Title: Toni Smith
1 Toni Smith Regional Coordinator South West
and West Midlands
231.1bn sales in UK eating out market in 2008
23 increase since 2003
3Food is big business
- 23 increase since 2003
- Consumers spent 81 billion on catering services
in 2008 - 7.7 to 8.5 billion meals served
Jane Philpott, www.cookingforhealth-uk.com
4UK eating out market
- Allegra Strategies Survey, Nov 2009
- Informal eating out is worth gt40 billion
- Breakfast - 5
- Lunch - 42
- Dinner 42
- Supper/late night dining - 3.
- Snacks -8
- 7.7 billion informal meals are eaten out a year
in the UK - 128 meals for every person in the UK
5UK eating out market
- Sales of fast food 8.2 billion
- Up by 22 since 2003
- Fried chicken showed the biggest increase at 36
Eating Out Review, Mintel 2009
6Effect of recession
- The current recession has dampened consumers'
short-term appetite for eating out, and the
market is forecast to decline by 0.5 in 2009-2010
Allegra Strategies, 2009
7Consumers cost-conscious
- Casual dining concepts have seen negative growth
- Fast food segment has become more buoyant
Allegra Strategies , 2009
8- McDonalds continues to expand
- 1250 outlets in the UK
- 13,000 outlets in the USA
- Even opened an outlet at Le Louvre in Paris
Served 3 million people per day in UK over summer
Served 3 million people per day in UK over summer
9- Sales of ethnic food increased by 52 between
2001 and 2007 - Indian, Chinese, Thai, Cajun, Japanese
DEFRA Food Pocketbook, 2009
10Changes 2001 to 2007
11Ethnic food trends
12Consumer trends
- Allegra Strategies Survey Nov 2009
- Value for money
- Healthier eating
- Quality
- Local food
- Better service
13Consumer health awareness
- In 2007, 93 of people said that health is very
or somewhat important when buying food - Fat, esp. saturated fatty acids, sugar and salt
concern people the most - (DEFRA, 2008 FSA, 2009)
14UK consumer survey 2006
- 94 agreed that healthier choices should be
available to people who eat out - 45 have wanted to choose something healthy to
eat but have not been able to find anything
suitable - 42 would eat out more often if healthier choices
were available - 81 thought food outlets could do more to
provide healthier choices for people eating out
15Consumer healthawareness
- FSA Survey, June 2008
- 85 wanted to know what is in the food they are
served - 81 wanted nutritional information about the
food at the point of order - 41 wanted information, and food to be made
healthier by catering establishments - 22 wanted food to remain the same but wanted
nutrition information about it
16Capitalise on consumer trends
- Use consumer desire for healthier options to
create new business and enhance profitability - Small and simple changes to menus can increase
custom and your bottom line
17Enhance Health Enhance Profit
- Reduce portion size
- Often too large, especially for children
- Adults sometimes share dishes because too big
- Monitor quantity of waste and adjust portions
accordingly - Reduce amount of protein
- Most people eating more than enough
- Protein often most expensive ingredient
18Enhance Health Enhance Profit
- Reduce sat fat in dishes
- Dont automatically provide butter on potatoes,
vegetables or bread - Reduce butter added to dishes like risotto
- Less or no cream in soups
- No spread with wet sandwich fillings
- Lower fat mayonnaise, dressings
19Enhance Health Enhance Profit
- Replace some animal protein with plant protein
- Capitalise on growing popularity of Asian and
vegetarian food
20Enhance Health Enhance Profit
- Provide larger proportions of starchy foods
- More wholegrains, bread, pasta
- More vegetables
21Enhance Health Enhance Profit
- Less salt added to dishes
22What has the FSA been doing?
- Large Businesses
- Small Businesses
- Regional work in South West and West Midlands
23Healthy Catering Large Businesses
- Front of Pack labelling
- Catering Commitments 45 business providing
healthier choices - Calorie Labelling 21 companies pilot, public
consultation ended March
- 45 of the UKs largest catering companies
committed to providing healthier choices 4
areas - Procurement
- Menu planning
- Kitchen practice
- Nutrition information
- 21 companies took part in a trial in summer 2009.
- Public consultation on proposals for a voluntary
scheme closed end March - Results being analysed and report underway.
26Effect of food labelling on consumer purchasing
Sandwich Sales performance Sales performance
Less healthy choice More healthy choice
Salmon cucumber -30 46
Prawn mayo -37 46
Egg cress -37 97
Sainsburys, 2009
27Effect of food labelling on food choices when
eating out
- 60 of consumers aware of calorie information
when making menu choices - 25 report that the information influences
purchase - 90 surprised by calorie information
- 50kcal less purchased per customer per eating
National Restaurant Association Survey, 2008
28Healthier Catering Small Businesses
Local Healthy Awards
Change 4 Life
Healthier Food Mark England public sector
Healthy Living Award (Scotland)
Healthy Options Award (Wales)
PCT LA initiatives
Healthy Towns
29ExampleFSA work with chip shops
- Targeted advice on how to produce a healthier
chip - Simple, practical changes to produce healthier
food - Advice developed in consultation with experts in
the area - Build on current good practice
- Piloted advice with the help of Councils
32Regional WorkSandwich Shop South West
33- All local authorities invited to join
- 80 take up
- Two sandwich shops in each LA control group and
intervention group - Initial pilot showed saving of 450pm
- Project complete by August 2010
- Evaluated and outcome shared Oct 10
34Truckers ProjectWest Midlands