Title: Active Reading Note-Taking Guide
1Active Reading Note-Taking Guide
- Chapter 5 The Ancient Greeks
- Section 3 Alexander the Great
2Alexander the Great
Alexander the Greats parents hired Aristotle to
be his personal tutor. Aristotle trained
Alexander in literature, science, medicine, and
3Chapter 5, Section 3Alexander the Great (Pages
- Main Idea
- Setting a Purpose for Reading Think about these
questions as you read - How did Philip II of Macedonia unite the Greek
states? - How did Alexander the Great change history?
p. 101
4Chapter 5, Section 3Alexander the Great (Pages
Invaded Asia Minor and won Battle of Granicus
Reading Strategy
Freed Greek cities in Asia Minor from Persian rule
Captured Syria and Egypt
As you read pages 176179 in your textbook,
complete this diagram to track the achievements
of Alexander the Great.
Built Alexandria
Defeated Persians at Gaugamela
Took rest of Persian Empire
Marched east and entered India
5Chapter 5, Section 3Macedonia Attacks Greece
(pages 175176)
- Predicting
- Skip
- Places To Locate
- Macedonia kingdom to the north of Greece
- Chaeronea place near Thebes, location of the
Greeks loss in battle to the Macedonians
p. 102
6Chapter 5, Section 3Macedonia Attacks Greece
(pages 175176)
- People To Meet
- Philip II king of Macedonia who defeated the
Greeks - Academic Vocabulary
- Skip
p. 102
7Chapter 5, Section 3Macedonia Attacks Greece
(pages 175176)
- Sum It Up
- Why did Philip II invade Greece?
- Philip needed to unite the Greek city-states with
his own kingdom to defeat the Persian Empire.
p. 102
8Chapter 5, Section 3Alexander Builds an Empire
(pages 176179)
- Previewing
- Skip
- Terms To Know
- legacy what a person leaves behind after death
- Hellenistic Era period when Greek ideas spread
to the peoples of southwest Asia
p. 81
9Chapter 5, Section 3Alexander Builds an Empire
(pages 176179)
- Places To Locate
- Syria land in Asia Minor captured by Alexander
- Alexandria great city in Egypt built by
Alexander - Academic Vocabulary
- Skip
- Terms To Review
- Skip
p. 104
10Chapter 5, Section 3Alexander Builds an Empire
(pages 176179)
- Sum It Up
- What was Alexanders legacy?
- Alexander spread Greek and Macedonian rule over a
large area. He also spread Greek art, ideas,
language, and architecture.
p. 104
11Chapter 5, Section 3Alexander the Great (Pages
- Section Wrap Up
- How did Philip II of Macedonia unite the Greek
states? - Philip conquered them one city-state at a time.
He did this to create a kingdom strong enough to
defeat the Persian Empire.
p. 105
12Chapter 5, Section 3Alexander the Great (Pages
- Section Wrap Up
- How did Alexander the Great change history?
- Alexander spread Greek and Macedonian rule over
a large area. He also spread Greek art, ideas,
language, and architecture.
p. 105