Title: Evangelism Extreme Make over
1Evangelism Extreme Make over
2Evangelism Made Easier
- This workshop will be divided into 3 areas
- Friendship Evangelism/or Peer Evangelism
- Social Network Evangelism
- 360 Degrees Evangelism
3Skinny on Evangelism
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vYxKGGven9_U
4Where do we start as Youth?
- There are 3 basic ways we can evangelize
- Friendship Evangelism/or Peer Evangelism
- Social Network Evangelism
- 360 Degrees Evangelism
5Peer/Friendship Evangelism
- FRIENDSHIP EVANGELISM serves the purpose of
evangelism through students living an authentic
life and sharing Jesus with their unchurched
friends. - Peer outreach includes individuals who cross the
natural path of your life. You can begin to
identify the peers in your natural life path by
learning to L.O.V.E. your lost peers
- L ocation
- Peers atornear your home.
- Brothers Sisters
- Dad Mom
- Relatives Neighbors
- O ccupation
- Peers at your job.
- Fellow employee
- Boss or Shift Manager
- Customers
- V acation
- Peers at play.
- Teammates and Coach
- Peers in the band
- Friends with same hobbies
- E ducation
- Peers at your school.
- Classmates in art, math, etc.
- Teachers
- Peers at lunch table or locker
7(No Transcript)
- The payoff for being trained in Eternal C.P.R. is
the participation in the saving of a lifefor
eternity! - The process of ETERNAL CPR evangelism begins
with - Cultivatingbuilding bridges of friendship with
spiritually lost peers by prioritizing time spent
with them. - Jesus was a friend of sinners (Matthew 1119).
- Evangelism begins by cultivating a friendship
with a spiritually lost peer. - Its not enough to be friendly (cordial, nice,
etc.) with the lost we must build an authentic
friendship by being intentional about listening
and caring for the spiritually lost peers in the
LOVE PATHS of our lives.
- Plantingplanting the seed of your friendship
with God by speaking the truth in love. - After working on the love side by cultivating a
friendship with the spiritually lost then we
must - Initiate planting the seed of your friendship
with God with your spiritually lost peer. - Ask questions that help peers view the spiritual
dimensions of their lives and share your personal
faith story.
10(No Transcript)
- Reapinggiving a clear presentation of the Good
News about Jesus with a call to respond. - Traditionally evangelism training has focused
primarily on reaping skills. However, Jesus
taught hat that cultivating and planting were the
hard work of evangelism. - John 437-38 (NIV) Thus the saying One sows and
another reaps is true. 38 I sent you to reap
what you have not worked for. Others have done
the hard work, and you have reaped the benefits
of their labor. - But, there does come a time to share the Good
News and call for a response by your peer,
whether the reject or believe in Christ Jesus.
12Question Jesus Howd You do it?
- Jesus' model of evangelism
- Look at Jesus and His disciples
- He met them where they were and built a
relationship with them. - He dealt with them based on their personality and
their gifts
13He met them where they were and built a
relationship with them.
- Matthew 418-22 (The Message)
- 18-20Walking along the beach of Lake Galilee,
Jesus saw two brothers Simon (later called
Peter) and Andrew. They were fishing, throwing
their nets into the lake. It was their regular
work. Jesus said to them, "Come with me. I'll
make a new kind of fisherman out of you. I'll
show you how to catch men and women instead of
perch and bass." They didn't ask questions, but
simply dropped their nets and followed.
14Wow You Understand Me!?
- Jesus in this text met them were they were.
- They first disciples (Peter, Andrew, James and
John) were fishermen - Jesus drew a comparison to where they were and
what he wanted them to do. - Fishermen ? Come I will make you fishers of men.
15He dealt with them based on their personality and
their gifts
- An example is the call of Paul
- Paul was a zealous in his ways (Acts 91-2,13)
- Paul was a leader and persecuting the saints
- But after God transformed him, Paul used his
zealousness to preach the word of God and
evangelize - He used his leadership and strengths to plant
churches and delegate to other to do the work of
16Real life example
- Say you are in a school play. You can talk to
your fellow peer about Christ in a creative way. - Start conversation , Who is the best director
ever known? They may say various people (Steven
Spielberg, Spike Lee). - But you make reference to God saying that I know
some one who writes our stories and he cares
about all the characters involved.
