Title: Today: Verilog and Sequential Logic
1Today Verilog and Sequential Logic
- Flip-flops
- representation of clocks - timing of state
changes - asynchronous vs. synchronous
- FSMs
- structural view (FFs separate from combinational
logic) - behavioral view (synthesis of sequencers)
- Sequential don't cares
2Incorrect Flip-flop in Verilog
- Use always block's sensitivity list to wait for
clock to change
module dff (CLK, d, q) input CLK, d output
q reg q always _at_(CLK) q d endmodule
Not correct! Q will change whenever the clock
changes, not just on the edge.
3Correct Flip-flop in Verilog
- Use always block's sensitivity list to wait for
clock edge
module dff (CLK, d, q) input CLK, d output
q reg q always _at_(posedge CLK) q
d endmodule
4More Flip-flops
- Synchronous/asynchronous reset/set
- single thread that waits for the clock
- three parallel threads only one of which waits
for the clock
module dff (CLK, s, r, d, q) input CLK, s, r,
d output q reg q always _at_(posedge
CLK) if (r) q 1'b0 else if (s) q
1'b1 else q d endmodule
module dff (CLK, s, r, d, q) input CLK, s, r,
d output q reg q always _at_(posedge r) q
1'b0 always _at_(posedge s) q 1'b1 always
_at_(posedge CLK) q d endmodule
5Example A parity checker
- Serial input string
- OUT1 if odd of 1s in input
- OUT0 if even of 1s in input
1. State diagram and state-transition table
Present Input Next
Present State State Output
Even 0 Even 0 Even 1
Odd 0 Odd 0 Odd 1 Odd
1 Even 1
6Example A parity checker (continued)
- 2. State minimization Already minimized
- Need both states (even and odd)
- Use one flip-flop
- 3. State assignment (or state encoding)
Present Input Next
Present State State Output
0 0 0 0 0 1
1 0 1 0 1 1 1
1 0 1
7Example A parity checker (continued)
- 4. Next-state logic minimization
- Assume D flip-flops
- Next state (present state) XOR (present input)
- Present output present state
- 5. Implement the design
8Verilog Structural View of a FSM
- General view of a finite state machine in verilog
module FSM (CLK, in, out) input CLK input in
output out reg out // state variable
reg 10 state // local variable reg
10 next_state always _at_(posedge CLK) //
registers state next_state always _at_(state
or in) // Compute next-state and output logic
whenever state or inputs change. // (i.e. put
equations here for next_state10) // Make
sure every local variable has an assignment in
this block!endmodule
9Moore Verilog FSM
define zero 0define one1 1define two1s
2module reduce (CLK, reset, in, out) input
CLK, reset, in output out reg out reg
10 state // state variables reg 10
next_state always _at_(posedge CLK) if
(reset) state zero else state
state assignment
10Moore Verilog FSM (continued)
always _at_(in or state) case (state)
zero // last input was a zero begin
if (in) next_state one1 else
next_state zero end one1 //
we've seen one 1 begin if (in)
next_state two1s else next_state
zero end two1s // we've seen
at least 2 ones begin if (in)
next_state two1s else next_state
zero end endcase
crucial to include all signals that are input
to state and output equations
note that output onlydepends on state
always _at_(state) case (state) zero
out 0 one1 out 0 two1s out 1
endcase endmodule
11Mealy Verilog FSM
module reduce (CLK, reset, in, out) input CLK,
reset, in output out reg out reg
state // state variables reg next_state
always _at_(posedge CLK) if (reset) state
zero else state next_state
always _at_(in or state) case (state)
zero // last input was a zero begin
out 0 if (in) next_state one
else next_state zero end
one // we've seen one 1 if (in) begin
next_state one out 1 end
else begin next_state zero out
0 end endcaseendmodule
Remember the Highlight- The-Arrows Method
12Blocking and Non-Blocking Assignments
- Blocking assignments (XA)
- completes the assignment before continuing on to
next statement - Non-blocking assignments (XltA)
- completes in zero time and doesnt change the
value of the target until a blocking point
(delay/wait) is encountered - Example swap
always _at_(posedge CLK) begin temp B B
A A temp end
always _at_(posedge CLK) begin A lt B B lt
A end
13RTL Assignment
- Non-blocking assignment is also known as an RTL
assignment - if used in an always block triggered by a clock
edge - mimic register-transfer-level semantics  all
flip-flops change together
// B,C,D all get the value of Aalways _at_(posedge
clk) begin B A C B D
C end
// this implements a shift registeralways
_at_(posedge clk) begin D, C, B C, B,
A end
// implements a shift register tooalways
_at_(posedge clk) begin B lt A C lt
B D lt C end