Daniela Field - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Daniela Field


Bullfrog Sunscreen Daniela Field & Nikki Juraszek + + + + + + + + Table of Contents EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 3 SITUATION ANALYSIS 4 SWOT ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Daniela Field

  • Bullfrog Sunscreen
  • Daniela Field Nikki Juraszek

Table of Contents
  • SWOT 12
  • APENDIX 18

Executive Summary
  • Purpose
  • Promote Bull Frog sun block to men and women who
    spend time in the sun, especially while
    performing outdoor activities.
  • Objective
  • The marketing objectives of this media plan are
    to increase awareness among consumers and build
    better consumer loyalty, while increasing sales
    to 26.8 million dollars (an 8 increase within
    the next two years.
  • Target Market
  • Adults ages 18-34.
  • There is not a narrow segment definition because
    sun screen products are used by all individuals
    regardless of their occupation, education, or
  • Media Plan
  • Concentrate on intense advertising towards are
    target market during the months of May, June, and
    July, with a particular emphasis on the month of
  • Utilize opportunities for promotions and
    advertisements throughout the ski/winter seasons,
    December to March.
  • Budget
  • The budget allowed for 2.5 million.
  • 85,000 was set aside for promotions and
    social/viral/nontraditional media
  • Location/ Where are we advertising?
  • Dallas/Ft. Worth, Los Angeles, Miami,
    Minneapolis, Orlando, and San Francisco

Brand Analysis
  • Brand Overview
  • Bullfrog is known as the first brand of sun-block
    that provides all- day waterproof protection.
  • Bullfrog sun-block was acquired in 1985 by
    Chattem Inc. from Oceanside labs. The acquisition
    by Sandi- Aventis allows for possible access to
    more money. They manufacture and market an array
    of brand name pharmaceuticals, toiletries, and
  • Prices vary from 6 dollars to 12 dollars, and
    their line of products carries six different
    categories of sunscreen options.
  • Distribution
  • Bullfrog is sold in most large retailers- food,
    drug, and mass merchandise stores. From Walgreens
    convenience stores to Kroger grocery stores, the
    product can be found nationwide
  • Category and Brand Sales
  • Bullfrog sales gross 24.8 million last year
  • Category sales are close to 425 million
  • Annual ad spending for this category amounts to
    48 million
  • The sun protection and sunless tanning market has
    increased by nearly 50 since 2005. is worth 701
    million in 2010. A focus on ultra and sport
    protection, including SPF protection levels of
    100, has driven an increase of 77 million from
    2009 to 2010.

Marketing Objectives
  • Grow sales to 26.8 million dollars with an 8
    increase within the next two years
  • It is also important to recognize the importance
    of brand awareness. In doing so, BullFrog should
    look to increase the awareness of consumers and
    build better consumer loyalty .

Competitive Considerations
  • Bullfrog has four main competitors. The top two
    are companies with very large ad budgets,
    well-known brand names, and high consumer
  • The competitions brands have higher total sales
    than Bullfrog in almost all categories, including
    our choice for target market for individuals
  • Market share for Bullfrog sunscreen is only
  • Secondary competitors are recognized for their
    budgets as well as their market shares.
  • Primary
  • Neutrogena
  • 52.90 Sole Users of Brand
  • Coppertone
  • 62.90 Sole Users of Brand
  • Secondary
  • Hawaiian Tropic
  • Banana Boat

Competitive Considerations
Company USP Ad Spending (000) Media Vehicles
Coppertone Brand Recognition 15,867.10 Network TV, Cable, Syndicated TV, Spot TV
Banana Boat Family Brand 2,087.20 Cable, National Spot Radio
Neutrogena Emphasis on Skin Protection 1,325.20 Consumer Magazines
Bullfrog Waterproof Protection 525.80 National Spot Radio
Hawaiian Tropic Unique variety of brand options 262.30 Consumer Magazines
Target AudienceAdults ages 18-34Consumer
research finds that women are much more likely to
use sun care products than men , however,
BullFrog is being marketed as an all around sport
sun block and can target both males and females.
  • The sunscreen market consists of younger
    individuals who are more likely to spend time
  • Young adults ages 18-24 are also less likely to
    buy sunscreen because they want to tan.
    Convincing these consumers is key strategy for
    sun protection companies.
  • Usage of all sun care products peaks when females
    are in their mid 30s.
  • Building a relationship now can lead to success
    in the future, keeping the group as loyal
    life-time users if Bullfrog starts focusing on a
    younger demographic
  • Sun protection products are becoming multi
    faceted with countless options of products. In
    addition, anti-aging has become the war cry in
    the personal care market, making the benefit
    relevant to younger and younger women and men.

