Centricity Customer Portal Management - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Centricity Customer Portal Management


General Electric Company 2004 ... Learning the Ws of the Centricity Customer Portal and the big H – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Centricity Customer Portal Management

Centricity Customer Portal Management
Learning the Ws of the Centricity Customer
Portal and the big H
Centricity Customer Portal Management
  • This guide will cover the five Ws of the
    Centricity Customer Portal (CCP) and the big H
  • What What is the Centricity Customer Portal?
  • Who Who manages the CCP?
  • Why Why are we using the CCP?
  • When When will I start managing the CCP?
  • Where Where do I find the CCP?
  • How How do I manage the CCP?

What is the Centricity Customer Portal?
What is the Centricity Customer Portal?
  • The Centricity Customer Portal, or CCP is the
    Learning Management System (LMS) that delivers
    CBT training to users.

What does the CCP look like?
Once logged into the CCP, the Required section is
where assigned CBTs are located. The Enrolled in
section displays CBTs that the user has
started. The Catalog is where all CBTs are
located. The Curricula section organizes the
CBTs into role-based courses. Content from the
education site has been migrated to the CCP and
will be housed here going forward.
What does the CCP look like?
This is a small sample of the CBTs listed on the
Catalog page.
What does the CCP look like?
This is an abbreviated example of CBTs organized
into curricula.
Back to contents
Who manages the CCP?
Who manages the CCP?
  • Each customer will appoint from their business a
    manager of the CCP. The person in the manager
    role will have specific administration
    privileges, such as assigning CBTs to categories
    of users and running reports.
  • Some customers may prefer to have GEs Education
    Team assign CBTs, which is also available.

Back to contents
Why are we using the CCP?
Why are we using the CCP?
  • The CCP is a one-stop shop for all your education
    needs, including product information, on-site
    training information and registration, as well as
    giving the person designated as manager control
    over the users and CBTs to be assigned.

Back to contents
When will I start managing the CCP?
When will I start managing the CCP?
  • Once your practice has been entered into the CCP,
    if you are in the manager role, you will be
    notified that your staff can self-register, and
    you can assign CBTs to categories of users, if
    you want.
  • You will be notified by either a GE project
    manager or by the Education Team when your
    practice is in the CCP.

Back to contents
Where do I find the CCP?
Where do I find the CCP?
  • The url for the CCP is http//centricityportal.gen
  • A GE project manager or the Education Team will
    initially provide you with login credentials for
    your management role. You will also receive a
    Siebel Account number with instructions of how to
    use it when logging in.

Back to contents
How do I manage the CCP?
How do I manage the CCP?
  • The first view of the CCP is the login page.
    Managers will login first with credentials
    provided by either a GE project manager or a
    member of the Education Team.
  • Once logged in, the manager can forward the CCP
    URL to staff members, along with a provided
    Siebel Account number, used to link your practice
    to the appropriate location within the CCP.
  • The functions a manager will be able to perform
    in the CCP are all wizard based.

How do I manage the CCP?
  • Upon logging in, you will be prompted to choose a
    Knowledge Position. The name of your practice
    will be displayed. In this example, the practice
    is Physicians Associates and the position of
    manager is the default.
  • Select Submit.

A Knowledge Position is a category of users in
the CCP. A manager would be in the Knowledge
Position Manager role, whereas a student would be
in a Knowledge Position Student role.
How do I manage the CCP?
  • Once in the CCP, the Tools button is where the
    manager will go to access all wizards and
  • The manager will be able to do the functions
    listed below in the CCP. You can jump to
    different sections by clicking on the hyperlinks

It is advised that you use this presentation in
conjunction with making CCP changes until you are
more familiar with some of the terminology.
Self registration Assign users to Knowledge
Positions Assign CBTs to Knowledge
Positions Remove course assignments Create custom
Knowledge Positions Change password Run reports
In this section you will learn how your staff
will be added to the CCP. As the manager, you
will login with credentials provided to you in a
communication from the Education Team, or
information from a project manager. Once you have
logged in, forward the URL of the CCP to your
staff, along with the Siebel Account number
provided, and they can begin self-registering. CC
P URL http//centricityportal.gen21.com/knav/nav
  • From the Logon screen, choose Register as new

  • Complete all the fields.
  • The Account Number field is where your staff adds
    the Siebel Account number provided to the person
    acting as manager. Enter this number to link your
    staff to the appropriate group of users for your
  • If you did not receive your Siebel Account
    number, contact the Education Team at the end of
    this presentation.
  • When finished, click the Send information button
    to complete self-registration.

