Muslims Internet Directory Presents - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Muslims Internet Directory Presents


Bismillah Alrahman Alraheem Muslims Internet Directory Presents Understand Islam Wizard Greeting As Salam Alaykum (Peace be upon you) The following is ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Muslims Internet Directory Presents

Muslims Internet Directory 2Muslims.comPresents
  • Bismillah Alrahman Alraheem
  • Understand Islam Wizard

  • As Salam Alaykum (Peace be upon you)
  • The following is several pieces of information we
    have put together to help you understand Islam
    and Muslims.
  • In the Noble Quran, God Reveals in the First
    Chapter All praise be to God, Lord of the
    Universe the Compassion-ate, the Merciful.
    Sovereign of the Day of Judgment! You alone we
    worship and to You alone we turn for help. Guide
    us to the straight path the path of those whom
    You have favored not of those who have incurred
    Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.
  • Webmaster

Islamic Terms
  • - Islam Peace through submission to God.
  • - Muslim One who submits to God..
  • - Allah God The same word used by Arab
    Christians and Jews.
  • - Quran The Holy Book Of the Muslims..
  • - Muhammad The last prophet from God..
  • - Hadith The words and actions of the
  • - ALLAHU AKBAR God is the greatest.
  • - EID Islamic celebration or holiday.
  • - Salat Prayer.
  • - Dua Supplication
  • - P.B.U.H Peace Be Upon Him .

What Is Islam?
  • Based on its linguistic origin, the Arabic word
    'Islam' means to achieve peace--peace with God,
    peace within oneself, and peace with the
    creations of God through submission to God and
    commitment to His guidance.
  • Islam is not a new religion but the final
    culmination and fulfillment of the same basic
    truth that God revealed through all His prophets
    to every people. For a fifth of the world's
    population, Islam is not just a personal religion
    but a complete way of living.
  • Islam is not a specific group religion, Islam is

Muslims Population
  • India/Pakistan/Bangladesh 250-300 Million
  • Africa 200 Million
  • Arab countries 180 Million
  • Southeast Asia 170 Million
  • Iran 50 Million
  • China 50 Million
  • Europe 30 Million
  • North America 10 Million
  • South America 5 Million
  • Australia 1 Million
  • Worldwide over 1 Billion
  • Ethnic breakdown - 82 Non-Arab - 18 Arabs
  • Indonesia is the largest country with over 170
    million Muslims

Islam In The U.S.A I
  • There are evidences of Pre-Columbian Islamic
    civilization in the New World.
  • Since 1800s, Muslims have migrated to the US
    for various reasons from all over the world
    seeking the same dream all immigrants seek.
  • Currently, a little over 7 million Muslims live
    in the USA with over 2000 Islamic centers all
    over the States.
  • Over 45 of the Muslims have at least a bachelor

Islam In The U.S.A II
  • Muslims Come from a different backgrounds
  • African American 42.0
  • South Asian 24.4
  • Arab 12.4
  • African 5.2
  • Iranian 3.6
  • Turk 2.4
  • Caucasian American 1.6
  • Undetermined 5.6

Basics Of The Muslims Belief
  1. Believing in One Unique, Eternal, Single God
  2. Believing in The Angels.
  3. Believing in The Revealed Books Including the
    Bible Torah.
  4. Believing in The Prophets Of God including Moses,
    Abraham, Jesus.
  5. Believing in The Day of Judgment, after life, And
    The Pre-destination Free Will.

1- Believing in One God
  • Muslims believe in one unique, Incomparable,
    superior undivided God. Muslims belief that God
    is one and one only, he has no wife, no children.
    He has never been born and shall never die.
  • The Word Allah Is an Arabic translation for Lord
    or God and it is the same word used by Arab
    Christians and Jews.
  • Say He is God, the One and Only  God, the
    Eternal, Absolute  He begets not, nor is He
    begotten And there is none like unto Him.
    (Quran 112)

2- Believing in Angels
  • Muslims believe in the Angels created by God and
    that they are created from light and they never
    disobey God.
  • Among the Angels names that Muslims know
  • Gabriel (Archangel) the angel of revelation..
  • Mikail (Angel of Weather).
  • Israfel (Angel of Death).

