Spending - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter 12 Spending & Student Achievement Questions about financial resources impact on education lie at the heart of national education reform A Nation at Risk ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Spending

Chapter 12
  • Spending
  • Student Achievement

  • Questions about financial resources impact on
    education lie at the heart of national education
  • A Nation at Risks publication prompted some to
    seriously question public schools value if
    teaching interventions could not overcome the
    destiny of childrens backgrounds

  • Does public education make a difference in
    student achievement apart from family influences?

  • Educational leaders need to know where they can
    get the biggest bang for the instructional buck
    in advancing student achievement

  • The 3rd ISLLC Standard states
  • A school administrator is an
  • educational leader who promotes
  • the success of all students by
  • ensuring management of the
  • organization, operations,
  • resources for a safe, efficient,
  • effective learning environment.

The Coleman Report,1966
  • The Coleman Report changed the countrys attitude
    about public education
  • This study focused on questions of racial
    segregation and educational inequality by
  • Physical facilities, curriculum, teacher
    characteristics, and student achievement as
    measured by standardized test scores
  • Student self-attitudes and academic goals,
    socio-economic status, and parent education

Coleman Study Findings
  • The Coleman study findings were interpreted to
    say that schools had little impact
  • on student achievement outside of the family
  • Educational inputs (such as, student-teacher
    ratio, funding resources, teaching practices,
    quality of school facilities) did not appear to
    contribute much to student achievement

Coleman Study Findings, cont.
  • This studys results led to current thinking
    that spending levels on education do not have a
    significant impact student achievement

Coleman Study Findings, cont.
  • This finding made the report particularly
    influential in some educational and political

Coleman Study Educational Spending
  • The Coleman studys results led to some current
    thinking that education spending levels do not
    have a significant impact student achievement
  • To some politicians and policy makers, this study
    justified reducing taxes

Other Studies Indicated Positive Spending Outcomes
  • Studies concurrent with Coleman indicated
    positive outcomes with school spending and
    student outcomes
  • These studies examined later earnings of
    individuals in the labor force and found a
    significant association between adult earnings
    and school spending
  • Verstegan states that these findings have been
    strong and consistent over time

Coleman Study Had Political Impact Momentum
  • Unfortunately, Colemans study overshadowed the
    others relegating them rather obscurity

Coleman Report Fallout
  • The findings made conservative politicians
    seriously question public schools value if
    educational interventions could not overcome the
    destiny of childrens backgrounds
  • Many public school educators most college and
    university professors, on the other hand,
    remained relatively quiet, waiting for further
    research findings, believing that classroom
    interventions made a significant impact

Eric Hanushek Studies Confirm Coleman
  • Continued the education production function
  • Published meta analyses of existing studies and
    found that the relationship between spending and
    student achievement is not strong or consistent
    given the way we fund current education practices

Faulty Research to Support Reduced Education
  • States with the highest SAT scores, Iowa, North
    and South Dakota, Utah, and Minnesota, spend low
    amounts on a per pupil basis
  • William Bennett, Secretary of Education, cited
    his own 1993 study of per pupil spending and SAT

Faulty Research to Support Reduced Education
Funding, cont.
  • Students could show high academic achievement,
    Bennett argued persuasively, without influx of
    high levels of school funding
  • Public education did not need more money, he
    logically avowed, in order to assure students
    learning gains

Faulty Research to Support Reduced Education
  • Only those few students interested in attending
    prestigious Ivy League schools take the SAT
  • What was wrong with Bennetts study was that
    these five states have a very low percentage of
    students taking the SAT
  • Most students in these states take the ACT

Debate Continues AboutMoney Student Achievement
  • Educators envision what additional funds could do
    for student achievement especially in times of
    high-stakes testing
  • Politicians increasingly seek re-election on
    platforms of tax reduction, citing limited public
    resources and a lack of research to indicate
    increased funding produces higher student

Coleman Study MethodsProduction Function Study
  • Input-output study
  • Attempt to show the maximum output that can be
    expected from a combination of inputs
  • In other words, how much education can be had for
    a given number of inputs?

