Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI)


Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI) Presentation to Organization for American States Elaine Dezenski, Senior Director and Head of PACI – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Partnering Against Corruption Initiative (PACI)

Partnering Against Corruption Initiative
(PACI) Presentation to Organization for
American States Elaine Dezenski, Senior Director
and Head of PACI 12 September 2013

PACIA Global Strategic Initiative of the Forum
  • PACI harnesses the strength of the Forums
    leaders across the globe to collectively work
    towards leveling the playing field. Through
    PACI, the worlds leading businesses work
    together with governments, civil society, and the
    worlds foremost thought leaders to utilize the
    global platform of the Forum to raise visibility,
    promote sound public policy and catalyze action
    across regions, countries and industries.

  • PACI was launched by CEOs from leading Forum
    member companies in the engineering and
    construction industry at Davos in January 2004.
    They had the aim of
  • create a common language for anti-corruption that
    was valid for all industries
  • providing a public platform for top-level
    corporate commitment to the fight against
  • supporting companies in implementing their
    commitment of zero tolerance against corruption
  • PACI remains the only global anti-corruption
    initiative driven by the private sector and
    brings together companies from multiple
    industries and global locations to fight bribery
    and corruption
  • By becoming a PACI signatory, a company commits
  • zero-tolerance policy toward bribery and
    corruption, and
  • Implementation of an internal anti-corruption
    program that reflects the PACI Principles

PACI seeks to create dialogue and experiential
learning opportunities for our community
In addition to the PACI Vanguard comprised of
CEOs, the PACI community consists of many
compliance practitioners who meet at our meetings
and engage in various work streams that support
specific initiatives of interest to the
communities.   The PACI community engages
virtually through Toplink, the PACI Radar, and
our Leading Practices Exchange. Through these
media, we obtain broad-based input into projects,
best practices, community connection and
Why does Business, Government and Civil Society
Choose to Engage through the World Economic Forum?
For Governments Forum summits aim to set the
global and regional agenda and senior level
ministerial engagement creates the opportunity to
address issues of critical importance to
governments, showcase government best practices
to stakeholders, and to meet bilaterally with
other government leaders, CEOs and key
  • For Businesses
  • Partnering with PACI demonstrates a companys
    commitment to improving global, regional and
    industry anti-corruption efforts to employees,
    customers, shareholders and governments. Partners
    engaged with PACI through multiple touch points
  • Strategy exposes senior executives to new
    ideas, trends and strategies that affect the way
    businesses respond to corruption challenges
  • Government and Corporate Affairs facilitates
    events that have all the right constituents in
    the room, enabling research and activities to be
    conducted with like-minded companies, governments
    and other players
  • Public Relations and Communications allows
    senior executives to demonstrate thought leaders
    for industry
  • Corporate Social Responsibility allows senior
    executive leadership on issues facing their

Recent Regional Events and Activities
PACI Anti-Corruption Roundtable, Ulaanbaatar Held
on 15 Sept to launch advancement of PACI Local
Network as Mongolian Anti-Corruption Alliance
Private Meeting on Anti-Corruption and
Competitiveness, Jordan Held on 24 May at World
Economic Forum Summit on the Middle East
and North Africa
PACI Mongolia Local Network The origins of the
PACI Mongolia Network began in 2011 at a joint
anti-corruption roundtable held by the Mongolian
President and PACI. Today, the Local Network
numbers almost 200 Mongolian companies
High-Level Private Anti-Corruption Meeting, Peru
Held on 23 April, Lima in collaboration with
Peru Government, Comptroller General and
Anti-Corruption Commission of Peru
India Anti-Corruption Workshop Held on 12 April,
New Delhi in collaboration with UNGC,
Transparency International, UNODC and Global
Agenda Council on Anti-Corruption
and Transparency
19th PACI Task Force Meeting, New Delhi Held
10-11 April, facilitating best practice exchange
and action-oriented anti-corruption agenda among
PACI members
Corruption Context from PACIs Perspective
  • Corruption and a level playing field for business
    based on fair markets is now a strategic priority
    for our community
  • Corruption is recognized as one of the key
    barriers to economic growth and competitiveness
  • Global companies are looking to emerging markets
    for key growth opportunities
  • Corporate boards can no longer claim plausible
  • New global businesses from emerging markets are
    competing in traditional Western-dominated
    markets and integrating into global supply chains
  • Many anti-corruption efforts are underway but the
    level of coordination is fragmented, creating an
    opportunity for PACI to play an aligning and
    integrating function of anti-corruption
    initiatives and stakeholders