3- Believing In The Revealed Books
  • Muslims believe in all the original texts of the
    revealed books including
  • Taurat or Torah (Revealed to Moses)
  • Zaboor or Psalms (Revealed to David).
  • Injeel or Gospel (Revealed to Jesus)
  • Quran (Revealed to Mohammed)

4- Believing In The Revealed Prophets
  • Muslims believe in all the Prophets, through
    whom Gods revelations were brought to humankind,
    beginning with Adam and including
  • Noah (Nuh), Abraham (Ibrahim), Isaac (Ishaq),
    Jacob (Ya'qub), Joseph (Yusuf), Moses (Musa),,
    David (Daoud), Solomon (Sulayman), Elias (Ilyas),
    John the Baptist (Yahya), and Jesus (Isa) peace
    be upon them all.

5- Believing in The Day of Judgment And The
Pre-Destination Free Will
  • The Day of Judgment is coming. When God will
    resurrect the entire mankind.
  • In the hereafter every Individual is accounted
    for his/her actions and deeds in their life.
  • Every soul will be brought back to life and our
    deeds will bear their fruits good or bad.
  • God's complete authority over our destiny.
  • Humans free will to choose their path in their
    life weather its good or bad.

The Pillars Of Islam?
  • Islam Has five Pillars that every practicing
    Muslim should do
  • Al-Shahada (Declaration Of Faith)
  • Salat Establishing Five Prayers a day.
  • Zakat The payment of A Must charity to the poor
  • Sawm Fasting The full lunar month of Ramadan
  • Hajj (Pilgrimage to Mecca) if affordable, save
    and health permits .

1- Declaration of Faith
  • The declaration that there is no god but
    One and that Mohammad is His messenger.
  • The English Translation reads
  • (I bear witness that There is no god
    Except Allah, and that Muhammad is his Messenger)

2- Salat (Prayer)
  • An Obligatory prayers for adults that are
    performed five times a day
  • pre-dawn
  • noon
  • mid-afternoon
  • after sunset
  • night
  • These five prescribed prayers contain verses from
    the Quran, and are said in Arabic, the language
    of the Revelation. Personal supplications,
    however, can be offered in one's own language and
    at any time.

2- Salat (Prayer) - Athan
  • Athan is the call for the prayer and it
  • God is GreatGod is Great.
  • God is GreatGod is Great.
  • I testify that there is none worthy of worship
    except God.
  • I testify that there is none worthy of worship
    except God.
  • I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
  • I testify that Muhammad is the messenger of God.
  • Come to prayer!
  • Come to prayer!
  • Come to success!
  • Come to success!
  • God is Great!
  • God is Great!
  • There is none worthy of worship except God.

3-Zakat (Charity)
  • In Islam everything belongs to God.
  • Zakat means both "purification" and "growth.
  • Zakat is mandatory charity and it is different
    than voluntary charity.
  • Eligible Muslims pay it on an annual basis. It
    helps to "purify" their wealth.
  • Funds collected are distributed to the poor,
    orphans, and needy in society.
  • Zakat consists of giving 2.5 of ones
    accumulated wealth excluding such items as
    primary residence, car and professional tools.

4- Sawm (Fasting)
  • Fasting One month a year in Ramadan.
  • Mandatory for all adult Muslims with some
  • Muslims fast from dawn until sundown
  • Fasting means abstaining from any food, drink,
    and sexual relations.
  • Fasting helps Muslim build will-power, feel
    compassion, purify their body, and strengthen
    community relations .

