Title: R
1Réseau Syndical pour la Coopération au
2Coopération au Developpement de Vienna à
- Poursuivre les travaux en vue de lélaboration
dune politique et dun programme daction
cohérents, pour renforcer le mouvement syndical
conformément au Programme adopté au Congrès de
Vienne - Assurer une coopération étroite entre les
structures mondiales et régionales de la CSI pour
parvenir à une approche stratégique basée sur la
demande, en ce qui concerne les programmes
bilatéraux et multilatéraux, y compris à travers
la collecte et le partage de linformation, et
ce, comme fondement dune meilleure collaboration
avec les Organisations solidaires (OS) - Développer de nouvelles propositions de projets,
en collaboration avec les OS et les organisations
régionales, pour soutenir la mise en œuvre du
Programme de Vienne - Accorder une attention accrue aux efforts de la
CSI pour influencer les politiques et les
programmes de coopération au développement mises
en œuvre par les agences internationales et
lUnion européenne et améliorer laccès à ces
politiques et programmes, en collaboration
étroite avec les affiliées et la CES.
3Objectifs du programme Réseau
- Contribuer aux objectifs fixés par le Congres et
le CG - Développer un approche plus cohérente et intégrée
en matière de coopération au développent pour une
meilleure coordination et plus de synergies - Promouvoir un dialogue partagé, permanent, et
structuré sur les partenariats et améliorer
leffectivité et limpact de notre coopération
pour renforcer les capacités des syndicats de
contribuer au développement durable et social. - Assumer notre rôle au sein des plateformes des
Organisations de la Société Civile (OSC) et dans
les discussions et consultations politiques avec
la Commission. - Promouvoir lintégration du Travail Décent en
tant que stratégie essentielle pour réussir le
développement durable.
4Résultats attendus
- Meilleure compréhension des critères et
conditions pour la coopération syndicale et les
partenariats - Meilleure connaissance et compréhension mutuelle
des politiques et programmes de développement,
permettant daméliorer et daugmenter la
coordination, la coopération et les résultats - Meilleur accès pour le mouvement syndical, aux
sources de financement des programmes de
développement au niveau des pays et au niveau
international - Définition des politiques et des stratégies de
lobbying communes vis-à-vis de lUE et autres
institutions - Participation et engagement des syndicats avec
les autres OSC et dans les processus de
consultation sur les politiques de développement
(UE CAD-OCDE, BM, FONDS pour le Développement,
). - Interaction et coopération accrue entre le
mouvement syndical et les institutions de lUE
sur les politiques de coopération au
développement - LAgenda du Travail Décent sera reconnue et
5Activités principales
- 6 réunions réseau, groupes ad hoc ,
- 1 Banque de données sur les projets syndicaux de
développement et les points de départ
pays/organisation - Mise en place doutils de communication
(site-web, e-bulletin, groupes de discussion, ) - Balises pour la coopération syndicale (rapports
à publier) - Comparaison des schémas de soutien dans les
différents états, à lUE et à dautres niveaux - Description des exigences méthodologiques et
autres conditionnalités - Analyse de genre des projets et programmes (1
rapport dévaluation) - Sensibilisation et recherche
- Elaboration de matériaux dinformation pour les
membres - Réalisation de 2 études de cas/rapports sur le
Travail Décent dans le développement et sur
leffectivité du Développement (recherche et
6Activités principales
- Lobby
- Relations avec lUE
- Initiatives auprès des décideurs nationaux et
européens/internationaux concernant les positions
syndicales sur la Coopération au Développement. - Renforcement des capacités formation des
responsables syndicaux en matière de coopération
au développent Européenne et internationale - Séminaires de formation
- 2 pour les Nouveaux Etats Membres de lUE
- 1 pour la mise à jour
- 2 dans chaque région du sud
- Séminaires Thématiques
- Mise à jour des responsables personnes en
charge sur les évolutions en matière de
coopération au développent - Soutien pour la coopération et le développement
de projets - Assistance Technique service de soutien pour
les affiliés - Promotion de la coopération, joint venture,
mise en place de coalitions transnationales. - Monitoring et évaluation
71. Réunions du réseau
- Tous les deux ans, une Conférence sur la
Coopération au Développent rassemblera tous les
partenaires. La Conférence proposera un plan
daction aux instances de la CSI. - Des réunions réguliers du Réseau permettront aux
partenaires de suivre de manière permanente la
réalisation du plan daction, de préparer les
exercices de benchmarking et lexchange de
bonnes pratiques dans la coopération au
développent syndical. - Le réseau peut convoquer des réunions dexperts
sur des éléments particuliers tels que
lEducation au Développent ou la méthodologie PME
, ou encore organiser des séminaires politiques
sur des questions tel que lEfficacité ou
lArchitecture Internationale de lAide, .. Sur
des questions particulières des initiatives de
lobby envers des décideurs nationaux, Européens
et internationaux pourraient être organisées. - Un secrétariat léger sera chargé de préparer et
dorganiser les différentes réunions et
initiatives. Le secrétariat du réseau sera aussi
en charge dorganiser la recherche et de la
préparation des documents politiques pour
discussion dans le réseau.