17Real life example cont
- Then you can talk out bout the plot of Christ
death. - The introduction- God makes the world,
- Rising action- Adams sins causes a separation
from God, - Climax- Because of sin we need a Savior our
Christ to bring us back to God, - Falling action- we can be restored in
relationship with God because of Christ and he
loved us so much that he gave his life though
death so we can have eternal life
18Friendship evangelism- ABC strategy
- Students who commit to
- Act like a Christian- live an authentic life- be
who you say you are, etc. - Begin to pray for opportunities to share your
Faith - Communicate with Love
19Social Network Evangelism (Acts 18)
- 1) How should we live on social networks?
- what should your testimony be? who you are and
how is Christ represented on your Facebook or
Twitter Profile? - 2) Will your testimony be called into question
because of your posting?
20Friend Request Jesus
- When we use our FB or Twitters we basically Start
from where we are, in your homes and then we
project through the social networks reaching the
world - Its sharing the gospel at a click of a mouse
- We need to show non-Christians, with their
stereotypes and negative experiences of
Christians, what Christianity really is. - Twitter and Facebook are perfect media to do
this. - Christians can use social media to show the rest
of the word what we're really about. - Or, we can perpetuate the stereotypes we're
fighting against.
21Here are some dos and donts for witnessing
through Facebook and Twitter. 778423
22Dont Fake being perfect
- One of the stereotypes about Christians is that
we are hypocrites who act like we live perfect
lives because we have Jesus. - We all know this isnt true. We all know that we
struggle just like everyone else. - Lets not pretend we are not broken just because
we can edit our lives online.
23Do Talk about your struggles.
- Now, some people think your status is a place to
post vague, depressing commentary on your life.
Im not saying we need to be downers, but we do
need to be real. - Talk about how you are struggling to find a job,
but also talk about how you are praying on it. If
we talk about our lives realistically, it gives
us a way to show what God is doing in our lives. - You can then go back and post about how God
placed the right job in your lap or how your
church family has been your support through a
rough time.
24Dont Hate on people.
- If you are a Christian in real life, you need
to act Christian online. - Its easy to say things brutally or put others
down online because it doesnt feel as real. - We would never say some of the things we say
online in person. - Remember Do not let any unwholesome talk come
out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for
building others up according to their needs, that
it may benefit those who listen Ephesians 429.
25Do Praise the wonderful things Christians and
churches are doing.
- Christianity gets enough bad press from fringe
groups and fallen leaders. - Make your page a place to show that not all
Christians are like those that end up in the
news. - For example Bro. Ryan preached a wonderful word
in church today. I really received what he spoke
about. Its cool to see a fellow youth working for
26Dont use Christian terms any more than
absolutely necessary.
- Christians, like most groups, have our own
terminology -- fellowship, edification,
sanctification, etc. - Try to keep this off of Twitter and Facebook.
Non-Christians (and even some Christians) dont
know what these terms mean, so using them will
only alienate people following you. - Put your faith in plain language.
27Do Make sure that you are not being vulgar or
cussing either.
- We want people to understand us but we do want
to be examples of what God calls of us. - James 39-11 (Contemporary English Version)
- My dear friends, with our tongues we speak both
praises and curses. We praise our Lord and
Father, and we curse people who were created to
be like God, and this isn't right. 11Can clean
water and dirty water both flow from the same
spring? - Can a saved post and a cussing post both flow
from a saved and sanctified Christian?
28Dont Just dump Scriptures on your status.
- Many people will just throw some scriptures
online. Many people will do this multiple times
a day. This can be a good thing that will speak
to someone, but for many out there, they will
just ignore or unfollow you. If you are trying to
use your social media to evangelize, try
something a little different. - Example-John 1135 (KJV) Jesus wept.
29Do Post Scriptures with context.
- When you post a scripture, also post something
about its meaning, or your reaction to the
scripture. - Give it context for the non-Christians who are
following you, and show that you are connected in
some way to what you are posting. - FB post John 1135-36 When Jesus wept it showed
his humanness in that moment. God loves us and he
weep with us as we weep and so on.