5- Hajj (Pilgrimage)
  • Once in a lifetime.
  • An obligation only for those who are physically
    and financially able to do so.
  • The first call for hajj was made by Prophet
  • Commemorates the trials of Abraham and his
  • In Hajj Muslims dedicate their full time to
    worshiping God.
  • About 2-3 million people perform the Hajj

  • The most sacred place on Earth for Muslim. The
    central, cubic, stone structure, covered by a
    black cloth, within the Grand Mosque in Mecca,
    Saudi Arabia
  • Kaba was built by Abraham and Ishmael over 4000
    years ago by the commandments of God.
  • Kaba Is not worshiped by Muslims.
  • Kaba is where Muslims face when they pray.
  • Kaba is to where Million of Muslims perform
    Hajj each year.

Revelation Sources
  • Muslims consider two sources only as their main
  • The Quran The words of God revealed to us
    through his prophet Muhammad (pbuh).
  • The Sunnah This is the Life, sayings, and
    actions of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) which explains
    further a lot of issues.

  • The Quran is the very exact words of God,
    Almighty. A complete record of the exact words
    revealed by God through the Angel Gabriel to
    Prophet Muhammad.
  • The Quran amazingly contained information 1400
    years ago that only today are we finding out
    about scientifically.

Muhammad (PBUH)
  • He is The prophet of God and Muslims do not
    worship him, but consider him a Human, a
    messenger of god.
  • At the age of 40 he received the first revelation
    from God through the Archangel Gabriel.
  • The revelation continued for decades and the
    whole collection is called the Quran.
  • He was known by the honest even before his
    Message began, and even according to his enemies
    he never lied.
  • Prophet died at the age of 63

Islamic Holidays
  • Eid Al Fitr Celebrating the end of Ramadan and
    asking for the acceptance of the fasting.
  • Eid Al Adha Celebrating the end of Hajj, with
    sacrifices, prayers and the exchange of gifts in
    Muslim communities everywhere.
  • In 2001 the USA issued the first stamp joining
    the Eid celebration with Muslims.

Does Islam Tolerate Other Beliefs?
  • Yes. The Quran states unequivocally  "There is
    no compulsion in religion." (Quran 2256).
  • The original, unchanged revelations given to
    Abraham and other prophets came from the One God.
    This common origin explains the similarities and
    is why Islam tolerate all other religions .
  • Protection of the rights of non-Muslims to
    worship is an intrinsic part of Islamic law. It
    is also stated in the Quran.
  • Historically, Christians Jews have always lived
    peacefully under the Islamic state.

Status of Women in Islam 
  • Woman is recognized by Islam as a full and equal
    partner of man. She is equal to man in bearing
    personal and common responsibilities and in
    receiving rewards for her deeds.
  • She is equal to man in the pursuit of education
    and knowledge.
  • She is entitled to freedom of expression as much
    as man is.
  • Woman enjoys certain privileges of which man is
  • Women are not blamed for violating the "forbidden
    tree," nor is their suffering in pregnancy and
    childbirth a punishment for that act.

Veil (Hijab)
  • Both men and women are expected to dress in a way
    that is simple, modest and dignified specific
    traditions of female dress found in some Muslim
    countries are often the expression of local
    customs rather than religious principle.
  • Hijab gets people to value the inside of a women,
    show more respect and helps protect the marriage.

Islam Family
  • The family is the foundation of Islamic society.
    The peace and security offered by a stable family
    unit is greatly valued and seen as essential for
    the spiritual growth of its members. A harmonious
    social order is created by the existence of
    extended families children are treasured and
    rarely leave home until the time they marry.
  • A Muslim marriage is both a sacred act and a
    legal agreement, in which either partner is free
    to include legitimate conditions. As a result,
    divorce, although uncommon, is permitted only as
    a last resort. Marriage customs vary widely from
    country to country.

Islam Parents
  • Parents are greatly respected in the Islamic
    tradition. Mothers are particularly honored the
    Quran teaches that since mothers suffer during
    pregnancy, childbirth, and child rearing, they
    deserve a special consideration and kindness.
  • In Islam, serving one's parents is a duty second
    only to worshipping and it is the parents' right
    to expect it.

