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... (Spiritual Strength), Bandi Chorr (Diwali) * Guru Har Rai ji Respect for nature and conservation. Opened Free hospitals for those in need. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes



  • Origin of Sikhism
  • The Gurdwara
  • What is a Sikh?
  • What is a Guru?
  • Birth of Sikhism the 10 Gurus
  • Birth of the Khalsa
  • The Guru Granth Sahib
  • Sikh Beliefs
  • The 5 Ks Khanda
  • Ik Onkar
  • Nishaan Sahib
  • The Golden Temple
  • Sikh Dastar (Turban)
  • Importance of Identity
  • Some Sikh Public Faces
  • Dastar Bandi Anand Karaj

Origin of Sikhism

Gurdwara Place of Worship
  • Gurdwara means Doorway to God or House of God
  • The Sikh religious service follows the
    traditions started by the1st Guru to promote
    equality and alleviate suffering. It has 3
  • Sangat Community prayer through readings from
    the Guru Granth Sahib and singing of hymns
  • Pangat A sense of equality with everyone seated
    on the ground - at the same level.
  • Langar Community vegetarian meal for all.
  • Protocol to be observed in the Gurdwara
  • Heads covered
  • Shoes removed
  • Sit on floor
  • All are WELCOME

Gurdwara Place of Worship
What is a Sikh?
  • Sikh means learner
  • Sikh means Student or Disciple of God
  • Sikhism is worlds 5th largest religion, after
    Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism
  • 26 million Sikhs worldwide
  • 20 million in India
  • 500,000 in the United Kingdom
  • 99 of the people wearing TURBANS in the United
    Kingdom are Sikhs

Who are the Sikhs?
What is a Guru?
  • Guru means teacher
  • Guru means Spiritual Enlightener
  • The term GURU implies descendant of divine
    guidance to mankind sent from God.
  • Literally translated GUmeans darkness and RU
    means light.
  • Thus, Guru means the Light that dispels
    darkness. Therefore, Guru Nanak was the
    embodiment of divine light.

Birth of Sikhism
  • Guru Nanak Dev Ji 1st Guru
  • Born in 1469 during a time when
  • Rich exploited the poor
  • Women had no role in society
  • Land divided by religion
  • Caste system prevailed
  • Guru Nanak founded Sikhism based on equality and
    justice for all and taught us that all human
    beings regardless of skin color, wealth, caste,
    and gender are created equal.

Truth is high still higher is truthful living
- Guru Nanak Dev Ji
The 11 Gurus
The 10 Gurus
  • Guru Nanak Dev ji Founded Sikhism, One
    Universal God, Do not discriminate on basis of
    Colour, Creed, Religion, Case, Creed. Earn an
    honest living, Share with others
  • Guru Angad Dev ji Introduced new alphabet known
    as Gurmukhi Script, started langar to break caste
  • Guru Amardas ji Embodiment of Seva (service).
    Humilty and service leads to a happy life
  • Guru Ramdas ji Built the holy city of Amritsar.
    Reformed the marriage ceremony of Anand Karaj
  • Guru Arjan Dev ji Compiled Adi Granth Sahib,
    built Golden Temple, First Sikh Martyr, Accepted
    the Will of God
  • Guru Hargobind ji Miri (Temporal Strength) and
    Piri (Spiritual Strength), Bandi Chorr (Diwali)

The 10 Gurus
  • Guru Har Rai ji Respect for nature and
    conservation. Opened Free hospitals for those in
  • Guru Har Krishan ji Child Guru, impressed
    elders by his diving knowledge, Divine healing
    power, devoted his life to helping the sick
    especially treating smallpox
  • Guru Tegh Bahadur ji - Forgiveness is the
    greatest virtue. Championed religious freedom and
    gave his life and was martyred while fighting for
    religious freedom.
  • Guru Gobind Singh ji Created Khalsa (comes from
    the Persian word khalis meaning Pure),
    Fought many religious defensive battles against
    tyrant rulers. Proclaimed Sri Guru Grath Sahib Ji
    as our eternal Guru instead of a human Guru.

