Title: Preventing Plagiarism
- Presented by Joan Lange, Librarian
- Pope John Paul II High School
2Research exciting quest or a labor of Hercules?
- How to avoid Pitfalls that lead to Plagiarism.
3Personality Quiz Is your Research style Heroic
or Monstrous?
- A. Accumulate a mountainof printed articles.
- B. Start assembling imagesfrom Google that
willmake a glitzy PowerPoint. - C. Go straight to Wikipedia
- for the right answer.
- D. Formulate questions that you find interesting
or puzzling and begin to explore.
- 1. The assignment is
- due in two weeks.
- Do you
4Personality Quiz Is your Research style Heroic
or Monstrous?
- A. Jump from site to site with superhuman
speeduntil you exhaust yourselfand the
resources. - B. Select websites that aregraphically
stunning, not bothering to check who created the
site. - C. Select one of the first resultsin a Google
search. - D. Formulate a search strategy based on your
- 2. You are allowed to use online
sources. Do you
5Personality Quiz Is your Research style Heroic
or Monstrous?
- A. Type frantically from the mountainous pileof
printed articles. - B. Start copying and pasting, making sure to
change font to an attractive style. - C. Quickly type what you learned from the
Wikipedia article, being sure to switch words
around or do a synonym switch to avoid
plagiarism. - D. Evaluate your information, create comparisons
and contrasts, and present your insights with
solid support.
- 3. It is the night before the paper is
due. - Do you
6Which type of researcher? If you answered
7And if you answered D, you are
- Odysseus (Ulysses)
- A lover of quests, quick-witted, and a creative
and critical thinker. - You will drive your point home,
- but only after a series of interesting
adventures and moments of insight.
8Wikipedia first?
- In a 2009 survey of 6 colleges,
- _________ of students reported using
Wikipedia at the beginning of
the research process. - _________year institutions are more likely to
use Wikipedia than ________ year
institutions. (from The Pew
Internet American Life Project)
9College students use Wikipedia for
- Currency
- Coverage
- Comprehensibility
- Convenience
- Most students said they do not tell their
professors they use Wikipedia they simply avoid
citing it intheir reports.
10- But as Wikipedia founder Jim Wales says
11- For Gods sake,
- you are in college.
- Dont cite the
- encyclopedia.
12Prevent Plagiarism
- by brainstorming with Primary Sources first!
13Planning Prevents Plagiarism
- Plan Research Assignments so that
- Students
- Dialogue with primary sources first to
- develop their own original ideas (thesis)
- Practice paraphrasing and using quotations
- Survey first the type of note taking to be used
- Use Noodletools to organize notes and
- generate correct citations
14Why Research? Not a book report
- If you take exploration of self out of the
research process, you limit your students - to reporting. Exploration involves
- questioning
- challenging
- testing
- not merely absorbing information.
- (DeSena 2007)
15Dialogue with Primary Sources
- Select Historic Movie from list
- View movie while notating 20-30 details
- (I wonder moments)
- Categorize the details into
- --Political
- --Economic
- --Social
- --Religious
- Research details (go deep)
- to discover authenticity
Historic Movies Projectfor AP European History
16I know this is important, but.
- Conference with students so they can dialogue
with the primary sources. - I know the Greeks are supposed to be important
to modern medicine, but this body humors thing is
really weird. - (student conferencing on Ancient
Greece research project)
17Read and Dialogue with Hippocrates
- I will fulfill this oath and this written
covenant to the best of my powerThe regimen I
adopt - shall be for the benefit of the patients to the
best of my power and judgement, not for their
injury or any wrongful purpose.I will not abuse
my position to indulge in sexual
contacts.Whatever I see or hear, professionally
or privately, which ought not to be divulged, I
will keep silence on, counting such things to be
as religious secrets.
18Brainstorming to Thesis to Outline
- Pull central idea (thesis) from brainstorming
- Organize with a simple outline of supportive
ideas about the thesis. - Some possible ways to organize thoughts
- comparison/contrast
- cause and effect
- analysis
19Organization Chart
Compare and Contrast Purpose Strengths Sound Modern Science?
Hippocratic Oath Protect rights of patient confidential everyone treated equally Patients needs are important Prolistening to patient is important to cure Condid All Greeks have this right?
Hippocratic Theory of Humors Prevent diseases and maintain good health Diet and exercise and life routines (sleeping,etc) Balance foods Prodiet is important to good health Conpurging used poisons
20Research is not just a paper
- Shakespeare, speeches, and Animoto
Brutus Speaks video http//animoto.com/play/E1dwsr
ignanimotoutm_sourceshareutm_mediumemail Fla
vius Speaks video http//animoto.com/play/74SG7hV
gnanimotoutm_sourceshareutm_mediumemail Titi
nius Speaks video http//animoto.com/play/gEwBg6v
21Prevent Plagiarism
- by practicing
- paraphasing/quotations
- surveying type of notetaking
- using NoodleTools for notes and citations
22Facts vs. InterpretationsPractice the difference
- Students highlight facts
- only in a scholarly essay then point out details
that are supporting an interpretation. - Students point out
- how secondary sources are used.
- Does the writer use quotation, summarization, or
paraphrase? - Students read literature in their field (other
than the textbook) to model effective writing. - (DeSena 2007)
23What type of notetaking?
