Ecosystem Collapse in Global Fisheries due to Chronic Over-Fishing - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Ecosystem Collapse in Global Fisheries due to Chronic Over-Fishing


An example of this is a storm causing substantial loss of life at ... of marine fisheries ... Over Fishing Southeast Asia Ghana Iceland ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Ecosystem Collapse in Global Fisheries due to Chronic Over-Fishing

Ecosystem Collapse in Global Fisheries due to
Chronic Over-Fishing
  • Chris Coner
  • Will Harrigan-Anderson
  • Mike Jolly
  • Jeff Schles

  • Objectives
  • Three essential concepts
  • Preferences, Lack of control, and Lack of
  • Ecosystem Approach to Management
  • Steps towards improvement
  • Open access fishing
  • Solutions
  • Ecological Impacts
  • Decrease in trophic levels
  • Impacts of exploitation
  • Examples
  • Economic Impacts
  • Background
  • Impacts
  • Case studies Southeast Asia, Ghana, Iceland

  • In understanding the global fisheries problem due
    to social irresponsibility in relation to
    sustainable management economic and ecological
    aspects were evaluated.

Three essential concepts
  • Preferences
  • An example of this concept is the discussion of
    people preferring the ocean with whales in it
    even if the presence of whales has no influence
    on the production of anything else of value
  • a situation that gives rise to the economist's
    notion of existence (or passive use) value

Three essential concepts (continued)
  • Lack of control
  • Pertains to some event, like the roll of a dice,
    where influence by people is insignificant.
  • For example the control of weather, the ocean
    currents, the climate, or the processes of
    recruitment to fish stocks cannot be influenced
    by managers or anyone for that matter

Three essential concepts (continued)
  • Lack of information
  • A risk that is independent of the ability to
    control the underlying process.
  • An example of this is a storm causing substantial
    loss of life at sea without warning. With
    appropriate weather information, and the
    knowledge that a storm is coming, vessels will
    stay in port and losses will be minimized.

Relationship between components and determinants
of risk in fishery management (Huppert 1996)
An Ecosystem Approach to Management
Steps Toward Improvement
  • Ecosystem analysis of marine fisheries
  • Spatial analysis of fish habitats
  • These analyses must be prior to fishing!
  • Implementations of no-take zones
  • No-take zones must be physical and temporal
  • Eliminate open-access fishing!

Open-Access Fishing
Open access is the condition where access to the
fishery (for the purpose of harvesting fish) is
unrestricted i.e., the right to catch fish is
free and open to all.
A Solution for Everybody?
  • Open-access fishing is lucrative
  • Over-harvesting leaves fishermen with a lot of
  • Lots of product means less demand
  • In the early 90s, the market value of cod
  • A direct result of over-harvesting

Solutions Contd
  • Fishing industry has 53 times the average
    industrial mortality rate
  • Limiting open-access will save lives
  • Enforcing quotas will save ecosystems
  • Productive ecosystems will save businesses

Ecological Impacts
-Trophic level interactions can be severely
altered as a result of over-fishing. Figure 2
(a) Trajectories of collapsed fish and
invertebrate taxa over the past 50 years
(Diamonds, collapse by year triangles,
cumulative collapses.) Data are shown for all
(black), species-poor (lt500 species, blue), and
species-rich (gt500 species, red). Regression
lines are best-fit power models corrected for
temporal autocorrelation. (b) Map of all 64 LMEs,
color-coded according to their total fish species
richness. (c) Proportion of collapsed fish and
invertebrate taxa (d) average productivity of
noncollapsed taxa (in percent of maximum catch)
(Worm et al. 2006).
Worm et al. 2006
Decrease in trophic levels
  • Fishing down the food web
  • Decline in trophic levels
  • Transition from longe-lived piscivorous fish to
    short-lived planktivorous fish

Trend of mean trophic level landings in global
fisheries (Pauly et al.)
Impacts of exploitation
  • Loss or removal of top predator(s) results in
    alleviated pressure
  • Smaller species expand spatially and numerically
  • Studies have shown that overfishing has resulted
    major structural and functional changes
  • examples

  • Kelp Forests
  • Pacific
  • Removal of sea otter, spiny lobster
  • Atlantic
  • Removal or Atlantic Cod and other large ground

  • Water Quality
  • Chesapeake Bay
  • Decline in water quality (i.e. eutrophication)
    correlated to decline in oyster populations
  • Act as filters through suspension feeding

Economic Impacts of Global Over Fishing
  • Southeast Asia
  • Ghana
  • Iceland

  • One of worlds largest generators of revenue
  • Extremely important for many coastline nations
  • Over fishing one of major causes of potential
    industry collapse

Southeast AsiaLive Reef Fish Trade
  • Comprised of Indonesian Island Countries
  • 1 Billion USD Annual Revenue
  • Supplies Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan
  • Main Species Large Groupers, Humphead Wrasse

(Cesar et al 2000).
Over Fishing Impacts
  • Fish harvested as fry or fingerlings
  • Grown to maturity in captivity
  • Caused a decrease in reproducing adults in the
  • Leading to a severe decline in fish populations

  • Fisheries account for 380 million dollars of
    economic revenue
  • Support 56 million people
  • No outside commercial fishing allowed in Ghanas
    waters (only Ghana natives)
  • Ghana natives also not allowed to fish
    neighboring countries waters

Lack of Local Enforcement
  • Key species Sardinellas, Trigger Fish, Club
  • Causing ecosystem degradation, as well as a
    collapse of the fishing industry
  • These species rapidly disappearing
  • 56 million people in jeopardy of losing their jobs

  • Fishing accounts for 63 of total exports
  • 10 of the nations workforce
  • Iceland has defended its valuable Cod fisheries
    from other countries
  • This has caused over fishing by its own people

Icelands Goals
  • Currently fishing 45 of fishable stock
  • Goal is to reduce this amount to 25
  • Limiting use of fishing grounds
  • Implementing quotas to limit fish landings

Global Ramifications
  • Studies show, annual fishing harvests could rise
    10 million metric tons, 16 billion to gross
    worldwide revenues
  • Key is to allow fish populations time to recover,
  • 2.9 billion increase in US alone if sustainable
    practices reached

How it really works now
  • However, worlds fishing harvests growing at half
    the rate of fishing fleets
  • This has caused 75 of the worlds fisheries to
    be considered fully exploited
  • All nations affected in some way, economically or
  • These unsustainable practices are leading to the
    potential economic collapse of entire nations

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