Title: Assessment of the Eye,Ear,Nose,Mouth and Throat
1Assessment of the Eye,Ear,Nose,Mouth and Throat
- ????
- 1.?????,?,?,???????
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2? ? ? ?
- (?)Eyesensory organ 1.External Anatomy
- .Structure
- .Gland
- meibomian gland
- Lacrimal gland
- . tears pathway
- .Muscular
- Extraocular muscular conjugate movement
- . nerves control
3? ? ? ?
- 2.Internal Anatomy
- .Outer layer sclera / cornea
- . Corneal reflex afferent n (CNV) /
efferent n (CNVII) - .Middle layer choroid
- . vascular pigment
- . muscular fiber pupil
- . Lens
- .Inner layer retina (visual receptor)
- . nerve optic disc (optic papilla)
- . vessel artery / vein
- . Macula / Fovea centralize
4? ? ? ?
- (?)Ears
- 1.Exteranl Ear
- . external auditory canal 1/3 catilage /
2/3 bone S-curve - . Tympanic membrane (eardrum )
- 2.Middle Ear
- . ear bone malleus ? Bincus ? Bstapes
- . Eustachian tube conduct / protect /
5? ? ? ?
- 3.Inner Ear
- . bony labyrinth equilibrium / hearing
- semicircular canals / vestibule
- 4.Fuction
- hearing and equilibrium
6? ? ? ?
- (?)Nose
- 1.Bone
- .Superior turbinate
- . Middle turbinate
- . Inferior turbinate
- 2.Mucosa / Vibrissae
- 3.Sinuses
- . Frontal sinuses .
Maxillary sinuses - . Ethmoid sinuses .
Sphenoid sinuses
7? ? ? ?
- (?)Mouth and Throat
- 1.Bone
- . Hard plate
. Soft plate - 2.Mucous
- 3.Gland
- . Partied gland
- . Submandibular gland
- . Sublingual gland
- 4.Teeth
- 5.Tonsillar
- 6.Throat
- (?)Eyes
- 1.Visual pathway
- light (object)?cornea?aqueous
- ?humor?lens?vitreous body
- ? retina ? optic nerve( CNII )
- ? occipital lobe cortex
- .image formed
- temporal visual field ?
- nasal area retina
- .optic chiasm
- nasal fiber ? both temporal visual
- field
- 2.Visual reflexes
- (1) Pupillary light reflex
- subcortical reflex arc
- ? afferent nerve ? CNII(optic nerve)
- ?efferent nerve ? CNIII(oculomotor nerve)
- . direct light reflex
- . consensual light reflex
- 2.Visual reflexes
- (2) Fixation
- strong conscious control ?fix image to fovea
centralize - (3) Accommodation
- eyeball convergence and pupillary constriction
- (?)Ears
- 1.Hearing
- Noise?Tympanic membrane?ear bone?oval
- window?cochlea?round window?basilar
- membrane ? Cortic organ(hair cells)
- ? CNVIII ? temporal lobe cortex
- 2. Hearing pathway
- .Air conduction(AC)
- .Bone conduction(BC)
- 3.Hearing loss
- ?conductive loss
- mechanical dysfunction of external or
middle ear - ?sensorineural loss
- inner ear , CNVIII , auditory area
cortex damage - ?mixed loss
- (?)Nose
- 1.Smelling
- Smell?olfactory receptor (hair cells )
- nasal cavity roof and upper 1/3 nasal
- septum ? CNI ?temporal lobe
- (?)Mouth
- 1.Taste
- Tongue
- sweet
- salt
- sour
- bitter
16- ?.?????,?,?,???????
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17? ? ? ?
- 1.????
- ???.??
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18? ? ? ?
- Eyes ( Inspect )
- ?External Ocular Structures
- 1).General
- move around the room
- 2).Eyebrows
- bilaterally symmetrically scare
19? ? ? ?
- 3).Eyelids and Lashes
- no redness swelling discharge
- upper lids ?overlap the superior part of
the - iris
- 4).Eyeballs
- no protrusion or sunken
20? ? ? ?
