Title: How To Repair Corrupt Entourage Database
Microsoft Entourage is email client software that
supports PST file format or Windows OS formats
for MS Outlook and for Windows. It helps to mange
contacts, emails, notes, calendars and several
other important things in an arranged way. It
uses exchange web service as a main protocol to
connect with Exchange server.
3 Oops my entourage data is corrupted I am unable
to access it. I dont have the backup file what
will I do now???
4Reason behind the corruption of Entourage
Due to some missing files, Damaged Identity
Due to virus infection improper shutdown
Database structure corruption can also lead to
corruption of Entourage Database.
Broken Application , Corrupted header of the
Searched in Google to fix Entourage Database
Corruption issue and found Entourage Repair Tool.
6Entourage Repair Tool
Entourage Repair Tool that allows the user to
repair and recover database from RGE files. It
also extracts the database objects and uses the
difficult scanning algorithms to perform the
scanning of corrupted database.
7Software Features
- It helps to recovers any corrupted or damaged
Entourage files whether due to system failure,
application failure or virus infection. - It restores all corrupted data from RGE files
- It has a preview choice that previews all the
recoverable files to confirm before storing. - It is very easy to use.
- It also keeps the record of the entire repair
process such as the total time taken to recover,
path of the repaired file etc. you can also save
this log.
8User Guide
Scan Preview
9For More Visit