  • It is important to note that users registering
    via the self-registration process are
    automatically placed into the Student-level
    Knowledge Position, created for your practice.
    You will learn more about Knowledge Positions
    shortly, but if you have any users that you want
    to be able to manage the CCP, after they have
    self-registered, they need to be added to the
    Manager Knowledge Position for your practice.
  • Remember, as manager you have different
    permissions than a student user therefore, you
    must add them to the Manager Knowledge Position
    after they have self-registered to have those
    same permissions.

Back to Wizards contents
Assign users to Knowledge Positions
In this section you will learn how to assign
users to Knowledge Positions. Each user will be
added to a Knowledge Position either prebuilt by
the Education Team, or to a new one you create.
If you have been designated as a CCP manager, you
have already been added to the Manager Knowledge
Position. You can assign users to either Student
or Manager Knowledge Positions.
Assign users to Knowledge Positions
  • From the Wizards menu, find Assign or Remove
    People from Knowledge Positions and then Run

When you receive management access to the CCP, a
manager Knowledge Position has already been
created for you. You can add your users to any
Student or Manager positions available. An
example name of the Knowledge Position would be
Physicians Associates Student.
Assign users to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until you get to this screen. In
    the Knowledge Position Name field, enter a
    partial name to your practice, in this example
    physicians. Select Next Step to continue.

Assign users to Knowledge Positions
  • There will be several Knowledge Positions listed.
    For this example, select a Knowledge Position
    with the name Student associated.

Assign users to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until you are on this screen.
    Choose Assign to assign a user to this Knowledge

Assign users to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until you are on this screen.
    Enter the last name of the employee who you would
    like to assign. Remember, this user has already
    self-registered and is already in the system. If
    they have not self-registered, have them do so

Assign users to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until you are on this screen.
    For this example there is only one Turner, so the
    choice is easy. However, there may be more than
    one Ted Turner in the Centricity Customer Portal,
    so be sure the Employee matches the Siebel
    Account number for your practice. This unique
    number is what links your staff to your position
    in the CCP system.

Assign users to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until you are on this screen.
    Confirm the assignment and choose Yes. Make the

Assign users to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. If there are
    no more users to assign, you will choose Im
    finished. For this example we are going to remove
    Ted Turner, so we will select Assign or remove
    another user.

Assign users to Knowledge Positions
  • Just like before, in the Knowledge Position Name
    field, enter a partial name to your practice. As
    before, well search physicians. Select Next Step
    to continue.

Assign users to Knowledge Positions
  • As before, there will be several Knowledge
    Positions listed. Select Physicians Associates
    Student, because that is the Knowledge Position
    where Ted Turner is located.

Assign users to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. This time
    select Remove.

Assign users to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. Choose Ted
    Turner to remove him from this group.

Assign users to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. Choose Yes
    remove to confirm your selection.

Assign users to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. When you are
    finished adding or removing users, choose Im
    finished. Select Next Step until you are exited
    out of the wizard.

Back to Wizards contents
Assign CBTs to Knowledge Positions
In this section you will learn how to assign CBTs
to a Student Knowledge Position. A Knowledge
Position is a group of users with specific
permissions. If you have been designated as a CCP
manager, you have already been added to the
Manager Knowledge Position, which gives you the
permissions necessary to manage the CCP. It is
important to note that you cannot assign CBTs to
an individual, only to positions.
Assign CBTs to Knowledge Positions
  • From the Wizards menu, find Assign Courses to
    Business Units and then Run Wizard.

You are able to assign a course or CBT to a
Knowledge Position, but not to an individual
user. If there is only one user that needs to
take their own CBT, they must be either assigned
to an existing Knowledge Position, or a new
Knowledge Position can be created.
Assign CBTs to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. Choose No
    because you are going to assign the CBTs to a
    specific Knowledge Position called Students.

