Strategic Management of Innovation: the Case of Clean Automobile - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Strategic Management of Innovation: the Case of Clean Automobile


... power trains Hybrid Electric Vehicle HEV Vehicle powered by ICE using bio-fuels, natural gas or hydrogen Advanced Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Strategic Management of Innovation: the Case of Clean Automobile

Strategic Management of Innovation the Case of
Clean Automobile
  • Professor J.J. CHANARON
  • 17 September 2009

Conditions for Innovation
  • Innovations are successful when they are
  • Scientifically and technically possible, i.e.
    when they have the technical performances
    expected by customers and users
  • Commercially vendible, i.e. when their price
    meets the demand as well as the after sale and
    maintenance costs
  • Industrially feasible, i.e. when their
    manufacturing costs and quality are satisfactory
    to all stakeholders
  • Politically, socially and culturally acceptable,
    i.e. when they get political support and full
    customer acceptance

Required Success Factors
Economically Vendable
Socially and Culturally Acceptable
Business Model
Scientifically Technically Possible
Industrially Feasible
Available Options
ICEV Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle Vehicle powered by a gasoline or diesel engine
AICEV Advanced Internal Combustion Engine Vehicle Vehicle powered by ICE using bio-fuels, natural gas or hydrogen
HEV Hybrid Electric Vehicle Vehicle powered by both ICE and electric power trains
PHEV Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle HEV with plug-in rechargeable batteries
ERHEV Extended-Range Hybrid Electric Vehicle Vehicle powered by electric power train and batteries recharged by a small ICE
FPBEV Full Performance Battery Electric Vehicle Full electric vehicle powered solely by batteries
FCEV Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle Full electric vehicle powered solely by fuel cell
Factor Degree of achievement Current Status Long Term Perspective
Political, social and cultural acceptability CO² performances Very good Excellent Excellent
Fossil fuel dependence Total Total Reserve for 100 years but geographically distributed
Infrastructure Excellent Different according to countries Relatively easy and cheap to develop
Technological Possibility Overall Total Total Excellent
Safety Good
Factor Degree of achievement Current Status Long Term Perspective
Commercial vendibility Customer acceptance Relatively good Still some resistance over safety Resistance will disappear
Pricing Correlated to oil pricing trend Subsidized by governments
Industrial feasibility Cost Good Small premium Will vanish with economies of scale
Engineering Good Good Will improve
Component supply CNG kit available Fully available
Bio-fuel Vehicle
Factor Degree of achievement Current Status Long Term Perspective
Political, social and cultural acceptability CO² performances Very good Excellent Excellent
Fossil fuel dependence None None
Competition food/transportation Bad Bad Progress in output/ha and efficiency
Infrastructure Good Good Relatively easy and cheap to develop
Ecology Require genetically modified seeds Poor
Bio-fuel Vehicle
Factor Degree of achievement Current Status Long Term Perspective
Technological Possibility Overall Total Total Excellent
Safety Not an issue
Raw materials Limitations Limitations Opening to new sources straw, exotic plants, garbage
Commercial vendibility Customer acceptance Relatively good Good
Pricing Good Subsidized by governments Will improve with economies of scale
Industrial feasibility Cost Relatively cheap Will decrease with economies of scale
Manufacturing New infrastructure to be built up Under construction in Brazil, USA and Europe Will expand rapidly in some countries
Factor Degree of achievement Current Status Long Term Perspective
Political, social and cultural acceptability Environmental friendship Slightly better Might be improved with new generations downsized gasoline engine better batteries
Fossil fuel dependence High Reserve for 40-50 years but could be extended with downsizing
Infrastructure Excellent Total availability Not an issue
Factor Degree of achievement Current Status Long Term Perspective
Technological possibility Overall performances Good Similar to current ICE Should not change substantially
Range/autonomy Limited lt20km on electric drive Lithium-Ion battery will improve
CO² Performances Limited 10-15 improvement
Fuel consumption performance Limited 5-10 in Europe 15-30 in the US Should improve slowly
Factor Degree of achievement Current Status Long Term Perspective
Commercial vendibility Customer acceptance Relatively weak Customer preference for mono-energy power train Might benefit from change in behavior
Pricing Relatively weak Premium of US2,500 Price will decrease with volumes
Industrial feasibility Cost Higher gt10-15 Will decrease with economies of scale and scope
Engineering More complex Under control of very few OEMs Will improve rapidly
Manufacturing Easy Electronic module is the key component
Quality Equivalent Equivalent
Factor Degree of achievement Current Status Long Term Perspective
Political, social and cultural acceptability Environmental friendship Excellent Excellent
Fossil fuel dependence None Excellent
Infrastructure Weak Weak Recharging stations, national grids to be adapted
Factor Degree of achievement Current Status Long Term Perspective
Technological possibility Overall performances Very poor, far from expected levels Limited mileage autonomy Must improve substantially
Range/autonomy Limited lt100-150km Lithium-Ion battery will probably improve but alternatives should be investigated
Durability/Number of recharging cycles Relatively good Still in question for real use conditions Must improved
Recharging time Long Too long Consumers want the ability to be able to do a quick recharge Must improve radically
Recharging infrastructure Not available To be extended Grid to be up-graded Must be improved and expanded
CO² Performances Limited when electricity is produced from fossil fuels (oil and coal) Poor in North America and Japan, Better in nuclear energy oriented countries
Energy consumption performance Good Good Should improve slowly
Technological options Prototypes Very few Basic research and applied development are required
Factor Degree of achievement Current Status Long Term Perspective
Commercial vendibility Customer acceptance Relatively weak Customer preference for petrol Might benefit from change in behavior thanks to hybrid technology
Pricing Relatively weak Very high premium Price will decrease with volumes
Maintenance/Repair Good Costly if change of battery stack required Should be improved
Industrial feasibility Cost Much higher No reliable data so far 7,000 for 120 km range Will indeed decrease with economies of scale and scope
Engineering Simpler than ICE Under control of some OEMs and battery manufacturers Will improve rapidly
Manufacturing Relatively easy Still limited for high volume and high performance batteries Battery manufacturing is the key element
Quality Equivalent Equivalent
  • Impact on recharging grid is significant most
    countries will not be able to cope with the
    production and distribution of electricity
  • Theoretical performances of lithium-based
    batteries probably not sufficient