82. Banque de données sur les projets de
développement les points de départ
- Le secrétariat du réseau rassemblera et rendra
accessible toute linformation disponible sur les
programmes et projets de développement organisés
par ses membres. La majeure partie de cet
information est disponible dune manière ou dune
autre au niveau national (souvent dans les
langues nationales) sans que cela soit partagé
avec dautres organisations. En particulier la
coopération avec les mêmes partenaires pourraient
bénéficier dun tel échange dinformation.
Laccessibilité et la mise à disposition de
telles informations est une condition pour
améliorer la coopération et donc dune meilleure
effectivité - La banque de données sera développée par le
secrétariat (soutien IT à temps partiel) en
mettant à profit les expériences avec des banque
de données qui existent chez les membres ou
9 3. Réalisation doutils de communication
- Une page web mettra à disposition les
informations à jour sur les programmes de
coopération syndicale, et sur les développements
concernant ex. les programmes de lUE. Une
attention particulière sera donné à la
réalisation de lAgenda du Travail Décent à
travers les politiques et programmes de
développent de lUE ( autres). Le site devra
aussi inclure des liens avec dautres sites
dintérêt de OSC et autres institutions (NU,
OCDE, OIT, UE,..) - Un e-bulletin attirera lattention sur les
évolutions pertinentes dans le secteur de la
coopération au développement. - Une section réservée aux membres donnera accès
aux documents du réseau, facilitera les
initiatives communes et mettra à disposition les
informations contenues dans les banques de
104. Benchmarking on Trade Union cooperation
- 4.1 Comparison of the different TU support
schemas - In the EU and more broadly in the OECD Countries
different approaches exist towards the trade
unions as actors in development. Many
governments do still not recognise the Trade
Unions as (potential) development actors others
consider them to be NGOs. A few have specific
union centred approaches and support schemes. - Moreover, since governmental policies tend to
articulate their approaches under the DAC
guidance or within the policy convergence
operation of the EU, this is the right time to
start also establishing some common benchmarks
amongst the national governmental approaches and
when appropriate at European and/or DAC level. - The research and policy officer will coordinate
this research in cooperation with the national
officers responsible for the relations with the
governmental development structures. These
results will be publicised and shared with
decision makers in an advocacy event in favour
for identifying and enhancing the specificity of
the trade unions role as development cooperation
114. Benchmarking on Trade Union cooperation
- 4.2 Mapping of methodological requirements and
other conditionalities - A variety of methodological approaches, based on
national conditionality in the donor countries
co-exists within the EU and the OECD (also within
the trade union movement). Consultations exists
that have already identified a number of these
methodological problems. The Network would take
this reflection further and aim at involving all
players on the trade union development
cooperation field. - Within the framework of the Paris Declaration on
Aid Effectiveness, the Trade Union movement will
also engage in critically look at its own
practice of and contribution to Development
Effectiveness. - The secretariat will do a mapping of the
methodological questions based on the input of
the members. Discussion papers for improved
harmonisation or standard setting will be tabled
at the networking meetings for consideration and
125. Gender analysis of programmes
- A specific gender mainstreaming team will be
examining the gender mainstream in the trade
union development programmes and practices
(including the working of the network). It will
report on this to the Conference and to the
appropriate ITUC body (Womens Committee) for
further follow up. Special attention will be
paid to the participation of women in the
seminars and network meetings. - The secretariat will serve the working of the
gender mainstreaming team and assist in the
analysis to be carried out and in the drafting of
the findings. The secretariat will include the
specific gender requirements and rules that are
of application within the ITUC.
