Title: Ansoft Corporation
1Ansoft HFSS 3D Post Processor and Calculator
Ansoft Corporation Four Station Square, Suite
200 Pittsburgh, PA 15219-1119 USA (412) 261-3200
2Topics Covered
- General Functions
- 3D Post-Processor Interface
- Mesh Plotting
- Excitations
- Driven Solutions
- Eigenmode Solutions
- Field Plotting
- Quantities, Geometry, Settings, Animation
- Plot Management
- Near/Far Field Processing
- Computing and Displaying Antenna and EMI patterns
- The Field Calculator
- Calculator Layout
- Examples
3HFSS 3D Post-Processor Interface
Field Calculator Icon Direct access to Field
Data Menu Controls Source Excitations
Radiation Menu Compute far field or field at a
specific distance (near or EMI fields),
display antenna parameters
Side Window Similar to other modules.Contains
coordinate fields,snap options, and
drawingcommand prompts duringgeometry creation.
Plot Menu (shown open) Most commonly used menu
in Fields Processor plot fields, mesh, and
pattern data, control animations, manage plots,
Geometry Menu Define additional geometry for
post-processing (lines, cutplanes, face and
object lists, etc.)
Graphical Display Window (E-Field Magnitude
Display shown) All rotate, pan, and zoom view
manipulations are available!
4Plotting the Mesh
- Choose Plot/Mesh to view the mesh used in the
solution - At least one object must be Selected
- Mesh plot options include
- Scale Factor Change size of displayed
triangles/tetrahedra - Transparency Set degree that objects show
through mesh - Wire Frame, Hidden Line, or Shaded options
control the display type of the mesh - The Surface Only checkbox limits mesh plotting to
the faces of selected objects
5Post-Processor Excitations
- Excitations are controlled via the Data/Edit
Sources - All ports or other sources can be controlled
- Arbitrary magnitude and phase combinations
- Excitation takes into account symmetry planes
used in model construction - Excitation defaults to 1 watt at Source1,
assuming a full model geometry - Wattage is reduced by appropriate factor for
symmetry - Source1 could be Port1, Mode1 Gap Source 1,
NOTE If the Solution run is a FAST Sweep, the
field excitation can also be tuned to different
frequencies within the sweep range. Adaptive and
Discrete Sweep solutions contain single-frequency
field data only.
6Post-Processor Eigenmode Excitation
- For an Eigenmode solution, individual mode
excitations can be viewed - Eigenmode excitations can not be viewed in
combination - Field Values are Normalized to the peak data
value - Since there is no actual input into the model
(voltage source, port, etc.) exciting the
resonant field behavior, the field magnitudes are
all scaled relative to a peak value of 1.0 - Symmetry is again taken into consideration in
excitation scaling
Mag E, First Eigenmode in Cylindrical Dielectric
7Post-Processor Field Quantities
- The 3D Post Processor can directly display the
listed quantities - All units in MKS system, regardless of units used
in geometry construction - e.g. E-field is in V/m, H-field in A/m, etc.
- Non-complex Magnitude quantities and all Vector
quantities can be Animated vs. Phase - Shows changing field on the display geometry as
excitation phase is rotated - Most Quantities can be displayed on surfaces,
along lines, and within 3D volumes - Other quantities not listed can be derived using
the Field Calculator and displayed in the
graphical window following calculation
8Post-Processor Plot Geometry
- All field plots are generated on Geometry
- The geometry list will include all objects built
in the 3D modeler - Surfaces of all 3D solids and 2D sheets
- Volumes of all 3D solids
- Other default geometry for plotting are included
- Principle Plane cutplanes (XY, XZ, YZ)
- Volume -all- (entire modeled volume)
- Animation Surfaces for multi-surface frame lists
- The user can create additional geometry for
plotting using the Geometry menu - Cutplanes and face lists create surfaces
- Line creates lines for integration, plotting
NOTE The principle plotting planes (XY, XZ,
and YZ) will recognize changes to the local
coordinate system while in the post-processor.