30360 Degrees Evangelism (2 Tim 22)
- Look at how Paul affected those
- a) Above him (his teacher Gamiliel, Ananias etc)
- b) His Peers (some of the apostles such as Peter)
- c) Generation below him (Timothy and others)
- d) The Church
31360 Degrees Evangelism (2 Tim 22)
His Teachers
The Church
His peers
His students Timothy and others
32How Paul was influenced by those
- Above him
- By his teacher Gamiliel (Acts 223),
- Ananias (Acts 9 13-19)
33How Paul was affected by
- b) His Peers
- some of the apostles such as Peter, Barnabus
- (Acts 9 25-26)
34How Paul affected those below him
- Generation below him
- Timothy and others (Acts 161-5)
35How Paul impacted the Church
- Paul taught the church the spiritual things of
God then they in turn would go out and preach the
word of God an many were added daily (Acts
1422-23) - He corrected them when they were wrong (1 Cor
36Evangelism Explosion
- I. The introduction
- A Their secular life
- B. Their church background
- C. Our church
- D. Testimony personal and/or church
- E. Two diagnostic questions If you were to die
tonight where would you go. OR If God says why
should I let you into heaven what would you say? - II. The gospel
- A. Grace
- 1. Heaven is a free gift
- 2. It is not earned or deserved
- B. Man
- 1. Is a sinner
- 2. Cannot save himself
- C. God
- 1. Is merciful therefore doesnt want to
punish us - 2. Is just therefore must punish sin.
- D. Christ
- 1. Who he is the infinite God-man
- 2. What he did he paid for our sins and
purchased a place in heaven for us which he
offers as a gift. - E. Faith
- 1. What it is not mere intellectual assent nor
temporal faith - 2. What it is trusting in Jess Christ alone
for our salvation - III. The commitment (questionable doctrine (we))
- A. The qualifying question Does this make
sense to your? - B. The commitment question Would you like to
receive the gift of eternal life? - C. The clarification of commitment
- D. The prayer of commitment
- E. The assurance of salvation
- IV. The immediate follow-up
- A. Bible (seven-day call back appointment)
- B. Prayer
- C. Worship
- D. Fellowship
- E. Witness
37Evangelism Gone wrong!!
- http//www.youtube.com/watch?vISLVrcJjaLglistLL
38Avoid the 7 deadly sins of evangelism
39Deadly Sin 1- Scheming
- Hundreds of well meaning and so not so well
meaning leaders that are promoting subtly
dishonest scheme specifically designed to entice
and fool people into hearing the gospel and
getting saved - I.e.- Bible tracks that look like 100 dollar
bills, seminars looking secular but having altar
calls at the end.. - 1 Tess 23 says we are not to lure people into
Gods kingdom under false pretenses
40Deadly Sin 2-Scalp Hunting
- A stereotypical scalp hunter is a religious
fanatic whose all-consuming passion us it fill a
daily quota for Jeeeeee-suss huh
41Deadly Sin 3-
- Screaming
- No explanation need
42Deadly Sin 4- Selling Jesus as if hes a Juicer
- They make a great presentation and looking for
ways to close the deal. - It makes people run and hide and not answer doors
43Deadly Sin 5-Stalking
- This is someone who is over aggressive and cant
handle the word NO - We all have a free will and we can make a
decision they my say no just for that season or
for a eternity its up to them
44Deadly Sin 6-Sermonizing
- A sermonizer is a Christian who has all the
answers when no one is asking any questions - Motto You dont need to listen to the experts
in the field because after all you have me!
45Deadly Sin 7-Spectating
- This is someone who so afraid- afraid of
rejection that may be a result of speaking up for
Jesus and afraid of failing in attempt to share
the gospel. - Fear of rejection and fear of failing is are the
excuses that the vast majority of Christians use
for not evangelizing. - We must ask God to remove this fear that we dont
become selfish Christians. - Someone shared the word with us, why not share it
with others?
46Wrap Up Questions
- What evangelic approach seems easier for you to
do? (Friendship Evangelism/or Peer Evangelism,
Social Network Evangelism, 360 Degrees
Evangelism) - Think of Five Friends or family members that you
would like to share the gospel with, how will you
do so?
- Evangelism training, Professor Mccloud, Nyack
College - Evangelism (article)
- How to Witness Through Social Media (article)
- Irresistible Evangelism by Stevn Sjogren, Dave
Ping, Doug Pollock - Peer to Peer Evangelism (1500 to 2000 words) by
Eric Liechty (Sonlife Ministries - Leadership
EXAMPLE An interview with Kurt Johnston, Jr. High
Youth Pastor, Saddleback - Special thanks to the South Ozone Park Church of
God of Prophecy, Youth Evangelism Team Senior
Pastor, Bishop Linval Hendricks Youth Pastor,
Min. Viveen Murray and Youth / Resource
Co-ordinator, Dana Blackwood.