136. Awareness raising and research
- 6.1 Elaboration of files with background
information on challenges and development issues
at European and International level. - Papers and information packs (files) will be
prepared for information through the network (2
or 3). The networking meetings will identify the
relevant priorities for this information
gathering and dissemination. - 6.2. Publicizing of studies on Decent Work and
on Aid Effectiveness - The mainstreaming of the Decent Work Agenda in
the Development strategies,. - The network will monitor the implementation of
these policies throughout specific research and
mapping with its partners in the South.
Interaction will be looked for with the Decent
Work Country programmes of the ILO. A particular
attention will be paid to the identification of
outcome measurement and social progress
indicators. A report will be presented to the
network on the implementation of the Decent Work
agenda. - The Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness
- The trade union movement, as a specific actor on
the one hand and as part of the CSOs group on
the other, will start process of assessing its
own effectiveness in development cooperation.
That should also allow the trade union movement
within the context of the ongoing review of the
Paris Declaration and its renewal in 2011 to
articulate a comprehensive trade union position.
- A task force could be charged to prepare a more
elaborated position both with respect of our own
aid effectiveness (and methodological
implications) and with respect to the revision of
the Paris Declaration in 2010.
147. Advocacy
- 7.1 Liaising with EU IDIs, CSO consultations
and coordination - The network meetings will pay a particular
attention to the ongoing consultation processes
with the EU (via i.a. the Stakeholders Advisory
Group) and with other relevant international
bodies (OECD/DAC Povnet, Working Party on Civil
Society and Aid Effectiveness and Gendernet, ...)
as well as UN based initiatives (Financing for
Development, UNAIDS, UNDP, ECOSOC, ). - The trade union network will also engage with CSO
platforms, on thematic basis (Aid Effectiveness
International Steering Group) or on institutional
grounds (Youth Forum, CONCORD, Social Platform
). - Through a coordinated approach, the participation
of the Trade Union movement in public events on
Development questions will be upgraded. - The secretariat will submit regular progress
reports on the Consultation process with the EU
commission. It will also represent the network in
the dialogues and consultations with the
Commission, with other CSO networks and other
institutional frameworks. - 7.2 Round tables and other advocacy initiatives
with national and EU/international decision
makers. - The networking meetings may decide to go public
on the main items of its agenda by organising
press briefings, hearings with specific targeted
national or international decision makers such as
EU Officials, MEPs, Member state
representatives, CSO responsibles, academics,
international decision makers (OECD, ILO, ) and
158. Capacity building training for development
- The training activities are aimed at 4 groups of
development responsibles - TU Officers from the new member states
- 2 seminars will be organised to allow the
responsibles from new member states (NMS) to
catch up and to address their potential as actors
for development. The secretariat will organise
the seminars in cooperation with the PERC/ETUC. - TU officers in the already established
organisations - 1 seminar will be organised for 15 (new) officers
of existing trade union cooperation organisations
improving their knowledge about European and
international development policies, the European
development instruments and the institutional
set-up and CSO networks. Networking skills and
applications will be part of the training course.
- TU responsibles on thematic issues
- 1 seminar to improve knowledge and new
perspectives on the development related issues,
in particular those indicated as priorities
(Decent Work implementation Aid Effectiveness
methodological aspects of development
cooperation, including development education) - TU project officers from the partners in the
South - Regional seminars to acquire the skills and
knowhow to participate actively in the
development efforts through the in-country
programme and/or the regional programmes.