Assign CBTs to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. In the Name
    of Business Unit or Position field, enter a
    partial name of your practice, or in this example

Assign CBTs to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. Choose
    Physicians Associates Student.

Assign CBTs to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. For this
    example well search for the class about adding
    correspondence notes.

The key for all available CBTs is at the top of
the Catalog section of the CCP. You can also
enter in the Name field and all uploaded CBTs
will return in the results. Be careful that you
dont choose a curriculum inadvertently, instead
of a course because every CBT from the curriculum
will be assigned and in some instances there
could be as many as 60 individual CBTs that will
now be assigned. To avoid this, be sure that
the course is listed as Web based, instead of
Assign CBTs to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. Choose Adding
    Correspondence Notes and Updating Visits Try.

Assign CBTs to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. Since you are
    assigning this course, from the Required section
    choose Yes. If you choose No, the course will
    just be added to the Catalog section and the
    assigned user will never know it was assigned to

Assign CBTs to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. Leave the
    Suggested Frequency field as is with Take only

Assign CBTs to Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. At this point
    you can either assign more courses to this
    Knowledge Position, or choose Im finished.

Assign CBTs to Knowledge Positions
  • The next time the student logs in to the CCP,
    when they go to the Required section they will
    see the course weve just added to the Physicians
    Associates Student position.

Assign CBTs to Knowledge Positions
  • Each customer will have a generic Student
    Knowledge Position created by either a GE project
    manager or the Education Team. As a manager, you
    may determine that all your users can reside
    under the one Student Knowledge Position, so you
    will never need to create a custom Knowledge

Back to Wizards contents
Remove course assignments
In this section you will learn how to remove
courses or CBTs from Student Knowledge Positions.
Remove course assignments
From the Wizards menu, find Remove or Modify
Course Assignments and then Run Wizard. For this
example we are going to remove Adding
Correspondence Notes and Updating Visits from the
Physicians Associates Student position.
Remove course assignments
  • Select Next Step until this screen. Select No to
    remove a CBT from a Student Knowledge Position,
    which is under the Physicians Associates

Remove course assignments
  • Select Next Step until this screen. In the
    Business Unit Name field type physicians to see
    all of the Knowledge Positions for Physicians

Remove course assignments
  • Select Next Step until this screen. Choose the
    Knowledge Position that you want to remove the
    course from. This will affect all the users for
    this Knowledge Position. For this example, choose
    Physicians Associates Student.

Remove course assignments
  • Select Next Step until this screen. Choose the
    course Adding Correspondence Notes and Updating
    Visits - Try and then Remove.

Modify is listed as an option, but there is not a
function tied to this option. Always select
Remove when using this wizard.
Remove course assignments
  • Select Next Step until this screen. Choose Yes to
    confirm removal of this course from the
    Physicians Associates Student position. Select
    Next Step to complete the course removal and exit
    the wizard.

Back to Wizards contents
Create custom Knowledge Positions
  • In this section you will learn how to create
    custom Knowledge Positions in the CCP.
  • There may be employees in your practice who hold
    numerous roles. In cases such as this, you may
    want to create a custom Knowledge Position and
    assign CBTs to these custom roles.
  • Please note that the Education Team has created
    role-based curricula for many job functions, so
    you may not need to create custom Knowledge
    Positions. These role-based curricula are in the
    Curricula section.
  • Some examples
  • CPSPM10 Billers
  • CPSPM10 EDI Reps
  • CPSEMR10 Clinical Support Staff
  • CPSEMR10 Providers

Create custom Knowledge Positions
  • Before creating your first custom Knowledge
    Position, it is important to understand the
    hierarchy of the CCP.

Physicians Associates Community
Manager Knowledge Position
Student Knowledge Position
Custom Student Knowledge Position
The person assigned to the Manager Knowledge
Position has the ability to create Student
Knowledge Positions and assign courses and users
to those positions. For the most part, there is
no need to create a Community.
Create custom Knowledge Positions
  • After selecting the Tools button, the Wizards
    window opens in a new browser window.
  • From the Wizards menu, find Create New Business
    Units and then Run Wizard.

