Title: Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)
1Base Realignment and Closure (BRAC)
- The Armys Approach to Managing Resources
10 August 2005
Mr. Jeff Giangiuli Vice President CALIBRE
- Definitions of BRAC Savings and Costs
- Appropriation
- Results of Past Rounds
- Management of Current Legacy
- Expectations for Current BRAC 2005
- Concluding Thoughts
3BRAC Savings Defined
For Closing and Realigning Installations
One-time Implementation costs
Total Cost of Installation Operations
Recurring costs at Gaining Installations
Recurring costs at Enclaves
Net BRAC Savings
- Savings result from
- Civilian personnel reductions
- Base Operations Support (BOS) cost reductions
- Sustainment Restoration and Modernization (SRM)
cost reductions - Reduced capital fund costs
- Cancellation of budgeted Military Construction
(MILCON) projects - Family Housing Operations cost reductions
4BRAC Costs Defined
- BRAC costs are the one-time, non-recurring costs
that support the implementation of BRAC
decisions. - Costs are organized into 6 BRAC budget
activities - BA1 MILCON
- BA2 Family Housing
- BA3 Operations and Maintenance
- BA4 Military Personnel
- BA5 Other Procurement
- BA6 Environmental
- Part of Army Total Obligation Authority (TOA)
- Budgeted, Appropriated, and Executed as an OSD
FY97 Break Even Year
6BRAC 1988 1995 Program Execution TOTAL ARMY
Total 5.6B
2.5 Billion
1.7 Billion
1.3 Billion
OM / Other 24
7Resource Optimization
- Program Optimization
- Program Review Crosswalks (PRXs) and In-Process
Reviews (IPRs) - Validates installations future year
cost-to-complete (CTC) - Validates path to Remedy in Place/Response
Complete (RIP/RC) - Environmental Services Cooperative Agreements
(ESCAs) - Transfers both property and cleanup effort
- Accelerates the disposition of Hard to Move
BRAC property - Integrates cleanup and redevelopment to the
benefit of local communities - Performance-Based Contracting
- Eliminates lengthy clean-ups
- Demonstrates commitment to all stakeholders
- for cleanup of the property
- Limits risk to Army of cost overruns
8Resource Optimization (Continued)
- Fiscal Optimization
- BRAC Action Scheduler (BRACAS)
- Financial optimization model that evaluates
savings options based on the scheduling of
various realignment and closure actions - Critical to the efforts to optimize BRAC 2005
implementing actions to enhance BRAC savings - BRAC Optimization Model (BOM)
- Financial model that takes into account
environmental regulations, legal agreements, key
dates, and relative risk - Output removes slack and budget conflicts
9Army/BRAC Path Forward for FY05
- Finalize Last Four BRAC Rounds
- Maximize Use of Performance-Based Contracting
- Maximize Use of ESCAs and Early Transfers
- Review/Justify CTC
- Track BRAC 2005 Costs and Savings
- Link Environmental and Real Estate Stove Pipes
- Accelerate Conveyance of Real Property
10BRAC 2005 Cost and Savings Audit Trail
Actual/ updates
POM/ Budget
BRAC Budget
Cost Savings
Expectation of GAO and Congress is to implement
BRAC at the published cost and achieve and track
expected savings.
11Control Costs
- Army (ACSIM) Lead GO Team
- 22 Installations
- Aug Sept 05
- Review Senior Mission Commander Plans
- Reconcile COBRA Estimates with Developing
Requirements - Look at all options (e.g. Revitalize existing
facilities, privatization) - Employ Army Audit Agency (AAA) Teams
- Use Standard Designs (Site Adapt for local
requirements) - Use Commercial Specifications
- Centrally Manage Change Requests
12BRAC 2005 Savings Metrics Response to
GAO/Congressional Interest
- COBRA analysis establishes savings baseline
- Implementing organizations develop savings
estimates - BRACD/ARSTAF evaluate estimates against baseline
- Deviations accepted based on DFAS data
(accounting records) or similar evidence of
actual cost of operations - Dispute issues audited by AAA
- BRACD establishes BRAC 2005 savings budget
baseline - Army G-8 programs BRAC 2005 savings by
appropriation/organization - Army updates savings estimates annually based on
actual execution data - BRACD updates BRAC 2005 justification book to
reflect savings
13Capture Use of Savings
- Savings a product of Manpower Efficiencies
- Achieved as we finish MILCON and relocations
- Achieved upon Closure and Realignment
- Majority available in FY08 11
- Track BRAC savings annually during POM build
- Additional Revenue from Land Sales
- Fair Market Value should reduce Federal and
Public Benefit Conveyance property requests - Rural Army properties are likely candidates for
no-cost Economic Development Conveyances (EDCs) -
14Concluding Thoughts
- Management and control of resources associated
with implementing BRAC actions is difficult
because of economic, mission, infrastructure,
environmental, and political issues. An
aggressive and committed resource management
approach is needed. - Use of private sector and/or market forces has
helped to accelerate some past BRAC actions
that were otherwise languishing. - What worked before should be built upon for
implementation of the next round to minimize
one-time costs, accelerate timelines, and
maximize recurring savings especially with
respect to the hard to move properties.
15Contact Information
- Mr. Jeff Giangiuli
- Vice President
- Phone 301-921-4445
- Email jeff.giangiuli_at_calibresys.com