- Survey first the article to determine type of
notetaking - Type of information Notes
- Facts
Bulleted, brief notes - Technical discussion Paraphrase in
own - or background info words
- Distinctive wording Quotation
(Vargas 1985)
24What type of notetaking for this?Brief Facts
Paraphrase Quote
In August 1649, Cromwell and 12,000 soldiers
arrived in Ireland. During the next ten years of
bloodshed it is estimated that about a third of
the population was either killed or died of
starvation. The majority of Roman Catholics who
owned land had it taken away from them and were
removed to the barren province of Connacht.
Catholic boys and girls were shipped to Barbados
and sold to the planters as slaves.
25Short facts
Notes Cromwells 1649 battle in Ireland
Roman Catholic Irish 12,000 soldiers
1/3 killed or starved
10 year war Most lost land
Boys/girls slaves
26Practice Paraphrasing
- Avoid plug-in methodinserting synonyms for
words in original document (DeSena 2007) - Read passage several times
- First skim first few sentences of paragraphs
- Second,read more slowly
- Third, read again and take a few notes
- Fourth, without looking at source, write a
- Paraphrase (Price 2002)
27Quotations A balancing act
- Use sparingly
- Choose for
- distinctive phrasing
- Link with own interpretations
28Exercise Put quote in context
- What is quote saying (paraphrase)
- (or if using an image, what is the message?)
- Who is saying it
- How quote (or image) relates to the
- main point of paper
- (Price 2002)
29Using Paraphrasing and Brief Quotations
- The politics reduce themselves to three
principles. - The first to govern and aggrandize oneself
according to circumstances. - The second to ally oneself only if an advantage
is got. - The third is to make oneself feared and respected
- even in the most untoward circumstance.
- Frederick the Great giving advice
to his nephew
Frederick William II
30Paraphrase and Quote used in a paragraph with
- Frederick the Great believed that to govern
effectively a ruler needed to make oneself great
and form alliances only if it worked to the
rulers benefit. In addition Frederick
emphasized that to rule, one needed to make
oneself feared and respected (Cohen and Major
472). This type of ruler distanced himself from
the people through the granduer of his kingship,
powerful friends, and the threat of punishment
for disobedience to the Crown. -
- Organize notes
- Paraphrase
- Quotation
- My Ideas
- Correct citation
- MLA or APA style
- Print, online, or
- interview sources
32Why should I use Primary Sources?
- They make history come alive in our classrooms.
- They improve students ability to analyze
literature and documents. - Using primary sources helps students to develop
critical thinking skills compare/contrast find
contradictions understand point of view, etc. - (Volunteer Voices,
33Prevent Plagiarism
- by brainstorming with Primary Sources first!
34- Primary Source
- Examples
- Across the Curriculum
35Dialogue with Quotations
- Quotes to explore Science and the Environment
- Approximately 80 of our air pollution stems
- from hydrocarbons released by vegetation, so
- lets not go overboard in setting and enforcing
- tough emission standards from man-made
- sources.
- Ronald Reagan, quoted in 1980 Sierra Magazine
36Dialogue with Quotations
- Quotes to explore Math and Economics in
- current events
- I used to think if there was reincarnation, I
- wanted to come back as the President or the
- Pope or a .400 baseball-hitter, but now I want
- to come back as the bond market. You can
- intimidate everybody.
- James Carville, Bill Clintons
- campaign manager, in a 1993 interview
37Compare/contrast image of women in art No art
was ever less spontaneous than mine.It calls for
as much cunning as the commission of a crime.
Edgar Degas
The idea for the Heroes personality quiz was
adapted from the exhibit Heroes Mortals and
Myths in Ancient Greece, organized by the Walters
Art Museum, Baltimore, in cooperation with the
Frist Center for the Visual Arts, Nashville,
January 29-April 25, 2010. Images Helen of
Troy. Musee du Louvre, France. The Perseus
Digital Library. Tufts University, 2010.Web.
18 Feb. 2010. lthttp//www.perseus.tufts.edu/
Herakles/index.htmlgt. Herakles. The Perseus
Digital Library. Tufts University, 2010. Web. 31
Jan. 2010. lthttp//www.perseus.tufts.edu/Hera
kles/index.htmlgt.Heracles in the lions skin.
Tampa Museum of Art, Tampa, Florida. The Perseus
Digital Library. Tufts University, 2010.
Web. 17 Feb. 2010. lthttp//www.perseus.tufts
.edu/?Olympics/?milo.htmlgt. Odysseus. Museum of
Fine Arts, Boston. The Perseus Digital Library.
Tufts University, 2010. Web. 17 Feb. 2010.
actSearch?qOdysseusimage yesgt.
- DeSena, L. H. Preventing plagiarism. New York
National Council of Teachers of English, 2007.
Print. - Head, Allison J. and Michael B. Eisenberg. How
Todays College Students Use Wikipedia - for Course-Related Research. First Monday.
2010. Web. 1 Mar. 2010.http//firstmonday.org/htb
e/2830/2476. - Martin, R. G. Plagiarism and Originality Some
Remedies. The English Journal 60.5 (1971) - 621-625. JSTOR. Web. 17 July 2007.
- Price, M. Beyond Gotcha! Situating
Plagiarism in Policy and Pedagogy. College
Composition and Communication. Sept. (2002)
100-115. JSTOR. Web. 17 July 2007. - Tennessee Electronic Library. Why should I use
primary sources? Volunteer Voices. 2007. Web. 15
July 2007. - Vargas, M. F. Developing an Immunity to
Sophomoric Plagiarism Notetaking Skills. The
English Journal 74.2 (1985) 42-44. JSTOR. Web.
17 July 2007. - Whitaker, E. E. A Pedagogy to Address
Plagiarism. College Composition and
Communication. 44.4 (1993) 509-514. JSTOR. Web.
17 July 2007.