Problems With Production Function Studies in
  • Production function studies are inappropriate
    models for education
  • For instance, given a productivity rate per line
    worker of 15 widgets per hour (where P is the
    productivity rate), what would happen to daily
    output (where O is the daily output) if working
    conditions changed by lowering summer air
    conditioning temperatures on the factory floor
    from 80 degrees to 75 degrees (where t is the

Problems With Production Function Studies in
  • Production function studies
  • are inappropriate models for
  • education
  • In this case, the workplace temperature would be
    adjusted, and the increased utilities cost would
    be measured against the anticipated increase in
    widget production. If the increased cost
    resulted in increased profit, the change would be

  • In most industrial situations, the factorys
    supply of widget parts undergoes a systematic,
    rigid quality control check
  • Defective widgets are not accepted in the
    production line
  • Through many studies, all widget processes are
    known to take the same average time to assemble
  • All widget workers work at approximately the same
  • Workers who produce significantly more widgets
    per hour may receive higher pay rates. Widget
    workers who produce significantly fewer widgets
    per hour are fired

No Quality Control Factor in Students (Product)
in School
  • Students enter with varying levels of reading and
    math preparedness and ability, varying beliefs
    about the value of school, and varied family
  • Some children come to school loved nurtured.
    Others come to school abused neglected
  • Some arrive daily, prepared to learn and others
    are frequently absent, unable to benefit from
    classroom learning activities

The Production Process in Schools Varies
  • Educations production process is not
  • School cultures vary about teaching
  • and learning beliefs.
  • Teacher quality varies
  • The physical condition of schools varies, class
    size fluctuates, teacher experience education
    levels differ, and financial compensation for
    service does not coincide with student

The Production Process in Schools Varies,
  • Most importantly,
  • per pupil spending varies
  • significantly from
  • state to state
  • from district to district

  • What reasonable basis exits for making sound
    judgments about education spending inputs and
  • What valid and reliable information is available
    about spending and student achievement?

  • Research on
  • Teacher Quality
  • Professional Development
  • Class Size
  • School Size
  • Teacher Salaries
  • Facilities . Student Achievement

Research Money Student Achievement
  • Contemporary studies of Colemans 1966 Report
    showed positive associations between school
    spending and financial earnings in the workforce
  • One reanalysis of Hanusheks work concluded that
    money does matter to student achievement
  • Another study determined that per pupil
    expenditures, controlling for other factors,
    significantly related to student outcomes

Teacher Quality School Finance
  • We know what constitutes good teaching, and we
    know that good teaching can matter more than
    students family backgrounds and economic
  • There is significant research to indicate it is
    the quality of the teacher and teaching that are
    the most powerful predictors of student success.

Teacher Quality Student Achievement
  • Darling-Hammond found that teacher quality
    variables, such as full certification and a
    completing a major in the teaching field are more
    important to student outcomes in reading and math
    than are student demographic variables such as
    poverty, minority status, and language background

Teacher Quality Student Achievement, cont.
  • This teacher preparation, according to
    Darling-Hammond, accounts for 40 to 60 of the
    total variance in student achievement controlling
    for the students demographic background

Teaching Factors Found Linked to Student
  • Verbal Ability
  • Content Knowledge
  • Education Methods related to their Academic
  • Licensing Exam Scores
  • Skillful Teaching Behaviors
  • On-Going Professional Development
  • Enthusiasm for Teaching
  • Others

(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
(No Transcript)
Teacher Quality Adequate Yearly Progress
  • With NCLB requirements that all four subgroups
    (disadvantaged, minority, disabled, and English
    language learners) show adequate yearly progress,
    the value of teacher quality is increasingly
  • Data taken from the 1998 National Assessment of
    Educational Progress (NAEP data) indicate that
    effective teachers make a difference in minority

(No Transcript)
  • At testing time, both Texas and Virginia had
    been high-stakes testing states for several years
    before testing, with harsh consequences to
    schools students who did not achieve at
    predetermined levels
  • Arkansas and Mississippi were not
  • One can assume that Texas and Virginia teachers
    felt explicit pressures to assure that even
    traditionally lower achieving students mastered
    the standard curriculum used those effective
    practices in their classrooms that brought more
    children across the bar

Education Teacher Quality
  • Knowing how much high quality teachers contribute
    to student achievement, education dollars appear
    best spent in hiring keeping the highest
    quality teachers possible
  • Seeking quality teachers implementing working
    conditions salary structures designed to
    maximize hiring keeping them may be the best
    use of limited education dollars

Professional Development Increases Student
  • Quality professional development programs can
    have a positive impact on student achievement
  • Every extra factor that provides teachers with
    techniques for individualizing instruction
    increases student achievement

Professional Development Increases Student
Achievement, cont.
  • Studies of the 1996 NAEP data indicated that
    professional development in cultural diversity,
    teaching techniques for addressing needs of
    students with limited English proficiency, and
    teaching students identified with special
    education needs are are linked to higher student
    achievement in math