Corruption is also interlinked to the Global Risk
  • Corruption is closely interlinked to other global
    risks. By distorting markets, stifling economic
    growth and sustainable development, it also
    undermines democracy and the rule of law.
  • Estimates of the cost of corruption equate it to
    more than 5 of global GDP (US 2.6 trillion)
    with more than US 1 trillion paid in bribes each

PACI A Short History of PACIs Evolution
Started as Compliance Platform
Evolution Beyond Compliance to Best Practices
Places Corruption as Strategic Business Risk at
heart of Global Agenda
From Compliance to Strategic Business RiskThe
changing debate on corruption
  • Bribery, money laundering and other forms of
    corruption have long been a staple of everyday
  • But, the public perception about corruption and
    the approach of governments and business is
    changing fundamentally
  • And we are endeavoring to shift the narrative
  • Fighting corruption is done because it causes
    harm to businesses and society in broad terms
  • Defensive, reactive measures to prevent
    non-compliance are put in place
  • Mistrust of partners fuels reluctance to share
    information and concern about reputational risk
  • Fighting corruption is done because it creates
    value for businesses and society, opening up new
  • Proactive, innovative measures to attract good
    behaviour are encouraged
  • Trust and openness amongst partners facilitates
    information sharing, collaboration and innovation

Narrative of loss and risk
Narrative of value-creation
With this changing debate is a changing strategic
focus on CEO leadership
  • Transforming responses to corruption to address
    the strategic business risks faced by the PACI
    community has meant refocusing PACI as an
    integrated agenda-setting platform that is
    carried out in collaboration with World Economic
    Forum partners
  • Our members invest, do business and grow in
    difficult, emerging markets
  • A true level playing field drives their success
    and drives proactive measures to design
    corruption out of the system

CEO-level leadership is provided by the PACI
PACI Vanguard
  • The PACI Vanguard is a group of the most
    committed CEO champions of anti-corruption
    selected from PACI signatory companies
  • Representing the views of business, the overall
    purpose is to contribute to the global, regional
    and industry agenda on new models for
    transparency and anti-corruption
  • Greater visibility and exposure is given to these
    anti-corruption champions to collectively engage
    in business-government-civil society dialogue
    wherever corruption is an issue impeding growth,
    investment and competitiveness

PACI Strategy 2013-14
We are endeavouring to establish the foremost
global multi-stakeholder community combatting
corruption through the PACI Vanguard
  • The PACI Vanguard will comprise a highly engaged
    group of stakeholders leading the way in new
    developments and ideas in global anti-corruption
  • We intend to support the visibility and
    interaction of the group to serve as strategic
    core of the PACI community and driving
    cross-industry and cross-market level-the-playing
    field anti-corruption agenda

We use a blend of formal and informal,
face-to-face and virtual interaction
  • PACI creates experiential learning opportunities
    for the PACI community, shaping interaction and
    technology platform to the needs of PACI
    signatories and the strengths of the World
    Economic Forum

We aim to be a trusted partner, serving as a
catalyst and integrator
  • We do this through a variety of projects,
    including a new initiative on Designing
    Corruption out of the System that would serve as
    a high-level map to guide transformation and
    alignment of stakeholders and initiatives in
    anti-corruption, catalysing new regional and
    collective action initiatives

PACI Strategy 2013-14
We are endeavouring to establish the foremost
global multi-stakeholder community combatting
corruption through the PACI Vanguard
  • The PACI Vanguard will comprise a highly engaged
    group of stakeholders leading the way in new
    developments and ideas in global anti-corruption
  • We intend to support the visibility and
    interaction of the group to serve as strategic
    core of the PACI community and driving
    cross-industry and cross-market level-the-playing
    field anti-corruption agenda

We use a blend of formal and informal,
face-to-face and virtual interaction
  • PACI creates experiential learning opportunities
    for the PACI community, shaping interaction and
    technology platform to the needs of PACI
    signatories and the strengths of the World
    Economic Forum

We aim to be a trusted partner, serving as a
catalyst and integrator
  • We do this through a variety of projects,
    including a new initiative on Designing
    Corruption out of the System that would serve as
    a high-level map to guide transformation and
    alignment of stakeholders and initiatives in
    anti-corruption, catalysing new regional and
    collective action initiatives

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