Title: Statistika UGM Yogyakarta
1Statistika UGM Yogyakarta
- Introduction of Mathematical Statistics 2
By Indri Rivani Purwanti (10990) Gempur Safar
(10877) Windu Pramana Putra Barus
(10835) Adhiarsa Rakhman (11063)
Dosen Prof.Dr. Sri Haryatmi Kartiko, S.Si.,
2The Use ofMathematical Statistics
3- Introduction to Mathematical Statistics (IMS) can
be applied for the whole statistics subject,
such as - Statistical Methods I and II
- Introduction to Probability Models
- Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- Waiting Times Theory
- Analysis of Life-testing models
- Introduction to Reliability
- Nonparametric Statistical Methods
- etc.
4Statistical Methods
- In Statistical Methods, Introduction of
Mathematical Statistics are used to - introduce and explain about the random variables
, probability models and the suitable cases which
can be solve by the right probability models. - How to determine mean (expected value), variance
and covariance of some random variables, - Determining the convidence intervals of certain
random variables - Etc.
Lee J. Bain Max Engelhardt
5Probability Models
- Mathematical Statistics also describing the
probability model that being discussed by the
staticians. - The IMS being used to make student easy in
mastering how to decide the right probability
models for certain random variables.
Lee J. Bain Max Engelhardt
6Introduction of Reliability
- The most basic is the reliability function that
corresponds to probability of failure after time
t. - The reliability concepts
- If a random variable X represents the lifetime of
failure of a unit, then the reliability of the
unit t is defined to be - R (t) P ( X gt t ) 1 F x (t)
Lee J. Bain Max Engelhardt
7Maximum Likelihood Estimation
- IMS is introduces us to the MLE,
- Let L(0) f (x1,....,xn0), 0 ? ?, be the joint
pdf of X1,....,Xn. For a given set bof
observatios, (x1,....,xn0), a value in O at
which L (0) is a maximum and called the maximum
likelihood estimate of ?. That is , is a
value of 0 that statifies - f (x1,....,xn )
max f (x1,....,xn0),
Lee J. Bain Max Engelhardt
8Analysis of Life-Testing Models
- Most of the statistical analysis for parametric
life-testing models have been developed for the
exponential and weibull models. - The exponential model is generally easier to
analyze because of the simplicity of the
functional form. - Weibull model is more flexibel , and thus it
provides a more realistic model in many
applications , particularly those involving
wearout and aging.
Lee J. Bain Max Engelhardt
9Nonparametric Statistical methods
- The IMS also introduce to us the nonparametrical
methods of solving a statistical problem, such
as - one-sample sign test
- Binomial Test
- Two-sample sign test
- wilcoxon paired-sample signed-rank test
- wilcoxon and mann-whitney tests
- correlation tests-tests of independence
- wald-wolfowitz runs test
- etc.
Lee J. Bain Max Engelhardt
10 11Example
- We consider the sequence of standardized
With the simplified notation
By using the series expansion
Where d(n) ? 0 as n ?
12Approximation for The Binomial Distribution
Example A certain type of weapon has probability
p of working successfully. We test n weapons, and
the stockpile is replaced if the number of
failures, X, is at least one. How large must n be
to have PX 1 0.99 when p 0.95?Use normal
X number of failures p probability of working
successfully 0.95 q probability of working
failure 0.05
13Asymptotic Normal Distributions
If Y1, Y2, is a sequence of random variables
and m and c are constants such that
, then Yn is said to have an asymptotic normal
distribution with asymptotic
mean m and asymptotic variance c2/n.
Example The random sample involve n 40
lifetimes of electrical parts, Xi EXP(100). By
the CLT,
has an asymptotic normal distribution with mean m
100 and variance c2/n 1002/ 40 250.
14Asymptotic Distribution of Central Order
- Theorem
- Let X1, , Xn be a random sample from a
continuous distribution with a pdf f(x) that is
continuous and nonzero at the pth percentile, xp,
for 0 lt p lt 1. If k/n ? p (with k np bounded),
then the sequence of kth order statistics, Xkn,
is asymptotically normal with mean xp and
variance c2/n, where
- Example
- Let X1, , Xn be a random sample from an
exponential distribution, Xi EXP(1), so that
f(x) e-x and F(x) 1 e-x x gt 0. For odd n,
let k (n1)/2, so that Yk Xkn is the sample
median. If p 0.5, then the median is x0.5 -
ln (0.5) ln 2 and
Thus, Xkn is asymptotically normal with
asymptotic mean x0.5 ln 2 and asymptotic
variance c2/n 1/n.
, then for any function g(y) that is continuous
at c,
- If Xn and Yn are two sequences of random
variables such that
Example Suppose that YBIN(n, p).
Thus it follows that
Slutskys Theorem If Xn and Yn are two sequences
of random variables such that
Note that as a special case Xn could be an
ordinary numerical sequence such as Xn n/(n-1).
then for any continuous function g(y),
and if g(y) has a nonzero derivative at y m,
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