Jesus In Islam
  • Muslims believe in Jesus as a prophet of God and
    a Muslim can not be a Muslim until he does so.
  • The Quran confirms his miraculous birth, and a
    special surah of the Quran is entitled "Mary."
    The Quran describes the Annunciation as follows
  • 'Behold (O Mary!)' The Angel said, 'God has
    chosen you, and purified you, and chosen you
    above the women of all nations. O Mary, God gives
    you good news of a word from Him, whose name
    shall be the Anointed (Masih or Messiah), Jesus
    son of Mary, honored in this world and in the
    hereafter, and one of those brought near to God.
    He shall speak to the people from his cradle and
    in maturity, and shall be of the righteous.' "She
    said 'O my Lord! How shall I have a son when no
    man has touched me?' He said 'Even so God
    creates what He wills. When He decrees a thing,
    He says to it, "Be!" and it is. (Quran 342-7)

Jihad In Islam
  • Jihad literally means "struggle" and not "holy
    war" and its often used for social life
    struggling as well.
  • Like Christianity Judaism, Islam permits
    fighting in self-defense, in defense of one's
    country, and in defense of religion .
  • It lays down strict rules of combat that include
    prohibitions against harming civilians and
    against destroying crops, trees and livestock.
  • "Fight in the cause of God against those who
    fight you, but do not transgress limits. God does
    not love transgressors." (Quran 2190).

Human Rights
  • Freedom of speech, religion are honored.
  • The life, honor and property of all citizens in a
    Muslim society are considered sacred.
  • Racism and sexism are not part of Islam.
  • Freedom of conscience is laid down by the Quran
  • Muslims are amongst the first to use election to
    choose their leaders.Justice in an ultimate
    value in Muslims life..

  • Islam is frequently misunderstood and may even
    seem exotic in some parts of today's world.
    Perhaps this is because religion no longer
    dominates everyday life in Western society
    whereas, for Muslims, Islam is life. Muslims make
    no artificial division between the secular and
    the sacred.
  • For quite some time Islam was thought of as some
    "Eastern" religion, but with the increasing
    number of Muslims living in the West, Islam is
    gradually being perceived as a global faith.
    Muslims are not thought of as strangers with
    unusual practices, but are being welcomed as part
    of the mosaic of life in the West. In many cases,
    Islam is not just viewed as an acceptable
    religion, but as a desired way of living.

Myths Reality I
  • Islam is not a cult.
  • Allah is an Arabic word that means "God, the
    same God worshiped by others faiths..
  • Muslims neither worship Muhammad nor pray through
  • Muslims believe that God has 99 attributes, and
    those names do not represent different Gods.
  • The Holy Quran was not authored by Muhammad.
  • The Holy Quran has no flaws or contradictions.
    The same exact copy is found through out the

Myths Reality II
  • The word "jihad" does not mean "holy war".
    Instead, it means to struggle.
  • Islam was not spread by the sword as history
  • Women are not oppressed in Islam.
  • Arranged marriages are allowed in Islam but are
    not required. The marriage decision is left to
    the individual. "Forced" marriages are not
  • All Muslims are not Arab. Islam is a universal
  • Muslims do not worship the moon but rather use
    the lunar year to track certain Islamic

Famous Muslim Scientists
  • Abu Al-Qasim Al-Zahravi (Albucasis)
  • 936-1013 A.D.
  • Ibn Rushd (Averroes)
  • 1128-1198 A.D.
  • Al-Khawarizmi (Algorizm)
  • 770-840 A.D.
  • Jaber Ibn Haiyan (Geber)
  • died 803 A.D.
  • Ibn Sina (Avicenna)
  • 981-1037 A.D.
  • Ar-Razi (Rhazes)
  • 864-930 A.D.

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