Title: MIPS Architecture Arithmetic/Logic Instructions ALU Design
1MIPS Architecture Arithmetic/Logic Instructions
ALU Design Chapter 4
2Integer Representation
- 32 bit representation.. every bit is contributes
to the magnitude of the number - Range for unsigned integers is 0 through 232 -1
or 0 through 4,294,967,294 0xFFFFFFFF - But what about negative numbers?- The
universal standard is signed twos
Complement.- Automatically results in the most
significant bit (bit 31, little endian notation)
being a 1 for negative numbers and a 0 for
positive numbers ... thus we have a sign bit.
- Results in simple ALU design
3Twos Complement - 1
- Twos Complement Representation
- 0 (zero) is 0x00000000
- Positive numbers (231 - 1 of them) are
0x00000001, 0x00000002, ... 0x7FFFFFFF 231
-1 2,147,483,647 - Negative numbers (231 of them) are -1
0xFFFFFFFF, -2 0xFFFFFFFE ,. . .
-2,147,483,647 0x80000001 (2's complement)
-(231 - 1) -2,147,483,648 0x80000000 (2's
complement) -231 , see note below p. 213
text. - There are more negative numbers than positive
but well live with it - NOTE the 2s complement of 0x80000000 is also
0x80000000 because of a net carry-out when
forming the 2s complement an anomaly. This
number has no positive counterpart in a 32 bit
architecture. We will see later that when we use
2s complement for the exponent of a floating
point number, we may treat values such as 10000
as -0 and 0000 as 0
4Twos Complement - 2
- Three formulas for doing 2's complement
- 1. Complement all the bits (1's complement) and
add 1 - 2. Starting with the least significant bit,
retain all low order zeros, retain the first
nonzero digit, complement the remaining digits. - 3. A real slick methodIf the digits in the 32
bit number are B31B30B29 . . .B1B0 Then the
sign/magnitude decimal equivalent is B31-231
B30230 B29229 . . . B121 B020
Note that the sign bit position is multiplied
by -231 and not 231 !!! A generalization of
converting from binary to decimal. which also
works for 2's complement. ... see P. 213-214
5Uses of 2s complement
- How 2's complement is used
- For algebraic addition of signed numbers
represent negative numbers by their 2's
complement of the magnitude - For the operation of subtraction add the 2's
complement of the minuend to the subtrahend ...
Take the 2's complement of the minuend even if it
is a negative number. ... We converted the
operation of subtraction to addition - All we
need is an adder. - Note there we distinguished between the sign of a
number and the operation (add or subtract) being
done. In either case we take the 2's
62s Complement Sign Extension
- To convert an integer shorter than 32 bits to a
32 bit integer we simply extend the sign bit (0
or 1) to the left until we have 32 bits - for
example we convert a 16 bit version of 2 and -2
(base 10) as follows 2 0x0002 gt
0x00000002 (sign bit is 0) -2 0xFFFE gt
0xFFFFFFFE (sign bit is 1) -
72s Complement and the Instruction Set
- How this affects the MIPS instruction set . . .
see p. 215 - The less than test gets more complicated ...
the slt and slti instructions interpret integers
as signed -2d 0xfffffffe (2's comp) is less
than 5280d 0x000014a0 - unsigned version of these instructions sltu and
sltiu assume numbers are unsigned 0xfffffffe
is now greater than 0x000014a0
8Data Types And Signs
- Fundamental Principle
- Unlike c language which intrinsically types data,
data represented at the assembly language level
is untyped - data types are interpreted by the
operation being done on them - Example in Cint num /
represents a signed 32 bit integer /
/ num carries a label saying I am signed
/ unsigned int num / represents an unsigned
32 bit integer / / num carries a
label saying I am unsigned/ - In assembly language the operation or instruction
type determines whether num is signed or
unsigned. - The unsigned counterparts of slt and slti are
Assuming that 16 0xFFFFFFFE 17
0x000014A0 Then slt 8, 16, 17 Signed
comparison gt 8 1 - sltu 9 16, 17 Signed comparison gt 9
0 - As an unsigned number 0xFFFFFFFE is a very large
positive integer (4,294,967,294), but as a signed
number it is -2.
