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Elections and Campaigns


10 Elections and Campaigns Gateways to Democracy * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * The Presidential Debates The stakes in presidential debates ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Elections and Campaigns

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Elections and Campaigns
  • What are the Constitutional requirements for
  • Only the House was directly elected by the
  • Senators were selected by State Legislatures.
  • The President was selected by the Electoral
  • Members of the judiciary were nominated by the
    President and confirmed by the Senate.

Presidential Elections
  • The constitutional rules governing the selection
    of the president reflect three fundamental themes
    that guided the Framers thinking.
  • The states were given a broad discretion on key
    matters regarding presidential elections.
  • The Framers designed the presidency with George
    Washington in mind and really did not spell out
    in great detail all aspects of the presidency
  • The presidency was envisioned as an office that
    would be above party politics

The Electoral College
  • The means by which the president of the United
    States is elected was born of compromise between
    the interests of the states and the interests of
    the people.
  • The formal selection of the president is in the
    hands of electors, who collectively constitute
    the Electoral College.
  • Electors are individuals who actually serve in
    the Electoral College, casting votes for
  • The Electoral College is the 538 presidential
    electors who meet every four years to cast the
    electoral votes for president and vice president
    of the United States.

The Make-up of the Electoral College
  • The selection of electors was originally the
    responsibility of state legislatures, whose
    members were, for the most part, elected by the
  • The idea was that the state legislatures would
    serve as gatekeepers against rash or ignorant
  • Today, the people of each state, not the members
    of state legislatures, choose the electors.

How the Electoral College Works
  • The actual electors are selected in a variety of
    ways in the fifty states.
  • Each party lines up electors for its candidate
    prior to the election.
  • Each state receives a number of electoral votes
    equal to the number of senators and members of
    the House of Representatives.
  • The minimum number is three, because every state
    has at least one House member and two senators.

How the Electoral College Works continued
  • All  the electoral votes in a state are allocated
    to the candidate who finishes first in the
  • Winner-take-all system is where whoever wins the
    most votes in an election wins the election.
  • Nebraska and Maine allocate votes by
    congressional district and so can split their
    electoral votes.
  • To win the presidency, a candidate needs to win a
    majority (270) of the 538 electoral votes.
  • If no candidate wins a majority in the Electoral
    College, the decision for President is made in
    the House while the Vice President is selected in
    the Senate.

How the Electoral College Works
Problems with the Electoral College
  • The Electoral College has never worked as the
    Framers envisionedan institution that would
    allow for a group of independent decision makers
    to get together in the many states and deliberate
    over who would make the best president.
  • 12th Amendment

Problems with the Electoral College
Following passage of the Twelfth
Amendment, presidential and vice presidential
candidates campaigned on the same ticket. This
campaign poster from the 1872 election shows
President Ulysses S. Grant and his
vice presidential candidate using their humble
beginnings to appeal to workingmen.
Problems with EC continued
  • Another source of problems in the system  was
    that states were free to set their own rules for
    selecting electors.  
  • Because of this odd hodgepodge of frequently
    changing rules, the presidential contest in the
    early nineteenth century was very different from
    the campaigns of today.
  • Now states hold elections all on the same daythe
    first Tuesday after the first Monday in
    Novemberand electors then meet in December to
    choose the next president.

Electoral College Reform
  • The biggest problem with the Electoral College
    occurs when winning the nations popular vote
    does not automatically translate into a win in
    the Electoral College.
  • This actually happened in the 1824, 1876, 1888,
    and 2000 presidential elections.
  • If a democracy rests on the idea of majority,
    then four presidential elections (about 10
    percent) have been undemocratic.