Birth of the Khalsa
  • During the spring of 1699, the Guru called his
    followers for a special gathering. Symbolized a
    revitalization of the Sikh identity and the
    evolution of the Sikh community into
    saint-soldiers. After initiating the five
    "beloved ones" into the new order of the Khalsa,
    the Guru knelt before them and requested that
    they initiate him.
  • Gave the names Singh (Lion) to men and Kaur
    (Princess) to women.
  • Khalsa Sikhs identified with the 5 Ks.

Guru Granth Sahib ji
  • Guru means Spiritual teacher who dispels the
  • Granth implies a Scripture containing divine
  • Sahib is added as a mark of respect, which
    literally means The Master or The Lord.

Guru Granth Sahib ji
Guru Gobind Singh, the tenth Guru declared Guru
Granth Sahib Ji as the eternal Guru and ultimate
spiritual authority for the Sikhs.
  • Guru Granth Sahib -
  • the Sikh Scripture is purely monotheistic
  • 1430 pages and 5867 hymms
  • The Gurus Experience of the Divine
  • Also included were a few hymns from Hindu and
    Muslim saints who believed in ONE God
  • The main teachings of the Guru Granth Sahib are
    cultivating a real personal devotion to God,
    fostering compassion and service for people who
    are poor or suffering, and promoting equality and
    seeking harmony among all human beings
  • The central theme of the Guru Granth Sahib is
    concerned with the creation of a just social
    order and the commitment to social and gender
    equality and peaceful coexistence


Sikh Beliefs
  • There is One God for all of creation, a
  • loving Creator attainable through the Grace
  • Goal is to be one with god
  • Selfless service towards the entire Creation
  • Truth, fearless, non-hateful spirit are
  • important in attaining salvation
  • Absolute equality of humanity
  • Defenders of social and spiritual justice
  • Living a moral, truthful and hardworking
  • Humility and loving action
  • Defending the rights of the downtrodden and

Bhai Kanhiya pioneer of the Red Cross
humanitarian aide organizations
Respect for All
  • Equality of all religions and people
  • Give relevance to God rather than religion
  • Believers of interfaith diversity
  • Sikhism believes that there are many paths to
    God. Anyone can achieve salvation irrespective of
    the religion that they follow if they endear God
    in their heart and daily actions

Guru Nanak Dev jis Principles
  • These 3 pillars / principles are the FOUNDATION
    of Sikhism.
  • Naam Japo Chanting the Holy Name and thus
    remembering God at all times (ceaseless devotion
    to God).
  • Kirat Karo Earning/making a living honestly,
    without exploitation or fraud.
  • Vand Chakko Sharing with others, helping those
    with less who are in need.
  • So these are Sikhs essential pillars and are very
    import daily activities.
  • The idea of the above is to uphold the five
    virtues and resist the five evils as per the

Five Virtues
  • Sat - Being truthful - Acting justly towards
    others. With honesty, integrity and treating all
    as equals.
  • Santokh - Contentment Be happy with what god
    has given you. It is gods will for you.
  • Daya - Compassion feel another persons pain.
    The concept is to do whatever in ones mean to
    helps others in pain or tragedy.
  • Nimrata Humility To be humble and modest at
    all times and without ego.
  • Pyar Love - Love for god and all his creations.
    Forgive and forget for all grievances. Bear no
  • These are the five qualities / virtues and are
    essential to a Sikh.

Five Evils
  • Krodh Rage This covers loss of temper, anger,
    violence etc. One must control that and live
    within the world with humility.
  • Lobh - Greed This covers a strong desire for
    material items and also wanting of what belongs
    to others. One can become blind with greed.
  • Moh Attachment If one has attachment only for
    material things, then he cannot progress to
    master his life. He is too wrapped up in that.
  • Ahankar Ego This gives an individual to feel
    he is superior and all others below him inferior.
    This leads to jealousy etc. It is all about I, me
    and mine. Taking credit where its not due. Etc.
  • Kam Lust Deep desire, uncontrolled longing,
  • So these are the five evils to Sikhs.
  • This is why we have a duty to recite gurbani
    /meditate (simran) and also a duty to do selfless
    service (sewa) so that all these virtues become
    part of our mind at all times to help us all
    attain the goal of mastering our life.

