Title: Two Women with Hemoptysis
1Two Women with Hemoptysis
- Ellen Barbouche, MD
- Primary Care Conference
- 8 June 2005
- Review differential diagnosis of hemoptysis
- Update role of imaging in evaluation of
hemoptysis - Explore specific diagnoses of presented cases
- Clinical features
- Diagnostics
- Treatment and outcomes
3Patient 1, History
- 46 year old female with hypertension
- 25 pack/year history tobacco, 1 ppd
- Investment broker and horsewoman
- Productive cough for 5 days
- Blood streaked sputum for 24 hours
- No shortness of breath, rhinitis, or fever
- Slight pleuritic, anterior chest tightness
4Patient 1, Exam
- T 97.8, P 100, BP 124/92, pulse ox 97
- Purulent right posterior nare
- No cervical, supraclavicular, or axillary nodes
- Bilateral rhonchi, clear after cough
- Heart RRR, no S3, no murmur
5Patient 2, History
- 42 year old, previously healthy
- 25 pack/year history tobacco, 1ppd
- Machinist for 6 months and horsewoman
- One week cough, occasional bloody sputum
- Slight dyspnea
- No rhinitis, chest pain, or fevers
- Swollen, painful right ankle
6Patient 2, Exam
- T 97.0, P 88, RR 12, BP 128/78, pulse ox 98
- Nares without mucus or lesion
- Lungs clear bilaterally
- Heart RRR, no murmur, gallop, or rub
- No cervical, supraclavicular, or axillary nodes
- Hot, red, swollen left ankle
- Distinguish from upper respiratory tract or GI
- Airways disease MOST COMMON
- Tertiary hospital study bronchiectasis,
bronchogenic carcinoma, bronchitis - Hirshberg, B et al. Chest 1997112440.
- Pulmonary parenchymal disease
- Pulmonary vascular disease
- Other
8Evaluation of Hemoptysis
- History and physical
- Chest radiograph
- Lab guided by history
- Possible CT versus bronchoscopy
- High resolution chest CT demonstrated more tumors
than bronchoscopy, but not bronchitis - McGuinness, G et al. Chest 19941051155.
9Patient 1, Chest Radiograph
10Patient 1, Initial Course
- Treatment with azithromycin for community
acquired, atypical pneumonia - 2 week follow up
- Decreased cough intensity and sputum production
- Decreased, but persistent, dime-sized hemoptysis
11Patient 1, Chest Radiograph
12Patient 1, Chest CT
13Patient 1, Pulmonary Consult
- Bronchoscopy
- Organizing pneumonitis with 49 eosinophilia
- Cultures negative
14Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia
- Idiopathic, possibly hypersensitivity reaction to
inhaled antigen - 110K US military in Iraq March 2003-2004
- Schorr, AF et al. JAMA 20042922997.
- Resolution of AEP despite smoking
- Kitihara, Y et al. Int Med 2003421016.
- Classic presentation one week febrile illness
with cough and dyspnea - 2/3 patients progress to respiratory failure
requiring mechanical ventilation - Philit, F et al. Am J Resp Crit Care Med
15Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia
- Peripheral eosinophilia develops later in course,
not at presentation - CXR subtle reticular opacities progressing to
bilateral, diffuse mixed alveolar and reticular
opacities - CT bilateral, patchy ground-glass or reticular
opacities - BAL gt 25 eosinophilia
16AEP, Treatment
- Uniformly responsive to steroids
- Typically continue steroids 2-4 weeks after
symptom and CXR abnormality resolution - Allen, JN et al. AM J Resp Crit Care Med
17Patient 1, Post Rx CT
18Patient 2, Chest Radiograph
19Patient 2, Laboratory
- WBC 18.9K, 15K neutrophils
- Hemoglobin 10.3, Platelets 275K
- Sedimentation rate 47, CRP 5
- Creatinine 1.1
- UA Protein 1, WBC 6-10, RBC gt50
- C-ANCA gt11280
- ANA negative
20Wegeners Granulomatosis,Respiratory Involvement
- Multisystem vasculitis
- Classic respiratory tract and kidneys
- Limited respiratory tract largely
- Symptoms
- Rhinorrhea, often bloody, with oral or nasal
ulcers - Cough, hemoptysis, and pleuritic pain
- Fever, malaise, eye symptoms, arthritis, rash
21Wegeners, Laboratory Findings
- Leukocytosis, normocytic anemia, elevated
sedimentation rate - C-ANCA
- Positive gt90 limited OR classic
- Majority autoantibodies to proteinase 3
- Minority p-ANCA with myeloperoxidase antibodies
- UA
- Limited Wegeners normal UA
- Renal involvement may elevate creatinine, and
show proteinuria or active sediment
22Wegeners Chest Radiography
- Nodules, possibly cavitary
- Single or multiple
- Approximately 50 cavitary
- Alveolar opacities
- lt 5 alveolar hemorrhage
- Pleural opacities
- Cordier, JF et al. Chest 99097906
23Wegeners Diagnosis
- Histopathologic evidence of vasculitis and
granuloma - Most likely from lung biopsy
- Renal biopsy more likely to show focal segmental
necrotizing glomerulonephritis - Jennette, JC et al. Am J Kidney Dis 199424130.
- Compatible clinical presentation
24Wegeners Treatment
- Cyclophosphamide, with or without steroids
- Serious morbidity and mortality due to
cyclophosphamide - 60-80 recurrence
- WGETRG NEJM 2005352351.
25Patient 2, Course
- Difficult due to chest pain, likely related to
Wegeners - Severe anemia due to renal insufficiency,
pulmonary hemorrhage, and cyclophosphamide - Very gradual improvement, though not yet able to
26Hemoptysis, Conclusions
- Multiple possible sources of hemoptysis
- Bronchiectasis, bronchoalveolar carcinoma,
bronchitis most common from lower respiratory
tract - Most effective work up history and physical plus
chest radiography - Above guide lab, HRCT, and bronchoscopy
27Specific Diagnoses
- Acute Eosinophilic Pneumonia
- Idiopathic
- Frequently very severe
- Excellent response to steroids
- Wegeners Granulomatosis
- Vasculitis affecting respiratory tract kidneys
- Usually c-ANCA
- Dangerous treatment with frequent recurrences