Create custom Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. Choose Yes.
  • For this example the practice name is Physicians
    Associates and we are going to create a Knowledge
    Position under the Physicians Associates

The Student Knowledge Community for your practice
will have already been created for you by the
Education Team.
Create custom Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. Choose Create
    a new Knowledge Position. There is typically no
    need to create a new Business Unit.

Create custom Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. While there
    are many fields, the only one necessary is the
    Knowledge Position Name field. The naming
    convention you choose should include your
    practice, the student role and the specific
  • For example, for Physicians Associates, we want
    to create a group of students who will learn
    about front office duties. We use Physicians
    Associates Student Front Office as the Knowledge
    Position Name.
  • The Education Team has already created several
    curricula for specific functions, including the
  • CPSPM10 Clinical Staff
  • CPSPM10 Insurance A/R Reps
  • CPSEMR10 Nurses / MAs
  • Your practice may not need to create new
    Knowledge Positions.

Create custom Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. After
    confirming the details of the new Knowledge
    Position, select Next Step.

Create custom Knowledge Positions
  • Select Next Step until this screen. Choose No, I
    am finished if you have no more Knowledge
    Positions to add, or choose Yes to add another
    Knowledge Position.

Back to Wizards contents
Change password
In this section you will learn how to use the
wizard to change your password. This is the same
wizard that the Student Knowledge Positions use
to change their passwords.
Change password
If you are in the management role, you will be
provided a username and password when you are
introduced to the CCP. You will want to change
that password by finding the Change Password
wizard and then Run Wizard.
Change password
Select Next Step until this screen. Enter your
current password, then add your new password to
the appropriate fields. There are no requirements
for how many or types of characters you may use
when creating or changing your password.
Change password
Select Next Step until this screen. Enter your
Work Email. If at this time you want to change
the email address associated with your account,
you may change it here.
Change password
Select Next Step until this screen. This is a
confirmation that the new password has been
saved. Select Next Step until the wizard closes.
Back to Wizards contents
Run reports
The CCP provides the manager with tools to run
customizable reports for the following functions
Business Unit level report Registrations by Business Unit report indicates what courses, users, and other categories are associated with the customer Business Unit. For this example all the categories are associated with Physicians Associates.

Knowledge Position level report Business Unit Employees report indicates what users are assigned to specific Knowledge Positions.

Course level report Registrations by Course report indicates what students are assigned to each course, as well as if the course has been completed and other categories.

Student level report Registrations by Student report indicates the courses the specific student has enrolled in, course completion and date of completion.
Run reports
  • Once in the CCP, the Tools button is where the
    manager will access all reports.
  • Click on each to go to that report.
  • Registrations by Business Unit
  • Business Unit Employees
  • Registrations by Course
  • Registrations by Student

Run reports Registrations by Business Unit
  • Registrations by Business Unit report indicates
    what courses, users, and other categories are
    associated with the customer Business Unit.
  • For this example all the categories are
    associated with Physicians Associates.
  • From the Wizards menu, find Registrations by
    Business Unit and then View Report.

Run reports Registrations by Business Unit
  • The Report Wizard will help you to set up how the
    results will be displayed.

Run reports Registrations by Business Unit
  • Select Next Step until this screen.
  • Use the inside arrows to add or subtract fields
    to be displayed in the report.
  • From the Display Order section, choose a field
    then click either the Up or Down button to change
    the order of how that field will be displayed in
    the report.
  • The field at the top of the Display Order will
    appear on the top left of the report and the
    field at the bottom will appear at the top right
    of the report.

Run reports Registrations by Business Unit
  • Select Next Step until this screen.
  • Enter your search criteria and your desired sort.
  • By searching physicians in the Employee BU field,
    the report will list all categories associated
    with Physicians Associates.
  • Reports can be produced as an Excel document, or
    as a Webpage.

Run reports Registrations by Business Unit
  • Select Next Step until this screen.
  • The finished report displayed as a Webpage.

