Title: WPF - Controls
1WPF - Controls
- Top parts of UI are built out of smaller
components , Controls. - The two core concepts for the entire control
model. - - Content model.
- - Templates.
3Control principles
- Element composition.
- Rich content.
- Simple programming model.
4Content Model(Cont..)
5Content Model(Cont..)
- Uses CLR type system.
- Button chrome element displays background.
- Text block used to display text content.
- Content presenter is the workhorse if the content
6Content presenter
7Content presenter(Cont..)
8Content property naming pattern
10Children and child
- Content controls eg Button
- Layout controls eg StackPanel
- Render controls, eg Ellipse
- A template can be overridden to completely change
its visual appearance. - Types
- - Data Template.
- - Control Template.
ltButtongt ltButton.Templategt ltControlTemplate
TargetType'xType Button'gt ltRectangle
Fill'Red' Width'75' Height'23'
/gt lt/ControlTemplategt lt/Button.Templategt My
Button lt/Buttongt
15Template Binding
16Control Library
- Buttons
- Lists
- Menus and toolbars
- Containers
- Ranges
- Editors
- Document Viewers
- Frame
- Building Blocks
- ToolTip
- Thumb
- Border
- Popup
- Scroll Viewer
- Viewbox
- IsChecked and IsThreeState for CheckBox and
RadioButton. - If IsThreeState is true, the
- user can toggle from checked
- to unchecked to Indeterminate
18Buttons (Cont..)
- Four standard list controls- ListBox, ComboBox,
ListView, TreeView. - List controls can be filled from one of the two
sources. - 1. Items Property
- 2. ItemsSource Property.
20ListBox and ComboBox
- We can change the look of the control using
templates. - Combo Box is list box with dropdown.
The two basic list types ListBox and ComboBox
21 ListBox - ItemsPanel
- ItemsPanel property can be used to change the
layout of list Box. - Example is default view if control panel in
windows XP. - Templates can also be used to change the layout
without using the ItemsPanel property.
22Windows Xp control panel
23List box with a grid item layout
ltListBox ...gt ltListBox.ItemsPanelgt ltItemsPanelTemp
lategt ltUniformGrid Columns'2'/gt lt/ItemsPanelTempl
ategt lt/ListBox.ItemsPanelgt lt/ListBoxgt
24List View
- List view derives from listBox
- It has ability to separate view properties from
control properties. - View property must be changed to grid view ad set
properties on that object.
25List View-View property
ltListViewgt ltListView.Viewgt ltGridViewgt ltGridView.Co
lumnsgt ltGridViewColumn Width'300' Header'Name' D
isplayMemberBinding'Binding PathName'
/gt ltGridViewColumn Width'100' Header'CanCode' Di
splayMemberBinding'Binding PathCanCode'
/gt lt/GridView.Columnsgt lt/GridViewgt lt/ListView.View
gt lt/ListViewgt
26Tree view
ltTreeViewgt ltTreeViewItem Header'Coders'gt ltTreeVie
wItem Header'Don' /gt ltTreeViewItem
Header'Dharma' /gt lt/TreeViewItemgt ltTreeViewItem
Header'Noncoders'gt ltTreeViewItem Header'Chris'
/gt lt/TreeViewItemgt lt/TreeViewgt
27New Lists using Templates
28Menus and Toolbars
- Its logically similar to TreeView. Both derive
from base type HeaderedItemsControl. - All features of content model apply to menus and
toolbars. - Toolbars consume lots of space and occupies more
space, but allow easy user access.
An alternative presentation for a menu
30Menus (Cont..)
- ToolBar.OverflowMode property allow us to set
overflow properties if the size of window is
- Types of range control
- Slider.
- Scroll Bar.
- Progress Bar
- Minimum and maximum values are specified using
Maximum and Minimum property. - - We specify or determine the current value using
Value property
- PasswordBox
- TextBox
- RichTextBox
- InkCanvas.
- Streaming model and collection model.
- Block elements occupy rectangular space. Eg.
Paragraph. - Inline Elements can span lines. Eg Span, Run and
Bold. - Text pointer and Text Range objects are used in
the case of streaming model.
39Text model
40Rich TextBox
ltWindow ... Title'RichTextBox'gt ltRichTextBox
Name'_rtb'gt ltFlowDocument FontSize'24'gt ltParagra
phgtHellolt/Paragraphgt lt/FlowDocumentgt lt/RichTextBox
gt lt/Windowgt
41Rich TextBox(Cont..)
TextOffset example, showing how the start and end
tokens of an element occupy space in the text
object model
Simplified markup for text, with the
corresponding offsets of each item
42Document Viewers
- FlowDocumentScrollViewer
- FlowDocumentPageViewer
43Building BlocksToolTip
48Story Board
49Digital Ink
ltGridgt ltInkCanvas /gtlt/Gridgt
50Digital Ink(Cont..)
ltGridgtltInkCanvasgt ltImage Source"images/wood.
jpg" Opacity".4" Width"750" Height"550"
51DrawingAttributes class (Ink)
Name Description
Color Gets or sets the color of a Stroke.
FitToCurve Gets or sets a value that indicates whether Bezier smoothing is used to render the Stroke.
Height Gets or sets the height of the stylus used to draw the Stroke.
IgnorePressure Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the thickness of a rendered Stroke changes according the amount of pressure applied.
IsHighlighter Gets or sets a value that indicates whether the Stroke looks like a highlighter.
StylusTip Gets or sets the shape of the stylus used to draw the Stroke.
StylusTipTransform Gets or sets the Matrix that specifies the transformation to perform on the stylus' tip.
52Editing with InkCanvas
Name Description
EraseByPointh Indicates that the pen erases part of a stroke when the pen intersects the stroke.
EraseByStroke Indicates that the pen erases an entire stroke when the pen intersects the stroke.
GestureOnly Indicates that the InkCanvas responds to gestures, and does not receive ink.
Ink Indicates that ink appears on the InkCanvas when the pen sends data to it.
InkAndGesture Indicates that the InkCanvas responds to gestures, and receives ink.
None Indicates that no action is taken when the pen sends data to the InkCanvas.
Select Indicates that the pen selects strokes and elements on the InkCanvas.
53Code snippets using the Attributes
private void setInkBlue(object sender,
RoutedEventArgs e) // set the
DefaultDrawingAttributes for a blue pen.
Colors.Blue myInkCanvas.DefaultDrawingAttri
butes.Height 2 myInkCanvas.DefaultDrawing
Attributes.Width 2
// eraseprivate void Erase(object sender,
RoutedEventArgs e) // set the EditingMode
to EraseByPoint myInkCanvas.EditingMode
54Ink Selection
// selectionprivate void Select(object sender,
RoutedEventArgs e) // set the EditingMode to
Select myInkCanvas.EditingMode
55Reflection using visual Brush and opacity mask
- See www.xamlog.com for source code
56Bitmap Effects
- Bevel
- Blur
- Drop Shadow
- Embossed
- Outer Glow
57Spell checking with text box control
ltStackPanel Margin"20"gt ltTextBlockgtTextBoxlt/T
extBlockgt ltTextBox SpellCheck.IsEnabled"True"
gt If the user types in a mispelled
word, lt/TextBoxgt ltTextBlock
ltRichTextBox SpellCheck.IsEnabled"True"gt
ltFlowDocumentgt ltParagraphgt
the mispelled word is underlined with a
wavy red line. lt/Paragraphgt
lt/FlowDocumentgt lt/RichTextBoxgtlt/StackPanelgt
58The NY times reader app
59Thank you
- Questions?
- References
- www.xamlog.com.
- Essential windows presentation.