Electronic Instrumentation - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Electronic Instrumentation


Electronic Instrumentation Project 1 1. Configuring an Analog Devices Accelerometer 2. Finding Acceleration using the Strain Gauge and Coil Outputs – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: KenC91


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Electronic Instrumentation

Electronic Instrumentation
  • Project 1
  • 1. Configuring an Analog Devices Accelerometer
  • 2. Finding Acceleration using the Strain Gauge
    and Coil Outputs
  • 3. Real Time Measurement
  • 4. Project Write Up
  • 5. Practical Questions

Cantilever Beam Sensors
  • Position Measurement obtained from the strain
  • Velocity Measurement obtained from the magnetic
    pickup coil
  • Acceleration Measurement obtained from the
    Analog Devices accelerometer

Sensor Signals
  • The 3 signals
  • Position
  • Velocity
  • Acceleration

2 of the 3 plots must be scaled to see them on
the same figure.
Basic Steps for Project
  • Build the accelerometer circuit
  • Mount it close to the end of the beam
  • Calibrate the position and velocity sensors
  • Measure position, velocity and acceleration, 2
    channels at a time
  • Determine the mathematical representations for x,
    v, and a.
  • Demonstrate that the 3 expressions are consistent.

  • Build circuits that do the math
  • Calibrate the circuits
  • Record the 3 signals plus the appropriate
    mathematical operations on the signals
  • Demonstrate that all signals are consistent

Building the Accelerometer Circuit
The Analog Device Accelerometer
  • The AD Accelerometer is an excellent example of a
    MEMS device in which a large number of very, very
    small cantilever beams are used to measure
    acceleration. A simplified view of a beam is
    shown here.

Accelerometer Circuit
Op Amp Circuit
Accelerometer Chip
  • The AD chip produces a signal proportional to
  • The Op Amp amplifies the signal

Accelerometer Circuit
  • The ADXL150 is surface mounted, so we must use a
    surfboard to connect it to a protoboard

Improved Op Amp
  • We use a Maxim 473 Op Amp to improve performance
  • This device requires only ground and 5V (rail
  • The output can scan from rail-to-rail

Part Costs
  • Maxim MAX-473 Single Supply 10MHz Op Amp (3.58
    from Digi-Key)
  • Compare with LM741 Dual Supply Op Amp (0.22
    from Electronix Express)
  • Analog ADXL150 Accelerometer 13.70
  • Note that these are all single part costs.

  • Please be very careful with the accelerometers.
    While they can stand quite large g forces, they
    are electrically fragile. If you apply the wrong
    voltages to them, they will be ruined. AD is
    generous with these devices (you can obtain
    samples too), but we receive a limited number
    each year.

Extra Protoboard
  • You will be given a small protoboard on which you
    will construct your accelerometer circuit.
  • Keep your circuit intact until you complete the
  • Return the accelerometer surfboard at the end of
    each class

Mounting the Accelerometer
Mount the Accelerometer Near the End of the Beam
  • Place the small protoboard as close to the
    magnetic sensor as possible
  • The axis of the accelerometer needs to be vertical

Accelerometer Signal
  • The output from the accelerometer circuit
  • is per g, where g is
  • acceleration of gravity, Rf is the feedback
    resistor and Ri is the input resistor for the Op
  • In the equations below, the units are in

Calibrate the Position and Velocity Sensors
Position Measurement Using the Strain Gauge
  • Set up the strain gauge circuit you used in
    earlier experiments
  • Place a ruler near the end of the beam
  • Make several measurements of bridge output
    voltage and beam position
  • Find a simple linear relationship between voltage
    and beam position

Velocity Measurement Using the Magnetic Pickup
  • From Maxwells Equations, the voltage induced in
    a coil due to a moving magnetic field is given by
  • where v is velocity, B is magnetic field, N is
    the number of turns in the coil, and A is the
    area of the coil. Simplifying

Velocity Measurement
  • For small deflections, the change in the magnetic
    field with position is roughly constant, so the
    voltage is proportional to the beam velocity.
  • For large deflections, you should notice that the
    voltage will not look like a decaying sinusoid

Velocity Measurement
  • There is no simple direct way to calibrate the
    velocity measurement
  • However, it can be calibrated by comparing it to
    the position measurement
  • To facilitate this comparison, we adjust the
    amplification of the bridge output until the
    strain gauge and pickup coil voltages are about
    the same size
  • Recall that these signals should be out of phase

Comparison of x and v signals
  • Use the Lissajou pattern approach to adjust the
    strain gauge amplifier output to be comparable to
    that of the pickup coil
  • You must use the same voltage scales for both
    scope channels for this comparison to be valid

Calibrating the Velocity Measurement
  • Note, all measurements of position and velocity
    must be taken with the accelerometer board
    installed so that the same conditions hold for
    all measurements
  • Measure the strain gauge and coil outputs
  • Capture these signals in Excel using the Waveform
    option of Agilent Intuilink

