Low-Fidelity User Testing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Low-Fidelity User Testing


Disadvantages of Hi-Fi Prototypes Stages of Low-Fi Prototyping Evaluating Low-Fi Prototypes with Real Users The Basic Materials (Chauffeured Prototype) ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: fidelity | low | testing | user


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Low-Fidelity User Testing

Low-Fidelity User Testing
  • IS 485, Professor Matt Thatcher

  • Administrivia
  • High-fidelity vs. low-fidelity prototyping
  • Hand out CD of user testing from past project

What is Fidelity?
  • High-fidelity (Hi-fi)
  • prototypes look like their final product
  • computer-based prototypes (e.g., Palm Pilot
  • limited functionality so users can actually
    interact with it
  • more polished and aesthetically pleasing
  • Low-fidelity (Low-fi)
  • artists rendition with many details missing
  • paper-based prototypes
  • quick and inexpensive, provide valuable insights,
    but dont really demonstrate functionality
  • think about a fashion designer or an architect

Why Use Low-Fi Prototypes?
  • Traditional methods take too long
  • sketches --gt hi-fi prototype --gt evaluate --gt
  • Can simulate the prototypes
  • sketches --gt evaluate --gt iterate
  • sketches act as prototype
  • test prototypes in days vs. weeks
  • Kindergarten implementation skills
  • allows non-programmers to participate

Disadvantages of Hi-Fi Prototypes
  • Perceptions of the tester/reviewer?
  • formal representation indicates finished nature
  • users focus on appearance (color, fonts, etc.)
  • Time?
  • encourages precision
  • specifying details takes more time and results in
    fewer design iterations
  • Creativity?
  • we tend to fall in love with our software
    solutions and our program code

Stages of Low-Fi Prototyping
  • Initial rough sketches of UI design ideas
  • evaluate and iterate (usually w/i design team)
  • Storyboards
  • explicitly conveys the design model
  • evaluate and iterate (often w/i design team)
  • Chauffeured prototype
  • evaluate (with actual users) and iterate
  • When do you stop?
  • when you converge on a design model that is
    stable enough to commit to software

Evaluating Low-Fi Prototypeswith Real Users
  • Constructing chauffeured low-fis
  • the materials
  • faking the interaction (wizard of oz technique)
  • Conducting a low-fi test with real users
  • preparing test materials
  • conducting the test (various roles)
  • debriefing test users
  • generating a report
  • Evaluate the results and iterate based on user

The Basic Materials(Chauffeured Prototype)
  • Large, heavy, white paper (11 x 17)
  • 5 x 8 index cards
  • Post-it notes of various size
  • Tape, glue stick, correction tape
  • Pens and markers (many colors and sizes)
  • Overhead transparencies
  • Scissors, X-acto knives, etc.
  • And more

Constructing the Model
  • Set a deadline
  • dont think too long - build it!!
  • its about getting ideas on paper
  • Draw a window frame on large paper
  • Put different screen regions on cards
  • anything that moves, changes, appears/disappears
  • Ready responses for any user action
  • e.g., have those pull-down menus already made
  • Use photocopiers to make many versions

Some Examples
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Briefing Room Interactive (BRI)
Clarissas Embroidery Website (continued on next
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A small part of the prototype for the SALT Center
Low-Fi Computer Screen(pretty cool)
Scenario materials
Test participants view (with a low-fi calculator
and scan-o-matic)
Computers view
And a printer, too!!!!
Constructing the Model With UI Tools / Builders
(but do not code)
UI Builder Tools
  • Pen and paper
  • Visio or Smartdraw
  • Software drawing tools
  • Microsoft Acess, Paint, PowerPoint, Word, Excel,
  • If you construct the model with tools
  • print out the background screens and moving
  • the prototype should still be paper-based even
    if you use software to make it look clean
  • hand write most of the words

  • Paper Prototyping A How-To Video
  • Nielsen Norman Group.
  • Get some ideas and take some notes

Testing the Model
  • Select your users
  • look at user profile for target users
  • use a questionnaire to get the people you need
  • dont use friends or family
  • get at least 3 users to evaluate the system
  • Prepare scenarios that are
  • typical of the product during actual use
  • make prototype support these (small, yet broad)
  • use 3 scenarios of varying difficulty in the
  • Practice to avoid bugs

