Title: KNMI Ozone Satellite Observations
1KNMI Ozone Satellite Observations
- Pepijn Veefkind (veefkind_at_knmi)
- Piet Stammes
- Olaf Tuinder
- Ronald van der A
- Mark Kroon
- Peter van Velthoven
- Pieternel Levelt
- OMI on EOS-Aura
- GOME-2 Ozone Profile product
- TROPOMI status and plans
- Multi-Sensor Reanalysis
- Data Dissemination
WMO UNEP Ozone Research Managers Meeting, 2-4 May
3Ozone Monitoring Instrument on EOS-Aura
- OMI is the Dutch-Finnish contribution to NASA
EOS-Aura - KNMI is the PI institute for OMI.
- OMI was launched in July 2004, more than 6 years
data already! - Mission extended to at least 2013.
- Radiometrically the instrument is extremely
stable. UV degradation 1. - OMI data of recent years have reduced coverage.
WMO UNEP Ozone Research Managers Meeting, 2-4 May
4Ozone Monitoring Instrument on EOS-Aura
Plot showing the radiometric degradation of
OMI. After 6 years in orbit the UV-2 degradation
is 1. Figure G. Jaross, SSAI
OMI daily coverage for the data after January
2009. Earlier years have daily global coverage.
WMO UNEP Ozone Research Managers Meeting, 2-4 May
5OMI DOAS Total Ozone Product
- Total ozone retrieval using the DOAS method.
- Produced as offline, near-real-time and very-fast
delivery product (Europe only, co-operation with
FMI) - Current algorithm version 1.1.1.
- In 2011 a reprocessing of OMDOAO3 is planned that
includes the following improvements - Switch from Bass-Paur to Brion-Daumont-Malicet
ozone cross sections. - Spectral calibration on every ground pixel.
- Improved treatment of sea-ice pixels.
- Consistent retrieval for the whole 2004-2011
WMO UNEP Ozone Research Managers Meeting, 2-4 May
6OMI OMO3PR Ozone Profile Product
- Based on optimal estimation algorithm.
- High horizontal resolution of 60x50 km2.
Vertical resolution 6-7 km. - Dataset Oct. 2004 - present.
- Extensive validation using MLS on the same
platform as OMI.
OMO3PR data for one orbit of data. This product
contains 3D ozone profile information, as well as
the total column ozone.
WMO UNEP Ozone Research Managers Meeting, 2-4 May
7OMI OMO3PR Ozone Profile Product - Validation
Average (left plot) and difference (right plot)
of a week of OMI and MLS ozone profiles
collocated over Antarctica 90S-75S. The legend
reports the numbers characterizing the time frame
and statistics of this collocation.
Validation paper using MLS, sonde, SAGE and GOMOS
data in review.
WMO UNEP Ozone Research Managers Meeting, 2-4 May
8GOME-2 Ozone Profile Product
- Derived from GOME-2 on Metop-A
- Data produced in NRT (lt3 h) within the EUMETSAT
O3MSAF project - Data record 2007-present
- For data access, see http//o3msaf.fmi.fi and
http//www.temis.nl - Ozone profiles from two GOME-2s after Metop-B
launch in April 2012
Example of GOME-2 ozone profile information
during the 2011 NH low ozone event.
WMO UNEP Ozone Research Managers Meeting, 2-4 May
9GOME-2 Ozone Profile Product - Validation
Comparison of GOME-2 midlatitude profiles with
in-situ sonde and ground based microwave
observations. Credits Delcloo (KMI) and Lins
WMO UNEP Ozone Research Managers Meeting, 2-4 May
10Height-resolved Antarctic ozone hole structure in
Van Peet et al., GRL, 2009
WMO UNEP Ozone Research Managers Meeting, 2-4 May
11sentinel-5 precursor GMES ATMOSPHERE MISSION IN
- The ESA Sentinel-5 Precursor (S-5P) is a
pre-operational mission focussing on global
observations of the atmospheric composition for
air quality and climate. - The TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument (TROPOMI)
is the payload of the S-5P mission and is jointly
developed by The Netherlands and ESA. - The planned launch date for S-5P is 2014 with a 7
year design lifetime.
12TROPOspheric Monitoring Instrument
- TROPOMI is developed by The Netherlands in
co-operation with ESA. - KNMI is the PI institute
- Compared to OMI
- 6x higher spatial resolution7x7 km2 vs. 13x24
km2 - 1-5x higher signal to noise
- better cloud informationoxygen A band (675-775
nm) added - CO and CH4 observationsSWIR band (2305-2385 nm)
TROPOMI optical design. Figure Dutch Space
WMO UNEP Ozone Research Managers Meeting, 2-4 May
13Multi Sensor Reanalysis (MSR) of total ozone
- Long term data record based on a large number of
satellite sensors and ground based Brewer-Dobson
stations. - Data assimilation is applied to provide a global
consistent dataset. - MSR dataset is available at http//www.temis.nl/ma
cc/index.php?linko3_msr_intro.html .
Van der A, R. J., Allaart, M. A. F., and
Eskes, H. J. Multi sensor reanalysis of total
ozone, Atmos. Chem. Phys., 10, 11277-11294,
doi10.5194/acp-10-11277-2010, 2010.
WMO UNEP Ozone Research Managers Meeting, 2-4 May
14Data used for the Multi Sensor Reanalysis (MSR)
of ozone
- TOMS Nimbus 7 1978-1993 TOMS v.8 NASA
- TOMS EarthProbe 1996-2002 TOMS v.8 NASA
- SBUV 7, 9a, 9d, 11, 16 1978-2004 SBUV v.8
NOAA - GOME 1995-2008 GDP v.4 ESA/DLR
- GOME 1995-2008 TOGOMI v1.2 KNMI
- SCIAMACHY 2002-2008 SGP v.3 ESA/DLR
- SCIAMACHY 2002-2008 TOSOMI v.0.43 KNMI
- OMI 2004-2008 TOMS v.3 NASA
- OMI 2004-2008 DOAS v.3 KNMI
- GOME-2 2007-2008 GDP v.4.2 EUMETSAT/DLR
- WOUDC 1978-2008 Brewer(3,4), Dobson, Filter
1530 year of assimilated ozone based on
bias-corrected satellite data
16Data Dissemination and More Information
WMO UNEP Ozone Research Managers Meeting, 2-4 May
- KNMI instrument involvement as PI institute
- OMI on Aura (2004-present)
- TROPOMI on ESA/GMES Sentinel 5 Precursor (planned
launch 2014) - KNMI ozone data products
- Total ozone OMI and SCIAMACHY
- Ozone profile OMI and GOME-2
- Multi-Sensor Reanalysis (MSR) of total ozone
- Assimilated ozone profile dataset will be made in
the ESA CCI project - Data dissemination through temis.nl, O3MSAF, NASA
and EUMETSAT web sites
WMO UNEP Ozone Research Managers Meeting, 2-4 May
182011 NH Low Ozone Febr.-March