The Science of Tantra Yoga On Psychic Development and - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Science of Tantra Yoga On Psychic Development and


Physical Taste Taste Svadhisthana Chakra (Sex Center) Tongue 2 Advance Psychic-Smell The ability to smell and sense the actions of the past, present and future ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Science of Tantra Yoga On Psychic Development and

The Science of Tantra Yoga On Psychic
Development and Its Mystic Meaning
  • A Detail Study and Outline on Psychic Development
    and Spiritual Development

Presentation By Nehemiah Davis
Tantra Yoga Psychic Development and Its
  • Introduction
  • Over the next four weeks we will study the mystic
    knowledge surrounding the subject of Psychic
    Development. These classes will be base on the
    yogic and tantric methods of psychic powers
    (Siddhis) development techniques. The following
    is Dates, time and Subject titles.
  • Class-1 What is Psychic Development Sunday,
    November 13, 2011 at 1145am
  • Class-2 Mind, Body and Psychic Powers Sunday,
    November 20, 2011 at 1145am
  • Class-3 Methods of Advance Psychic Development
    Sunday, November 27, 2011 at 1145am
  • Class-4 The Reason for Psychic and Spiritual
    Development Sunday, December 04, 2011 at 1145am
  • All Four Classes will be conducted at the FIU
    Computer Science and Engineering Building in
    room 134

The Outline of Psychic Spiritual Development
  • Part -1- Learning About Psychic Development
  • Introduction
  • What is Psychic Development
  • A Lesson On Psychic Powers
  • Part -2 -Control of Mind, Body and Psychic Powers
  • Mind, Body and Psychic Powers
  • Methods of Psychic Development
  • Psychic Development Pit falls
  • A Lesson On Advance Psychic Development

The Outline of Psychic Spiritual Development
  • Part 3 - A Study of Advance Psychic
  • What is Advance Psychic Development
  • Methods of Psychic Development Preparation
  • Methods of Advance Psychic Development
  • The Quest for Spiritual Development
  • The Transition from Psychic Powers to
    Psycho-Spiritual Powers
  • The Mystic Science of Spiritual Development
  • Body, Mind and Auric Purification
  • Karma Yoga the Yoga of Right Action

The Outline of Psychic Spiritual Development
  • Part 4 - Spiritual Development Through Mental
    Control of the Science of Yoga
  • Raja Yoga Advanced Mental Development
  • Jnana Yoga Development of Wisdom
  • Bhakti Yoga Development Principles of Devotion
  • Spiritual Development Through Concentration
  • Spiritual Development Through Contemplation
  • Spiritual Development Through Meditation

Psychic Development and Psychic Abilities
  • The development of the psychic abilities of man
    can be described as heighten physical senses that
    reach ranges considered beyond normal senses.
    Psychic abilities thats so beyond the physical
    senses rises into the sciences of metaphysical.
  • There are many levels of psychic development just
    as there are many levels of psychic abilities.
    The simplest definition of psychic abilities can
    be described as the merger of the physical senses
    with the subtle and astral senses.
  • The simplest definition of psychic development is
    techniques design to bring about a merger of the
    complex physical sensory organs and the complex
    sensory perception subtle or astral systems.

Part - 1
  • Learning About Psychic Development

1- Introduction
  • 1- Introduction
  • The reason for these Lessons
  • These lessons are design to show the pathway to
    spiritual attainment through the development of
    mans psychic sense which will lead to higher
    states of consciousness. The Basic Psychic powers
    of sensory perception is instruments used to
    obtain higher frequencies of mind substance in
    order to read, comprehend and absorb the higher
    states spiritual consciousness.
  • The lessons to be imparted
  • The imparted lessons here will be techniques used
    to develop these psychic abilities in order to
    use them as tools or instruments for spiritual
    development and not allow them to become
    obstacles of obstruction for the ego (the I of

1- Introduction (continued)
  • What are the stages of psychic development
  • A full recognition of the senses through the
    studying practical methods used towards
    controlling the basic sensory perception of man.
    Man physical realm and physical senses only
    makeup ¼ of existence. Theres a whole ¾ of our
    existence that we are totally unaware of.
  • The control of the sensory perception is achieved
    through using these senses to focus on the inner
    senses and powers of man, in order to tap into
    the subtle flow of shakti-consciousness (or the
    Jiva the embodied consciousness).
  • The subtle flow of shakti-consciousness can be
    described as a mental flow of shakti-consciousness
    (the Ida Nadis) and a vital flow of
    shakti-consciousness (the Pingala Nadis).
  • When the Ida and Pingala Nadis is flowing with an
    increase level of shakti-consciousness with an
    minimum obstruction through the nadi pathways
    and can equally charged the brain to increase its
    receiving and transmitting capabilities psychic
    powers are experience.