Total Users (000) Coppertone Banana Boat Neutrogena Bullfrog
Age 18-24 3121 2573 610 455
Age 24-35 5916 3687 1085 573
  • Number of total users of the brand that fall
    between the ages of 18-35 is considerably lower
    than that of the competitors.

Geographical Information
  • Top markets were chosen with regards to total
    population, high levels of sunscreen sales, as
    well as estimated square miles of water in each
    DMA. The following information is ranked by
    total sun block sales.

DMA Market Total Population (2) Est. Sq. Mi Water Within 100 Mi Radius Total Sunscreen Sales Est. (mil.)
Los Angeles, CA 16928.6 739 28.5
San Francisco, CA 6928.6 644 19.9
Dallas- Ft. Worth, TX 6187.9 821 17.8
Minneapolis-St. Paul, MN 4218.7 3854 14.2
Miami-Ft. Lauderdale, FL 4147.1 1320 18.2
Orlando, FL 3166.9 1164 18.6
Timing and Purchase Cycle
  • The most advertising dollars are spent during the
    months of May June and July. 
  • During the months of April and July, 92 of
    advertising dollars are spent focusing on sun
    block products. 
  • July is when the most media buys occur for sun
    block products due to the relationship of higher
    outdoor activities and sun exposure.
  • Opportunities for advertising and promotion of
    sun block products occur most between the months
    of December through March.
  • During these months families, as well as general
    consumers, are taking vacations, including those
    to beaches and ski slopes. There is great
    potential for them to be exposed to extreme sun
    conditions throughout this period of time.

The Media Mix
  • The most traditional media vehicles used to
    promote and advertise sun block products are
    television and print media. These are proven to
    be the most effective vehicles in terms of
    reaching the most consumers.
  • The goal of the company should be to dominate
    the channels you advertise in, even if it is only
    through a single medium. Spreading the
    advertising too thin can expose the franchise to
    erosion from competitors.
  • Through various outlets, especially sponsorships
    and social media, Bullfrog can attract fans and
    build higher brand usage and loyalty.

Total Money Spent in Traditional Media
(Dollars- 000)
  • Strengths
  • Supplies both UVA and UVB radiation protection
  • First brand to offer all day waterproof sun
  • Contains comforting Aloe Vera and Vitamin E
  • Not known as a beach-only sunscreen, promoted
    as athletic. Waterproof protection is used for
    all outdoor activities, not just swimming.
  • Unique and memorable brand name
  • Weaknesses
  • Lack of brand loyalty
  • Lack of USP
  • Lack of brand recognition
  • Low market share
  • Low advertising budget
  • Opportunities
  • Advertising in the winter months as a go- to
    sport sun block.
  • New research showing the benefits of using
    sunscreen versus tanning. Negative impacts of sun
    are well-known and skin care is crucial when
    exposed to high levels of sun.
  • Potential for future advantages with financial
    resources due to acquisition of Chattem Inc. by
  • Bullfrog is not just for the everyday
    individual. It is targeted to those constantly
    outside partaking in physical activities.
    Bullfrog can increase sales by targeting outdoor
    enthusiast and become an all-purpose sun screen
    for athletes.
  • Threats
  • High brand loyalty of competitors
  • High brand recognition of competitors
  • Competitors work with a larger advertising budget
  • Product use is relatively low compared to
    competitors in terms of use per customer

