Nicaragua - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The anticline was not found but Norwood still had a trap for oil. ... Norwood has a large area with abundant strike slip faults resulting in traps of oil/gas. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Nicaragua

  • Sleeping Oil Giant?
  • October, 2007

  • Brito Energy, a unit of Black Star 231 Corp.,
    presents an attractive petroleum project in
    Nicaragua (The Brito block).
  • Nicaragua is located in Central America south of
    Honduras and north of Costa Rica.
  • Data on Nicaragua is presented at the end of the

Geographic Map of Nicaragua
Brito Energy - Exploration Program
  • Brito Energy presents a three phase petroleum
    exploration program.
  • Phase One Black Star 231 Corp owns a 10,000
    acre block in SW Nicaragua, do 2D seismic work on
    the block and prepare for Phases Two and Three.
  • Phase Two - Complete exploration and drill a
    well(s) on the Brito Block.
  • Phase Three - Expand our operations by
    aggressively pursuing projects in Nicaragua and
    Central America.

Phase 1 - Brito Block
  • Brito Energy owns 10,000 acres in SW Nicaragua.
  • The Brito block is in a checker-board 20,000 acre
    block with Norwood Resources Ltd. holding the
    other 10,000 acres.
  • The data indicates 10-13 thousand feet of
    sedimentary section on the Brito block.

Phase 1 - Brito Block
  • Norwood Resources Ltd, of Canada, has reported a
    frontier, wildcat discovery of oil, gas, and
    condensate some 30 miles north of Britos block.
  • The Brito block has a mapped surface anticline
    some 12-15 km. long. This structure was mapped by
    photo geological mapping and verified by
    geological field work.

Picture shows strong SW dip of the Brito
formation. The rocks cropping out are
medium-grained, well-sorted sandstones. The
sandstone has been weathered.
Pictures showing outcrop of Brito sandstone.
Several local faults are seen.
Picture of long linear stream valley. We believe
that this valley was formed by a major NW-SE
fault trending parallel to the linear anticline.
Phase 1 - Brito Block
  • The Norwood strike encountered oil/gas in the
    Masachapa and Brito formations. A very thick
    oil/gas saturated reservoir was logged and cored.
  • In the Brito anticline, we will spud in the Brito
    formation and will drill through the Rivas

Phase 1 - Brito Block
  • The Brito and Rivas formation have both
    reservoirs and source rocksdata from wells and
    surface work.
  • The Rivas and Loma Chomico formations have very
    good source rocks with 57 TOC reported in the
    shale. TOC is Total Organic Compounds. TOC is a
    common method of evaluating the richness of a
    source rock. 10 TOC is considered to be a very
    good source rock.
  • As the Brito anticline is a closed structure, we
    have reservoir rocks, structure, source rocks and
    seal, all of the main ingredients for an oil

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Phase 1 - Brito Block
  • The Brito block is located in the Sandino Basin.
  • The Sandino Basin encompasses SW Nicaragua and
    most of the Pacific offshore out to the Cocos
  • The Brito formation and the Rivas formation are
    both marine deposits with a significant amount
    being turbidite deposits.
  • The porosity in both formations is 17-20.

Brito Block - Phase 1
  • The Brito formation is of Paleocene age.
  • The Brito formation lies, unconformably, on the
    Rivas formation which is Cretaceous age.
  • Permeability in both formations appears to range
    from low to very good.

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This slide demonstrates our concept of the Brito
anticline. A NW-SE fault parallel to the
anticline is suggested. Strong SW and NE dip is
well exposed on the NE and SW side of the
anticline. The Brito anticline is a long, linear
structural feature possibly caused by pressure
from the offshore Cocos plate being sub-ducted
under the Nicaraguan plate. Many volcanoes are
present in SW Nicaragua
Phase 1 - Brito Block
  • Norwood released the following press release
    Norwood has drilled the San Bartolo well to a TD
    2680 meters, encountering gas, condensate and
    light oil in various turbidite sands from the
    Brito formation. Eight separate zones were
    logged.core analysis indicated 17-21
    porosityit is reported that the pressure is
    high and the liquids are of superior quality of
    54 degrees API gravity.the structure is believed
    to encompass about 20 sq. km...