Electoral College Reform
The 1876 election was contested, and its
outcome determined by an electoral commission.
Some feared public disturbances at
the inauguration, so Rutherford B. Hayes, who had
won the Electoral College but not the popular
vote, took the oath of office privately in the
White House. The formal ceremony at the Capitol,
two days later, was peaceful.
Why Not Do Away With the Electoral College?
  • Some may wonder why the country does not just
    change the rules to select the president through
    the popular vote.
  • The Electoral College does encourage candidates
    to secure support in all corners of the country.
  • Eliminating the Electoral College would decrease
    the role of the states.
  • Doing away with the Electoral College would
    require a constitutional amendment.

The 2000 Election
The 2000 Florida recount was fraught with
difficulty, and a series of court cases regarding
the election culminated in a Supreme Court
decision on December 12 that halted the recount
and essentially made George W. Bush the winner of
the election.
Election workers in Miami manually recount votes
while representatives of both parties observe.
The 2000 Election
  • Gore received about 600,000 more votes than
    Bushjust a .5 percentage point difference (48.4
    percent to 47.9 percent).
  • The state of Florida was too close to call (Bush
    led Florida by 537 votes out of 5.8 million votes
    casta .0001 percent difference).

Congressional Elections
  • The constitutional guidelines for congressional
    elections again reflect the compromise between
    the interests of states and the interests of the
  • Each state has two senators, regardless of size.
  • House members are allotted based on proportional

Senate Elections
  • Like the choice of electors, the Constitution
    originally gave the choice of senators to state
  • 17th Amendment
  • Senate elections are staggered ensuring the
    Senate is insulated from large shifts in public

House Elections
  • In contrast to the Senate, the entire House of
    Representatives is up for election every two
  • Also in contrast to the Senate, House members
    have always been elected directly by the people.

  • The Constitution requires that representatives be
    apportioned, within each state, according to
    population, which is counted every ten years in a
  • Originally each member was to represent no more
    than 30,000 people.
  • As the population grew, the House of
    Representatives grew as well, from 65 members in
    1789, to 237 members in 1857. It continued to
    grow until 1911 and was capped at 435 in 1929.

  • State legislatures are responsible for drawing
    the district lines, in a process known as
  • Although citizens are not required to disclose
    party affiliation in the census, past voting
    patterns give parties a strong indication of
    where they have the advantage.
  • The politicization of drawing districts is called

The term gerrymander comes from this
salamander-shaped district in Massachusetts, which
Governor Elbridge Gerry approved following the
census of 1810. Political rivals denounced the
blatant seeking of political advantage that had
produced such an oddly shaped congressional
district, and the taunt stuck, passing into
common usage in politics.
Initiatives and Referenda
  • In some states, voters can cast ballots on
    specific policies through initiatives and
  • Initiative is the process by which citizens place
    proposed laws on the ballot for public approval.
  • Referenda are the processes by which public
    approval is required before states can pass laws.

The Presidential Campaign
  • Evolution of the modern campaign.
  • George Washington worried that a chief executive
    could morph into a monarch, so he deliberately
    avoided doing anything to advance his candidacy,
    let others work on his behalf.
  • Front Porch Campaign Strategy
  • Nineteenth-century campaign style, in which the
    candidate stays home and does not actively

Modern Campaigns
  • By the early twentieth century, presidential
    contenders began to campaign actively, too, and
    campaigning started earlier and earlier.
  • Jockeying for position.
  • Opening stages of the presidential campaign when
    candidates compete for financial support and
    credibility as a viable candidate for the partys
  • Permanent Campaign
  • Charge that presidents and members of Congress
    focus more on winning the next election than on

The Decision to Run
  • Potential candidates must ask themselves many
    difficult  questions
  • How will a presidential campaign affect my
  • Will my indiscretions in college come back to
    haunt me?
  • Can I build a team of advisers that will allow me
    to win the presidency?
  • Can I raise enough money to be competitive?

The Decision continued
  • Who else might run for the office?
  • What do I want to accomplish if elected?
  • Am I prepared to campaign eighteen hours a day
    for nearly two years straight?
  • Am I capable of handling the pressure that comes
    with being in the Oval Office?
  • Can I win?
  • What happens if I lose?