Factor Degree of achievement Current Status Long Term Perspective
Political, social and cultural acceptability Environmental friendship Excellent Excellent Very likely after 2020
Fossil fuel dependence None Excellent Perfect
Safety Weak Weak due to H2 leaks and refueling risk To be improved
Infrastructure Weak Weak Huge need with high cost of producing and distributing H2
Factor Degree of achievement Current Status Long Term Perspective
Technological possibility Overall performances Still weak, far from expected levels Limited mileage, high temperature, problem in cold weather, life cycle unknown Must improve substantially
Range/autonomy Acceptable lt500-600km for the latest generation Range will probably increase
Durability/Number of refueling cycles Relatively good Still in question for real use conditions Must improved
Anode and membranes Poor Platinum anodes are very expensive Current membrane are not resistant enough to high temperature Basic research and applied development are required
CO² Performances Perfect if H2 is not produced by electrolyze from fossil fuel power generators Good
Energy consumption performance Good 30 to 50 electrical efficiency Should improve slightly
Technological options On-board H2 refining, Liquid H2 Basic research
Factor Degree of achievement Current Status Long Term Perspective
Commercial vendibility Customer acceptance Relatively weak Customer preference for petrol Might benefit from change in behavior thanks to hybrid technology and other electric vehicles
Pricing Relatively weak Extremely high premium Price will decrease with volumes
Maintenance/Repair Good Costly if change of cell and battery is required Should be improved
Industrial feasibility Cost Much higher No reliable data available so far Platinum on anode is very expensive Will indeed decrease with economies of scale and scope
Engineering Simpler than ICE Under control of some OEMs and fuel cell manufacturers Will improve relatively rapidly
Manufacturing Relatively easy Still limited for high volume and high performance cells Cells manufacturing is the key element
Quality Equivalent Equivalent
Comparing Energy Storage
  Unit Gasoline Diesel Electricity Natural gas Liquified gas Compressed H2 Liquid H2
State   Liquid Liquid Chemical Gas Liquid Gas Liquid
Temperature Centigrade Actual Actual Actual-300 Actual Actual Actual -253
Pressure Bars 1 1 1 gt200 5-25 350-700 5
Energy Wh/kg 11900 11800 30-200 2200 7080 1200 500-1000
Energy Wh/l 8900 9900 70-300 2500 4300 450 1800
Refueling time Minutes 5 5 30-360 5 5 5 5
Battery Exchange Time Minutes     5        
Tank-to-Wheel efficiency 30-35 40-42 80-85 20-38 30-35 50 30-35
Weight for 60 litres Kg 45 50 90-150 70 36 90-100 100-200
Range Km 900 1000 30-120 160 430 200-300 180
Sources Syrota, 2008 and press cuttings.
A Scenario of Consensus
Improved Vehicle Fuel Economy and Emissions
Displace Petroleum
Hydrogen Fuel Cell Battery Electric
Battery Electric Vehicles
Electric Drive
Propulsion System
Hybrid and Plug-inHybrid Electric Vehicles
Mechanical Drive
IC Engine and Transmission Improvements
Characteristics for Scenario
  1. Clean and efficient ICE will be substituted to
    conventional ICE during the next ten years
    culminating with a 75 market penetration in 2020
    followed by a slow decline up to 2050
  2. Hybrid solutions (conventional, plug-in or
    extended range electric vehicle) will
    progressively see their market penetration
    growing up to 25 around 2025
  3. Full performance battery electric vehicles will
    start being commercialized in 2010 and see a
    growing but limited market penetration to 20 by
    2030 and 30 in 2050
  4. Fuel cell electric vehicles will not be seriously
    introduced before 2025 and then see their market
    penetration growing at a relatively high rate to
    reach more than 50 in 2050