Phase 1 - Brito Block
  • The Norwood well is reported to be on a fault
    block with a large, down-to-the-east fault on the
    eastern side of the block..
  • Norwood drilled what they believed to be a large
    surface anticline. The anticline was not found
    but Norwood still had a trap for oil. This trap
    was formed by strike slip faulting where the
    lateral movement of sediments effectively sealed
    off the reservoir. Norwood maps strike slip
    faults in many areas of their acreage.

Diagram of Norwoods Structure
The large NW-SE fault forms a seal for the
eastward closure. The two strike slip faults, A
B, form the reservoir trap to the north and
south. The well had excellent shows of oil/gas,
but heavy mud and lost circulation material
caused all permeability to be sealed off. If the
well had no damage, it could have been completed
at a flow rate of at least 1,000 BOPD.
Cross Section of Norwoods Drilling Location
Norwood believed that on the east side of the
anticline, that the rocks would all dip downward
as the surface anticline indicated. But, the
smaller associated fault caused only a thin
surface section to dip to the east.
Norwood Expected Reserves
  • Norwoods wells could have been completed as 1000
    BOPD wells. Norwood has a large area with
    abundant strike slip faults resulting in traps of
    oil/gas. Clearly, Norwood ultimate reserves of
    recoverable oil could be in the high hundreds of
    millions of barrels of oil or gas equivalent.
  • Exploration in the Norwood block is just

Brito Expected Reserves
  • Brito expected reserves of oil/gas are
  • Britos anticipated reserves of oil/gas are
    between two hundred million barrels and four
    hundred million barrels.
  • Brito has a series of strike slip faults similar
    to Norwood.
  • If the strike slip faults yield an array of
    structures, this figure could be much higher.

Landsat with Anticline Overlain
Landsat scene with surface anticline (in red).
The landsat picture shows the rough terrain of
the area.
Strike slip fault
Phase 1 - Brito Block
  • Thus, the Brito block is an excellent prospective
    area. Brito has a large structure, plus all the
    other elements necessary for an oil field.
  • The Brito block is on trend with, and exhibits
    the some of the geological attributes as the
    potential frontier discovery announced by
    Norwood. The Norwood well will open up extensive
    exploration in the Sandino basin.
  • The Loma Chomico shale with some 57 TOC is one
    of the richest source rocks that have ever been
  • The geochemistry report has good results.

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Strike slip fault
Phase 1 - Brito Block
  • This is an exciting oil play. We have enough
    information to strongly suggest that this basin
    will develop into a major oil province.
  • The long anticline together with the regional
    fault on the NE side of the anticline suggests
    that the structure is big enough to be a major
    oil find.

Phase 1 - Brito Block
  • We recommend that about 250 line km. of 2D
    seismic data be acquired over the Brito Block.
  • 1 km grid over block with regional extensions
  • Mob and De-mob expenses higher due to lack of
    local service companies
  • Seismic processing and interpretation

Budget - Phase 1
  • Brito Block (SW Nicaragua)
  • Purchase acreage 3.25 MM
  • 2D Seismic work 2.50 MM
  • Acquisition, processing,
  • and interpretation
  • General/Admin. .25 MM
  • Total Phase 1 6.00 MM

Phase 1 - Recommendation
  • The Brito block is highly recommended. As the
    structure has already been mapped, only a minimum
    of seismic lines must be shot. Thus, drilling can
    start at an early stage. The technical evaluation
    of the regional geologic framework is now
  • The Brito block is part of the same complex of
    structural features all owing their origins and
    existence to the same tectonic events that have
    given rise to the thick oil saturated section in
    the Norwood discovery wells.
  • The Brito anticlinal structure is located down
    trend from Norwoods potential discovery. The
    Brito structure has good reservoir rocks and
    superior source rocks, which together with the
    geochemical survey indicates an exceptional

Phase 2 - Brito Block
  • We recommend that three wells be drilled on the
    Brito Block, each to a total depth of 9,000 feet.
  • The first three wells on the Brito block can be
    drilled and tested in one year.

