Christianity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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... Original Sin How God set apart the nation of Israel Exodus and giving of the Law of Moses Conquest of Canaan with Joshua ... punishment, repentance Conquest ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Christianity

  • Basic Beliefs and Early History in Middle East
    and Beyond

Opening Questions
  • What do you think about Christianity? What are
    some of the first things that come to mind?
  • Why is Christianity viewed negatively by some

  • Worlds largest religion
  • Central Belief
  • Jesus Christ was the son of God, died for the
    sins of all humanity, was resurrected and
    returned to heaven
  • Must believe this in order to go to heaven
  • Different branches and denominations
  • Catholicism
  • Protestantism
  • Orthodox Christianity

Essential Bible Verse
  • The Bible is the most important holy scripture
    for Christians.
  • A key verse for Christians in the Bible is the
  • For God so loved the world that He gave His only
    begotten Son so that whosoever would believe in
    Him should not perish but have everlasting life.
    John 316

The Holy Trinity
  • One God with three parts
  • Father Creator, Master Planner, Holy
  • Son (aka Jesus) Needed as a sacrifice for
    humanitys sin
  • Holy Spirit Active, sent to fulfill God the
    Fathers plans

Fall of Man
  • The Book of Genesis (the first book of the Bible)
    tells how God created Adam and Eve and put them
    in the Garden of Eden with a command not to eat
    from one tree. They did, which was the Original
  • From that point on, humanity continued to get
    worse in terms of sinfulness.
  • God hates sin. Ancient Israelites sacrificed
    animals to obtain forgiveness. Christians believe
    Jesus was sent as the final sacrifice.

Foundations in Judaism
  • Jesus and the Apostles were Jews
  • The first Christians began as Jews
  • The story of Creation, the first people, the Ten
    Commandments, stories of judges and kings of
    Israel, and books of prophets are important and
    read by Christians.

References to the Messiah in the Old Testament
  • Gen 315, Gen 2218, Gen 264, Gen 4910, Num
    216-9, Num 2417, Duet 1815, Psm 169-10, Psm
    22all, specifically Psm 2214-16-18, Psm
    13211, Isa 714, Isa 96-7, Isa 4010-11, Isa
    506, Isa 5213-15, Isa 53all, Isa 6021, Jer
    235, Jer 3314-15, Ezek 3423, Ezek 3725, Dan
    925, Mic 52, Mic 720, Zech 612, Zech 99,
    Zech 910, Zech 128-10, Zech 137, Mal 31-4,
    Mal 42-6.

Difference from Judaism
  • Christians believe that Jesus was the Messiah
    foretold by the Old Testament prophets.
  • Jews believe that the Messiah has not come.
  • Some ethnic Jews do believe that Jesus was the
    Messiah (they are a minority though) and call
    themselves Messianic Jews or Jews for Jesus.

The Bible
  • 66 Books in the Bible
  • Old Testament 39 Books, before Jesus came to
  • New Testament 27 Books, after Jesus came to
    Earth and went back to heaven, letters of advice
    on how to live for early Christians (no Bible was
    organized yet)

Old Testament
  • Creation and first people (Adam, Eve, Noah,
    etc.), Original Sin
  • How God set apart the nation of Israel
  • Exodus and giving of the Law of Moses
  • Conquest of Canaan with Joshua Creating Nation
    of Israel
  • Nation of Israel (Judges then Kings) Jewish
  • Cycle of sinfulness, punishment, repentance
  • Conquest by enemies (Assyrians, Babylonians) and
  • Return to homeland, rebuilding of Jerusalem

New Testament
  • Gospels Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John 4
    versions of Jesus life there are other gospels
    that were not approved to go into the Bible
    (Gospel of Thomas, who was one of the 12
  • The Book of Acts (Acts of the Apostles)
  • Epistles of Paul and other epistles (Romans,
    Corinthians, Galatians, etc.)
  • Revelation Apocalypse, Second Coming of Christ,
    Armageddon, Judgment, the New Jerusalem