1- Introduction (continued)
  1. The psychic powers are a result of the nadic
    subtle increase of energies that allows the
    physical and astral senses to merge as one
    operating system creating a extra higher level of
    sensory perception for the subtle physical levels
    of consciousness.
  2. A decrease of nadic obstruction which increases
    a nadic flow of mental and vital subtle energies
    gives partial raise to an increase flow of
    kundalini from the base of the spine chakra to
    the sex chakra and probably to the solar plexus
    chakra which manifests basic and clairvoyant

1- Introduction (continued)
  • What are the stages of spiritual development.
  • Dharma Yoga the cosmic order of right conduct
    the fulfillment of Karmic Law.
  • Karma Yoga the yoga of action under the divine
    law of God.
  • Bhakti Yoga the yoga of devotion being able to
    see God in everything,
  • Raja Yoga the yoga of mental development
    unifying with ¾ of are existence.
  • Kundalini Yoga Practices techniques of raising
  • Jnana Yoga the yoga of wisdom having the Soul
    bathe in the light of the Spirit.

1- Introduction (continued)
  • The difference between psychic and spiritual
  • A simple definition for psychic development is a
    merger of the physical senses with the astral
    senses producing psychic abilities.
  • A simple definition for spiritual development is
    the merger of physical, psychic and etheric
    senses produces advance psycho-spiritual

1- Introduction (continued)
  • The power of right, wrong or indifference.
  • The right karmic actions that promote the
    purification of the aura fields, nadis and enters
    and exits the chakras which will remove any and
    all obstructions that inhibits this shakti-flow
    of consciousness.
  • The wrong karmic actions inhibits and obstructs
    the flow of shakti-consciousness that moves
    through the nadis, aura and chakras.
  • The karmic actions of indifference stagnates the
    flow of shakti-consciousness leaving him in a
    vicious circle of reincarnation in order to rise
    upon this experience or lesson.

2. What is Psychic Development
  • What is Psychic Development
  • Psychic Development, Its Meaning
  • Linking the Physical Senses to Mind and
  • Linking Heighten Senses (connected to Mind and
    Consciousness) to Astral Senses.
  • Pranayama bring about control over the energy
    flow within the nadis.
  • Control over the ENERGY-FLOW increases the Links
    between Physical and Astral senses.
  • The Linkage creates a increase in the ability to
  • Increase concentration creates a merger of
    Physical and Astral Senses
  • A merging of Physical and Astral Senses bring
    about Contemplation
  • Contemplation is Psychic Abilities.

2. What is Psychic Development (continued)
2. What is Psychic Development (continued)
According to yoga, the concept of mind is related
with the senses perception, memory, expression
of the senses, the five karmendriyas and the five
jnanendriyas, sense perceptions and sense organs.
Indriya is the sanskrit name for senses, there
are karmendriyas and jnanendriyas the working
senses and the knowing senses. The ten senses are
the organs of the hearing, touching, seeing,
tasting and smelling, (for perception) with the
mouth, the hands, the legs, the genitals and the
excretion organs as the tenth (for acting).
Sometimes the mind is added as the eleventh sense.
Chakras The Five Gross Tattva Senses The Five Tattva Bhutas Elements Five Major Pranas Flow Tattvic Knowledge Formation of the Cognitive Senses Tattvic Actions of the Sense Organs
1 Muladhara Chakra Base of the Spine Center Gandha (Smell) Tanmatra Prithivi Tattva (Earth) Apana Prana flowing up The Jnanendriyas Of Smell (Nose) The Karmendriya Of Feet.
2 Svadhisthana Chakra Sex Center Rasa (Taste) Tanmatra Apas Tattva (Water) Vyana Prana pervade the entire body The Jnanendriya Of Taste (tongue) The Karmendriya Of Hands.
3 Manipura Chakra Solar Plexus Center Rupa (Sight) Tanmatra Tejas Tattva (Fire) Samana prana concentrated in Solar Plexus center The Jnanendriya Of Sight (Eyes) The Karmendriya Of Anus
4 Anahata Chakra Heart Center Sparsha (Touch) Tanmatra Vayu Tattva (Air) Prana Prana flowing down The Jnanendriya Of Touch (Skin) The Karmendriya Of Penis (or genitals)
5 Vishuddha Chakra Throat Center Shabda (Sound) Tanmatra Akasha Tattva (Ether) Udana Prana flowing in head, hands and legs The Jnanendriya Of Hearing (Ears) The Karmendriya Of Mouth (or speech)