Back to Reports contents
Run reports Business Unit Employees
  • Business Unit Employees report indicates what
    users are assigned to specific Knowledge
  • From the Wizards menu, find Business Unit
    Employees and then View Report.

Run reports Business Unit Employees
  • The Report Wizard will help you to set up how
    your report will display results.

Run reports Business Unit Employees
  • Select Next Step until this screen.
  • To run the report on the users for Physicians
    Associates, enter physicians in the Name of
    Business Unit or Position.

Run reports Business Unit Employees
  • Select Next Step until this screen.
  • There are several Knowledge Positions created for
    Physicians Associates.
  • For this example, we will report on the users
    associated with the Physicians Associates Student
    Front Office position.

Run reports Business Unit Employees
  • Select Next Step until this screen.
  • There are several Knowledge Positions created for
    Physicians Associates.
  • For this example, we will report on the users
    associated with the Physicians Associates Student
    Front Office position.

Run reports Business Unit Employees
  • Select Next Step until this screen.
  • Use the inside arrows to add or subtract fields
    to be displayed in the report.
  • From the Display Order section, choose a field
    then click either the Up or Down button to change
    the order of how that field will be displayed in
    the report.
  • The field at the top of the Display Order will
    appear on the top left of the report and the
    field at the bottom will appear at the top right
    of the report.

Run reports Business Unit Employees
  • Select Next Step until this screen.
  • For this example we want to search for Physicians
    Associates employee Byron Black. Enter black in
    the User Last Name field.

Run reports Business Unit Employees
  • Select Next Step until this screen.
  • The finished report displayed as a Webpage.

Back to Reports contents
Run reports Registrations by Course
  • Registrations by Course report indicates what
    students are assigned to each course, as well as
    if the course has been completed and other
  • From the Wizards menu, find Registrations by
    Course and then View Report.

Run reports Registrations by Course
  • The Report Wizard will help you to set up how
    your report will display results.

Run reports Registrations by Course
  • Select Next Step until this screen.
  • Use the inside arrows to add or subtract fields
    to be displayed in the report.
  • From the Display Order section, choose a field
    then click either the Up or Down button to change
    the order of how that field will be displayed in
    the report.
  • The field at the top of the Display Order will
    appear on the top left of the report and the
    field at the bottom will appear at the top right
    of the report.

Run reports Registrations by Course
  • Select Next Step until this screen.
  • For this example we want to search for classes
    related to entering a new patient.
  • Type new patient into the Course Title field and
    select Next Step.

Run reports Registrations by Course
  • The finished report displayed as a Webpage.
  • The results show all courses related to new
    patient and the students registered to those

Back to Reports contents
Run reports Registrations by Student
  • Registrations by Student report indicates the
    courses the specific student has enrolled in,
    course completion and date of completion.
  • From the Wizards menu, find Registrations by
    Student and then View Report.

Run reports Registrations by Student
  • The Report Wizard will help you to set up how
    your report will display results.

Run reports Registrations by Student
  • Select Next Step until this screen.
  • Use the inside arrows to add or subtract fields
    to be displayed in the report.
  • From the Display Order section, choose a field
    then click either the Up or Down button to change
    the order of how that field will be displayed in
    the report.
  • The field at the top of the Display Order will
    appear on the top left of the report and the
    field at the bottom will appear at the top right
    of the report.

Run reports Registrations by Student
  • Select Next Step until this screen.
  • For this example we want to search for classes
    assigned to student Byron Black
  • Type black in the User Last Name field and select
    Next Step.

Run reports Registrations by Student
  • The finished report displayed as a Webpage.
  • The results show all courses assigned to student
    Byron Black.

Back to Reports contents
  • You are now ready to use the CCP and manage how
    CBTs are assigned to groups of users and create
  • It is important to note that CBTs do not have to
    be assigned to Knowledge Positions. At any point,
    a user added to the CCP can go to the Catalog, or
    Curricula sections of the CCP and find a CBT to
    take. The benefit of assigning CBTs is to group
    them by subject and create instances where CBTs
    are required by your practice.
  • Remember, the Education Team has created several
    role-based curricula that may be helpful for your
  • If you have questions about using and managing
    the CCP , please contact GEs Education Team at

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