Parts of Jesus Christs Life
  • Annunciation, Incarnation and childhood (birth
    through 12 years old)
  • Public Ministry (30 33)
  • Passion (events surrounding his crucifixion)
  • Resurrection and Ascension
  • ACTIVITY Look through the art history books
    find a work of art for each of the following
    Annunciation, Public Ministry when he was
    traveling, teaching, and healing people,
    Crucifixion, Resurrection, and his return as
    Judge during the end of the world

Incarnation and Childhood
  • Annunciation to Virgin Mary
  • Angel visited Joseph in dream (dont divorce
  • Nativity Went to Bethlehem for a Roman census
    no vacancies Jesus born in manger (stable)
    lowly, humble visited by shepherds and angels
    appeared to the shepherds
  • Visited by Magi (Wise Men probably Zoroastrian
    priests) who bring gifts (gold, frankincense,
  • Flight to Egypt (Herod wanted to kill the
    Messiah ordered the deaths of all boys two and
    under Angel warns Joseph in a dream to take
    family to Egypt and not return until visited

Public Ministry
  • Age 30 Baptism and fasting for 40 days
    temptations from the Devil
  • Miracle at Cana turning water into wine
  • Miracles Healing the blind, lepers, paralyzed,
    and demon possessed, walking on water, and even
    raising people from the dead!
  • Teachings Sermon on the Mount, parables
  • Challenging the Jewish religious leaders Are
    you really following Gods laws? Are you loving
    your neighbors as you love yourselves?

Passion of Christ
  • Passion of Christ refers to events leading up to
    the Crucifixion
  • Entering Jerusalem with Apostles on back of
    donkey (Palm Sunday) to celebrate Passover
  • Turning over tables of businesses at the temple
  • Last Supper Passover Meal communion ritual
    established Jesus announces that one of them
    will betray him
  • Betrayal (by Judas) in the Garden and beaten
  • Trials, whipping, beating, mocking, and
  • RESURRECTION on the third day

The Twelve Apostles (Disciples)
  • Jesus chose 12 close confidants but had many
    other followers
  • Here are the Twelve
  • Peter (orig. Simon) Andrew (brothers)
  • James John (brothers)
  • Philip Bartholomew
  • Matthew Thomas
  • James, son of Alphaeus Thaddeus
  • Simon the Zealot Judas Iscariot

Apostles Confusion Was Jesus the Messiah?
  • He was a great leader, teacher, healer, miracle
    worker but the Messiah?
  • Could he be Moses, Elijah, or someone else
  • Peter the first to recognize him as Messiah
    privilege of being the rock on which Christ
    will build his church (the body of Christian
    believers), holds keys to heaven

Peruginos Christ Delivering the Keys of the
Kingdom to Saint Peter
Passion of Christ
  • Christ entered Jerusalem for the Passover. This
    is celebrated as PALM SUNDAY. He taught and
    healed people in the few days before his arrest.
  • Celebrated Passover meal (the Last Supper this
    is when Christ established the idea of Communion
    Judas leaves to get the authorities
  • Jesus is arrested in Garden of Gethsemane.
  • He is put on trial by the Jewish Sanhedrin (a
    group of 60 religious specialists) for claiming
    to be the Messiah.
  • They bring him to Pontius Pilate Pilate tries to
    hand him off to Herod, a Jewish ruler in the
    region Herod passes him back to Pilate.

Betrayal of Jesus/The Kiss of Judas
  • Part of the Passion
  • Jewish religious leaders did not want to arrest
    Jesus in public
  • Judas goes to them and offers to help them
  • Pharisees give him 30 pieces of silver
  • Judas leads them to the Garden of Gethsemane
    where Jesus liked to bring the Apostles to get
    away from crowds
  • Judas leads a group to arrest him, identifies
    Jesus by greeting him with a kiss
  • Guilt Judas commits suicide

Kiss of Judas
Passion of Christ continued
  • Pilate orders Jesus whipped and crucified.
  • Jesus is crucified, taken down from the cross,
    and put in a stone tomb.
  • On the third day, He is resurrected from the
    dead. Mary Magdalene and other women went to the
    tomb and found it empty. Angels talked to them.
    In one Gospel, Jesus appears to Mary.
  • Mary tells the Apostles. Then, Jesus appears to
    the Apostles more than once.