9Addition, Subtraction And Overflow
- The most straight forward method of doing binary
addition is the way we do it on paper - starting
from low order we add corresponding pairs of bits
and the carry-in generating a sum and carry-out.
the carry-out is then propagated to the next
stage. - Carry-ripple approach
- Do subtraction by adding the 2's complement of
the minuend to the subtrahend. - What if the answer cannot be represented in 32
- Example consider a 5 bit word for convenience.
Assume the high (most significant) bit is the
sign bit for 2s complement-9 10111-5
11011-14 1 10010 gt there is a net
carryout, but answer is correct because sign bit
is correct - 10010 gt2s compliment -01110 -14 )d
- -9 10111-7 11001-16 1 10000
gt there is a net carryout, but answer is still
correct because sign bit is correct 10000 gt
2s complement -10000 -16 )d (the unique
number that has no positive counterpart in a 5
bit scheme) - - 9 10111-10 10110
- -19 1 01101 gt overflow because sign
bit wrong 01101 13)d
11Detecting overflow
- Rule (see p. 222, fig 4.4)
- Addition
- Overflow can occur only if the signs are the same
and - the sign of the answer is different from the
sign of the operands. - Subtraction
- Overflow (ie., underflow) results only if the
operands have opposite signs - and the sign of the answer is not the same as the
sign of the 1st operand - (or the sign of the answer is the same as the
sign of the 2nd operand). - Conditions for overflow (fig. 4.4)Operation Opera
nd A Operand B Result A B ? 0
? 0 lt 0 A B lt 0
lt 0 ? 0 A B
? 0 lt 0 lt 0
A - B lt 0 ? 0 ? 0 - Simple hardware test for overflow in 2s
complement Add/Subtract - Overflow occurs if and only if the carry into
the sign bit is not the same as the carry out
from the sign bit (thus explaining why net
carry-outs are not always overflows). The
condition being tested for is necessary
sufficient for overflow. See Exercise 4.42.
Now review previous examples.
12Exception Handling And Overflows
- MIPS will generate an overflow exception
(interrupt) only for signed arithmetic. - The address of the offending instruction is saved
in the exception program counter (EPC) and a
branch is made to an error/interrupt handler for
corrective action. - MIPS instruction mfc0 is used to move the EPC to
MIPS general purpose register. On returning from
the exception handler, the software now has the
option of returning back to the offending
instruction via a jr instruction.
- Data interpreted as unsigned ( by means of
unsigned instructions) addresses and other data
for which negative has no meaning. - The unsigned counterparts of add, addi, and sub
are addu, addiu, and subu with syntax the same
as the signed counterparts. - The main differences are the unsigned version do
not cause exceptions in case of overflow
14Logical Operations ... See P. 225
- Shift Logical Left And Shift Logical Right sll
rd, rt, shamt reg rd reg 16 ltlt shamt (in
bits) srl rd, rt, shamt reg rd reg 16 gtgt
shamt (in bits) - Good for efficient multiplication and division by
powers (shamt) of two - and and or instructions ... see P. 226-227
Good for bit manipulation - testing and setting
bits in a word field - Type R instructions and rd, rs, rt rd
rs rt - or rd, rs, rt rd rs rt , Note
is theor operator
15Logical Operations (cont.)
