Christianity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Christianity – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Christianity

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Historical Christ
  • Christianity Egyptologist Massey others
    revealed that at Council of Bishops at Nicea in
    325 CE at the behest of Emperor Constantine,
    Xianity was fully synthesized from Egyptian
    religion and from prevailing 15 pagan gods and
    various Alexandrian schools (also Buddhism
    Krishna cult), and life of seer Apollonius, and
    blended with heroes of ancient world as a
    'religious-communal soul' of the time. Christ
    was a sacrificial cultural hero, Christianity the
    state religion. Mythical Christ was made human by
    Paul. One wonders if Krishna, Rama, Moses,
    Zoroaster etc. were ever historical figures or
    thus made out as religious allegories!
  • As Hesus (Hebrew Joshua) Kristos based on
    the also-crucified Apollonius of Tyana (2 CE-99
    CE), neo-Pythgorean medium/ magician, who
    travelled across Caucasius (Hindu-kush) mountains
    to India, learning Gospels from Brahmins of
    Kashmir, infusing their rites into Magian
    observances. The true historical Christ- the
    Christ portrait is based on a bust of his!
  • In India Ancient records at Buddhist Hemis
    monastery in Ladakh reveal Jesus spent the lost
    years between the ages of 13 and 29 in India
    studying the Divine Word, Jainism, Vedas
    Buddhism at Lanka, Jagannath, Benaras, Nepal
    Kashmir, returning to Jerusalem after preaching
    to Zoroastrians en route (See Lost Years of
    Jesus by E.C. Prophet, Jesus Lived in India by
    H. Kersten). Though Word appears as Vak in
    Vedas, Jesus preached to lower classes the easy
    yoga, denouncing Vedas its Trimurti, inviting
    wrath of Brahmins.
  • His Death Research reveals that surviving the
    Cross, Jesus was tended by Joseph of Arimathea,
    Nicodemus and fellow Essenes. He returned to
    Kashmir with his mother Mary, wife Mary Magdalene
    Apostle Thomas (all died in India) 16 yrs.
    later, preaching to lower castes upto ripe old
    age (grave of Yuz Asaf in Srinagar is his?). In
    Nath Namavali, Isha Nath is taught yoga by
    Chetan Nath. Bhavishya Puran also mentions his
    Kashmir sojourn.

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The 8 petal Astral, Ashta-dal-kanwal, Mahar Lok
is the Womb of Shakti. It is also the Equator
of Brahmand, and hence the Christ plane as
well. The deity here is Durga-Kali, or Mary who
presides over the triple worlds Bhu, Bhuvah
Swah, and comprises the limit of the Microcosm
during Kali-yuga. She is Turiya- fourth to the
trinity 65 or 10004 or FatherSonHoly
Spirit, 5 petal Son- the same as Yama- Dark
Lord of Death (the Black Hole, with the Central
Sun on the obverse), being Christ, her son!
Christ has been thus made Anti-Christ in
Christian theology- i.e. Son is thus same as
the Sun of all Pagan religions, whom
Christianity claims to supercede!!! In Sant-Mat,
however, Christ the Liberator is above the
Equator of the entire Macrocosm, which is
Maha-Sunn or Bhav-sagar- Ocean of the World
located in Paar-Brahm, i.e. only Perfect Sadhus,
Sants and Param Sants qualify for this
The Christ Myth
  • Today, views about Christ fall into three basic
    categories First and foremost, many believe the
    Bible to be infallible, the word of God, telling
    us that Jesus was God himself, incarnated as
    God's son on earth, born of a virgin, who
    performed miracles, was crucified, dead for three
    days then came back to life and returned to
    heaven. The second view is that Jesus was not
    divine, but was a prophet, a fabulous man who
    taught morality through parables, and gathered a
    great following. According to this view he may or
    may not have been crucified, but his followers
    went on to build a religion and a church based on
    his teachings. The basis for this belief is,
    typically, that millions of people have believed
    in him for 2,000 years, so he must have existed.
    But being the son of God, the miracles, death and
    resurrection- thats just a bit much for anyone
    with a healthy stripe of skepticism.
  • The third view is that the Jesus story is pure
    myth. It is extrapolated from and built upon the
    many "son of God, born of virgin, savior messiah"
    myths that existed in the civilized world 2,000
    to 5,000 years ago. The storyline was familiar to
    the early converts, making it easy for church
    leaders to sell them on it. But it was only a
    myth, with no historical record to support it.
  • Many aspects of the gospel story about Jesus
    Christ, and of Christian tradition in general,
    represent motifs from older astrotheology and
    solar mythology, reflecting legends and myths
    regarding the sun gods of antiquity. From a wide
    variety of sources, it is clear that identifying
    and equating Christ with the sun began in ancient
    times and has continued abundantly over the many
    centuries since then. The exploration of Christ
    as a solar figure includes a study of ancient sun
    worship not only in the Pagan world but also in
    Israel, as exhibited by the solar nature of
    Jesuss purported Father, the Israelite god

