Title: Coastal Climate Change impacts in South Australia
1Coastal Climate Change impacts in South Australia
Department of Environment, Water and Natural
Murray TownsendManager, Public Land and Coastal
2Global SLR Summary
- Increasing evidence that the SLR projections in
the IPCC assessments are underestimates. - Greatest uncertainty comes from Greenland and
West Antarctic ice sheet contributions. - Emissions and SLR observations are tracking at,
or above, the worst case IPCC scenario. - SLR will continue to rise for several centuries
after global temperatures have been stabilised
32100 sea level rise projections (USACE 2011)
4(No Transcript)
5The South Australian Perspective
- Sea level rise
- Estimates from tidal records indicate global rate
of SLR in the 20th century was 1.7mm per year. - (South Australia 1.5mm/yr)
- National Tidal Centres SEAFRAME project has been
using a network of satellite calibrated tidal
stations to accurately measure SLR since early
6Net relative sea level trend at SEAFRAME sites in
Australia (mm/yr) July 1992 to June 2011
7Current average sea level (2009)
North Glenelg
8Projected average sea level (2100)
North Glenelg
9Implications for the Coast
- Higher sea levels can mean
- Increased severity and frequency of sea flood
events. - Increased coastal erosion.
- More difficult to maintain sandy beaches
10Port Adelaide Seawater Stormwater flood
mapping 100 year ARI storm, 50cm SLR,21cm
11Marion Bay 100 year ARI storm, current sea
Yorke Peninsula Sea Flood Risk Mapping
12Marion Bay 100 year ARI storm, 1.0m sea level
13Storm Damage - erosion
North Glenelg, 1964
14Implications for the Coast
- Higher sea levels mean
- Landward migration of intertidal ecosystems eg.
Mangroves, saltmarsh - Higher groundwater levels.
- Increased wave overtopping of protection
15Port Wakefield
16Rising groundwater
17Wave Overtopping
The Broadway, Glenelg South
18Coast Protection Board
- The Boards strategic direction
- Ensure that new development is not placed at risk
from coastal hazards (including climate change
impacts) - Develop and act on strategies to protect existing
at-risk development - Allow coastal ecosystems to adapt to the impacts
of climate change (retreat, migration)
19Coastal Development Policy
- The Boards Policy on Coast Protection and New
Coastal Development requires new development to
allow for SLR. - The Policy was endorsed by the SA Govt in 1991.
- Relevant provisions were included in Development
Plans state-wide in 1994 by Ministerial DPA.
20New Coastal Development
- Must allow for 0.3m of SLR, and able to be
protected by reasonable means from a further
0.7m. - Must allow for erosion, including effects of SLR.
- Should not compromise ability of ecosystems to
adapt to climate change (eg mangrove migration) - Major developments must consider full range of
possible climate change and sea level rise
21New Coastal Development
- The Board/DENR aims to minimise exposure of
development and communities to coastal hazards - The Board is a referral body for developments in
coastal zones - has power of direction under
certain conditions, advice in others. - In 2010, of the 199 development applications
referred to the Board, 83.5 of decisions were
made in accord with Board advice.
- In the 1991 SA Government Policy on coast
protection and new coastal development - (The Board) does not consider that State
Government funds should be available for
protection of new development approved unwisely
and against the Boards or Departments advice. - The Board considers it beneficial to retain the
nexus between authority for approving coastal
development and responsibility for the
consequences of decisions made.
23Existing Coastal Development
- Boards role is to coordinate the identification
of areas at risk and the preparation of response
strategies. - Provides grant funding for investigation of
adaptation strategies and implementation of
protection works. - Keen to leverage Cwealth funds, e.g. NDRGS.
24Hazard assessment
- Previous and current work informs coastal zoning
to identify areas subject to current and future
hazards - In these zones, the Boards policies should apply
- Need high resolution flood mapping (digital
elevation models and bathymetry) to better define
hazards and guide responses.
25The future?
- Development of human societies occurred during a
6,000-year period of stable sea level this is
not a luxury we will enjoy for some centuries. - Demand to protect existing communities might
exceed capacity to do so. - Seek common strategic ground to minimise
occurrences of emergencies prevention rather
than response.