Creative StrategyThe Creative Brief
  • Why are we advertising?
  • Chattem Inc. is the current holding company of
    BullFrog. Chattem Inc. was acquired by
    Sandi-Aventis giving the brand possible access to
    more money. Because the market for sunscreen
    products is so competitive, our main goal is to
    set ourselves apart with our promise of all-day
    waterproof protection. It is important to break
    into this market by positioning ourselves as the
    go to sport sun block. The market for the
    outdoorsy individual is a great way to position
    our brand.
  • Whom are we talking to?
  • Our target market is adults ages 18-34. Sun
    block products are something that can be marketed
    to people in any demographic. We want to focus
    more on the lifestyle these individuals have
    rather than how much money they make or what job
    they have. There is great opportunity with this
    target audience because we can build brand
    loyalty at a younger age, therefore keep them as
    loyal customers in the future.
  • What do they currently think?/What do we want
    them to think?
  • Unfortunately, the brand awareness for sunscreen
    products is low, especially for the BullFrog
    brand. BullFrog is a unique brand and we want
    our audience to recognize us as sporty. Our
    brand is perfect for any person who spends their
    time outside, whether it is fishing or rock
    climbing. BullFrogs infusion of aloe and vitamin
    E are important features that individuals need to
    know especially someone who spends a lot of time
    in contact with the sun. Sun care products are
    very important today due to the rising awareness
    of skin cancer and other consequences of high sun
    exposure. We want people who are outdoorsy and
    athletic to know Bullfrog is the ultimate sun
    product for their adventurous life.
  • Who is our competition?
  • Four brands Bullfrog competes against are
    Neutrogena, Coppertone, Banana Boat, and Hawaiian
    Tropic. These brands have a high market share
    and high levels or brand loyalty. They also have
    larger advertising budget that enables them to
    run more ads in more mediums. Bullfrog lacks the
    brand recognition the competition has among
    sunscreen users.

The single most important thing about Bullfrog
The Bullfrog brand is unique and can appeal to a
wide range of athletes and outdoor enthusiast.
Media Objectives Strategies
  • Target Audience
  • Adults ages 18-35
  • We chose to avoid a narrow segment definition
    because sun care products are important for all
    individuals regardless of
    their income, education, and occupation.
  • Woman in their mid thirties tend to stop using
    sun care products
  • Older individuals in their forties or older are
    less likely to purchase sun care products
  • With a high awareness for sun exposure issues,
    this target market pays closer attention to their
    health. They have more time to spend doing
    outdoor activities and are more likely to spend
    time outdoors on a regular basis .
  • Media Mix
  • Taking advantage of print media, combinations of
    interactive/non traditional, as well as
    promotional sponsorship media activities will
    benefit Bullfrog products by adding new and
    uncharted ways to advertise for the brand. Higher
    levels of interactive media, or non-traditional
    forms of media will play an important role in
    developing a greater brand awareness for
  • Non-traditional/Viral/Social
  • Online social media will be used to promote
    Auquapalooza events we sponsor. Facebook and
    other social media will play a large role in
    supporting the Bullfrog fan base. People can
    follow Bullfrog on Twitter for special promotions
    and other offers.
  • Magazines
  • High circulation female and male interest
    magazines such as Sports Illustrated, ESPN,
    Endless Vacation, Outdoor World, etc.

Media Objectives Strategies
  • Reach and Frequency Because the product has
    been on the market for about 20 years and there
    are high levels of competition, it is important
    to focus on running ads that target frequency
    rather than reach. Ads need to remind consumers
    about the product and work on getting more
    exposure as a brand.
  • The ideal goal for our national media plan would
    be to reach 50 of the target market with a
    2exposure frequency during the months of
    December- March, and May-June. During July, when
    advertising is heavier, our goal is to reach 60
    of the target market with a 3 exposure
  • The goal for our spot media plan would be to
    reach 60 of the target market with a 3 exposure
    frequency during the months of December-March,
    and May-June. During July, when advertising is
    heavier, our goal is to reach 70 of the target
    market with a 4 exposure frequency.
  • The average reach of our campaign was 24.5 with
    an average frequency of 1.2 per ad. The expected
    goals were not met, because with such a limited
    budget it is very difficult to produce such
    specific reach and frequency goals.
  • The target markets and DMAs selected make up
    13.4 of the US population.
  • GRPs
  • The campaign mainly focuses on the percentage of
    consumers being reached and the frequency that
    they are exposed to,
  • The GRPs were equal to 30.
  • Scheduling and Timing
  • The schedule for promotions and advertising would
    follow a flighting schedule with a break in
    April, and another break from September through
  • The flighting schedule will allow for a heavy
    advertising emphasis during the months of May
    through July when it is the prime traveling
    season, with the most intense sun exposure.