Conducting a Chauffeured Test
  • Four testers (minimum)
  • greeter - puts users at ease gets data
  • facilitator - only team member who speaks
  • gives instructions to the users
  • hands the scenarios to be completed to the users
  • encourages thoughts, opinions (think aloud
  • computer - knows application logic controls it
  • always simulates the response, w/o explanation
  • observers - take notes recommendations
  • Typical session is 1 hour
  • preparation, the test, debriefing

Conducting a Chauffeured Test
  • Greet
  • get consent forms filled
  • reads greeters script (or orientation script)
  • provides brief background of what test is about,
    describes what a low-fi prototype is and its
    importance, assures confidentiality, puts user
    at ease (voluntary, quit at any time, testing UI,
  • Test
  • facilitator reads demo script hands written
    scenarios to user
  • must be clear detailed
  • chauffeur the prototypes
  • involves user watching while another person
    drives the system
  • facilitator keeps getting output from
  • Think Aloud Protocol - what are you thinking
    right now?
  • observe -gt no a-ha, laugh, gape, etc.
  • possible to make changes to prototype in
    real-time if you want

Conducting a Chauffeured Test
  • Debrief
  • fill out post-evaluation questionnaire
  • discuss prepared list of debriefing topics
  • ask questions about parts you saw problems
  • gather impressions
  • give thanks

  • Paper Prototyping A How-To Video
  • Nielsen Norman Group.
  • Get some ideas and take some notes

Evaluating Results
  • Sort prioritize observations
  • what was important?
  • were there lots of problems in the same area?
  • assign a severity rating (0-4 scale) to each
    problem identified or uncovered during the
  • Create a written report on findings
  • gives agenda for meeting on design changes
  • Make changes iterate
  • note that you can make some changes as you test

IBMs Prototype Design Labs (Participatory
Design Sessions)
We start with low fidelity prototypes using a
pencil and paper toolkit with paper window
templates as well as colored sticky notes.
Although our prototyping tools are can create
these prototypes as quickly as pencil and paper
can, we find that users are more willing to
propose changes when the prototypes are low
fidelity ones. We then use higher fidelity
prototypes typically using IBM VisualAge. Rather
than discussing what users would want in team
meetings, we simply ask users directly.
(from IBMs Ease of Use Website)
Microsoft Corporation
  • Prior to specifying the product, teams will
    perform contextual inquiry with usability
    engineers. Early user interface evaluations may
    take the form of paper prototypesMuch early
    testing relies heavily on paper prototypes, which
    are used to iteratively lock in a design or a set
    of features and characters on the screen.
  • (from the article, Organizing Usability Work to
    Fit the Full Product Range)

Clothes-Shopper(An Example)
  • Problem
  • contemporary approach to shopping is often slow
    and painful
  • people often have problems shopping for clothing
    through catalogs (on-line or otherwise) because
    they are unable to visualize how they will look
    in the clothing
  • Design solution
  • design a UI that allow shoppers to quickly and
    easily visualize how various combinations of
    clothing will look on them
  • Method
  • use low-fi prototyping to develop a good, general
    understanding of the strengths / weaknesses of
    the initial UI design w/o spending a large amount
    of time on developing sftwr

Three Scenarios to Be Evaluated
  • Moderate scenario
  • Joe from Berkeley wants to buy a new shirt and
    sports coat to be more fashionable in school. He
    does not have a car today and decides to give the
    Clothes Shopper a try. Help him navigate through
    the system, buy the things he wants and leave.
    Although there is no budget constraint, he wants
    a white plain shirt and a cool brown jacket.
  • Moderate - difficult scenario
  • Sally is a regular user of the Clothes Shopper
    system. She wants to buy a white gown for an
    upcoming prom but only has 150 as her budget.
    She already has an existing profile and does not
    wish to reenter the same information. Help Sally
    buy the gown and get her on a happy date!
  • Beginner scenario
  • Joanna is a new user to the Clothes Shopping
    system. She wants to go on the tour first and
    become familiarized with the system before doing
    any shopping. After the tour she wants to window
    shop some blue shorts, but doesn't feel like
    buying anything today. She prefers to try on some
    shorts casually and leave the mall.