9Plotting Fields
- To plot fields select Plot/Fields
- Select a Plot Quantity in the left column
- Select a Geometry on which to plot in the center
column - (Optional) Select a Volume (domain) limit for
plotting in the right column - For a single phase snapshot, enter desired phase
and press OK (n/a for Cmplx quantities) - For Phase Animation, check the box and press OK
- A plot settings dialog will launch with different
entries depending upon the Quantity and Geometry
selected (see next slide)
NOTE that the above Plot Quantities can all be
classified as containing either scalar or vector
10Plot Settings Dialogs Stills
Scalar Surface and Volume plots differ only in
ability to fill in color maps
Requesting a plot of a scalar value along a line
results in a 2D graph, rather than a colormap
plot in the graphcial display window
11Plot Settings Dialogs Animation
- Selecting any AnimSurf entry in the On Geometry
column results in a series of snapshots at
different planar or object surface faces in the
model - The appropriate variable will be given in the top
field user sets start, stop and step limits - Selecting the Phase Animation button results in
display of multiple field plots (each at a
different excitation phase) on the same geometry. - The variable is Phase user sets limits
- Checking the Store Frames button saves the
snapshots as a separately viewable plots - Stored Frame Lists contain full plots that can be
viewed from alternate angles, zooms, etc, and are
maintained in memory until manually deleted (see
Plot Management, next slide). - Leaving Store Frames unchecked creates a screen
animation, which cannot be viewed from different
orientations after creation, and is
auto-matically deleted after the display is
Dialog for AnimSurf XY selection (Variable is Z
position of XY planes)
Dialog for Phase Animation
12Plot Management
- All 3D Field Plots are maintained in local
memory, and can be managed during your
post-processing session - Plots can be Saved and Opened in later sessions
- Field views (scalar colormaps or vector plots)
are saved as 3D Plots, while Graphs (plots of
scalar quantities along lines) are saved as 2D
Plots - Modify allows you to re-select the settings for
any currently open plot - Visibility allows you to show or hide any
currently open plot. - Plots which are hidden are still in memory
- Delete allows you to remove any currently open
(visible or hidden) plot from memory. - To see the same plot again, you will have to
re-create the plot using the Field pick in the
Plot menu - The Animation menu pick allows management of
various frame lists created using Store Frames - It can also be used to assemble user animations
from any available individual plots!
13Antenna and EMI Processing Computing Fields
- Projects with some form of open exterior boundary
condition (either radiation or PML) can have
fields calculated external to the modeled space. - Fields are computed using the Radiation menu,
selecting Compute...Far Field or Near Field - Far Field is the field at a radius of infinity
from the models global origin - Near Field permits a user-entered radius
- Fields are computed over user-specified angular
ranges in phi and theta - Once computed, the fields are saved and may be
plotted - If a plot of a near/far field cut outside of the
computed range is desired, the fields will need
to be re-computed first
14Antenna and EMI Processing Displaying Computed
- Computed fields are plotted using the Plot menu,
Far Field or Near Field - Plot dialog permits plotting of antenna gain,
directivity, axial ratio, polarization ratio, rE
component fields, and rE total fields - Plots may be polar 2D, Cartesian 2D or polar 3D.
- Displayed patterns can be saved as 2D Plots under
the Plot...Save menu selection - The field computation and plotting does take
symmetry planes into account
15Antenna and EMI Processing Displaying Computed
- Computed Near and Far Field results can also be
displayed in tabular format, showing the peak
E-field magnitudes and locations - Far Field parameters include Antenna Parameters
such as - Beam Area
- Directivity
- Radiated Power
- Accepted Power
- Efficiency
- Maximum U (radiation power density)
16The HFSS Field Calculator
- Allows manipulation of modeled fields in the
entire problem region - Permits direct access to , , and Poynting
Vector with all real, imaginary, and vector
components - Includes Scalar, Vector, Complex, Integration,
and Differentiation functions - Results can be Output to Post-Processor Graphical
Display window for color maps, vector plots, or
2D Graphs - Results can also be exported to external data
files - Contains a large registry stack with standard
RPN-type stack manipulation features - Push, Pop, Exchange, Rotate...
- Is Unique to Ansoft HFSS!!
17Accessing the Field Calculator
- The Field Calculator is accessed using either the
tool icon or the Data/Calculator menu pick - Once open, the calculator is a separate window
from the 3D Post-Processor, and can be moved off
of the Post-Processor background, minimized, etc.
18Field Calculator Stack
- The calculator stack builds from the top down
- The top entry is the most recently added, with
subsequently older entries flowing downward - Stack manipulation buttons are located
immediately beneath the stack display - Push duplicates the top entry
- Pop deletes the top entry
- RlDn and Rlup rolls the stack contents up or
down - Exch swaps the two top entries
- Clear empties the stack
- Undo reverses the last operation
NOTE Most calculators using RPN and stack
operation roll subsequent entries so that the
bottom of the display is the latest value
entered. The Ansoft Field Calculator uses the
opposite convention. Therefore, to subtract 3
from 5, the stack might resemble Scl 3 Scl
5 before the subtraction is performed, NOT the
reverse as one might initially expect.
19Field Calculator Data Types
- Field Calculator stack entries are all classified
by data type - Available data types are
- Complex Vector
- Complex Scalar
- Complex
- Vector
- Scalar
- Volume
- Surface
- Line
- The type of each stack entry is indicated with an
abbreviation to the left of the stack entry - In some cases, certain mathematical operations
require specific data types in specific positions
in the stack
20Field Calculator Layout
- Field Calculator Functions are organized in
columns, by classification - Input column functions create inputsE-field,
H-field, Poynting data, Geometry, Numerical
values (scalar, complex, and vector), etc. - General column functions work on most stack
contents - Scalar column functions operate only on scalar
quantities - Vector column functions operate only on vector
quantities - Output column functions produce output from the
calculatorgraphs, color or vector displays,
output files, integral evaluations, etc.