The Christ Myth
  • The Savior was born and died for our sins. Could
    all the contradictions and anachronisms in the
    Bible, lack of historical data, absent
    archeological evidence, Church Fathers silence
    and even the Gnostic Scriptures be in reality
    pointing to a mythic godman, a patchwork hero
    with a thousand theologies? Is there really any
    first century proof indicating there was
    historically anyone close to a first century
    Galilean Rabbi?
  • Orthodoxy has gone through, in the last 2,000
    years, even to this day, to erase any connections
    of the similarity between Egyptian and Christian
    spirituality. Sorting through available
    historical and archaeological data, the early
    Christian history is proved to be largely
    mythical. Christianity on the exoteric side, and
    Gnosticism on the esoteric side, were already
    mature long before the birth of Jesus Christ in
    the manifestations and theologies of Horus,
    Osiris, Isis, Shu, Anubis, Ra and other saviour
    deities. Gnostic Hermetic ideals existed hundreds
    of years before Christianity.
  • The parallels exist between Jesus and Horus, and
    other Egyptian Savior gods revered for thousands
    of years before birth of Christ. Horus and
    various Egyptian terms appear in Christian
    Gnostic texts, as well as the Valentinian
    Creation narrative. Goddess Isis and her cult was
    called Mary thousands of years before the virgin.
    The Gospel of John directly borrowed from several
    Egyptian writings.
  • When Osiriss cult disappeared before the
    religion of the Christ, many Egyptians found that
    the moral system of the old cult and that of the
    new religion were so similar, and the promises of
    resurrection and immortality in each so much
    alike, that they transferred their allegiance
    from Osiris to Jesus of Nazareth without
    difficulty. Moreover, Isis and the child Horus
    were straightway identified with Mary the Virgin
    and her Son.

Christian Texts
  • The Old Testament comprises 46 books, many of
    them historical, concerning the development of
    Jews from a barbaric state indulging in bloody
    sacrifices to acceptance of a nobler conception
    of the divine, taking inspiration from the
    Zoroastrians. It Psalms, akin to Sama Veda and
    Gathas, are a mix of the earlier militant to
    the noble.
  • The New Testament written in Ephesus,
    Alexandria around 100 CE, it consists of 27
    documents 4 Gospels Acts containing life and
    ethical (though not much of spiritual science)
    teachings of Christ, 21 Letters, dogmatic
    epistles of the early Church and a book of
  • Non-Canonical Books The apocryphal scriptures
    of Jews such as the spiritual Book of Wisdom are
    accepted by Catholics others such as gospels of
    Mary, Peter, James and stories of Jesuss life
    etc. present intellect of the early Church.
    Literature of the early Fathers such as Clement
    of Alexandria, Irenaeus contain Christian
  • Oral tradition early Fathers considerable
    oral tradition- teachings by word of mouth-
    existed as writings of early Fathers like Justin
    Martyr, Ignatius quoting Jesus show. Writings of
    early Fathers like Clement of Alexandria,
    Tertullian, Origen present fundamental positions
    of the Xian tradition.
  • Division between exoteric esoteric teachings
    existed (as with Jews). Bible contains teachings
    in parables, not casting pearls before swine,
    but Christ taught the Apostles things of kingdom
    of God for 11 years (40 days?) after
    resurrection. Converts were led through stages
    hearers, catechumens, baptism receivers- full