- Type I instructions andi rt, rs, imm rt
rs imm - ori rt, rs, imm rt rs immimm
treated as unsigned ... expanded to 32 bits by
padding with zeros rather than extending the sign
bit Application we can create a 32 bit
constant using lui and ori in much the same way
we did using lui and addi. -
16Designing An ALU
- We now look at hardware design which will support
the arithmetic instructions just described - This is the number cruncher of the machine
- Start by building a 1 bit ALU and replicating it
32 times - Function of the ALU
- add, subtract, and, or, test for less than,
overflow detection - Simple example of an single stage adder design
17Single Stage One Bit Adder
From Mano, Digital Design 2nd ed. p. 121
18One Bit ALU
Each bit has a full adder, and, and or
Unit for bits 0 - 30
Unit for bit 31. Has overflow detect andslt
capability using sign bitwhich will fed to
less inputof bit 0 For slt s1, s2, s3do
s2 - s3 and put sign bitin bit 0 zero out
remaining bits.
19Final 32 Bit ALU
For slt, zero out bits 1-32 via Less input and
feed sign bit into Less input of bit 0. Test
for zero if all bits 0 use or gate.
If Bnegate 1, and Operation 3, for set on
less than (slt), then subtraction is done
under the covers, but not transmitted outside.
Set is the sign bit of the subtract result.
lt Note wrap-around connection
20Carry Look Ahead
- Avoids the slow carry-ripple affect of the above
circuit - Carry ripple is very intuitive, but inefficient
must sequence through all low order 31 bit
positions before getting the carry-in for bit
position 32 (bit 31). - A less intuitive, but more efficient method
calculates the carries in advance carry lookahead
21Carry Look Ahead (cont)
From Mano, Digital Design 2nd ed. p. 158
Reading the diagram directly Pi is carry
propagate for bit position i propagates
through bit position i even if position i does
not generate its own carry. Gi is carry
generate for bit position i generated directly
by this bit position independently of any carry
in Pi ai ? bi, Gi aibi Si Pi ? Ci, Ci1
Gi PiCi a recursive formula
22Carry Look Ahead (cont)
- By reading the full adder circuit diagram
directly, we see that Pi Pixor ai ? bi.
The book uses Pi Pior ai bi for this
function a much cheaper and simpler circuit.
How is this done? See below. - If the latter (OR) is used, it must be used
only for the carry out function. The sum
function still requires the XOR (former version).
Since the XOR version is already needed, why not
also use it for the carry out? - maybe there are
fan-out considerations. - Thus we also may use Si Pixor ? Ci, where
Pixor ai ? biCi1 Gi Pior Ci where Pior
ai bi , and Gi aibiremember Pixor will
also work for Ci is also but is a more
complicated circuit. - Proof of the equivalence of Pixor and Pior for
carry out calculationsFrom the circuit diagram
on previous slide we have the Boolean equations
Ci1 Gi Pixor Ci aibi (ai ?
bi)Ci aibi (aibi aibi) Ci prime means
complement aibi aibi aibi Ci aibi
Ci ai(bibi Ci ) bi(aiai Ci )
ai(bi Ci ) bi(ai Ci ) aibi aibi aiCi
biCi aibi (ai bi)Ci Gi
Pior Ci Note we used boolean
identities x xx, and xxy xy
23Carry Look Ahead (cont)
- Formulas for carries showing increasing
fan-in.Recursively expand out the carry-out
From Mano, Digital Design 2nd ed. p. 159
24Carry Look Ahead (cont)
Note that fan-in increases as the bit position
From Mano, Digital Design 2nd ed. p. 159
25Carry Look Ahead (cont)
4 bit carry look-ahead adder
From Mano, Digital Design 2nd ed. p. 160
See also fig. 4.24, p. 426 P H
26Carry Look-Ahead Reality sets in!
- Note that the fan-in of the and gates and the
or gate for the carry-out any bit position
increases with the bit position. At Some point
it becomes impossible to implement due to
fan-in/fan-out constraints of the technology. - We can decompose a 32 bit adder to 4 groups of 8
bit carry look-ahead adders, we can limit the
fan-in of the carry look-ahead circuitry. The 4
8 bit adders, in turn, can also utilize
carry-look-ahead from group to group. This is
an example of using a second level of abstraction
of the carry-look-ahead concept. - See the 16 bit example on pp. 242-248 for an