Light Waves - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Light Waves


Light Waves Objectives: 1. Recognize that light has wave and particle characteristics 2. Relate energy of light to its frequency 3. Know the parts to the EM spectrum – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Light Waves

Light Waves
  • Objectives
  • 1. Recognize that light has wave and particle
  • 2. Relate energy of light to its frequency
  • 3. Know the parts to the EM spectrum

Light cannot be described with one model - - -
Light is either described as a wave or as a
Light described as a wave
  • Light reflects, refracts, diffracts, undergoes
    interference, and exhibits the Doppler effect in
    the same manner that any wave would reflect,
    refract, diffract

Light described as a particle
  • We think of light as little packets of energy.
    Blue light has one size packet that is greater
    than the Red light, which has another size
  • The name we give these packets are PHOTONS
  • These photons are NOT particles they have no
    mass think of them as bundles of energy.
  • We have this model because of the photoelectric
    effect, which shows that a dim blue light can
    knock an electron out of a metal atom where a
    very bright red light cannot.

Which model is correct?
  • Different situations call for a different model
  • When examining interference, the wave model is
    better suited
  • When examining how light travels in space, the
    particle model helps to explain this occurring
    without a medium
  • Most scientists think of light having a
    dual-nature, so light has different
    characteristics depending on the situation.

The Electromagnetic Spectrum
  • Consists of light at all possible frequencies and
  • All the waves are similar in certain ways they
    also have unique properties.

Radio waves
  • Radio Waves are used for radio broadcasts,
    amateur radio, television, and mobile phones.
  • Different parts of the radio spectrum have been
    allocated to the various services. Radio waves
    have a much longer wavelength that light waves.
  • The longest waves are several kilometers in
    length. The shortest ones are only millimeters
  • The really nice thing about radio waves is that
    they will make the electrons in a piece of copper
    wire move this means that they generate electric
    currents in the wire.
  • In fact it works both ways alternating currents
    in a copper wire generate electromagnetic waves,
    and electromagnetic waves generate alternating

  • Microwaves have such a short wavelength that they
    are very easily absorbed by water.
  • This is why they are used in microwave ovens.
    What happens is that when the water in your TV
    dinner absorbs the microwaves, the energy of the
    microwaves is converted into heat it makes the
    water molecules vibrate faster.
  • Some people are frightened that the radio waves
    coming out of their mobile phones are short
    enough to cook their brains.
  • Microwaves are good for transmitting information
    (like telephone calls or computer data) from one
    place to another because microwave energy can
    penetrate haze, light rain and snow, clouds, and

Infra Red
  • You probably think of Infra-red waves as heat,
    because they're given off by hot objects, and you
    can feel them as warmth on your skin.
  • Because every object gives off IR waves, we can
    use them to "see in the dark". Night sights for
    weapons sometimes use a sensitive IR detector.
    Remember the film, "Predator"?
  • Radio/light waves have a very short wavelength
    yet is longer than visible light. Infra-red can
    be detected by special infra-red film. If the
    police shine an infra-red light on you they will
    be able to take a picture of you using infra-red
    film you will not know that they have taken your
    photo. You have been warned!!!
  • Animals like the pit-viper have infra-red
    detectors so that they can find their prey in the
    dark. You have been warned again!!!

The Visible Spectrum
  • Our eyes can detect only a tiny part of the
    electromagnetic spectrum, called visible light.
    This means that there's a great deal happening
    around us that we're simply not aware of, unless
    we have instruments to detect it.
  • Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo, and
    Violet are the colors of the visible spectrum.
  • We cannot see Infra-red, but we can feel it warm
    our skin when we sit in the sun. Infra-red has a
    longer wavelength (less energy) than Red light.
  • We cannot see Ultra-violet light, but we feel our
    skin has been burnt by the sun if we were in the
    sun too long yesterday. It is the Ultra-violet
    which is thought to cause skin cancer. UV light
    has a shorter wavelength (more energy) than
    visible light.

Ultra Violet
  • Ultraviolet rays can be used to kill microbes.
    Hospitals use UV lamps to sterilize surgical
    equipment and the air in operating theatres.
  • Large doses of UV can damage the retina in your
    eyes, so it's important to check that your
    sunglasses will block UV light.
  • These waves have very high energy and very short
    wave lengths.
  • Some animals like honey bees can see ultra-violet
  • Some plants have white flowers, at least you
    think that they are all white, but they may
    appear to be different colors to a honey bee
    because of the amounts of ultra-violet light
    which they reflect.

  • X-Rays have so much energy and such a short
    wavelength that they can go right through you.
  • However, they cannot get through bone as easily
    as they can get through muscle. This is because
    your bones contain so much Calcium.
  • X-Ray can also be used to find other problems in
    your body. If the doctors want to look for ulcers
    in your guts, they can give you a Barium meal.
    Like Calcium, the Barium absorbs X-Rays so the
    doctors can look at parts of your guts and find
    your ulcers. You get ulcers by worrying about
    your exams.
  • X-Rays can cause cell damage and cancers. This is
    why Radiographers in hospitals stand behind a
    shield when they X-ray their patients. Although
    the dose is not enough to put the patient at
    risk, they take many images each day and could
    quickly build up a dangerous dose themselves.

Gamma Rays
  • These are nasty ones. They have very high energy
    and will even go through thin metals. So they can
    be used for finding tiny cracks in metals.
  • They are extremely high frequency waves, and
    carry a large amount of energy. They pass through
    most materials, and are quite difficult to stop -
    you need lead or thick concrete in order to block
    them out.
  • Gamma rays kill microbes, and are used to
    sterilize food so that it will keep fresh for
    longer. This is known as "irradiated" food.
  • Gamma rays are also used to sterilize medical
  • Some radioactive materials produce gamma rays.
    Gamma rays and X-Rays can cause cancer, but gamma
    rays can also be used to destroy cancer cells
    this is radio-therapy.

The Energy of a wave is proportional to its
  • A photon with twice as much energy as another
    source would have a frequency also twice the
    second source.
  • On the other hand, as frequency (or energy)
    increases, wavelength decreases.
  • Light waves with the greatest energy have the
    greatest frequencies and the smallest wavelengths.
  • Increasing Energy
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