Christian Mysticism
  • Christian Mysticism continued by lineage after
    Jesus through the Apostles Peter, James, John
    and Paul. St. Paul, the Apostle passed on the
    baton to St. Timothy. St. Clement (d 220), and
    his pupil, Origen (d 251) continued the Platonic
    tradition of Alexandria. Plotinus (d 270), St.
    Anthony (b 250) and Benedict of Nursia (b 480)
    contributed to the early Christian monasticism.
    St. Augustine (d 430), Bernard of Clairvaux (d
    1153), St. Dominic (d 1221) in Spain, St.
    Francis (d 1226) of Assisi, Italy, St. Thomas
    Aquinas (d 1274), Dominican Thomas Aquinas (d
    1274), Tauler (d 1361), Meister Eckhart (d
    1327), Hery Suso (d 1366), Thomas a Kempis (d
    1471) of Germany, Carmelites St. Teresa of Avila
    (d 1582) St. John of the Cross (d 1591) of
    Spain, Henry More (d 1687), St. Martin (d 1803)
    have been some of well-known Christian mystics.
  • Christian mystics carved out a path of 'direct
    experience' for themselves, often at loggerheads
    with the formal Church and its dogma. Christian
    mysticism was essentially founded by Dionysius,
    the so-called Areopagite, a Syrian in the
    pre-Christian era from ancient Syrian thought,
    earlier Egyptian, expounded by St. Paul, also a
    Syrian, in the latter half of the 5th cent. It
    blended together thoughts from East- India,
    Persia, Mesopotamia and West- Platonist Greece,
    Judaism, Christianity etc. and absorbed the 1st
    cent. CE Hermeticism, based on worship of
    Egyptian Thoth or Greek Hermes, Neoplatonism
    giving a mystic interpretation of Plato's
    teachings in 2nd to 6th cents., Neopythagoreanism
    (to which Apollonius of Tyana belonged)- an
    attempt to introduce a religious element into
    pagan philosophy, blending Stoicism and Ascetism
    of the Essenes in place of arid formalism and
    Manichaeism, in turn, influenced by
    Zoroastrianism of the 3rd cent. CE God was now
    seen in opposition to the world created by
    anti-God, Jehovah.

Christian Church
  • The Churches These are mainly divided into
    Roman Catholic (has great similarities with
    Tibetian Buddhism), Western Protestant/Anglican
    Eastern Orthodox/Assyrian.
  • The Christian Era was the arbitrary creation of
    Dionysius Exiguus ('the small'). Likewise, the
    date of Christmas (even earlier celebrated as the
    'Feast of Nativity', 3 days after the Solar
    solstice of winter) commemorating his birth, with
    New Year's day or Yule 6 days later- then
    Epiphany (the manifestation of divinity at
    Baptism) after another 6 days. The Bright Star
    of Bethlehem, witnessed at the time of his birth
    (in 6 BCE), represents the inner Pole Star.
  • The Festivals The 2 weeks of Lent (remembering
    Christs 40 days' fast in the wilderness),
    followed by the Easter tragedy- crucifixion and
    resurrection (already based on goddess Estarte,
    when Sun comes to life after being buried)- the
    vernal equinox and rise of the Virgin
    constellation above the horizon, when he enters
    Jerusalem on 2 asses (Sun and Moon).
  • The Spirituality of Christ being 'born in us
    anew in surrender to the divinity within' giving
    way to dogma, the Church eventually became the
    'Mother' in place of the 'Holy Spirit' (the true
    bread wine and flesh blood, for Jesus was
    'Word-made-flesh') and its seven Sacraments
    (Baptism, Confirmation, Penance, Marriage,
    Ordination, Last Anointing Mass), ritualistic
    instruments through which Jesus' divine life
    could become available to its followers.
  • Baptism in the 'Holy Word' or the 'Christ
    Power as practiced by the Gnostics, was
    supplanted by a mere faith in the 'Holy Bible',
    the 'Church' and its bishops. The Church became a
    power centre in itself- with power quickly
    supplanting piety!
  • Christian doctrines Christ as soul in man,
    Son of God. The unity of Trinity of Father, Son
    Holy Ghost. 7 Spirits before the Throne- gods
    of the elements. Lower gods Archangels Angels.
    Reincarnation (Elias-John the Baptist). Karma (as
    you sow).