Ascension of Christ and Mission to the Apostles
  • Christ takes the Apostles to a mountain and gives
    them the instruction to teach people about Him.
    He tells them that people must believe in Him in
    order to obtain salvation. He also instructs them
    to baptize believers in the name of the Father,
    Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • He ascends to heaven and is seated at the right
    hand of God-The Father waiting for the day when
    the Father sends him back to judge humanity.

The Role of the Apostles
  • The Apostles spread Christianity.
  • Peter traveled around the Middle East (ex.
    Babylon) and established major church in Rome.
  • Philip went to Ethiopia.
  • Thomas went to India.
  • All the Apostles except John (the youngest) died
    violent deaths. John died of old age.
  • A new man came into the picture Paul. Paul was
    not an original Apostle but is one of the most
    important. Paul wrote letters to the early
    Christian churches (ex. Romans, Corinthians)

Last Judgment
  • Christ will return to judge humanity.
  • Did a person believe in Him as the Son of God?
  • Did a person love God as shown by his actions
    (obedience, asking for forgiveness)?
  • Did a person love his neighbors as demonstrated
    by his actions?
  • People will either go to hell or heaven for
  • God loves people so much that He gives them many
    chances in life to come to a knowledge of Him. If
    people reject Him, then

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The Last Judgment
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John the Baptist, Saint Andrew Saint Lawrence
Saint Bartholomew
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Faith rising
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Christian Practices
  • Celebration of Christmas and Easter
  • Prayer
  • Going to church/communal worship
  • Tithing giving 10 of income to church
  • Bible reading the Word of God
  • Communion
  • Evangelism teaching people about Jesus
  • Baptism in Water
  • Baptism in the Holy Spirit
  • Live like Christ (forgiving others, helping the
    sick and poor)

  • Anything displeasing to God based on Ten
    Commandments and other commandments given by
  • Sin separates people from God, who is holy
  • For all have sinned and fall short of the glory
    of God. Romans 323
  • The need for a sacrifice to atone for sins
  • Ancient Israelites sacrificed sheep and other
  • Christians believe Jesus was the final sacrifice

Ten Commandments
  • Seek forgiveness from God through the blood of
    Jesus Christ
  • FORGIVE OTHERS Bible says if you that if you
    dont forgive others, God wont forgive you
  • Do not judge others, judge yourself

Essential Belief
  • Nicaea Creed
  • Jesus Christ is the son of God, born of the
    Virgin Mary, lived a sinless life, was crucified
    and buried and rose again on the third day and
    ascended to be at the right hand of the father
  • He will come again to judge the living and the

Focus on Heaven
  • SALVATION BY FAITH in Jesus Christ
  • Christians cannot earn their way to heaven. They
    will always fall short and sin.
  • Not a blank check to sin Christians regard God
    as father and friend Would you keep
    hurting/insulting your father or friend?
  • Obeying commandments
  • Love God with all heart, soul, mind, and strength
  • Love neighbor as you love yourself
  • These sum up Ten Commandments

Differences among Christians
  • Different denominations have different views
  • Salvation by faith alone (Protestant) vs.
    Salvation and Good Works (Catholic) faith
    without works is dead it does say this in the
  • Women as priests/ministers
  • Biblical interpretation Literal (fundamentalist)
    vs. open/metaphorical
  • Views towards the Sabbath, gays, abortion/birth
    control, drinking, enjoyment of pop culture

Why is it significant to understand Christianity
in History of Middle East?
  • Jerusalem is holy to Christians site of Jesus
    crucifixion and resurrection
  • Christians believe that Armageddon, the final
    battle between good and evil, will occur in
    Israel in the Valley of Megiddo.
  • Control of Holy Land influenced the Crusades
    (1096-1272), which greatly damagesd relations
    with Muslims

