
df7ff 7 tf7T
3 components ignored
One component ignored
Coordinate transformation inherent in LSI
Doc rep
Mapping of keywords into LSI space is given by
Mapping of a doc dw1.wk into LSI space is
given by dT-F(F-F)-1
For k2, the mapping is
The base-keywords of The doc are first mapped To
LSI keywords and Then differentially weighted By
1.5944439 -0.2365708 1.6678618
-0.14623132 1.3821706 -1.0087909 0.7533309
1.05282 1.4372339 0.86141896 1.6259657
0.82628685 1.0972775 0.38029274 0.90136355
-0.7062905 1.1802715 -0.96544623
controllability observability realization feedback
controller observer Transfer function polynomial
To query for feedback controller, the query
vector would be q 0     0     0     1    
1     0     0     0     0'  (' indicates
transpose), since feedback and controller are
the 4-th and 5-th terms in the index, and no
other terms are selected.  Let q be the query
vector.  Then the document-space vector
corresponding to q is given by
q'TF(2)inv(FF(2) ) Dq For the feedback
controller query vector, the result is
Dq 0.1376    0.3678 To find the
best document match, we compare the Dq vector
against all the document vectors in the
2-dimensional V2 space.  The document vector that
is nearest in direction to Dq is the best match. 
  The cosine values for the eight document
vectors and the query vector are    -0.3747   
0.9671    0.1735   -0.9413    0.0851    0.9642  
-0.7265   -0.3805     
Centroid of the terms In the query (with scaling)
-0.37    0.967    0.173   
-0.94    0.08     0.96   -0.72   -0.38
FF is a diagonal Matrix. So, its inverse Is
diagonal too. Diagonal Matrices are symmetric
Variations in the examples ?
  • DB-Regression example
  • Started with D-T matrix
  • Used the term axes as T-F and the doc rep as
  • Q is converted into qT-F
  • Chapter/Medline etc examples
  • Started with T-D matrix
  • Used term axes as T-FFF and doc rep as D-F
  • Q is converted to qT-FFF-1

We will stick to this convention
Medline data from Berrys paper
Within .40 threshold
K is the number of singular values used
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