169. Supporting cooperation and project development
- 9.1. Technical assistance support service for
members, (helpdesk, expertise on evaluation and
monitoring - Follow up for individual members such as,
information and documentation , sharing of
available knowledge in the network, assistance
for identifying opportunities for projects,
demands for project management skills in situ
training of officers, and support for the setting
up of common projects. - 9.2. Promotion of cooperation, joint ventures,
and transnational coalition building - Numerous organisations from the North are
discovering the opportunities and the necessity
to work jointly with the same partners in the
South and are looking for ways of better
coordinating their efforts amongst them and with
the partner in the South. This implies sharing
of approaches, baseline analysis, strategic
programming, common partner dialogue, shared
decision making and common monitoring, reporting
and evaluation methods. The regional
organisations will be important in streamlining
these efforts between north and south. - The existence of the data base, the exchange
opportunities through the networking meetings and
seminars will allow organisation, out of their
own initiative to sit together and start working
on common programming. The networking will
however also imply that common challenges in this
new multilateral cooperation are taken up, such
as common tools (PME handbooks, Outcome Mapping
and LFA, common reporting and accountability
1710. Monitoring, evaluation
- A monitoring and evaluation team will be
designated from the start of the project in order
to facilitate the progress monitoring and to
suggest the necessary adjustments. The
monitoring team will also report at the end of
the project and organise the evaluation of the
project. They will publicize their findings and
report to the ITUC. - A monitoring team will meet every 4 months to
monitor progress. Besides the meetings that can
take place in the margin of other networking
meetings, two special sessions are foreseen to
allow the team to take stock of the overall
progress and/or difficulties. The secretariat
will serve as organiser and will service the team
with all necessary information and support.
18The networking meetings on Development
- Will meet 2/3 times a year for two days and
consists of group of 30 Directors or decision
makers (M/F) for development questions of the
members/partners. This group should also include
representatives from the regional organisations.
Working languages will be ENG, FR ESP - Will coordinate all common initiatives and policy
setting on development questions amongst the
affiliates discusses and proposes initiatives in
the field of cooperation methodology - Will be the main focal point for the coordination
with the EU (SAG and other consultations and
dialogues) and other international development
cooperation institutions - Will coordinate trade union participation in
public campaigns and awareness raising
initiatives on development issues - Will discuss and guide the ITUC approach towards
common CSO initiatives especially those related
to Development Effectiveness (Paris Declaration)
and Aid Architecture, it will also liaise with
the TUAC in charge of trade union relations with
OECD/DAC and the ITUC Offices. - Will monitor the work of the secretariat.
1-12 13-24 24
1 Exchange networking meetings Exchange networking meetings Exchange networking meetings Exchange networking meetings
1 1 2-daymeetings a year with FR, ENG, SP Meeting/ year Meeting/ year 2 3 5
and 30 people participants/days participants/days 120 180 300
2 2 General Network Meeting and Event 2 days 50 people in ENG, FR, SP Meeting/ year Meeting/ year 1 1
General Network Meeting and Event 2 days 50 people in ENG, FR, SP participants/days participants/days 100 100
3 3 Coordinator Months Months 6 6 12
2 IT projects support (Information and communication IT projects support (Information and communication IT projects support (Information and communication IT projects support (Information and communication IT projects support (Information and communication
1 1 Support for Website, newsletter, discussion groups, (webmaster) Months Months
Support for Website, newsletter, discussion groups, (webmaster) Months Months 12 12 24
2 2 Database setup and maintenance Months Months 6 3 9
3 Advocacy and research Advocacy and research Advocacy and research Advocacy and research
1 1 policy and advocacy officer Months Months 12 12 24