Effective Professional Development
  • Systematic study of learning processes allow
    teachers to reflect and address their own
    teaching and learning beliefs and practices
    analyze improve what they do in the classroom

Effective Professional Development, cont.
  • Teachers who believe that their instructional
    practices have a direct impact on student
    achievement are more likely to seek out and
    implement new teaching and learning techniques

Professional Development Increases Student
  • Other research has found that when professional
    development is sustained over time and based on
    curriculum standards, teachers are more likely to
    adopt new and reform-based teaching practices
  • Subsequently, their students achieve at higher
    levels on standardized tests

Class Size Increased Student Achievement
  • Salaries consume the largest part of education
  • Does the increased cost of decreasing class size
    produce enough achievement gain to warrant
    spending limited resources towards that end or
    are there other more cost productive ways to
    increase student achievement?

Class Size Increased Student Achievement, cont.
  • Effect size measures the change in the
    experimental groups standard deviation units
  • An effect size of 1.0 means that students in the
    experimental group would score one standard
    deviation above those in the control group. If
    the students in the control group were scoring at
    the 50th percentile, the students in the
    experimental group would be scoring one standard
    deviation higher, or at the 84.13th percentile

Research on Class Size Student Achievement
  • Unfortunately, findings in several studies
    indicate that the advantages of small classes,
    defined as 13 to 19 pupils, may not continue in
    later school years
  • Likewise, several cost effectiveness studies of
    various strategies for improving student learning
    indicate that reducing class size has a small
    positive effect on achievement compared to many
    less costly strategies

Research on Class Size Student Achievement,
  • Decreased class size is, at times,
  • associated with an increase in the
  • cost of additional classrooms
  • Furthermore, attempts to decrease class size
    would of necessity require hiring additional
    teachers. Lowering licensure/teacher quality
    regulations to attract additional candidates of
    lower quality could negate the gains of smaller

Research on Class Size Student Achievement,
  • The earlier studies seemed to cast some doubt as
    to the efficacy of spending money to reduce class
    size as monies might better be spent elsewhere to
    better effect
  • Evidence exists that class size makes a
    difference in math reading achievement for in
    grades 1 3, especially for at-risk students

Cost Effectiveness at
Various Resource Levels
0.16 0.14 0.12 0.10 0.09 0.06 0.04 0.02 .00
30.00 25.00 21.43 18.75 16.67 15.00 13.64
Class Size
  • As policy makers examine
  • the role of decreased class
  • size and achievement, it is
  • important to understand that other
  • variables may well come into play
  • Reducing class size without
  • simultaneously improving
  • teacher and teaching quality
  • appears to be both expensive
  • and often ineffective

Reduced School Size Student Achievement
  • Recent substantial grant awards from the Bill and
    Melinda Gates Foundation to large urban school
    districts to create smaller schools suggest that
    reduced school size is associated with increased
    student achievement

Reduced School Size Student Achievement, cont.
  • A 2002 study for the Rural School Community
    Trust found in a 7-state study (Alaska,
    California, Georgia, Montana, Ohio, Texas, and
    West Virginia) that smaller schools reduce the
    harmful effects of poverty on student achievement
    and help students from less affluent communities
    narrow the academic achievement gap between them
    and students from wealthier communities

Study on Reduced School Size Student
Achievement, cont.
  • No consensus on the actual size of a small
    school (600 or fewer students)
  • Smaller schools produce better results in student
    attendance, test scores, graduation rates,
    extra curricular participation
  • Increased parents satisfaction ratings from
    improved communication participation
  • Increased teachers satisfaction in their ability
    to make a real difference in student learning
  • Produce a safer learning environment

Small Schools Are Expensive, but Cost Effective
  • Smaller schools appear to be more expensive to
    operate on a per-pupil basis, thereby reducing
  • Smaller schools may be more cost effective,
    however, when considered on a cost per graduate
  • Also lower dropout rates

Small Schools Are Expensive but Cost Effective,
  • Smaller schools organized within a larger school
    may be a way to achieve the benefits of smaller
  • Certainly, there are means for decreasing the
    apparent size of a large school by implementing a
    school within a school concept

Teacher Salaries Student Achievement
  • Virtually no one doubts the common belief that
    higher salaries attract brighter individuals into
    a profession
  • Teachers salaries have slipped 15 percent since
    1993 and 12 percent since 1983 after adjusting
    for inflation
  • A tradition of low pay salaries paid from
    public coffers keeps teacher pay artificially low
    today even when there is a teacher shortage

