Title: Converting decimals to Fractions
1Converting decimals to Fractions
2Decimals and fractions are different ways of
describing numbers between whole numbers.
- It is useful to know how to convert one form to
the other
3To Change a Decimal to a Fraction follow these
- Find the place of the last digit.
- the place value for this digit becomes the
denominator - 0.75
- 5 is in the hundredths place
- the denominator of the fraction is 100.
4To Change a Decimal to a Fraction follow these
- 2. Use the numeral in the decimal for the
numerator. - 0.75 75
- 100
5To Change a Decimal to a Fraction follow these
- 3. Simplify the fraction
- 75 75 25 3
- 100 100 25 4
- Greatest common factor
6Problems of the day
- Write 0.33 as a fraction
- 2. Write 0.7 as a fraction
7Problems of the day
- Write 0.33 as a fraction
- Step 1 3 is in the hundredths place
- The denominator is 100.
- Step 2 0.33 ? 33
- 100
- The numeral in the decimal is the numerator
8- Step 3 The fraction 33 is in the simplest
form. 100
9Problems of the day
- 2. Write 0.7 as a fraction
- Step 1 0.7 ? 7 is in the tenths place.
- the denominator is 10.
- Step 2 0.7 ? 7
- 10
- The numeral in the decimal is the numerator
- Step 3 The fraction 7 is in the simplest form
- 10
10Changing a Fraction to a Decimal
- If the denominator is a power of 10 (i.e- 10,
100, 1000, 10000, etc), then look at the
denominator to see what place value your decimal
will go to - Then, place the numeral part of the numerator
into your decimal
11Changing a Fraction to a Decimal
- Example 33/100
- 33/100 has a denominator of 100, so I need to go
to the Hundredths place in my decimal .___ ___ - I have 2 numbers in 33 and 2 places in my decimal
place value, so I fill these numbers in
accordingly .__3___ __3___ - Answer 33/100 .33
12Changing a Fraction to a Decimal
- If I have more decimal places than numbers, fill
the last decimal places with the numbers/numerals
and the empty spaces at the beginning with a
zero(s) - EX 27/1000 .027
- EX 9/1000.009
13When the denominator is not a power of 10, divide
the numerator of the fraction by the denominator
of the fraction
- 1/8 ?
- 0.125
- 8 1.000
- - 8
- 20 Therefore, 1/8 0.125
- -16
- 40
- -40
- 0
14Problems of the day
- Write 3 as a decimal
- 10
- Write 4 as a decimal
- 5
15 Problem of the day
- Write 3 as a decimal
- 10
- 3 ? place value is tenths.
- 10
- Write the decimal using the numeral in the
numerator. - 3 0.3
- 10
16 Problem of the day
- 2. Write 4 as a decimal
- 5
- 0.8
- 5 4.0
- -4 0 so, 4 0.8
- 0 5
17Changing Fraction to a Decimal when not a Power
of 10
- Steps Again
- - Divide the bottom number into the top number
- - Add a decimal to your dividend
- - Add as many zeros as needed until your quotient
either terminates or repeats
18 Problems of the day
- 0.4
- 2/5 5 2.0 0.4
- -20
- 0
- 0.7
- 2) 7/10 10 7.0 0.7
- -70
- 0
- To change a fraction to a decimal, divide the
numerator by the denominator. - 0.125
- 1 ? 8 1.000
- 8 -8
- 20
- -16
- 40
- -40
- 0