Title: Popular Cat Breeds
1Popular Cat Breeds
One of the oldest breeds known Descendant of
Egypt and worshiped as sacred Extremely
affectionate, quiet, highly intelligent, and
alert. Very active and be taught to retrieve!
3American Shorthair
Brought to U.S. from England Affectionate, great
lap cat, easily disciplined and trained Very
large cat, males-14 lbs., female- 1 lbs 34
recognized color patterns
Sacred cat of Burma Very sociable needs company,
sweet natured, charming, intelligent medium to
large in size Genetic defects have been known to
occur weak hind legs, nasal obstruction, poor
Cross between Burmese and American
Short-hair graceful, charming, gets along well
with others, including strangers Medium size Jet
black with copper colored eyes
Originated in the U.S.- 1930s by crossing a
Siamese and Burma sweet disposition, stubborn,
bossy, and angry. Like to be held Upper
respiratory diseases are common in kittens
especially if inbred
7Devon Rex
Crossed domestic cat with a feral (wild) cared
for stray medium size wide based ears are set low
and very characteristic of breed likes people and
can be taught to retrieve Excellent climber
8Japanese Bobtail
Japanese origin sign of good luck affectionate,
sweet tempered, and loves people medium to large
size distinctive short (bob) tail is kinked and
hair forms a pom Care must be taken not to hurt
the sensitive tail area.
Native to Thailand- highly prized intelligent and
active, protective of family members, reserved
with strangers. Silver tipped fur Prone to upper
respiratory infections. Vaccinations are
Native to Isle of Man Result of a genetic
mutation affectionate but leans towards
one-on-one relationships, very healthy 3 types
no tail (rumpy), short tail (stumpy), and long
tail (longy) Carrier of lethal gene that makes
weak spines causing paralysis
11Oriental Shorthair
Multiple colors talkative companion, intelligent,
witty, elegant, dependent upon people,
playful medium size, can be mistaken for
Siamese Good health, except some respiratory
12Oldest and most popular breed well-mannered,
easygoing, quiet, excellent apartment
cats divided into 6 groups for showing purposes,
depending on eye and coat color Some white are
born deaf if blue eyed or odd eyed (one blue/one
green) Require daily grooming, often experience
breathing problems and clogged tear ducts
Originated in U.S. in 1960s Named for its floppy
posture when handled They have little fear or
pain, docile, quiet, and composed Large and heavy
One-on-one cat, even within a family talkative,
loyal, fearless, very unpredictable medium size,
very long, refined very little pigmentation
mask, ear, foot and tail tips Always has blue
eyes Sensitive to vaccinations and anesthetics
Originates in Singapore Shy, but wamrs up after
feeling of safety playful and sociable small
breed Males-6 lbs, females-4 lbs Ticked coat is
famous trait
Crossed with Abyssinian recessive carriers for
long hair Friendly, affectionate, prefers
company, playful, very active medium size usually
orange-brown ticked with black or red ticked with
brown coat gold or green eyes
17Turkish Angora
Ankara Cats Polite, intelligent, and very
responsive. Prefers a clean, almost spotless
environment small to medium size use to be only
white, now many colors are noted Persian cousin
18Scottish Fold
Natural Mutation Ears are folded downward and and
forward Excellent family cat, gets along well
with other cats or dogs medium size crippling
gene may affect length of life
Canadian origination- 1960s Hairless, indoor
cat Very dependent upon people for
survival Constant purr, affectionate, adore body
contact Needs to eat frequent meals because of
its lack to store body fat Body temperature is
higher than normal