  • Greet
  • Conduct the test
  • facilitator, computer, observers
  • Debrief
  • Evaluate and analyze
  • discuss what went well, what went poorly
  • comment on users reactions and comments
  • compile into master copy and make suggestions for
    next iteration

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Some Raw Notes from Observers (1/3)
  • Participant 2 Marlon Urias Scenario 1 (Joe
    from Berkeley)
  • Moved mouse around at first
  • "Is Tours clickable?"
  • Confused at mall entrance
  • "If you want to buy clothes, do you tour or go
  • Easily finishes login screen
  • Claims he doesnt know four of the measurements
    asked for, one of them "maybe" he knows
  • Thinks its "good" the male measurement screen
    didnt block the profile setup screen, but was
    bottom part of that screen
  • Would be "helpful" if you knew where to get pants
    and shirts. Guesses its the Navigational
    Assistant. Clicks on torso.
  • Spent a lot of time at Navigational Assistant,
    confused. Pop-up notes should show up as you move
    around the Navigational Assistant, so you know
    where to click for clothes

Some Raw Notes from Observers (2/3)
  • After he picks shirts, realizes he needs to
    choose color, assuming program knows he is
    choosing color for shirt.
  • Wanted to see what results you would get so far
    before you finished choosing your preferences,
    "Would you click on the red curtain?" Since there
    are graphics, he hopes/assumes you would see
    results there. "Wish I could see it" (wanted to
    see Search Results updated automatically after
    changing one preference)
  • Clicked on left page flipper in Search Results
    window looking for clothes not there yet, before
    he hit Search button
  • Finally realized hes supposed to hit Search
    button, says the term should change to "Show
    Product" or "See Product" or "See Progress"
  • Goes back to change size after seeing Search
  • He hopes preferences are kept track of, it wasnt
  • "Does preference change update the Search
    Results?" To him, Search button doesnt equal
    update Search Results
  • Wishes he could buy the clothes before he sees it
    on Dressing Room model by clicking on Search
    Results thumbnails

Some Raw Notes from Observers (3/3)
  • Wants to see a big "Buy" button to buy clothes in
    Search Results window without opening Dressing
  • Wanted to delete things from Search Results
    window with right-click
  • "Can you decide to buy clothes from the
  • Wonders what happens if model wears multiple
  • Thinks Select All Clothes button chooses
    everything in Search Results
  • Confused how to make Dressing Room model wear
    clothes Would rather have right-click menus than
    "make assumptions"
  • Doesn't like Search button, "What's the
    difference between search and narrow down
    options?" (which is done in preferences)
  • Says that go and previous buttons are annoying.
  • Again there is problems with the page tabs, "are
    the numbers sizes or choices?" Recommended to
    avoid page tabs because not intuitive.
  • Had confusion with Select All, "does it buy it?"
    "Returns it to the model."
  • After opening the Shopping Cart, has no problem
    buying the items. "happy, very intuitive shopping
    cart window."

Summary Results (1/2)(or Merged List of Critical
  • User knew how to enter system by clicking on
  • one user had question about what Tour meant
  • Users got through logon screen pretty easily
  • comments about how much information the user was
    able or willing to reveal (e.g., body weight,
    exact dimensions of clothes, etc.)
  • Big confusion at the main menu
  • did not know what to do to begin shopping
    (clicked on a lot of areas)
  • finally noticed Navigation Assistant after much
    searching and experimentation and learned that
    they needed to click on it to begin
  • when selected garment that they wanted, many
    clicked on preferences (colors) thinking they
    would be presented with choices
  • specifying search parameters was not intuitive
    and natural in choosing their garment
  • began to play with search parameters and figured
    out how to use it to get results

Summary Results (2/2)
  • Big confusion at the main menu (continued)
  • once the user got to the search results, two
    users were often confused on how to get the
    garment of their choice on the model
  • they just clicked on the garment and expected it
    to appear on the model
  • the design model was to have the user drag the
    garment to the model
  • after getting the garments on the model the users
    expected to see a checkout or buy option that
    would send them to a checkout screen
  • the designers intended for the users to
    double-click on the shopping cart to do this
  • after the users figured out how to get to the
    checkout, they bought the garments and exited the
    system pretty easily
  • Final note was that once the user learned how the
    system worked, they were able to quickly run
    through the system to perform the other scenarios