Budget Allocation
  • The budget allowed for the BullFrog Sun block
    campaign is 2.5 million with 85,000 set aside
    for promotions and social/viral/nontraditional
  • This budget is small compared to the other
    leading sunscreen brands, based on their
    percentage of sales and competitive parity.
  • The budget we have set aside for the promotional
    plan is 50,000, which will be used to sponsor
    Aquapalooza events in the six DMAs of our
    campaign. The plan will be to purchase BullFrog
    ads on the main stage and provide company boats
    to be placed in the boat areas we buy as well.
  • Geography
  • The campaign is a national plan with emphasis on
    spot media.
  • The geographical plan reaches six DMAs for the
    selected target audiences.
  • Los Angeles, San Francisco, Dallas/Ft Worth,
    Minneapolis, Miami, and Orlando. Together the
    target markets in these geographic areas make up
    13.4 of the total US population.
  • Sales Promotions
  • Another potential promotional strategy would be
    to sponsor Aquapalooza, which is an
    on-the-water music festival, and large-scale
    events sponsor, Sea Ray Boats, promotes it as
    The Worlds Largest Boat Party.  The huge
    gathering features live entertainment,
    water-related games, contests, and giveaways.  In
    picturesque fashion, flotillas of boats, tubes
    and all form of watercraft raft up with each
    other to watch performances broadcast over giant
    sound systems and video monitors.
  • Cost of boat sponsorships- Starting at 75 per
    boat. You will be allowed to anchor your boat on
    the first three rows. (Companies must supply
    their own boats with ads)
  • Platinum and Gold level Sponsorships- Starting at
    1,000 your company can buy advertisements around
    the venue and even on the stage.

  • In order to measure the achievements of Bullfrog
    as a brand we must find out if there was an
    observable increase in sales, and also create
    ways to measure brand awareness. When beginning
    the campaign, Bullfrog must set prior plans to
    evaluate sales after the first year so that they
    will be effective in determining the increase in
    sales as a whole at the end of the goal period.
    This is a good plan, because with our goal being
    to increase sales over a two-year period, a
    mid-evaluation will help decide if our campaign
    strategies are effectively working. This will
    allow us to make necessary changes if needed. One
    potential measurement would be to utilize TNS
    Strategy reports. This type of report is useful
    for our brand by allowing us to monitor sales
    across many different stores and venues. These
    reports would not only be successful at providing
    sales information about BullFrog, but they would
    also make our competitors sales performance
    available, and this would directly allow our
    company to identify where we stood as a brand
    compared to our competitors. If BullFrog wants to
    measure its success effectively we must evaluate
    our brands awareness by finding out if there has
    been an increase since the campaign was launched.
    One way our company can generate a better
    understanding of how we are being perceived in
    the minds of consumers is by issuing online
    surveys through email or our brands web-page. An
    example of a question the surveys will include
    are asking customers to have you used a Bullfrog
    product in the last month? This question will
    allow our brand to determine if consumers
    recognize/use us. Another way our company could
    determine brand awareness is by measuring the
    number of visitors on our webpage by calculating
    if an increase in web-traffic has occurred. This
    strategy will help our company examine if new
    consumers are visiting our website, which will
    indicate an increase in brand awareness. An
    additional online tactic would be to keep track
    of how many consumers clicked on our brands
    display and banner ads that are displayed in the
    margins of other popular websites, like
    Youtube.com. Over a period of time this method
    will conclude if there has been an increase or
    decrease in the number of consumers interested in
    the ads linked to our web page, by allowing us to
    determine if the ads are successful at creating
    brand awareness. Finally, our company has planned
    to create a fan page through the use of Facebook,
    where consumers will have the option to become a
    fan of our brand, which will then be displayed
    on their own personal Facebook page. This
    strategy is growing and being used by many
    companies to determine how many fans they have
    as a brand, and as a result over time, they are
    able to observe any increases and decreases in
    their fan base since the fan page launched.