Constantine the Great (272 337 CE)
  • First Christian Roman Emperor
  • Mother Helena was Christian
  • Claimed to see a vision of cross of light in sky
    before a battle with inscription In this sign
    you will conquer.
  • Legalizes Christianity Christians were being
  • Promotes Christianity as major religion

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Map of Byzantine Trade Routes
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Was Constantine a true Christian?
  • Textbook calls him a nominal Christian
  • Had rivals killed so that he could consolidate
  • Colossal image of himself resembling the Roman
    god Jupiter in a basilica in Rome
  • Baptized with water on his death bed (an
    important Christian ritual Why did he wait so
    long to do this?)
  • If he really wanted to accept Christianity,
    wouldnt he have behaved following Christs

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Council of Nicaea
  • Meeting called by Constantine (about 300 bishops
    present from all over the Roman Empire)
  • Answers questions and builds consensus on who
    Christ was this becomes the Orthodox view
  • Christians, who had different views, were labeled
    heretics and persecuted as if they were rebelling
    against the empire

Icon of Constantine and the Church Fathers
  • They are holding a slightly modified form of the
    Nicene Creed (Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed of

Christian Dissident Groups
  • Arians believed that Jesus was divinely sired
    and inspired, but was not on the level of God
    JUST A MAN (arose in Alexandria priest called
  • Nestorians through that Christ was TWO
    DIFFERENT BEINGS one divine, one human (When
    the church of Ephesus condemned them, they fled
    to Persia) arose in Antioch
  • Monophysites opposite view of Nestorians and
    Arians Jesus was only one being and was ONLY
    DIVINE/GOD (not human)

Byzantine (Eastern Roman) Empire Persecutes
  • Heretics people who go against the official
    church doctrines
  • Orthodox Christian view Jesus was both God and
    man in one body (power of God to perform miracles
    with the weaknesses of man)
  • Arians, Nestorians, and Monophysites were
    persecuted and killed.

Heretics, Christian Arabs, and Muslims
  • Because the Orthodox view of Christianity
    persecuted Christians with different view points,
    how would that hurt the Byzantine (Eastern Roman)
  • Christianized Arabs felt greater loyalty to their
    culture over the Byzantine Church.
  • Heretics became enemies of the Byzantine Empire
    and fought alongside Muslim armies in the 7th and
    8th centuries.

Official View of Church
  • Council of Nicaea determined the proper view of
  • Created a common prayer (Nicene Creed)
  • Decided what books/writings would make up the
    Bible (Why did they choose some books over
  • Jesus Christ was 100 man and 100 God contained
    in the body of one man

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America, Christianity, and Middle East
  • America, while having freedom of religion, is
    heavily influenced by Christianity many
    lawmakers identify themselves as Christians.
  • Christians, because of ignorance on Islam, side
    with Israel because of Judaisms connection to
  • America often favors Israel (sharing of
    technology, military and financial aid) an
    important ally in the Middle East

Radical Christian Hope for End of World and
Christs Last Judgment
  • Belief that conflict in Middle East will hasten
    the day of Christs return
  • Finally, they will be able to see Jesus and live
    in heaven
  • Better to side with Israel then Islamic nations
  • Demonstrates misunderstanding of what Islam is
    really about

  • Trinity
  • Sin, forgiveness, and salvation through belief in
    and following of Jesus
  • The Bible the road map for Christians
  • The Gospels (first four books of the New
    Testament tell who he was
  • Water baptism
  • Communion
  • Evangelizing
  • Loving God and loving neighbors

  • What are the fundamental beliefs and teachings of
  • What is the most important holy book?
  • What are important rituals and practices?
  • Create a list of 10 essential understandings of
    Christianity what people must know about the
    religion to understand it. Briefly explain each
    essential understanding (3 points each)
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