Calibrating the Velocity Measurement
  • The x and v signals are decaying sinusoids.
  • We know the calibration for x
  • And we know that
  • The matched amplitudes, AsgAcoil gives us
  • Details here Proj1_Help.PDF

  • When both x and v are calibrated, it is possible
    to find the acceleration a(t) by taking
    derivatives of these expressions
  • You can either fit a decaying sinusoid to the
    signals and take the derivatives mathematically
    or take the derivatives of the data directly with
  • Record the accelerometer signal at the same time
    as the coil, use the calibration factors you have
    found to adjust both signals, take the derivative
    of the coil signal and compare the two resulting
  • Record the accelerometer signal at the same time
    as the strain gauge, use the calibration factors
    you have found to adjust both signals, take the
    second derivative of the strain gauge signal and
    compare the two resulting curves.

Real Time Measurement
Analog Differentiator
  • It is possible to differentiate a signal using
    either a passive or active differentiator.
  • Passive Differentiator

Analog Differentiator
  • Active Differentiator
  • Note that there is no frequency limit

Project Report
  • Introduction
  • Application Goals
  • Educational Goals
  • Design
  • Component data, both measured and researched
  • Full circuit diagram
  • Testing plan
  • Have plan checked out

Project Report
  • Analysis
  • PSpice simulation of exact circuit
  • Hand calculations where appropriate
  • Calibrate position and velocity measurements
  • Implementation
  • What went wrong?
  • Two lessons learned

Project Report
  • Final Design and Testing
  • Demonstrate that x and v signals are comparable
    in amplitude
  • Complete description of final design
  • Demonstrate that two methods for finding
    acceleration are consistent using your testing
  • Get data checked off
  • Discussion
  • How good are your results?
  • Sources of error
  • What types of accelerations could the cantilever
    beam accelerometer be used to measure?
  • Answer random questions in slide 39

Project Report
  • Personal Responsibilities
  • Make a list of all tasks to be completed as part
    of this project
  • Testing plan
  • Keeping everyone on task
  • Assign responsibility for each task to one person
    (tasks cannot be shared)
  • Have task assignment list checked out

  • Useful data or results from experiments
  • Information resources
  • From the web
  • From the library or other sources
  • Only attach useful information
  • Useless information will result is a loss of
  • Explain the purpose of each piece of info

Using the Slope Function
  • Given an array of points with x in A1An and y in
  • Find 3 pt In cell C1, put the formula
    slope(B1B3,A1A3) (May need more than 3.)
  • Now copy this formula in the rest of C.
  • Graph the data to compare
  • An example is posted on the web page

Using a Mathematical Model
  • v(t) A e-at sin(wt) w2pf

Typical Acceleration
Elevator (fast service) 0.3 g
Automobile (take off) 0.1-0.5g
Automobile (brake or corner) 0.6-1 g
Automobile (racing) 1-2.5 g
aircraft take off 0.5 g
Earth (free-fall) 1 g
Space Shuttle (take off) 3 g
parachute landing 3.5 g
Plop down in chair 10 g
30 mph car crash w airbag 60 g
football tackle 40 g
seat ejection (jet) 100 g
jumping flea 200 g
high speed car crash 700 g
  • Compare your results with typical acceleration
    values you can experience.

Some Random Questions
  • How would you use some of the accelerometer
    signals in your car to enhance your driving
  • If there are so many accelerometers in present
    day cars, why is acceleration not displayed for
    the driver? (If you find a car with one, let us
  • If you had a portable accelerometer, what would
    you do with it?

Senior Project from Illinois
  • https//courses.ece.uiuc.edu/ece345/projects/sprin
  • Objective
  • To create a portable device that monitors the
    performance of an automobile.
  • Device to use only acceleration and a
    micro-controller to derive all performance data.
  • Device to be powered by cigarette lighter in

Crash Test Data
Ballpark Calc 56.6mph 25.3m/s Stopping in 0.1
s Acceleration is about -253 m/s2 -25.8 g
  • Head on crash at 56.6 mph

Crash Test Data
Ballpark Calc 112.1mph 50.1 m/s Stopping in
0.1 s Acceleration is about -501 m/s2 -51.1 g
  • Head on crash at 112.1 mph

Crash Test Analysis Software
  • Software can be downloaded from NHTSA website
  • http//www-nrd.nhtsa.dot.gov/software/load-cell-an

Crash Videos
  • http//www.sph.emory.edu/CIC/CLIPS/mvcrash.html
  • http//www.mazda6.de/de/upclose/overview/safety.as
  • http//www.arasvo.com/crown_victoria/cv_movies.htm

  • Several types of accelerometers are used at
    least 2 must sense excessive acceleration to
    trigger the airbag.
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