Title: COMP190 Digital Logic and Computer Design
1COMP190 Digital Logic and Computer Design
2Todays Topics
- Course description
- Whats it about
- Mechanics grading, etc.
- Material from Chapter 1
- What is digital logic?
- Binary signaling
- Number systems
- Codes
3Whats Course About?
- Course will be COMP160
- Digital logic focusing on the design of computers
- Stay above transistor level
- Only one class on this
- Each person design a MIPS CPU
- And peripheral logic (VGA, keyboard)
- Mostly use high-level language
- Stay above gate level
4How Can We Do This?
- Field Programmable Gate Arrays
- Chips with a lot of circuits
- Tens of thousands to millions of transistors
- Programmable, either once or many times
- We write programs describing design
- Download to chip
5We Will Use This Board
6Schematic Diagram
- /
- A 32-bit counter with only 4 bits of output.
The idea is - to select which of the counter stages you
want to pass on. -
- Anselmo Lastra, November 2002
- /
- module cntr_32c(clk,res,out)
- input clk
- input res
- output 30 out
- reg 310 count
- always _at_ (posedge res or posedge clk)
- if(res)
- count
- else
- count
8Xylinx Software
- Use design tools from chip maker
- Have full version on lab PCs
- Webpack (version 6.1i) for your PC
- I can hand out CDs
- ModelSim simulator
- Full version in lab
- Can use free version on your PC, but slower
9Class Web Pages
- http//www.cs.unc.edu/lastra/comp190
- Lets browse
- Linked from my home page in case you forget
- All notes posted
- Will try to make put them there before class
- Blackboard for grades
- Class forum (linked to class page)
- Labs there also
- Morris Mano and Charles Kime
- Logic and Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals,
3rd Edition - Prentice Hall, 2004
- Will largely to follow text
11Overview of Textbook
- Chapters 1-6 Digital logic
- Combinational and sequential
- Chapter 7-8 Register Transfer and State Machines
- Chapter 9 Memories
- Chapters 10-12 Computer design
- Chapter 13 I/O
- Chapter 14 Memory Hierarchies
12Will Also Need
- COMP120 book
- For MIPS reference
- Verilog reference
- Book optional
- Web see course home page
- Labs 35
- Easier at first latter ones will count more
- Homework 20
- Two tests spaced evenly 12.5 each
- Final 20
- Paced slowly at first
- Familiarization with tools
- Build up computer components
- Registers, ALU, decoder
- Peripheral VGA, keyboard interface
- Assemble a simple MIPS
- Add more features
- Final demo game or similar
15Lab Sections
- Everyone signed up for 100 lab
- At limit of XSA cards
- Over number of computers
- Who will use laptop?
- No lab this Friday
- Begins next week
16Late Policy
- Homework assignments and lab reports due by class
time (200 PM) - One class late, 10 points off
- Two classes late, 25 points off
- Not accepted later
17Whats Your Background?
- Course experience
- Work, etc.
- Which COMP120?
- Whats your intent in taking class?
- Questions?
18Office Hours
- Would like to wait a week to set
- Or not have set hours
- Send email if you want to meet
19Now Shift to Technology
20Digital vs. Analog
- Analog infinite resolution
- Like (old fashioned) radio dial
- Digital a finite set of values
- Like money
- Cant get smaller than cents
- Typically also has maximum value
21Binary Signaling
- Zero volts
- FALSE or 0
- 3.3 or 5 volts
- TRUE or 1
- Why not multilevel signaling?
22Discrete Data
- Some data inherently discrete
- Names (sets of letters)
- Some quantized
- Music recorded from microphone
- Note that other examples like music from CD or
electronic keyboard already quantized - Mouse movement is quantized
- Well, some mouse movement
23Numbers and Arithmetic
- Review of binary numbers,
- Hexadecimal,
- Arithmetic,
- Other codes
24Binary Numbers
- Strings of binary digits (bits)
- One bit can store a number from 0 to 1
- n bits can store numbers from 0 to 2n
25Binary Powers of 2
- Positional representation
- Each digit represents a power of 2
- So 101 binary is
- 1 22 0 21 1 20
- or
- 1 4 0 2 1 1 5
26Converting Binary to Decimal
- Easy, just multiply digit by power of 2
- Just like a decimal number is represented
- Example follows
27Binary ? Decimal Example
What is 10011100 in decimal?