Budget - Phase 2
  • Brito Block - SW Nicaragua
  • Drill three wells 14.2 MM
  • - Includes overhead GA
  • - If any of the first three wells are
  • commercial, we would strongly
  • recommend development drilling
  • 3D Seismic acquisition .6MM
  • Total Phase 2 14.8 MM

Picture of local people living on a small farm.
The farm is located near the crest of the Brito
anticline. The people appeared to be content in
spite of their barely subsistence living
standard. It was good to see the obvious
affection of the parents to the children.
Operational Risk
  • Operational risk is low. Lack of good roads in
    the Brito block may slow down drilling operations
  • Lack of drilling rigs and petroleum
    infrastructure suggests that practically all
    equipment will have to be imported into
  • Intensive training will be required for local
    labor especially in preventative maintenance and

Phase 3
  • Phase 3 is to aggressively pursue, additional
    specific projects
  • Project A
  • This acreage is offshore from the Brito block in
    SW Nicaragua.
  • The area is prospective and we can exploit our
    knowledge of the contiguous onshore Brito block.

Phase 3
  • Project B
  • Onshore Nicaragua - NE area.
  • Large well defined surface prospects with
    abundant oil seeps.
  • Project C
  • Offshore Nicaragua - Atlantic side.
  • The Atlantic side has great possibilities and is
    greatly under explored.

Budget - Phase 3
  • Onshore Block - NE Nicaragua
  • 1000 km Seismic 5.0 MM
  • Surface geology .2 MM
  • Drill Well 4.0 MM
  • Offshore Block - SW Nicaragua
  • 500 km Seismic
    2.5 MM
  • Drill well 8.0 MM
  • Total Phase 3 19.7 MM

Composite Budget
  • PHASE 1 6.0 MM
  • PHASE 2 14.8 MM
  • PHASE 3 19.7
  • Total of three phases 40.5 MM

Time Line - Phases 1 2
Time Line - Phase 3
Tentative Economic Analysis
  • Assumptions
  • Drill 80 wells, 40 in year one and 40 in year two
  • Well costs 160MM first year, 160MM second year
  • Field facilities 30MM year one, 10MM year two
  • Pipeline 10 inches X 25 miles X 50,000/inch
    diameter mile 12.5MM
  • Tankage 15MM (5MM year one, 10MM year two)
  • Buoy and sea lines 2MM
  • Note Cost of Managua office etc. rolled into
    well costs

Tentative Economic Analysis
  • Case 1
  • Oil Production 300 bopd/well
  • Net revenue income to working interest 20/bbl
  • Results Payout in 4 years, ROR 50
  • Case 2
  • Oil production 3000 bopd/well
  • Net revenue income to working interest 40/bbl
  • Results Payout in second year, ROR 100

Tentative Economic Analysis
  • Case 3
  • Oil Production 1000 bopd/well
  • Net revenue income to working interest 30/bbl
  • Results Payout last quarter of year 2, ROR 100
  • Even under the worse case scenario of 300
    bopd/well the economics are still attractive
  • These economics were run to see if wells which
    are high cost and with low production rates would
    be economic.

Nicaragua Central America
  • Brito Energy suggests that, in general, Central
    America and Nicaragua in particular will see a
    great expansion in petroleum exploration.
  • Brito Energys goal is to is to be a major player
    in this expansion.

  • The results of the geochemical analysis to the
    Loma Chumico are in a range 10 to 55 TOC,
    kerogene type I y II made by Simon Petroleum
    Technology Ltd. Reference D.R. Clowser, I.
    Cutler, M.H. Girgis, J.F. Laing, D. Wall from
  • Biostratigraphic and geochemical studies of
    outcrop samples, INE-RECOPE Project. Humble
    Geochemical Services confirmed that the Loma
    Chumico formation, the kerogene is II - S type
    (rich in sulfurs) and generated hydrocarbons
    under termic pressure below that the kerogene
    type II.

Geography and People
  • Population 5.7 million
  • Area 49,998 sq. miles
  • Capital Managua (1MM pop.)
  • Terrain Mountainous
  • Climate Tropical/subtropical
  • People 69 Mesitzo (mixture of Indian and
  • Literacy 68.2
  • Language Spanish, English (2nd language)
  • Religion Roman Catholic, Protestant minority
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