The Road to the White House
The Invisible Primary
  • Once a candidate decides to run for president, he
    or she enters what is has been called the
    invisible primary.
  • Period just before the primaries begin during
    which candidates attempt to capture party support
    and media coverage.
  • Candidates who can get attention from the news
    media can raise more money and secure more
    endorsements from party leaders.
  • Incumbent presidents usually win their partys
    nomination for a second term.

Open Seat Elections
  • In contests in which there was no incumbent, the
    party insider won all but one time.
  • Candidates with deep ties to party leaders and
    views that comport well with the political
    viewpoints of the party leadership.

Caucuses and Primaries
  • To win a partys nomination, candidates must
    secure a majority of delegates to the national
    party conventions.
  • About 70 percent of the states use some form of
    primary election, an election in which citizens
    go to the polling booths and vote for their
    favorite party candidates.
  • The other 30 percent use caucuses, which are
    something like a town meeting.
  • The Iowa caucus requires that people attend a
    meeting of about two hours in which they try to
    convince those who are undecided to join their
    candidates group.
  • Characterized by low voter turnout.

The National Convention
  • Following the primary season, each party meets in
    a national convention.
  • The highlight of the convention is the acceptance
    speech, in which the partys nominee has a chance
    to speak directly to the nation, laying out
    his/her vision for the country.
  • Also in front of the cameras, the party platform
    is formally adopted, laying out its plan for
  • Document that lays out a partys core beliefs and
    policy proposals for each presidential election.

The Presidential Debates
  • Presidential debates are the official debates
    between presidential nominees, televised and
    highly important to the campaign.
  • In 2008, more than 50 million people watched
    Obama  and McCain address the issues in a debate
  • Today these events, as well as a vice
    presidential debate, are managed by the
    nonpartisan, nonprofit Commission on Presidential
    Debates, which was established in 1987.

The Presidential Debates
The stakes in presidential debates are huge. In
2008 John McCain needed to score points against
Barack Obama in order to close in on Obamas
lead, but was never able to do so.
Here McCain listens to Obama talk to the audience
in a town hallstyle debate at Belmont University
in Nashville, Tennessee, on October 7, 2008.
Fundraising and Money
  • No one could run for president without funding.
  • Matching funds (public financing)
  • The rules for the public financing of
    presidential nomination campaigns are complicated
    and are designed to ensure candidates are serious
    contenders before receiving them.
  • Must raise at least 5,000 in twenty states,
    comprised of donations that are less than 500
  • A candidate who does not get at least 10 percent
    of the vote in two consecutive primaries loses

Financing continued
  • Increasingly, candidates have decided to forego
    matching funds in their quest for the nomination.
  • One reason is to be able to spend money in states
    important to the contest without regard to FEC
  • They believe they can raise (and spend) more
    money if they do not accept federal matching
  • During the 2008 presidential campaign, McCain did
    use public funds, receiving about 80 million
    from the government, but Obama opted out. He
    spent 730 million, breaking all previous
    fundraising records. McCain spent 333 million
    during that same period.

Financing continued
Swing States
  • Even though partisanship is extremely high, swing
    voters still existthose who do not fall into
    either the Republican or Democratic campand so
    do swing states, those that might vote either
    Democratic or Republican in a particular
  • But both McCain and Obama campaigned hard in
    Pennsylvaniaa battleground state that each
    thought they had a chance to win. Other key
    battleground states in 2008 were Florida, Ohio,
    North Carolina, and Virginia.
  • Nearly 90 percent of campaign visits were to
    battleground states.

Swing States
  • Since the 1960s, when consumer behavior became a
    popular field of study, direct marketers have
    refined the practice of gathering detailed
    information on different cross-sections of
    consumers to sell their products.
  • Gathering detailed information on cross-sections
    of the electorate to track potential supporters
    and tailor political messages for them also
    called narrowcasting.