- 5).Conjunctiva and Sclera
- moist / glossy / color
- 6).Lacrimal apparatus
- Inspect / pressing
21 ?Anterior Eyeball Structure
- 1).Cornea and Lens
- smooth / clarity(oblique view)
- 2).Iris and Pupil
- flat / round regular shape / color / equal
size - pupillary light reflex (pupils rest
size35mm) - . direct light reflexconstruct of the same
sided pupil - . consensual light reflexconstruct the
other pupil - . accommodation pupillary construction and
convergence - eyes
22?The Ocular Fundus
- 1).Inspect
- optic disc / retinal vessel /general
background / macula - 2).Optic disc
- locate on nasal side of retina ?disc
diameter (DD)? - color / shape / margins / cup-disc ratio
- 3).Retinal vessels
- 4).Macula locate on temporal side of
23? Snellen Eye Chart ( Near Vision )
- .place at eye level
- .20 feet from chart hold the card about 35
cm - .normal visual 20/20 ( 14/14 )
- ? Visual field
- .Confrontation Test
- . eye level with person about 2 ft
- . cover the same eyes
- . each eyes test 6 range of peripheral
24 ?Extraocular Muscle Function
- 1).Corneal Light Reflex
- . assess the parallel alignment of eye axes
- . light about 30 cm on the corneas
- if asymmetry of the light ? Cover test
- 2).Cover test
- . interrupt the two eyes parallel to
detect small degree - of deviated alignment
- ? Phoria ?? Tropia
- 3).Diagnostic Positions Test
- . six cardinal position .
distance 12 inch -
25 Ears (Inspect and Palpate)
- ?The External Ear
- 1).Size and shape
- bilaterally equal size , no swelling ,
thickening - 2).Skin condition
- intact , no lump or lesion
- 3).Tenderness
- move the pinna and push the tragus
- 4).The external auditory meatus
- size / swelling / redness / discharge
26?The Otoscopic Examination
- 1).Using the Otoscope
- a. choose the largest speculum
- b. head toward the opposite shoulder
- c. pull adult ear pinna upper and back
- pull infant and child ( lt3 age ) pinna
27?The Otoscopic Examination
- d. hold the otoscope upside down
- The External Canal
- redness / swelling / lesion / foreign
body / discharge - Tympanic Membrane
- color / character / perforation
- shiny , translucent , pearl-gray color
- Cone-shaped light reflex
- visible Umbo Manubrium short
process -
28Hearing Acuity
- (1) Voice Test
- . test one ear at a time
- . 30 60 cm whisper slowly
- ? unable to hear whisper ? high tone loss
29(2) Tuning Fork Test
- Weber test
- .place a vibrating tuning fork in the midline
skull - .the same sound in both ears
- Rinne test
- .compares air conduction ( AC ) and bone
conduction( BC ) - .mastoid ? near ear cana
- .AC BC? 2 1 or(AC gt BC)
30- ????
- Hearing loss Webber test Rinne test
- Conductive loss ????????
ACltBC - Sensorineural loss ???????? ACgtBC
31 Nose ( Inspect and Palpate )
- ? Eternal Nose
- 1).symmetric , in the midline , skin lesion ,
- pain
- 2).nastril patency
- each time test one nasal (CNI)
32? Nasal Cavity
- 1).nasal speculum insert 1 cm
- 2).short wide-tipped speculum
- . normal red color and smooth moist surface
- . note swelling , discharge , bleeding ,
foreign - body
- . nasal septum deviation
- . turbinate middle and inferior (red
33? Sinus Areas
- Palpate
- 1).frontal sinus? below the eyebrow
- 2).maxillary sinus ? below cheekbones
- ? chronic allergy and acute infection
(sinusitis) ? pain - TransilluminationR/O sinusitits
- 1).frontal sinus ? under thesuperior orbital
- 2).maxillary sinus ? inside the mouth on the
hard palate - normal ? light up symmetrically
34Mouth (Inspect and Palate)
- ? Mucosa
- 1).lip
- color , moisture , crack , lesion
- 2).Teeth and Gums
- teeth number and alignment / gum color ,
bleeding , swelling -
- 3).Tongue
- color , surface character , moisture ,
nodule, ulcer , lesion
35Mouth (Inspect and Palate)
- 4).Buccal Mucosa
- color , nodule , lesion
- ? Stensens duct ? open the parotid
salivary(upper - second molar)
- 5).Palate
- pink , smooth , upwardly movable
- . uvula in the midline (CN X)
36?Throat (Inspect and Palate)
- 1).Tonsils
- color , small plugs , size
- Tonsils grade (p.395)
- 1 visible
- 2 halfway between tonsillar
pillars and uvula - 3 touching the uvula
- 4 touching each other
- (2 , 3 , 4 ? Acute Infection)