Discussion and Recommendations(What to Do Next?)
  • Change Begin Tour to Begin Tutorial
  • Login screen was too wordy -- the number of
    buttons will be reduced to 3
  • New User, Use existing profile, Change Current
  • Profile setup was fine except, for women, bra and
    chest size were considered redundant (eliminate
  • Navigational Assistant was not intuitive -- maybe
    add text or have menus automatically pop up
    instead of requiring a click
  • also need to add dresses and suit to torso
    section of assistant since users asked where
    these would be
  • gray out preferences menu initially so user knows
    to click on the navigational assistant first

Discussion and Recommendations(What to Do Next?)
  • Change preferences menu
  • use words Show Clothes instead of Search (not
    very intuitive)
  • Change some things about the Search Results
  • user did not know whether to click or drag the
    thumbnails to dress the dressing room model.
    They decided to just require a click to minimize
  • change title from Search Results to Clothes
  • Dressing room changes?
  • users liked the red curtain that concealed the
    model until a search was performed
  • liked the Shopping Cart and Trash Can options
  • were very confused by the Select All Clothes
  • designers just dropped the idea to reduce

Discussion and Recommendations(What to Do Next?)
  • Dressing room changes?
  • so users can just select clothing on the model
    and put it in the shopping cart or trash can as
  • add a Checkout button so the user can go ahead
    and buy what s/he has in his / her shopping cart
    (many users asked if such an option existed)
  • A user also requested if it were possible to have
    a counter showing how many pieces of clothing
    were shown in the Search Results window (soon to
    be called the Clothes Gallery)
  • this function will be added

High-Fi Revisions
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Hints for Low-Fi User Testing(from Waving Magic
  • Interaction techniques to optimize lo-fi testing
  • establish a paper world
  • e.g., low-fi computer screen, printer, keyboard,
  • provide a pointing toy
  • use input and output interaction
  • prototype all relevant elements
  • let test participants design (on the spot)
  • facilitate fun!

Milestones 2 and 3
  • Milestones 2
  • look at initial sketches from Milestone 1,
    discuss with team, and converge on a design model
  • develop low-fi storyboards to support scenarios
  • Milestone 3
  • develop a low-fi chauffeured prototype for user
  • identify and recruit 3 evaluators (preferably
    real users)
  • prepare and conduct a chauffeured user test
  • discuss the results (what test users said and
    did, or -)
  • discuss likely changes to design for the next
    design iteration

Milestone 3
  • Results
  • raw data
  • what each observer writes down during user
    testing, video taping, audio taping, etc.
  • merged list of critical incidents (and severity
  • get rid of redundant observations, make
    clarifications, etc.
  • textual summary of results
  • Discussion and recommendations
  • specific recommendations to address potential
    usability problems uncovered during testing

Low-Fidelity Prototypes
  • Paper-based prototypes
  • focus on high-level aspects of UI
  • see if the design model matches the user model
  • not concerned about details (e.g., color, fonts,
  • Low-fis help answer certain questions
  • are the various UI screens organized well?
  • does the layout of each screen make sense?
  • is the navigation natural and intuitive?
  • is the wording/terminology user-centered?
  • are important tasks missing?
  • are the metaphors/mappings effective and

Disadvantages of Low-Fis
  • Paper mock-ups don't go far enough
  • not realistic interaction with the interface
  • how would you show a drag operation?
  • how will users interact with I/O devices to be
  • doesnt provide realistic response time (how
    measure performance)
  • has no functionality
  • evaluators may scoff at low-tech prototypes
  • little feedback about details (appearance like
    colors, fonts, alignments, etc.) of the design
  • dont know if design is technically feasible

  • Use prototypes to involve the user
  • Advantages of low-fi prototypes
  • cheap and quick to develop and evaluate
  • requires few technical skills
  • leads to fast iterations (and more iterations)
  • users and designers less likely to see design as

E-Groceries Case Study
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