2. What is Psychic Development (continued)
  Sensory Organs Senses Gross Physical Senses Subtle Physical Senses Astral Level Senses Etheric Level Senses
The Cognitive Senses The Cognitive Senses The Cognitive Senses The Cognitive Senses      
1 Nose Smelling Muladhara Chakra (Base of Spine) Physical Smelling The ability to identify different smells and there states of functions and origin. The ability to merge this basic instinctive sense with the self-conscious sense. Psychic-Smell - The ability to smell and sense the actions of the past, present and future within at least two realms of existence. Advance Psychic-Smell The ability to smell and sense the actions of the past, present and future within all the realms of existence.
2 Tongue Taste Svadhisthana Chakra (Sex Center) Physical Taste The subtle senses of taste will give man the ability to identify the ingredient food by taste. The subtle power of this sense is the ability to Raise above basic cravings. Psychic-Taste - The Power of over physical and astral manifestation. Advance Psychic-Taste the ability to level consciousness in two realms of existence.
3 Eyes Sight Manipura Chakra (Solar Plexus Center) Physical Vision Detail and Precise vision into the presences and past situations. The ability to detect objects unseen on the physical plane. Psychic-Vision - The ability to see the past, present and future within two realms of existence. Advance Psychic-Vision The ability to see the past, presences and future on all the realms of existence.
4 Skin Touching Anahata Chakra (Heart Center) Physical Touching The subtle senses of touch allows man to examine a object through touch using all other senses Psychic-Touch - The ability to perceive things while moving through the astral realms. Advance Psychic-Touch
5 Ears Hearing Vishuddha Chakra (Throat Center) Physical Earring Detail and Precise hearing on the physical and subtle planes with the ability of great recall and clarity. The ability to shift your consciousness from one level to the next by heighten your ability of hearing or decreasing it with the power of concentration. Psychic-Hearing The ability to hear the sounds of the past, present and future within at least two realms of existence. Advance Psychic-Hearing The ability to hear the sounds of that was initiated the formation of mind and prana that create the actions of past, present and future on all the realms of existence.
2. What is Psychic Development (continued)
The Conation (instinctive drive or cravings) Senses The Conation (instinctive drive or cravings) Senses The Conation (instinctive drive or cravings) Senses The Conation (instinctive drive or cravings) Senses Subtle Physical Senses Astral Level Senses Etheric Level Senses
6 Feet Movement The ability to travel through the physical realms. The ability to move swift and with precession and detail. Astral -Travel - A sense of location and awareness of where you are.  
7 Anus Excretion The control over waste limitation of the body The Manifestation of the power of Self-Consciousness and the only creative faculty giving to man which is "Imagination". The awaking of Basic Consciousness which is the Conscious Mind and un-conscious states of mind  
8 Genitals Generation procreation Control over procreation, The power of self-consciousness give you the ability access past experiences which shows you a natural pattern of the Divine Law that gives you Control (Yama). The realm of the subconscious mind. The formation of the samskara energy signatures.  
9 Hands Grasping Manipulating external objects The ability to conduct precise and delicate operations Manipulation of Embodied Consciousness  
10 Voice Speech Physical Communication Effective Communication Embodied Consciousness A projected subtle expression of Kundalini from the etheric realm.
3. A Lesson On Psychic Powers
  • Clairvoyance
  • The ability of Clear Vision through Psychic
  • Psychic Touch that activates Visions
  • Tunnel and Telescopic Vision
  • Astral and Etheric Vision
  • The ability of Seeing into the Past through
    Psychic vision
  • Seeing one hour to four days back
  • Seeing one month to one year into the past
  • Seeing dozen to 100s of years into the past
  • The ability of Reading the Present through
    Psychic Vision
  • Reading Minds through Psychic visions
  • Reading Auras Human, Animals and Objects
  • Reading the Atmosphere through Psychic vision
  • The ability of Seeing the Future
  • Seeing energy patterns that indicate future
  • A panorama of visions that indicate future
  • Auric emanations that indicate future events.
  • A vision mediumship that offers insight on future

3. A Lesson On Psychic Powers (continued)
  • Clairaudience
  • The ability of clear hearing through Psychic
  • The ability to hear long distance sounds
    psychically on the physical realm.
  • The ability to hear microscopic sounds
  • The ability to hear astral and etheric
    disincarnated beings (as a medium).
  • Clairsentience
  • The ability of clear smelling through the Psychic
    senses of smelling
  • The ability to sense past, present and future
    energy configurations
  • The ability to sense the atmosphere of danger or
  • The ability to sense illness within the aura and
  • Psychometry
  • The power of touching objects psychically.
  • The ability to read the energized mental
    impressions lodged in objects.
  • This Psychic ability usually is accompanies with
    Psychic Visions.
  • Sometimes this Psychic ability is also accompany
    by psychic vision, hearing, tasting and smelling
    through virtual visions brought on from touching
    the objects.

3. A Lesson On Psychic Powers (continued)
  • Telepathy
  • The power to read minds
  • The power of transmitting thought waves over long
  • The power of communicating with a disincarnated
  • The power of manipulating thought forms
  • This Psychic ability usually is accompanied with
    clairvoyance and clairaudience.
  • Mediumship
  • The power to communicate with disincarnated
  • The power to receive and transmit the messages of
    disincarnated entities.
  • This Psychic ability usually is accompanied with
    clairvoyance and clairaudience.
  • Astral Travel
  • The power to project a segment of mans
  • The power to project the astral body or bodies
  • The ability visit the astral realms
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