Climate change at other scales - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Climate change at other scales


... causing over 2,000 deaths and leaving a global damage bill of around 20 billion ... slightly cooler, so the Hurricane season over the Caribbean and ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: ianmo6
Tags: change | climate | scales


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Climate change at other scales

Climate change at other scales
  • The El Nino Southern Oscillation

Last Lesson
  • Specifically looked at Micro-Climates
  • 4 types- Upland, Coastal, Forest and Urban
  • Urban Heat Islands (handout)
  • Atmospheric pollution in Urban areas
  • Presentations

Well done!!
El Niño / La Niña
  • El Niño Southern Oscillation will often be
    referred to as ENSO in your exam
  • After the seasons, El Niño and La Niña are the
    single largest cause of year-to-year climate
    variability on the Earth
  • The devastating El Niño event of 1997/98 ranks as
    the second strongest in the past century, causing
    over 2,000 deaths and leaving a global damage
    bill of around 20 billion
  • El Niño literally means the child and was named
    by Peruvian fishermen who noticed around
    Christmas time coastal waters got warmer and fish
    became more scarce
  • La Niña means the female child

What is El Niño / La Niña?
  • El Niño is a current of warm water which occurs
    in the Pacific Ocean every 3 to 7 years
  • An El Niño event may last for many months
    resulting in significant change in weather
    patterns and significant economic consequences
  • During the past forty years, ten of these major
    El Niño events have been recorded, the worst of
    which occurred in 1997-1998
  • Some of the El Niño events have persisted more
    than one year

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What causes El Niño?
  • In truth, they are still yet to be fully
  • The major factor is the strength of the
    prevailing trade winds that blow from east to
    west across the equatorial Pacific
  • In the tropical Pacific Ocean, trade winds
    generally drive the surface waters westward
  • As a result, the surface water becomes warmer
    going westward
  • El Niño is observed when the easterly trade winds
    weaken, allowing warmer waters of the western
    Pacific to move eastward and eventually reach the
    South American Coast

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What are the effects of El Niño?
  • The cool nutrient-rich seawater normally found
    along the coast of Peru is replaced by warmer
    water depleted of nutrients, resulting in a
    dramatic reduction in marine fish and plant life
  • In some parts of the world, El Niño causes heavy
    rains and flooding. In other parts of the world,
    drought and starvation occur as a result of El
    Niño. In the ocean, fish migrations and coral
    reef ecosystems are disrupted due to the ocean
    temperature changes caused by El Niño
  • Some events attributed to the last El Niño
    include floods and landslides in Ecuador which
    resulted in death and property damage The
    Atacama Desert, which is known for its arid
    climate, received a greater amount of rainfall
    than normal Santiago in Chile experienced severe
    flooding as a result of heavy rainfall
  • The effects of El Niño are not restricted to
    South America however. Also attributed to El
    Niño, drought caused widespread hunger in Papua
    New Guinea water shortages were reported in Java
    and drier conditions than usual were experienced
    south eastern Africa. This reduced crop yields
    and resulted in starvation. In parts of India,
    the monsoons were weaker than normal, again
    affecting crop growth

Other Effects
  • The El Niño in 1982-83 also caused much damage.
    In Australia, it caused massive bush fires and
    widespread drought
  • In the sub-Saharan countries, it caused one of
    the worst periods of drought, with the monsoons
    failing again in India
  • Approximately two thousand lives were lost as a
    result of this El Niño, with damages estimated to
    have cost over 8 billion

What is La Niña?
  • In contrast to El Niño, La Niña refers to an
    anomaly of unusually cold sea surface
    temperatures found in the eastern tropical
  • La Niña occurs roughly half as often as El Niño
  • La Niña also affects the oceans and global
    climatic patterns although not usually on the
    same scale as El Niño

During an El Niño
El Niño events typically bring heavy, drenching
rain to South America, while Indonesia
experiences drought conditions
During a La Niña
During La Niña the opposite occurs to El Niño.
Heavy rain over Northern Australia and Indonesia,
and drought in South America
The Impacts of El Niño
  • (ENSO)

The Impacts of El Niño
  • The ENSO affects the whole worlds climate,
    therefore has a massive global impact
  • Surprisingly, not all these effects are bad-
    during an El Niño, the Atlantic becomes slightly
    cooler, so the Hurricane season over the
    Caribbean and USA is less dramatic
  • Also, the rain in California helps to clear the
    smog / pollution in Los Angeles

Task (to be completed for HW)
  • Using pages 82 and 83
  • Make notes from page 82 83. Try to show the
    impacts on People, the Environment the Economy
  • Answer Questions 1, 2 3
  • You will need a blank outline map for Q2
  • Questions will be in next week
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