EEE440 Modern Communication Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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EEE440 Modern Communication Systems


EEE440 Modern Communication Systems Wireless and Mobile Communications Indoor Propagation Propagation impairments in an indoor radio channel are caused mainly by ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: EEE440 Modern Communication Systems

EEE440 Modern Communication Systems
  • Wireless and Mobile Communications

Indoor Propagation
  • Propagation impairments in an indoor radio
    channel are caused mainly by
  • reflection from, and diffraction around,
    objects (including walls and floors) within the
  • transmission loss through walls, floors and
    other obstacles
  • channelling of energy, especially in corridors
    at high frequencies
  • motion of persons and objects in the room,
    including possibly one or both ends of the radio

Indoor wireless propagation
  • Like the outdoor propagation, the indoor
    propagation also experience multipath dispersion
    caused by a large number of reflectors and
  • In a typical indoor environment, a fixed antenna
    (usually ceiling-mounted) serves a number of
    mobile radios
  • In narrow-band, multipath causes fluctuations in
    the received signal envelope and phase
  • There are critical differences from the outdoor
  • The outdoor channel is stationary in time and
    nonstationary in space.
  • Signal dispersion is mainly caused by large fixed
  • Because the base antenna is elevated and mobile
    antenna are at relatively low level, the effects
    of people and moving vehicle are negligible.
  • The indoor channel is neither stationary in space
    nor in time
  • The motion of people and equipments with a
    low-level ceiling mounted antenna is not

Indoor wireless propagation
  • The indoor channel has higher path losses and
    sharper changes in the mean signal level compared
    to the outdoor channel
  • Applicability of a simple negative exponent
    distance-dependent path loss model is not
    universally accepted for indoor.
  • Rapid motion and high velocities are absent.
  • The Doppler shift is negligible

Indoor wireless propagation
  • Maximum delay of multipath signals is typically
    less than one microsecond
  • Delay spread is usually less than 100 nanoseconds
  • Frequency selective fading occurs at higher

Modelling indoor wireless propagation
  • Modelling indoor wireless propagation is highly
  • For the multipath dispersion, a simple
    geometrical model is used
  • The signal reaches the mobile via one or more
    main waves
  • These main waves consist of a LOS ray and several
    rays reflected or scattered by main structures
    such as outer walls, floors, ceilings etc

Modelling indoor wireless propagation
  • The resulting paths for each main wave arrive
    with very close delays, experience about the same
    attenuation, but have different phase values due
    to different path lengths
  • There are three types of variations in the
  • Small-scale, midscale and large-scale variations
  • Small-scale variations-Within a site the channel
    is quite similar since the channel structure does
    not change considerably over short distance. This
    is equivalent to the correlated fading in the
    outdoor channel within a short distance.
  • Midscale-in local areas with similar antenna
    separation, there may be great differences in
    signal levels equivalent to shadowing in the
  • Large-scale the channel structure change
    drastically due to increase in the number of
    objects. Equivalent to path loss in the outdoor.
    But cannot be modeled simply by the same outdoor

Modelling indoor wireless propagation
  • The impulse response approach can be used to
    characterise the channel
  • For each point in the 3-dimensional space the
    channel is a linear time-varying filter with the
    impulse response given by

Modelling indoor wireless propagation
  • In reality a mobile phone moving through the
    indoor channel experinces a space-varying fading
    phenomenon, so the impulse response varies at
    different points

Modelling indoor wireless propagation
  • The number of multipath components, N in each
    impulse response is a random variable
  • The mean value of N differs for different types
    of building
  • The path variable sequences are random sequences
    and depend on the shape, size and construction of
    the building.
  • The arrival times can be modelled by the modified
    Poisson distribution.

Modelling indoor wireless propagation
  • Distribution of the pulse amplitudes
  • The difference in time delay of a number of paths
    is much less than the reciprocal of the
    transmission bandwidth and the paths cannot be
    resolved as distinct pulses
  • The unresolvable pulses add up and the envelope
    of their sum is observed
  • The envelope is a random variable

Modelling indoor wireless propagation
  • The amplitude fading may follow different
    distribution depending on the conditions
  • Various distribution have been reported
    Rayleigh, Rician, Nakagami, Weibull, Lognormal,

Modelling indoor wireless propagation
  • The distribution of the arrival time
  • The Standard Poisson distribution cannot be used
    because indoor scatterers are not located with
    total randomness
  • The modified Poisson distribution has better fit
  • Other distribution may also apply depending on

Modelling indoor wireless propagation
  • The distribution of the path phases
  • No empirical model for path phases because of
    difficulties to measure the phase of individual
    multipath components
  • Uniform distribution is used
  • The signal phase is critically sensitive to path
  • As the path length changes by a wavelength (eg.
    30cm at 1gHz), the phase changes by 2pi.
  • Moderate changes in the position of the mobile
    result in great phase difference

Indoor wireless propagation
  • Interdependencies within path variables
  • Adjacent multipath components of the same impulse
    response profile are likely to be correlated
    because a number of scattering objects that
    produce them may be the same
  • Correlation between the arrival times is due to
    the grouping property of local structures.
  • The amplitude sequence is correlated with the
    arrival time sequence because later paths of a
    profile experience higher attenuation due to
    greater path lengths and possibly multiple

Indoor wireless propagation
  • Temporal variations of the channel
  • Due to motion of people and equipments, the
    channel statistics changes even when the
    transmitter and receiver are fixed
  • Motion can introduce deep fade (sometimes as high
    as 20dB)
  • Different magnitude and duration of fade for
    different kind of buildings.
  • Large-scale path losses
  • Greater than outdoor
  • Large variation can occur over very small
  • Complicated. Cannot use the conventional path
    loss model
  • No single model is appropriate for all conditions

Indoor wireless propagation
  • Delay spread
  • Depends on size and types of buildings, existence
    of a clear LOS, room sizes, antenna separation
  • Determines whether frequency selective fading
    occurs or not
  • Generally less than the outdoor so can use higher
  • Penetration Loss
  • Power lost as signal enters the buildings varies
    depending on types of building materials and
    various other factors
  • The difference between the received signal inside
    a building and around the parameter of that
  • Important for frequency reuse
  • Depends on the construction materials, building
    orientation with respect to transmitter, internal
    layout etc.
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