Campaign Issues
  • Campaigns are very much shaped by issues.
  • For greater understanding of how issues influence
    campaigns, political scientists have drawn a
    distinction between valence issues and position
  • Valence issues are noncontroversial or widely
    supported campaign issues that are unlikely to
    differentiate among candidates.
  • About three-quarters of their TV ads highlight
    valence issues.
  • Position issues are political issues that offer
    specific choices in policy and often
    differentiate candidates views and plans of

Wedge Issues
  • Because campaigns are competitive struggles for
    votes, candidates look for ways to secure extra
    votes while maintaining existing support.
  • One strategy is to use a wedge issue that has the
    potential to break up the oppositions coalition.
    Wedges usually involve controversial policy
    concerns, such as abortion or gay marriage, which
    divide people rather than build consensus.

  • Candidates are very good at telling voters why
    they should vote for them, but they are also good
    at telling the public why they should not vote
    for their opponents.
  • One of the most famous negative ads was the
    Daisy spot, aired only once by President Lyndon
    Johnson (196369) in his 1964 campaign against
    the Republican nominee, Barry Goldwater. The
    implication was that Senator Goldwater, if
    president, would start a nuclear war.
  • In the 2008 campaign, about two-thirds of all
    statements were negative.

Negativity in Presidential Campaigns
The Daisy spot is perhaps the most famous
negative ad in American history. It was aired
only once by President Lyndon Johnson in the 1964
campaign, and it never explicitly mentioned his
opponent, Senator Barry Goldwater. But
Goldwater had made statements about the possible
use of nuclear weapons, and they made the meaning
of this ad clear and emotionally resonant.
Share of Negativity in Presidential Campaigns
Prediction Models
  • Political scientists have developed prediction
    models that yield specific estimates of the vote
    share in presidential elections.
  • The best prediction models use some combination
    of the following key structural factors
  • The economy. What is the condition of the
    economy? A strong economy leads voters to support
    the incumbent party. A struggling economy gives
    an edge to the challenger.
  • Presidential popularity. How popular is the
    sitting president? An unpopular president will
    hurt the chances for his partys candidate.
  • The incumbent partys time in office. How long
    has the incumbent party controlled the
    presidency? The American public has showed a
    consistent preference to support change.

Congressional Campaigns
  • Nearly all congressional campaigns start with a
    primary election at which the partys official
    candidate is selected.
  • The general election then follows.
  • These campaigns occur every two years.
  • In the Senate, one-third of all seats are
    contested every two years.
  • For the House of Representatives, every member
    faces reelection every two years.

The Decision to Run
  • Those who chose to run for Congress are usually
    visible residents of their district or state.
    Often they already hold a local or state-level
    elected office.
  • Both incumbentsthose already holding the
    officeand challengers generally begin
    campaigning nearly two years before Election Day.
  • The contests that occur in between the four-year
    presidential election cycles are called midterm

Reelection Rates of Incumbents in Congress
  • Party primaries nearly always determine which
    candidate will gain the party endorsement for a
    House or Senate seat.
  • To win the primary election, a candidate
    generally shapes campaign messages to please core
    party members in the district or state.

The Fall Campaign
  • Following the primaries, the two winning
    candidates often revise their campaign message to
    attract more moderate voters.
  • To win the general election, candidates usually
    need votes from party members as well as
    Independents and members of the opposing party.
  • The geographic size of a congressional district
    or state can affect campaign strategy.

Issues in Congressional Campaigns
  • Congressional elections do not draw as much
    attention as presidential elections , but they
    involve many of the same issues.
  • Money and fundraising are concerns, and again the
    FEC sets limits.
  • If times are good, the party in power is

Fundraising and Money
  • Federal campaign finance laws set the same limits
    on congressional elections as on presidential
  • An individual can contribute up to 2,400 to a
    candidate for the primary election in 2010, and
    the same amount for the general election.
  • Individuals can contribute to candidates in
    different races, up to a total of 45,600 for
    primaries and the same amount for general
    election campaigns.
  • Candidates also raise money from PACs, which are
    limited to donating 5,000 for a primary
    election, and 5,000 for a general election, to a
    single candidate.