  • Teacher salaries are now well below those of
    comparable professions, complicating efforts to
    attract and keep highly qualified educators
  • Although teachers tend to receive benefits, their
    health insurance and pensions are not valuable
    enough to offset the wage difference
  • Nor do teachers receive paid leave, bonuses, or
    overtime available in other professions

Teacher Salaries Student Achievement, cont.
  • The difficulty of empirically linking increased
    teacher quality with higher teacher salaries lies
    in the fact that most school districts have
    salary schedules based on of years of experience
    and professional degrees
  • Salaries are not based on student achievement

Teacher Salaries Student Achievement, cont.
  • Nobody doubts that increasing teacher salaries
    will expand the pool of potential teachers from
    which a district can choose. But the influence on
    students depends directly on the ability of
    districts to choose the best teachers from the
    expanded pool. Research shows that the typical
    school district does poorly in these choices.
    The combination of these factors implies there is
    virtually no relationship between teacher
    salaries and student achievement.

Teacher Salaries Student Achievement, cont.
  • While some school districts do not do a good job
    selecting the highest quality teachers, it is
    false to assume that there is no relationship
    between salary and student achievement
  • The evidence is overwhelming that teacher quality
    is related to student achievement
  • Salary is a proven method of attracting a larger
    applicant pool. Selecting the highest quality
    teachers from that pool is key

Teacher Salaries Student Achievement, cont.
  • In fact, The Teaching Commission, a non-profit
    group formed in 2003 to improve teaching, has
    recommended raising teacher base salaries as a
    means to make the professions pay more
    competitive and attract higher quality teachers

School Facilities Student Achievement
  • Studies show a 5 to 17-percentile point
    difference in standardized test scores for
    students in good facilities (well-maintained
    buildings with comfortable room and hall
    temperatures, satisfactory lighting, appropriate
    noise levels, good roofs, sufficient space)
    compared with poor facilities (poorly maintained,
    too cold or hot rooms, inadequate lighting, high
    noise levels, leaky roofs, overcrowding)
    controlling for the socioeconomic status (SES) of
    the students

Facilities Can Help or Hurt Student Achievement
  • A schools acoustic quality can permit or hinder
    a students to hear clearly and understand what
    is being spoken
  • Rooms maintained within the temperature
    humidity tolerances of 67 degrees to 73 degrees
    and 50 percent relative humidity (to reduce
    incidence of illness) AND
  • Above standard school buildings that provide the
    appropriate learning environment conditions are
    all prerequisites for effective learning

Facilities Can Help or Hurt Student Achievement,
  • In a study of elementary schools in the District
    of Columbia, Berner found that if a school
    district were to improve conditions of its
    schools from poor to excellent, student
    achievement scores would increase an average of
    10.9 percentile points

Older Buildings Student Achievement
  • Many of the building factors necessary for
    proper learning environments are absent in older
    buildings, and student achievement in older
    buildings is lower than that of students in newer

Teacher Morale School Facilities
  • Teachers in buildings in poor condition stated
    that the facilitys design appearance had a
    negative impact upon the learning climate while
    teachers in buildings in good condition report
    the building had a positive influence on the
    learning climate
  • Perception often influences ( perhaps
    creates) reality.

Teacher Morale School Facilities, cont.
  • Working in substandard buildings or in newer
    buildings that were poorly maintained or repaired
    harms teachers morale and increases their work
  • These attitudes likely transfer negatively into
    their classroom expectations and practices,
    reducing student achievement

Overcrowded Schools Reduce Student Achievement
  • Corcoran et al. (1988) reported that overcrowding
    resulted in high absentee rates for students and
  • Additionally, overcrowded schools are often
    noisier and create more paperwork
  • Stressful and unpleasant learning and working
    conditions, related negative attitudes, and lower
    attendance reduce learning opportunities and
    measured achievement

Educational Spending Increased Student
  • Many studies show positive relationships between
    increased spending on education and student
  • One Virginia Tech study, using an improved model
    for examining production function studies, found
    significant increases in student achievement with
    increases in instructional expenditures

  • The rapidly rising cost of steel, concrete, and
    other construction materials often between 15
    and 30 percent are forcing some districts that
    are building new schools to seek additional
    funds, delay, or redesign projects
  • Prices for nearly every construction material
    have been rising at double-digit percentages,
    making serious difficulties for the 29 billion
    school construction industry

School Finance Student Achievement
  • With research clearly affirming that school
    funding carefully targeted on enhancing teaching
    quality, designing appropriate school
    organization, and providing comfortable
    facilities make a measurable difference in
    student achievement, communities and school
    leaders find serious challenges to finding
    additional resources to support public education
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