The Four Bajjar Kurehats (Cardinal Sins)
  • Dishonour the hair by cutting it.
  • Eating meat of an animal killed with prayers
    (Kuthha ie Halal or Kosher)
  • Consumption of intoxicants particularly tobacco.
  • Co-habit with another man or woman other than
    ones spouse.

Articles of Faith
  • 5 Ks mandatory articles of faith
  • Kesh - Uncut hair Sikhs do not cut hair or
    beards to remain in the image that God
    gave us.
  • Kara - Bracelet, made of iron or steel worn on
    right hand a reminder of noble actions, a
    symbol of eternity
  • Kanga - Comb, made of wood - to keep uncut
    hair neat and clean.
  • Kachera - Under-shorts (boxers) to represent
    modesty and fidelity (virtuous
  • Kirpan - Ceremonial small blunt knife
    symbolizing freedom, liberty and


  • The Khanda is the double edged sword that
    represents Gods power, the circle is for
    continuity, the two outer swords for spiritual
    and political balance.


Nishan Sahib
  • The Nishan Sahib is a Sikh holy flag made of
    cotton or silk cloth and is triangular in shape.
    The colour of the Nishan Sahib is saffron. Guru
    Hargobind hoisted it for the first time at Akal
    Takhat Sahib in the year 1609.
  • The Nishan Sahib is placed outside every Sikh
    Gurdwara and is supported by a pole of timber or
    metal. You may notice the Sikh symbol, the Khanda
    on it. It is placed high up as a sign for all
    Sikhs and indeed any other people that they can
    come and pray in this building. Great respect is
    shown to this flag and is shown by washing it
    using milk and water every year in April at the
    festival of Vaisakhi, at which time the Nishan
    Sahib is also changed.

The Golden Temple
  • The Golden Temple is the most sacred of places
    for the Sikhs.
  • To enter one has to descend stairs teaches
  • There are doors on all fours sides, which
    signifies that people from all over the world are
    invited irrespective of caste, color, religion,
    and race.
  • 24/7 Langar.

(No Transcript)
4 Doors to enter Golden Temple
Golden Temple Foundation
Sikh Dastar (Turban)
  • Mandatory not a social or cultural article.
  • Covers long, uncut hair.
  • Approx. 15 feet of cloth wrapped neatly around
    the head.
  • Boys wear patka .
  • Symbolizes discipline, integrity, humility, and
  • Middle East head coverings different.
  • 99 of people wearing TURBANS in UK are Sikhs,
    not Muslims or Hindus.

Sikh Dastar (Turban)
Types of Turbans
Importance of Identity
  • Sikhs feel severely humiliated if asked to remove
    their turban in public, as this breaks a sacred
    covenant with god and exposes an intimate part of
    the body.
  • It is very insulting and disrespectful to a Sikh
    to remove his or her turban.
  • Turbans are a mandatory part of Sikh faith.
  • A turban is not a hat. It cannot be casually
    taken on and off. It must be carefully retied
    each time it is removed.
  • Treat the turban with respect.

Some Sikh Public Faces
Two Sikh soldiers have become the first of their
religion to guard the Queen.
Judge Sir Mota Singh QC
Dr. Manmohan Singh Indian Prime Minister
Narinder Singh Kapani Father of Fiber Optics
Sikh serving in British Army
Monty Panesar England Cricketer
The Man Utd Sikhs
Dastar Bandi
  • A very important and exciting event in the life
    of a Sikh boy comes when he starts tying the
    turban (Usually between 10-14 years of age).
  • Family will have a special function to celebrate
    the occasion, which is called Dastar Bandi.
  • The boy is is seated in front of Guru Granth
    Sahib ji and an elder ties the turban on his
  • Prayers are said to invoke Guru's blessing for
    the boy.

Anand Karaj
  • The Sikh marriage is called 'Anand Karaj' which
    means the ceremony of joy. The Sikh wedding is
    held in the morning in a Gurdwara in the presence
    of Guru Granth Sahib Ji.

One Soul in Two Bodies   "They are not said to be
husband and wife, who merely sit together. Rather
they alone are called husband and wife, who have
one soul in two bodies."
(Guru Amar Das Ji, Pauri, pg 788, Sri Guru
Granth Sahib Ji)
Template taken from original by Mandeep Singh
Bawa GAISS Equity Education Director
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