The Role of Political Parties
  • Of the other sources of financial support
    available to candidates, the most important is
    the political party.
  • Parties are forbidden by campaign finance laws
    from actively coordinating a specific
    individuals congressional campaign.
  • Local parties can engage in general activities,
    such as voter registration drives, partisan
    rallies, and get-out-the-vote efforts.
  • National parties can pay for campaign training
    for candidates and their staffs, hold general
    party fundraisers, and buy campaign
    advertisements that attack the opposing candidate
    so long as they do not mention their partys

The Role of Political Parties continued
  • Both the Democratic and Republican parties have
    congressional campaign organizations designed to
    recruit and support candidates for the House and
  • Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee and
    Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee.
  • National Republican Congressional Committee and
    National Republican Senatorial Committee.

Incumbency Advantage
Incumbency Disadvantage
  • Being an incumbent can be a disadvantage,
    however, if ones party has fallen out of favor
    with the voters.
  • Such was the case in 1994 and 2006, where large
    numbers of incumbents of the party in power lost
    their seats in the House and Senate, and party
    control changed hands as a result.
  • Overall, though, the number of elections in which
    one party literally sweeps the other out of
    office is small.

Relative Lack of Interest
  • Voting rates in congressional elections,
    particularly in midterm elections, are always
    lower than in presidential elections.
  • As a result, voting is driven largely by two
    major forces partisanship and incumbency .
  • Voters follow party identification and vote for
    their partys candidates.
  • There is also the effect of presidential
    coattailsthat is, a popular president running
    for reelection brings additional party candidates
    into office.

Campaign Finance Laws
  • The 1971, the Federal Election Campaign Act
    (FECA) transformed how campaigns are conducted
    and monitored, as it requires candidates,
    political parties, and political action
    committees (PACs) to disclose their campaign
    financial records.
  • In 1974, Congress amended the law to set strict
    limits on how much money could be contributed by
    individuals, parties, and PACs to campaigns and,
    more important, created the Federal Election
    Commission as an independent agency to closely
    monitor campaign finance.
  • Buckley v. Valeo (1976)

Campaign Finance Laws continued
  • In 2002, the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act
    (BCRA) raised the legal contribution allowances
    for campaigns prohibited political parties from
    accepting and spending unlimited amounts of money
    directly on campaigns restricted the ability of
    interest groups to run campaign ads without fully
    identifying themselves and prohibited them from
    running these ads within thirty days of a
    primary, and sixty days of the general election.
  • Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission

Electoral Mandates
  • Winning candidates like to claim that their
    election constitutes a mandate, a clear signal
    from the public about the policies government
    should pursue.
  • The bigger a candidates win, the stronger the
    belief in a mandate.
  • Claiming a mandate presupposes that the
    candidates policies were sufficiently distinct
    or that voters decisions can be read as a real
    choice between two different plans for federal

Campaign Promises
  • One study has concluded that about 66 percent of
    campaign promises have been enacted, only about
    10 percent were ignored, and the remaining 20
    percent or so were blocked in Congress.
  • Perhaps the most famous broken promise occurred
    in 1991, when President George H. W. Bush agreed
    to a tax increase as part of a budget deal with
    congressional Democrats. In his acceptance speech
    at the 1988 Republican National Convention, Bush
    had pledged he would not raise taxes Read my
    lips, no new taxes.

Obamas Campaign Promises Kept and Broken
Focus Questions
  • In what ways do elections encourage
    accountability and responsiveness in government?
  • How does citizen equality work, or not work, in
    elections and campaigns? Are elections and
    campaigns fair?
  • How well do campaigns work to inform the public
    so to allow voters to hold candidates
  • Do laws that regulate the financing of campaigns
    impede or advance equality and accountability in
  • In what ways are elections and campaigns gateways
    to American democracy? What are the gates?
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