The Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Theorem - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Theorem


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Theorem

The Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson Theorem
  • ECN 3891
  • International Economics - Honors
  • Dr. Ali Moshtagh

The Classical and Neo-Classical Models of
International Trade
  • The Classical model of international trade is
    based on the Labor Theory of Value it assumes
    only one factor of production, identical
    technology between the two countries, identical
    tastes, etc.. The model promotes specialization
    and requires complete specialization for at least
    one country, due to constant opportunity costs.
  • Given a concave production possibilities
    frontier, international trade should lead to
    incomplete specialization, due to increasing
  • The Neo-Classical models of international trade
    assume more than one factor of production. The
    Heckscher-Ohlin-Samuelson model (also known as
    the Factor Endowment or the Variable Proportion
    Model) not only describes the pattern of trade,
    but it also predicts the impact of trade on the
    national income and returns to the factors of

Other Assumptions
  • two countries, two factors, two products
  • perfect competition in all markets
  • Free trade
  • Factors of production are available in fixed
    amounts in each country
  • Full mobility of factors of production between
    industries within each country
  • Immobility of factors of production between
  • The two countries are alike with respect to
  • Technology is available to both countries and
  • Linear homogeneous production functions of degree
    one (constant returns to scale).

The Heckscher-Ohlin Theorem
  • Critical Assumptions
  • Countries are characterized by different factor
    endowments--a country is capital abundant if it
    has a higher ratio of capital to other factors
    than does its trading partner
  • There are different factor intensities between
    products--a product is capital-intensive if, at
    identical wages and rents, its production
    requires more capital per worker than does the
    other product.

The H-O Theorem
  • Given identical production functions but
    different factor endowments between countries, a
    country will tend to export the commodity which
    is relatively intensive in her relatively
    abundant factor
  • In general, countries tend to have comparative
    advantage in the products that are relatively
    intensive in their relatively abundant factors

The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem
  • Assumptions
  • One country produces two goods (wheat and cloth)
    with two factors of production (capital and
  • neither good is an input into the production of
    the other
  • competition prevails
  • factor supplies are given
  • both factors are fully employed
  • both factors are mobile between sectors (but not
    between countries)
  • one good (wheat) is capital-intensive and the
    other (cloth) is labor-intensive)
  • opening trade raises the relative price of the
    export good.

The Stolper-Samuelson Theorem
  • moving from no trade to free trade raises the
    returns to the factor used intensively in the
    rising-price industry, and lowers the returns to
    the factor used intensively in the falling-price
    industry, regardless of which goods the sellers
    of the two factors prefer to consume

The Factor Price Equalization Theorem
  • Assumptions
  • there are two countries using two factors of
    production producing two products
  • competition prevails in all markets
  • each factor supply is fixed, and there is no
    migration between countries
  • each factor is fully employed in each country
    with or without trade
  • there are no transportation or information costs
  • free trade
  • production functions exhibit constant returns to
    scale, and are the same between countries for any
  • production functions are not subject to factor
    intensity reversals and
  • both countries produce both products with or
    without trade.

The Factor Price Equalization Theorem
  • Free trade will equalize not only commodity
    prices but also factor prices, so that all
    workers earn the same wage rate and all units of
    capital will earn the same rental return in both
    countries regardless of the factor supplies or
    the demand patterns in the two countries

Hourly Pay in Manufacturing
The Leontief Paradox
  • In 1953 Wassily Leontief published the results
    of the most famous empirical investigations in
    economics, an attempt to test the consistency of
    the H-O Model with the U.S. trade patterns.
  • Leontiefs objectives were to prove that
  • the H-O Model was correct and
  • to show that the U.S. exports were capital

The Leontief Paradox
  • Leontief developed a 1947 input-output table for
    the U.S. to determine the capital-labor ratios
    used in the production of U.S. exports and
    imports. Leontief found that the U.S. exports
    used a capital-labor ratio of 13,991 per man
    year, whereas import substitutes used a ratio of
    18,184 per man year.

The Leontief Paradox
  • The key ratio of ( KX / LX ) / ( KM / LM )
  • (13,991 / 1) / (18,184 / 1) 0.77
  • was calculated. Given the presumption that the
    U.S. was relatively capital abundant, that ratio
    was just the reverse of what the H-O Model
    predicted. Thus, it is called the Leontief

International Factor Mobility
  • In Home and Foreign there are two factors of
    production, land and labor, used to produce only
    one good. The land supply in each country and
    the technology of production are exactly the
    same. The marginal product of labor in each
    country depends on employment as shown in the
    Table. Initially, there are 11 workers employed
    in Home, but only 3 in Foreign. Find the effects
    of free movement of labor from Home to Foreign on
    employment, production, real wages, and the
    income of land owners in each country.

Production Function
Pre International Factor Mobility
  • Home
  • Employment 11
  • Production 165
  • Real Wage Rate 10
  • Real Wages 110
  • Real Rent 55

Production Function
Pre International Factor Mobility
  • Foreign
  • Employment 3
  • Production 57
  • Real Wage Rate 18
  • Real Wages 54
  • Real Rent 3

Production Function
Post International Factor Mobility
  • Home
  • Employment 7
  • Production 119
  • Real Wage Rate 14
  • Real Wages 98
  • Real Rent 21
  • Foreign
  • Employment 7
  • Production 119
  • Real Wage Rate 14
  • Real Wages 98
  • Real Rent 21

Effects of International Factor Mobility
  • Home
  • Employment 11
  • Production 165
  • Real Wage Rate 10
  • Real Wages 110
  • Real Rent 55
  • Home
  • Employment 7
  • Production 119
  • Real Wage Rate 14
  • Real Wages 98
  • Real Rent 21

Effects of International Factor Mobility
  • Foreign
  • Employment 3
  • Production 57
  • Real Wage Rate 18
  • Real Wages 54
  • Real Rent 3
  • Foreign
  • Employment 7
  • Production 119
  • Real Wage Rate 14
  • Real Wages 98
  • Real Rent 21
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