Reach Avg Freq GRPS (000) Goal Est Goal Es
t Goal Est Balance Goal Est Balance January 60 24
.5 3 1.2 180 30 150 39.6 299.4 -259.8 February 60
25.2 3 1.2 180 31 149 39.6 299.4 -259.8 March 60 2
5.2 3 1.2 180 31 149 39.6 299.4 -259.8 April 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 May 60 25.2 3 1.2 180 31 149 39.6 2
99.4 -259.8 June 60 25.2 3 1.2 180 31 149 39.6 299
.4 -259.8 July 70 40.9 4 1.4 280 58 221 61.6 349.8
-288.2 August 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 September 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 October 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Novembe
r 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 December 60 25.2 3 1.2 180 3
1 149 39.6 299.4 -259.8 Total 1360 243 0 299 2
145.964 -1846.964 National Contingency (000)
0 Spot Contingency (000) 0
JULY) Target Demo All Adults ages 18-34
Natl Univ (000)67222 Spot Univ
(000)9846 Medium Covg. Unit GRPs CPP CPM To
tal Cost Net TV-Prime NATL 15 1 22996 34.21 22996
Net TV-Sports NATL 15 6 20239 30.11 121434 Net
Radio-Morning Drive NATL 30 6 3410 5.07 20460 Net
Radio-Daytime NATL 30 2 2960 4.4 5920 Internet-K
eyword/Search NATL Listing 2 23650 35.18 47300 Int
ernet-Trgtd Sites NATL Banner 2 23650 35.18 47300
National Totals 19 13969 20.78 265410 Spot
TV-Daytime SPOT 15 6 2163 21.97 12978 Spot
TV-Prime SPOT 15 2 5897 59.89 11794 Spot
Radio-Daytime SPOT 30 4 2296 23.32 9184 Spot
Totals 12 2830 28.74 33956 Total
Plan 20.75763887 14422 21.45 299366 "Note CPM
based on media that contribute both cost and
GRPs For Total Plan, Spot GRPs are weighted to
US coverage before
Adults ages 18-34 Natl Univ (000)67222 Spot Univ
(000)9846 Medium Covg. Unit GRPs CPP CPM To
tal Cost Net TV-Daytime NATL 15 1 19473 28.97 194
73 Net TV-Sports NATL 15 6 20239 30.11 121434 Net
Cable-Prime NATL 15 1 14266 21.22 14266 Net
Radio-Morning Drive NATL 30 6 3410 5.07 20460 Net
Radio-Daytime NATL 30 6 2960 4.4 17760 Net
Radio-Evening Drive NATL 30 6 2658 3.95 15948 Mag
azines-Mens NATL FPG 4C 1 28031 41.7 28031 Magazin
es-Womens NATL FPG 4C 1 23410 34.82 23410 National
Totals 28 9314 13.86 260782 Spot
TV-Daytime SPOT 15 6 2163 21.97 12978 Spot
TV-Prime SPOT 15 6 5897 59.89 35382 Spot
Radio-Morning Drive SPOT 30 6 1963 19.94 11778 Sp
ot Radio-Daytime SPOT 30 6 2296 23.32 13776 Spot
Radio-Evening Drive SPOT 30 6 2512 25.51 15072 Sp
ot Totals 30 2966 30.13 88986 Total
Plan 32.39409717 10797 16.06 349768 "Note CPM
based on media that contribute both cost and
GRPs For Total Plan, Spot GRPs are weighted to
US coverage before
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