2 2 research, gender and training officer Months Months 12 12 24
3 3 Publications (studies) FR, ENG, ESP 1 1 2
4 4 Background materials (files) 1 2 3
5 5 Activities report 1 1
6 6 Public/Advocacy events 1 1 2
7 7 Monitoring Gender report 1 1
20 4 Seminars Seminars Seminars
1 Thematic seminars Thematic seminars Meeting/ year Meeting/ year 1 1
participants/days participants/days 60 60
2 Training seminars Training seminars
1 new member states Meeting/ year Meeting/ year 1 1 2
participants/days participants/days 60 60 120
2 update and retraining Meeting/ year Meeting/ year 1 1
participants/days participants/days 60 60 120
3 Seminars in the south Meeting/ year Meeting/ year 3 3 6
participants/days participants/days 90 90 180
3 Facilitation for seminars (incl. preparation) Facilitation for seminars (incl. preparation) days days 20 20 40
5 Monitoring and evaluation Monitoring and evaluation Monitoring and evaluation
1 Meetings monitoring group Meeting/ year Meeting/ year 1 1 2
participants/days participants/days 8 8 16
6 Administration, finance and infrastructure Administration, finance and infrastructure Administration, finance and infrastructure
1 Offices, consumables and equipment 4 equipped offices 1 copier annual consumables services 4 equipped offices 1 copier annual consumables services 4 equipped offices 1 copier annual consumables services 4 equipped offices 1 copier annual consumables services 4 equipped offices 1 copier annual consumables services
2 Administrative support Months Months 6 6 12
3 Accounting Months Months 0,5 0,3
4 Communication and IT 4 work-stations, 2 printers / 1 network / 1 beamer 4 work-stations, 2 printers / 1 network / 1 beamer 4 work-stations, 2 printers / 1 network / 1 beamer 4 work-stations, 2 printers / 1 network / 1 beamer 4
Network operations Network operations Network operations 1.018.560
1. Human Resources 1. Human Resources 579.400 42
1.1.1 Coordination/technical staff 1.1.1 Coordination/technical staff 372.000
1.1.2 Support staff 1.1.2 Support staff 207.400
1.2 Per diems for missions/travel4 1.2 Per diems for missions/travel4 13.124 3
2 Staff travel (from Brussels) 2 Staff travel (from Brussels) 16.200
3. Equipment, material and supplies 3. Equipment, material and supplies 6.500
4. Office costs 4. Office costs 3.600
5. Activities 5. Activities 243.712 47
publications 27.000
audit 4.000
evaluation and monitoring 11.712
translation and interpretation 145.000
visibility actions 9.000
costs for seminars 47.000
6. Facilitators 6. Facilitators 40.000
7. Contingency reserve 7. Contingency reserve 25.388
8. Administration costs 8. Administration costs 90.636 8
22 Activities other that (5) Activities other that (5) Activities other that (5) 366.870
per diems participation costs per diems participation costs 167.620
meetings network 92.800
seminars 48.720
seminars in regions 26.100
travel travel
meetings network 124.700
partners 81.900
regions 42.800
seminars 74.550
partners 6.300
new eu states SSO 11.400
partners 5.850
regions 6.000
regional seminars 45.000
23Partners activities
networkmeetings partners regions
165.420 52.080
per diems 83.520 9.280
travel 81.900 42.800
seminars 70.808 7.462
per diems 47.258 1.462
travel 23.550 6.000
regional 71.100
TOTALS 236.228 130.642
24 Co-financing proposal (25 partners ITUC) Co-financing proposal (25 partners ITUC) Co-financing proposal (25 partners ITUC) Co-financing proposal (25 partners ITUC)
TOTAL Own contribution (1) 415.629
partners ( total travel and per diem partners) (1a) 236.228 57
ITUC (difference) (1b) 179.401 43
administration costs (2) 46.242 90.636
Option 1 (partners 100 contribution)
per partner per year ( 1a / 25) 4.725 9.449
ITUC per year (1b - 2) 43.459 88.765
Option 2 (3) ( 1 - 2) (partners ¾ contribution) 324.993
partners total 185.246 57
ITUC total 139.747 43
per partner per year ( 78 of a / 25) 3.705 7.410
ITUC per year 69.874
Option 3 (1) (fixed contribution 50) 415.629
contribution per partner 2.500 5.000 4.449
total partners 111.228 125.000 30
ITUC 199.993 290.629 70
Option 4 (fixed contributions extra support) 415.629
contribution per partner 125.000 30
activity costs supported by partners 125.000 30
ITUC 74.993 165.629 40
- Proposed programme dates
- Priorities
- 2009 activities
- Dates for Meetings and Seminars
- Monitoring evaluation team
- Gender assessment team
- 2010
- preliminary discussion
- Contribution partners
- In actions and activities
- In organizing
- Subscriptions