Title: Canada
1CRCT Review
2What explorer claimed Newfoundland for England?
3The first French settlement in Canada was
established by?
4To open the Great Lakes to shipping in the
Atlantic Ocean, what did Canada and the United
States build?
5What mountain range do the United States and
Canada share along the western coast?
6Which landform in Canada, located along the
Hudson Bay, is rich in minerals?
7The cold northern territory of Nunavut was
created for which group of native people?
8Due to climate and geography, where do most
Canadians live?
- Close to the United States border
9Who is Canada's largest trading partner?
10What are the 3 major natural resources in Canada?
11What environmental problem is largest near the
Great Lakes?
12What type of government does Canada have?
13Who is head of the Canadian government with the
most political power?
14What are Canada's political divisions called?
- Territories and Provinces
15What are the two official languages of Canada?
16In which Canadian province would you most likely
find a separatist?
17Canada's size makes it the __________ largest
country in the world.
18What countries explored and colonized much of
19How many territories and provinces are found in
- 3 territories
- 10 Provinces
20Why do people in Quebec want their own country?
- To preserve their French culture and language
21Why did the French come to Canada?
22How did Canada achieve it's independence from
Great Britian?
- Peacefully through treaties
23How has climate affected where Canadians live?
- Few live in the Northern regions because of the
cold climate
24What type of economy does Canada have?