(No Transcript)
Impact of the Current Crisis
  1. There is no obvious evidence that the current
    crisis of the automotive industry would delay or
    accelerate technical change and innovation in
  2. The Obama administration is associating financial
    support to a radical change of the  Big Three 
    model strategy towards downsizing and innovative

Impact of the Current Crisis
  1. Financial resources of OEMs will limit their RD
    and innovation capabilities for years while
    priority is on market recovery and profit-loss
  2. Radical innovation on vehicle will need five
    years for market introduction and ten years
    minimum before being visible and even much more
    time before a real impact will be significant

Impact of the Current Crisis
  1. European OEMs still do not invest so much on
    hybrids and plug-in hybrids
  2. Transfer of RD and innovation expenditures and
    responsibilities for components on key suppliers
    will intensify
  3. Downsizing and further move towards low cost and
    ultra-low cost models is an obstacle to radical
    change and innovation

Tata Nano
  1. Lithium-ion for FPBEV and compressed hydrogen for
    FCEV are the worldwide quasi-standards
  2. But basic RD is still deeply needed on these two
  3. Basic RD is still conducted by public
    laboratories and private corporations on
    alternatives to these quasi-standards

  1. No potentially dominant design such was and is
    probably still ICE
  2. Diffusion curve of radical technologies will be
  3. Real impact on pollution and energy will take
    years since 1 billion vehicles in use in 2010
    with ICE
  4. Still unclear industrial organization

Pending Questions
  1. Universal or local options?
  2. Unique solution or concomitant trajectories?
  3. Traditional automotive system or new industry?
  4. Innovative leadership to developed or emerging
  5. Which role for Chinese OEMs or Chinese new

Pending Questions
  1. Which pricing level and tax incentive?
  2. Recharging of replacing batteries for FPBEV?
  3. Which supply system of energy or fuel hydrogen,
  4. Total well-to-wheel figures to be calculated,
    up-dated and assessed electricity generation
    sources such as coal might be worse than oil for
    global warming! Nuclear energy has strong

Pending Questions
  • Which change(s) in customer behavior?
  • Which change(s) in customer preferences?
  • And probably the most important question
  • Should the entire business model be changed?
    Vehicle sold with rented batteries, for instance?
    Rented vehicles?

And what if China?
  • In China, a national research plan is involving
    all the best public laboratories - Tongji,
    Tsinghua, Jiao Tong, Dalian, CAS, etc.) on
    batteries and fuel cells
  • Domestic OEMs leading the move forward is it
    marketing bluff or real threat?
  • Weaknesses in designing powertrains and in
    vehicle integration
  • Bottlenecks to be resolved costs, reliability,
    safety, and distribution infrastructure

And what if China?
  • As at the end of August 2009, 91 models by 34
    corporations with more than 15 millions of
    kilometers achieved so far
  • A tough competition amongst Chinese stakeholders
  • But a national consensus about the opportunity to
    leap-frog with Japanese and Western competitors
  • A small level of motorization and a limited
    number of vehicles in use
  • A strong political bargaining power capable to
    impose a solution and an acceleration
  • High levels of urban traffic congestion and

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