128 0 0 16 8 4 0 0
28Decimal to Binary
- A little more work than binary to decimal
- Some examples
- 3 2 1 11 (thats 121 120)
- 5 4 1 101 (thats 122 021 120)
29Algorithm Decimal to Binary
- Find largest power-of-two smaller than decimal
number - Make the appropriate binary digit a 1
- Subtract the power of 2 from decimal
- Do the same thing again
30Decimal ? Binary Example
- Convert 28 decimal to binary
32 is too large, so use 16
Binary ? 10000
Decimal ? 28 16 12
Next is 8
Binary ? 11000
Decimal ? 12 8 4
Next is 4
Binary ? 11100
Decimal ? 4 4 0
- Strings of 0s and 1s too hard to write
- Use base-16 or hexadecimal 4 bits
- Letters to represent 10-15
33Hex to Binary
- Convention write 0x before number
- Hex to Binary just convert digits
0x2ac 001010101100
No magic remember hex digit 4 bits
34Binary to Hex
- Just convert groups of 4 bits
0101 ?
0111 ?
0011 ?
101001101111011 0x537b
35Hex to Decimal
- Just multiply each hex digit by decimal value,
and add the results.
2 256
10 16
12 1
36Decimal to Hex
- Analogous to decimal ? binary.
- Find largest power-of-16 smaller than decimal
number - Divide by power-of-16. The integer result is hex
digit. - The remainder is new decimal number.
- Do the same thing again
37Decimal to Hex
684/256 2
684256 172
172/16 10 a
17216 12 c
- Octal is base 8
- Similar to hexadecimal
- Conversions
- Less convenient for use with 8-bit bytes
- Binary Coded Decimal
- Decimal digits stored in binary
- Four bits/digit
- Like hex, except stops at 9
- Example
- 931 is coded as 1001 0011 0001
- Remember these are just encodings. Meanings are
assigned by us.
40Other Codes Exist
- Non positional
- Example Gray Code
- Only one bit changes at a time
- 000,001,011,010,110,111,101,100
- Why is this useful?
Ref http//lib-www.lanl.gov/numerical/bookcpdf/c2
41Shaft Encoder
42Arithmetic -- addition
- Binary similar to decimal arithmetic
No carries
11 is 2 (or 102), which results in a carry
43Arithmetic -- subtraction
No borrows
0 - 1 results in a borrow
44Arithmetic -- multiplication
Successive additions of multiplicand or
zero, multiplied by 2 (102). Note that
multiplication by 102 just shifts bits left.
45Hexadecimal Arithmetic
- Similar
- If youre doing by hand, easiest to convert each
set of digits to decimal and back - Skill is not very useful
46Character Codes
- From numbers to letters
- Stands for American Standard Code for Information
Interchange - Only 7 bits defined
47ASCII table
48Even Parity
- Sometimes high-order bit of ASCII coded to enable
detection of errors - Even parity set bit to make number of 1s even
- Examples
- A (01000001) with even parity is 01000001
- C (01000011) with even parity is 11000011
49Odd Parity
- Similar except make the number of 1s odd
- Examples
- A (01000001) with odd parity is 11000001
- C (01000011) with odd parity is 01000011
50Error Detection
- Note that parity detects only simple errors
- One, three, etc. bits
- More complex methods exist
- Some that enable recovery of original info
- Cost is more redundant bits
51Todays Topics
- Introduction
- Digital logic
- Number systems
- Arithmetic
- Codes
- Parity
- The encoding is key
- Standards are used to agree on encodings
- Special purpose codes for particular uses
- None, but
- I expect you to be able to know binary number
system and to do conversions - Decimal Binary
- Binary Decimal
- Decimal Hex
- Hex Decimal
- Can do some of the problems 1-2, 1-4, 1-7.
Answers on book website.
- Skim chapter 1
- Quick read to make sure youre comfortable with
material - Read Chapter 2
54Next Week
- Combinational Logic Basics
- Lab preview
- Ill demo tools in class, probably Thursday
- Lab on Friday