Christian Symbolism
  • The Holy Bible comprises the Judaic Old
    Testament and the later New Testament, which
    contains the (fourth) gospel of St. John
    containing teachings akin to Sant-Mat,
    interpreting 'Christ' as the incarnate
    non-dualistic, spiritual Word or Naam of God.
  • The 10 Commandments contained in the Ark
    (same as 5510 Sunnas), move from Judaic laws
    and commandments to love and surrender
    (especially in St. Matthew).
  • The Cross/Crucifix Miraculized in Christianity,
    it has various pre-Christian- Egyptian and Judaic
    forms. To the Gnostics, Cross symbolizes crossing
    of Spirit Matter to create the dualistic
    universe, or the initiate being reborn after his
    crucifixion on the 'Tree of Life'.
  • Christ crucified- the ideal in it, man arises
    triumphant, having crucified the lower self on
    the cross of Matter. Matter has been made the
    servant of the spirit, and body has been redeemed
    by making it the subject of the spirit. In the
    Mysteries, every human spirit re-treads the path,
    and in his turn, becomes a Christ, first
    crucified, and then triumphant.
  • The Holy Trinity Christ Power, the
    liberator is above Brahmandic Ashta-dal-kanwal
    8 equator (Asura, Mahadeva) of Brahmand, while
    anti-Christ (Sura, Deva) is Matter born of
    astral light (Big Bang) that keeps the spirit
    in bondage of Chaurasi. The Xian Trinity is
    Indra-Yama-Vairochan. Christ, son of Mary is
    Yama or Kartikeya/Indra- son of Parvati-Kali, and
    thus a pagan anti-Christ! Correctly, Christ is
    Brahma, the 2nd of Tridevas.
  • Christ In Sant-Mat Mahasunna, the Cosmic
    equator is the Christ plane. The Trinity is
    beyond the Gunas 1. Sat Purush Father 2. Sat
    Guru (the living perfect Master on earth) Son
    3. Sat-Naam Holy Spirit or Mother,
    Creative Power of Cosmos. Here Christ is a
    Param Sant/Sant or at least a Superior grade
    Sadhu (at Bhawar-gupha).

The Tree, Rose, Cross Symbolism
  • The Cross is in fact a pre-Christian Symbol. The
    Latin Cross is an opened-up cube, which is but
    Shiva-linga or Stone of Kaaba, while the Greek
    Cross is that of the neophytes, Chrest.
  • The Latin Cross is an unequal cross is cross
    with one arm lengthened so that the body of the
    man crucified thereupon may be represented.
  • Crucifix is the cross including a corpus
    emphasizing Christ's suffering and sacrifice. It
    symbolizes Gods great sacrifice, an offer of
    salvation to all of humanity and the promise of
    resurrection and victory over death.
  • Carrying the Cross to Jerusalem symbolizes The
    taking over of the Sanchit- Storehouse karma of
    others by the Master and negating the same in the
    Mansarovar- fountainhead of the Water of Life.
  • As a representation of the Trinity, the sections
    3,4 5 represent the Three Persons of the
    Trinity section 2 is the erstwhile Eastern
    Star or Ashta-dal-kanwal, the Turiya (fourth)
    and the longer, lower section signifies the
    Physical plane.

Crucifix- the Symbolism
The Cross 1 2 3 4 5
Symbolism 1 Guda chakra Ajna chakra Left arm Right arm Hriday chakra
Symbolism 2 Lower 5 chakras of manifestation Crown- Sahasraar (lower) OVERSOUL Left eye Right eye 3rd Eye (Bridge of nose) SOUL
Symbolism 3 (Southern Cross) Physical plane Ashta-dal- kanwal 8 Hell 4 Heaven 6 Inter- mediate (7th chakra)
Symbolism 4 (True, Northern Cross) Ashta-dal- kanwal 8 Shakti 12 Shankar Vishnu Brahma
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